Print On-Demand So lu tions Group
P. O. Box 10 193
etach Tikva 49002 Israel
Tel: +972.3.916.7222
Fax: +972.3.928.6000
Internal: 734-00972A-EN
Release date: 16 June 2009
Opening the HCS stacker door during printing on the
Xerox 700 Digital Color Press
On the Xerox 700 digital color press, versions 1.0 and 1.5, users want to open the HCS stacker door to unload
printed material while a job is printing.
Today, if the op erat or p r e sses th e HCS rele a se bu tt on w hil e a job i s p ri nti ng, t he job first fini she s p rint ing all
copies, and only t hen can the H CS sta cke r d oo r be ope ne d.
Users would like to suspend printing, release the stacker, remove the printed materials, and then continue
printing thei r job .
1. On the Xerox 700 digital color press, press the Interrupt button.
The job goes to in te rrupt mode, an d p rinti ng i s su spended .
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2. Press the HCS Release button that is located on the HCS stacker. It is now possible to release the
stacker while the job is suspended.
3. After the HCS stacker door is closed, press the Interrupt button again on the Xerox 700 digital color
press, and the job resumes printing.
About Print On -Dema nd So lu tion s G roup
The Print On-Demand Solu tions Group develop s and suppo rts high -performa nce CR EO Co lor Se rvers and key wo rkflow solu tions
for a range of digital production printers and presses. It also develops advanced on-demand applications to enable the creation of
personalized direct mail, targeted catalogs and other powerful one-to-one marketing communications tools.
This independent unit of Kodak’s G raphic Co mmunica tions Group will continue to he lp its customer s leverage their investmen t in
digital printing.
For more information about CREO Color Servers, visit
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