Xerox 6279 Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide

FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server V15.0 August 2010 701P50924
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software
Installation Guide
© 2010 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX® and Xerox and Design®, 6204®, 6279®, 6604/05 Solution, 6622 Solution, Accxes® and FreeFlow®, are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the US and/or other countries.
ENERGY STAR® and ENERGY STAR MARK® are registered United States trademarks. Microsoft Windows® is a trademark Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe®, PostScript®, PostScript®3, and PostScript Logo® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the US and/or other countries. AutoCAD® is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Product status, build status, and/or specifications are subject to change without notice.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction................................................................................................1-1
Related Information Sources and CDs........................................................................1-1
Prerequisite Knowledge.....................................................................................................1-2
2 About the Printer Drivers........................................................................2-1
Getting Started.....................................................................................................................2-1
Installing Drivers Locally on a Server or Client............................................2-1
HP-GL/2 or PostScript Driver Installation......................................................2-2
Installing Remote Drivers on a Client.............................................................2-2
3 FreeFlow Accxes Client Tools and Account Management
Overview of ACT...................................................................................................................3-1
Overview of the Account Management Tool............................................................3-2
Prerequisite to the Installation of the Account Management Tool.................3-3
Configure Your Printer Network Connections...........................................................3-3
On the Web Printer Management Tool..........................................................3-3
On the 6204 Printer User Interface.................................................................3-3
On the 6279, 6604/6605, and 6622 Printer User Interface..................3-3
On the 7142 Operator Panel..............................................................................3-4
Prerequisite to the Installation of the ACT and AMT............................................3-4
Table 3-1 Location of XES Preferences Directory.......................................3-4
Table 3-2 Location of Database files..............................................................3-5
Uninstalling the ACT and AMT Software...................................................................3-5
Uninstall from a Windows System...................................................................3-5
Uninstall from Sun Solaris...................................................................................3-6
Uninstall from GNU/Linux...................................................................................3-6
Uninstall from a Mac OS X..................................................................................3-6
Uninstalling the Client Tools Software on the Graphical
User Interface on Mac OS X...........................................................3-7
About Installing ACT and AMT on Windows 2003................................................3-7
Installing ACT and AMT on Windows 2003 Operating
Installing ACT and AMT on Windows from CD-ROM.................3-7
Installing ACT and AMT on Windows from the
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Download the Client Tools Software from the
Xerox Website ........................................................................3-8
Installing ACT and AMT on Sun Solaris Systems....................................................3-9
Installing ACT and AMT Sun Solaris from CD-ROM.................................3-9
Installing ACT and AMT Sun Solaris Using a Browser.............................3-9
Installing ACT and AMT on a GNU/Linux System...............................................3-10
Installing ACT and AMT on GNU/Linux from CD-ROM........................3-10
Installing ACT and AMT on GNU/Linux From a Browser.....................3-10
Installing ACT and AMT on Mac OS X from CD-ROM........................................3-11
Installing ACT and AMT on Mac OS X using a Browser.......................3-11
Device Manager Setup in ACT.....................................................................................3-11
Adding a Network Printer or Scanner Device............................................3-12
4 Finishing Setup...........................................................................................4-1
Download Finisher File Creator from
Configure the HP-GL/2 Printer Driver to Recognize the Finisher.......................4-2
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software
Installation Guide


The Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide for version 15.0 has been provided to assist in the process of printing to the Wide Format products. Also in this guide, instructions are provided to configure your network connections to client tools software.
This guide contains information on the following topics:
Driver Installation and Removal
Adding Printers
Installing FreeFlow Accxes Client Tools (ACT)
Installing FreeFlow Account Management Tool (AMT)
Connecting Accxes Client Tools to a Finisher

Related Information Sources and CDs

We provide the following documentation to help you make optimum use of the machine.
CD-ROMs: Several CDs are provided with the machine, including the following:
Documentation CD: The Documentation CD contains the Copier/Printer User Guide in PDF format, and installation instructions for client and driver software. The user guides for the client and driver software are included with the respective software.
Driver Software CD: The Driver Software CD contains the version 15.0 PostScript driver (functionality must be enabled using a Feature Key), version 15.0 HP-GL/2 driver, and driver installer for PostScript and HP-GL/2.
Drivers for AutoCAD 2007 - 2010 are on the AutoCAD CD.
Client Software CD: The Client Software CD contains the version 15.0 Accxes Client Tools software and the Account Management Tool software.
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide

Prerequisite Knowledge

What does Accxes do for you? Accxes is a Raster Image Processor (RIP). Accxes receives requests from various sources, including a client, using one of our printer drivers, processes the request, and then sends the information to the printer.
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software
Installation Guide

About the Printer Drivers

This section of the FreeFlow Accxes document provides you with the detailed instructions required to download and install printer drivers, set up ports, add the Wide Format printer to your client workstation (namely your personal computer) and send a test print.
You can find the driver installation files on the Driver Software or the Xerox web site at

Getting Started

There are two options offered to you for connecting to a printer prior to submitting your job. They are:
Connecting from a Client (Windows 7, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008): This is most commonly used and therefore more familiar to most users.
Connecting through a Windows 2003 or 2008 server: This is done when your business environment is a networked, shared community. The server has all of the drivers and allows many users to connect and install the appropriate driver from that server.


Installing Drivers Locally on a Server or Client

A Windows 2003 or 2008 server system can have all of the drivers that the workstations require installed locally on the server. Each workstation can then install the appropriate driver from the server to make remote drivers.
These instructions describe how to install the printer driver locally on a workstation or server.
To install a printer driver on a workstation from a server, see Installing Remote Drivers on a Client in this document. The printer driver must be installed on the server locally first, according to the following instructions.
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide
About the Printer Drivers
Deleting the Microsoft XPS Document Writer Printer could hang WF Printer Drivers and cause printing problems with all Wide Format printers.
The FreeFlow Accxes printer driver is delivered on your Driver Software CD or can be downloaded from as a self-extracting zip file. Executing this program extracts the files to a default directory or to a directory of the users choice, such as c:\temp).
You must have administrator rights to install the driver and ports.
Changes to the Enable Advanced Printing Feature checkbox are shared between Clients and Remote Printers. Therefore, all clients and remote printers sharing the driver from that server inherit the advanced printing settings.

HP-GL/2 or PostScript Driver Installation

1. Insert the CD.
2. Double-click the Drivers folder.
3. Double-click the XFAInstaller.exe. The Xerox Wide Format Printer Driver Installer displays.
4. Select Next.
5. Enter a Driver Language.
6. Enter the Printer Name or IP Address or select the existing Printer Port..
7. Select Next.
8. Select HP-GL/2 or PostScript driver.
The FreeFlow Accxes PostScript feature needs to be installed on the controller before the PostScript driver can be used.
9. Select Use Default Printer Name or Specify a Printer Name and enter a <name>. Select Next. The Ready to install page opens.
10. Select Finish to complete the driver installation.
The Copying files screen displays.
11. The Installation Completed Successfully message displays.
12. Select Done.

Installing Remote Drivers on a Client

If you are not installing drivers locally on a client, install them from a server.
Remove previously installed drivers manually before proceeding.
1. Go to the Printers folder.
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software
Installation Guide
About the Printer Drivers
Windows 7 - Start > Devices and Printers
Windows 2003/XP - Start > Settings > Control Panel > Printers and Faxes
Windows 2008/Vista - Start > Settings > Printers
2. Double-click Add Printer and select Next.
3. Select A Network printer, or a printer attached to another computer for connecting to the network server.
4. Select the printer you wish to use.
5. If the Use Existing Driver screen appears, select Replace Existing Driver and then select Next.
6. Reboot the system.
Xerox® FreeFlow® Accxes® Print Server Drivers and Client Tools Software Installation Guide
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