Worldline n v MOPLU200 User Manual

portable payments
streamlined innovation
an atos company
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YOMOVA portable owner manual
While Worldline has made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this document is correct, Worldline does not provide any legal or commercial warranty on the document that is described in this specification. The technology is thus provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, included those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Worldline does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product or processes disclosed.
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Document information
document title YOMOVA portable – owner manual security unrestricted last modified 7 October 2016 owner Philippe Lesire author Niels Grundtvig Nielsen version 2.1
© Worldline 2014, 2016
Introduction............................................................................................................ 1
About the YOMOVA.................................................................................................1
About this manual.....................................................................................................2
What is new in this version.......................................................................................2
Change log................................................................................................ ...............2
Terminal and accessories..................................................................................... 3
YOMOVA top view ...................................................................................................3
YOMOVA side view..................................................................................................4
YOMOVA bottom view.............................................................................................4
Connector compartment.....................................................................................5
Card/battery compartment .......................................................... .. .....................6
Options and accessories..........................................................................................6
Installing the YOMOVA portable........................................................................... 7
Unpacking the YOMOVA..........................................................................................7
Preparing a YOMOVA for operation......................................................................... 8
Selecting a location..................... ........................................ .. ...................................8
Installing SIM or SAM...............................................................................................8
Loading paper ........................................................................................................ 10
Fitting the battery....................................................................................................12
Charging the battery.............................................................. .................................14
Powering a YOMOVA with the mains adaptor.......................................................15
Using the YOMOVA portable............................................................................... 17
Security recommendations.....................................................................................17
Reading a chip card ............................................................................................... 17
Reading a magstripe card......................................................................................18
Reading a contactless card/device.........................................................................19
Resetting the YOMOVA – Reset button.................................................................19
Resetting the YOMOVA – keyboard.................................... ...................................20
Resetting the YOMOVA – remove the battery.......................................................20
Power off............................................................ ....................................... .............20
Caring for the battery........................................................................................... 21
Removing the battery.............................................................................................21
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YOMOVA portable owner manual
Battery monitoring..................................................................................................22
Maintaining the YOMOVA portable..................................................................... 23
Cleaning the YOMOVA ..........................................................................................23
Cleaning the card readers......................................................................................24
Troubleshooting................................................................................................... 25
Operating your YOMOVA portable safely.......................................................... 27
Operating conditions .............................................................................................. 27
Electrical installations.................................................... .. .................................27
Power supply / battery......................................................................................28
Printer and paper ............................................................................................. 28
Wireless interference .......................................................................................28
Opening the terminal..............................................................................................29
Servicing................................................................................................................. 29
Approvals.............................................................................................................. 31
Decommissioning a YOMOVA............................................................................ 33
Step by step .............................................. ... ....................................... ...................33
ii empty for double-sided printing
Figure 1. YOMOVA top view..........................................................................................3
Figure 2. Keypad layout..................................................................................................3
Figure 3. YOMOVA side view................................................. ... .....................................4
Figure 4. YOMOVA countertop – bottom view...............................................................4
Figure 5. Connector compartment..................................................................................5
Figure 6. Card compartment.............................................................. .............................6
Figure 7. Removing the card/battery cover....................................................................8
Figure 8. Opening SIM/SAM holder................................................................................9
Figure 9. Inserting card and closing holder .................................................................... 9
Figure 10. Opening paper compartment.......................................................................10
Figure 11. Inserting paper roll.......................................................................................10
Figure 12. Closing paper compartment...... ....................................... ... ........................11
Figure 13. Tearing off paper.........................................................................................11
Figure 14. Inserting the battery.....................................................................................12
Figure 15. Clicking battery in place..............................................................................13
Figure 16. Closing the battery cover.............................................................................13
Figure 17. Connecting the battery charger................................................................... 14
Figure 18. Removing connector compartment cover.............. ......................................15
Figure 19. Power input socket underneath terminal..................................................... 16
Figure 20. Closing the connector compartment............................................................16
Figure 21. Reading a chip card .................................................................................... 18
Figure 22. Reading a magstripe card...........................................................................18
Figure 23. Reading a smart card with the contactless reader...................................... 19
Figure 24. Reset button on YOMOVA.......................................................................... 20
Figure 25. Removing card/battery cover...................................................................... 21
Figure 26. Removing the battery..... ....................................... ... ...................................22
Figure 27. Cleaning the card-readers...................................................... .. ...................24
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YOMOVA portable owner manual
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This document includes information for the YOMOVA terminal. It is intended as a resource where distributors can find the information they need to assemble and translate their own documentation.
Places where cross-references should be included are identified with [xref]

About the YOMOVA

The YOMOVA is a compact, fully-featured, versatile payment terminal, as easy to carry around in a restaurant as it is to use on a countertop. It is powered by the latest Worldline dedicated dual­core processor, giving unrivalled performance and security plus the environmental benefit of intelligent power management features.
The large full-colour display with touch panel enhances the user experience by supporting optimum interaction. The integrated PIN protection shield around the ergonomic keypad prompts the cardholder to trust the YOMOVA and makes it easy to use with confidence.
The YOMOVA accepts chip cards and magstripe cards, and interfaces with contactless devices (cards, smart phones …) through its integrated antenna. It can be integrated with local POS systems (ECR, tablet …) using wired or local wireless communications (RS 232, WLAN, Bluetooth).
The impressive hardware specification is completed with a fast and silent integrated printer.
public 1 document release 2.1 last updated 7/10/16

About this manual

This manual contains information for owners of YOMOVA terminals, with sections covering:
terminal and accessories
installing the terminal
powering up the terminal
using the terminal
maintaining the terminal
safety information
technical specifications

What is new in this version

YOMOVA portable owner manual
Version 2.1 contains a new appendix Operating your YOMOVA portable safely, on page 27. Changes/updates in this version are indicated with a change bar. A change bar for a heading or
title means that everything until the next heading has been changed or updated. Significant deletions are struck through in grey

Change log

document release 2.0
Extra information about recommended security checks, in the chapter Installing the
YOMOVA portable and under
Security recommendations, on page 17.
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last updated 7/10/16 document release 2.1

Terminal and accessories

The YOMOVA portable is battery powered, and supports 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, RS 232 and USB (device) connectivity..

YOMOVA top view

Figure 1. YOMOVA top view
1 magstripe-card reader 4 battery charger connector 2 chip-card reader 5 integrated NFC reader under display 3 integrated PIN privacy shield against
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Figure 2. Keypad layout
< document release 2.1 last updated 7/10/16
the Corr key is also used to turn the terminal on and to reset it
1 2
the Stop key is also used to power down the terminal

YOMOVA side view

Figure 3. YOMOVA side view
YOMOVA portable owner manual
1 Kensington™ lock fixing point 2 battery charger connector

YOMOVA bottom view

Figure 4. YOMOVA countertop – bottom view
1 connector compartment 2 contacts 3 card/battery compartment
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Connector compartment

Mini USB
YOMOVA portable owner manual
Figure 5. Connector compartment
1 COM – RS232 2 USB device 3 power input (mains adaptor)
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Card/battery compartment

YOMOVA portable owner manual
Figure 6. Card compartment
1 battery contacts 2 SIM card holder 3 SAM card holders

Options and accessories

Special cables are available to connect the YOMOVA to peripheral devices with an RS232 port or a USB (device) port.
When using your YOMOVA portable with a wired connection to ePOS equipment such as a cash register, consider removing the battery and powering your YOMOVA portable with a mains adaptor for more convenience. See Powering a YOMOVA with the mains adaptor, on page 15.
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+ 28 hidden pages