Wisco 690-16 Specifications

- Acrylic display
- Adjustable thermostat
- Temperatures from 80 F to above 150 F.
- Stainless steel corners and base
- 2-door “self-serve” option available
- Additional shelves (#0016388)
MODEL 690-25 & 690-16
These warmers utilize circulating, heated air to maintain food above 150 F for extended periods of time. Their versatility is showcased with a shelving system that allows YOU to adjust the shelves to your specific needs resulting in an endless variety of food itemsit can accommodate.
MODEL 690-25: *Available as stainless steel or black unit
with your choice of hood colors:
Electrical: 120 volts, 5.3 amps, 640 watts
(May notreflect shipping dimensions)
34” H x 18” W x 18” D Actual Weight:
(May not reflect shipping weight)
53 lbs.
MODEL 690-16: *Available as stainless steel or black unit
with your choice of hood colors:
White, Black or Red *Total height of available shelf space: 14” *Unit comes with 2 shelves
Electrical: 120 volts, 5.3 amps, 640 watts
(May not reflect shipping dimensions)
25” H x 18” W x 18” D Actual Weight:
(May not reflect shipping weight)
42 lbs.
02/10 FP140104
P.O.BOX #10 OREGON,WI 53575 PHONE:608-835-3106 FAX:608-835-8273 www.thepizzaoven.biz
WiscoIndustries, Inc.expressly warrants theproduct will befree fromdefects inworkmanship and materialsfor a periodof 1 year from thedate ofshipment. WISCO DISCLAIMSAND EXCLUDESANY AND ALLOTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANYAND ALL WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Buyer agrees thatits SOLEAND EXCLUSIVEREMEDY againstWiscoand Wisco’sSOLEAND EXCLUSIVELIABILITYarising out of anydefect or nonconformityin theproductshall bereplacement/exchangeof suchnonconforming countertop foodservice equipment at Wisco’sexpense. No countertopfood serviceequipment shallbe returnedwithoutWisco’s consent. ITIS AGREED THATWISCO’S MAXIMUM LIABILITYSHALL NOTIN ANYCASE EXCEED THESALE PRICE FORTHE COUNTERTOP EQUIPMENT CLAIMED TO BEDEFECTIVE OR NONCONFORMING.