Wintop Electronics WM 709L User Manual

Instructiom Manual
RF2.4GHz Optical Mouse
CAUTIO N:Tousethisdeviceproperly,pleaseread
the user’s guide before installaon
Installing the Batteries
The RF2.4GH z optical mouse use one AA alkaline batteries.
Step1 open the back cover
Step2. Insert the batteries as shown inside the battery compartment.
Step 3.Replace back cover
Connecting the Receiver
USB Port
1.Connect the USB piug O NLY to USB port of the computer
Nano receiver
Abtain the receiver on the mouse
1:when you want use the mouse,you can take out the receiver to computer by the
list step;
2:when you need stop the work or to travel, you can store the receiver on the mouse for the moving by the list step;
Take out the receiver
Wireless optical mouse with 3 keys;
High precision optical engine;
Unique design for good handing feeling;
Self-storing nano receiver,easy to take;
2.4GHz R F transmission,up to 10m;
USB interface,Plug&Play ;
Resolution :1200DPI;
Compatible with computers of various systems and brands;
Store the receiver
Thi s devic e compl ies wit h Part 15 of t he FC C Rule s. Opera on is su bject
to th e follow ing two c ondi ons:
(1) T his dev ice may no t cause h armfu l inter fere nce, an d
(2) T his dev ice mus t accept a ny inter feren ce recei ved, in cludi ng
int erfere nce that m ay caus e undes ired ope raon .
Warn ing: Ch anges o r modifi caons not expr essly a pprove d by the pa rty
res ponsi ble for co mplia nce cou ld void t he user 's auth ority to o perate t he
equ ipmen t.
NO TE: T his e quipm ent has b een test ed and fou nd to com ply wit h the
lim its for a C lass B di gital de vice, p ursua nt to Part 1 5 of the F CC Rul es.
The se limi ts are de signe d to provi de reas onabl e protec on aga inst har mful
int erfere nce in a res iden al inst all aon. T his equ ipment g enerat es uses
and c an radia te radio f reque ncy ene rgy and , if not in stalle d and use d in
acc ordan ce with the in struc ons, m ay cau se harm ful int erfere nce to rad io
com munic aons. H oweve r, th ere is no g uarant ee that i nterfe rence wi ll not
occ ur in a par cula r instal laon . If this e quipm ent doe s cause h armful
int erfere nce to rad io or televi sion recep on, wh ich can b e determ ined by
tur ning th e equip ment off a nd on, th e user is e nco uraged t o try to corre ct
the i nterfe rence b y one or mo re of the fo llowi ng meas ures:
Reo rient or r eloca te the rec eivin g anten na.
Inc rease t he sepa raon be tween t he eq uipme nt and rec eiver.
Con nect th e equip ment int o an outl et on a cir cuit di fferent f rom that t o
whi ch the re ceiver i s conne cted.
Con sult th e deale r or an experi enced ra dio/ TV tec hnici an for hel p.