Wintop Electronics WM 693 User Manual

Installing the Batteries
Abtain the receiver on the mouse
The RF2.4GHz optical mouse use two AAA alkaline batteries.
Installing Batteries in the Mouse
Step1 open the back cover
Step2. Insert the batteries as shown inside the battery compartment.
Step 3.Replace back cover
Connecting the Receiver
USB Port
1.Connect the USB piug ONLY to USB port of the computer
Nano r ec eiver
1:when you want use the mouse,you can take out the receiver to computer by the
list step;
2:when you need stop the work or to travel, you can store the receiver on the mouse for the moving by the list step;
Take out the receiver
Store the receiver
Wireles s mou se with 3 keys
Ergonom ic de sign for goo d han d feeling
Resolut ion : 1200DPI;
High prec isi on optical e ngi ne;
Self-st ori ng nano rece iver,easy to tak e;
This devi ce co mplies wit h Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. Operati on is s ubject to th e following two c onditions: (1) This device ma y not cause harmf ul interfe ren ce, and (2) This device mu st accept any int erferenc e rec eived, includi ng in terferen ce that may cause u ndesired oper ation. War nin g: Changes o r mod ificatio ns no t expressl y approved by the party res pon sible for co mpliance coul d void the user's a uthority t o operate t he eq uipment.
NOTE: This equip ment has been tes ted and foun d to co mply with the limit s for a C lass B digit al device, purs uant to Part 15 of th e FCC Rules. These lim its are designe d to provide r eas onable pro tec tion against h arm ful interf erence in a resid ential instal lation. This equipme nt ge nerates us es an d can radiat e radio frequen cy energy and, if not i nst alled and us ed in accordanc e with the instru ctions, may cause h arm ful interf erence to radio c ommunicatio ns.Howev er, there is no g uar antee that i nterference w ill not occur in a pa rticular install ati on. If this eq uipment does ca use harmful int erferenc e to radio or te lev ision rece pti on, which ca n be determined b y turning the equip men t off and on,the user i s encourag ed to t ry to correc t the inter fer ence by one or m ore of the follow ing
measure s:
Reorien t or re locate the r eceiving ante nna. Increas e the s eparatio n between the equ ipment and rece iver. Connect t he eq uipment in to an outlet on a cir cuit different fr om that to whi ch th e receiver i s connected. Consult t he de aler or an exp erienced radi o/TV technici an for help.
Compati ble w ith comput ers of various sy stems and brand s
product s ize :L107×W6 7×H38mm
Use 2*AAA ba tte ry
Instruction Manual
RF2.4GHz Optical Mouse
CAUTION:To use this device properly,please read the user’s guide before installation