Wintop Electronics WM 287 User Manual

Model: WM-287
Instruction Manual
The Ultrathin Wireless mouse
Please read these instructions carefully before
first use and retain them for future reference.
Installing Battery
The Ultrathin Wireless mouse uses one AA battery .
Installing Battery in the Mouse:
Step 1. Open the back cover.
Step 2. Insert the battery as shown inside the battery compartment.
Step 3. Replace back cover.
Connecting the Receiver
USB Port
Nano receiver
Storing the Nano Receiver
1. The Nano Receiver is stored inside the mouse, in the battery compartment. To remove the receiver, open your battery compartment and remove the receiver as per step 1.
2. Once you have finished using the mouse, remove the receiver from your USB port and replace within the mouse housing as per step 2.
Remove the Receiver Store the Receiver
110*5 7*2 3 M M
The Ultrathin Wireless mouse
Mac O S
This d evi ce comp lie s wit h Part 15 o f the FCC Ru les . Opera tio n is subject
to the f oll owing t wo co ndi tions :
(1) This devi ce ma y not cau se ha rmful i nte rfe rence , and
(2) This devi ce mu st acce pt an y inter fer enc e recei ved , inclu din g
inte rfe rence t hat m ay ca use und esi red ope rat ion .
War nin g: Chan ges o r modifi cat ion s not exp res sly app rov ed by t he part y
resp ons ible fo r com pli ance co uld v oid the u ser 's au thori ty to o perat e the
equi pme nt.
NOTE: T his equ ipm ent has b een t est ed and fo und t o compl y wit h the limits
for a Cl ass B d igita l dev ice , pursu ant t o Part 15 o f the FCC Ru les . Th ese
limi ts ar e desig ned t o pro vide re aso nable p rot ect ion aga ins t harmf ul
inte rfe rence i n a res ide ntial i nst allat ion . Th is eq uipme nt ge ner ates us es
and ca n rad iate radio f req uency e ner gy and, i f not i nst alled a nd us ed in
acco rda nce with the i nst ructi ons , may cau se ha rmf ul inte rfe rence t o rad io
comm uni catio ns. H owe ver, the re is n o guara nte e tha t inter fer ence wi ll no t
occu r in a pa rticu lar i nst allat ion . If this e qui pme nt does c aus e harmf ul
inte rfe rence t o rad io or t elevi sio n recep tio n, wh ich can b e det ermin ed by
turn ing t he equi pme nt off an d on, the u ser i s enc ourag ed to t ry to cor rec t
the in ter feren ce by o ne or m ore of th e fol lowin g mea sur es:
Reor ien t or relo cat e the r eceiv ing a ntenn a.
Incr eas e the sep ara tio n betwe en th e equip men t and r eceiv er.
Conn ect t he equi pme nt in to an out let o n a circu it di ff ere nt from t hat t o
whic h the r eceiv er is c onn ected .
Cons ult t he deal er or a n exp erien ced r adio/ T V tech nic ian for h elp .