Wintop Electronics WM101, TLSR8516 Compliance Notice

100.00 mm
FCC Warning: This devi ce comp lies with Part 15 of th e F C C R ules, O peration is subjec t to the fo llowing two condi tions : (1) This devi ce may no t cause harm ful int erference, and (2) This devi ce must a ccept any in terfe rence received, i nclud ing interfe rence t hat may c ause undes ired op eration. Caution : Chang es or modiļ¬cation s not exp ressly app roved b y the party respon sible for complia nce cou ld void the us er's authori ty to ope rate th e equipmen t. NOTE: This equipmen t has been tested and f ound to c omply with the li mits fo r a Class B digital dev ice, pu rsuant to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules . Th ese lim its are desi gned to p rovide reasona ble pro tection against h armfu l interfer ence in a residen tial in stallation. This eq uipment generat es, use s and can radiate r adio fr equency energy an d, if not i nstalled a nd used i n accorda nce wit h the instruction s, may ca use harmfu l interfe rence t o radio communica tions . However, th ere is no guarant ee that i nterference wil l not occ ur in a partic ular install ation . If this e quipment d oes cau se harmful i nterf erence to radio or televi sion reception, w hich ca n be determi ned by turning t he equi pment off and on , the use r is encouraged to tr y to correct the int erfer ence by one or m ore of th e followin g measure s: --Re orient or relocat e the rec eiving ant enna.
--Incre ase the s eparation betwe en the eq uipment an d recei ver.
-- Connec t the equ ipment into an outl et on a cir cuit differe nt from that to which t he rece iver is conn ected . --Consul t the dealer or a n exper ienced radio/ T V tec hnici an for help. FCC Ra diation Ex posur e Statemen t: This equi pment c omplies with FCC radia tion ex posure lim its set forth for an uncon troll ed environ ment. This tran smitt er must n ot be co-loc ated or o perating i n conjunc tion wi th any other antenn a or tran smitter.
120.00 mm