
Model:W M-008
This d evi ce comp lies wi th Pa rt 15 of th e F C C R ules. Oper ation i s
subj ect t o the fol lowin g two c ondit ions:
(1) This devi ce may no t cause harm ful int erferenc e, and
(2) This devi ce must a ccept any in terfe rence rece ived, i ncluding
inte rfe rence t hat may c aus e undes ired op era tion.
War ning: Chan ges or mo diļ¬catio ns not ex pre ssly ap prove d by th e
part y res ponsi ble for c omp lianc e could void t he user 's authori ty
to ope rat e the equ ipmen t.
NOTE: Thi s equ ipmen t has bee n tes ted and f ound to c omp ly with
the li mit s for a Cla ss B digi tal d evice , pursu ant t o Part 15 o f the
FCC Ru les. Th ese lim its are d esi gned to p rovide rea sonab le
prot ect ion aga inst ha rmf ul inte rfere nce i n a resid ential ins talla tion.
This e qui pment g enera tes u ses and c an radiate r adio fr equency
ener gy an d, if not i nstal led a nd used i n accordan ce with t he
inst ruc tions , may cau se ha rmful i nterf ere nce to ra dio
comm uni catio ns. How eve r, there i s no guarant ee that i nterfere nce
will n ot oc cur in a pa rticu lar i nstal lation. If t his equ ipment doe s
caus e har mful in terfe ren ce to rad io or tel evi sion re ception, w hich
can be d ete rmine d by turn ing t he equi pment off and on , the use r is
enco ura ged to tr y to corr ect t he inte rfere nce b y one or mo re of the
foll owi ng meas ures:
Reor ien t or relo cate th e rec eivin g anten na.
Incr eas e the sep arati on be tween t he equi pme nt and re ceiver.
Conn ect t he equi pment i nto a n outle t on a circ uit d ifferen t from
that t o whi ch the re ceive r is co nnect ed.
Cons ult t he deal er or an ex per ience d radio/T V tec hnici an for help.