Application Sheet
Application: Roasting / Overnight
Market(s): General
Product: Pork Chops (boneless)
Product Line: CVap
Set Points:
Doneness 200˚F, Browning 10, Time 25 minutes.
Turn unit on and program desired settings. Allow unit to preheat
until LOAD displays on digital display. Season and prep according
to your recipe. For optimal resulsts, all chops must be approximately the same thickness. Place on sheet pans, or hotel/steam table
pan. Press the Start/Stop button until the timer displays and the
colon (:) is flashing. After the cook cycle is complete, unit will automatically transition to an FDA/USDA hold cycle. When hold cycle
is complete, display will flash SELL. After cooking in the oven, take
chops from SELL cycle and pan sear them to order (approximately
two minutes per side).
cook & holds
Other Suitable
Food Product(s):
Models to Consider: CAC503, CAC507, CAC509, CAC522
CVap cook & holds deliver high yields (as high as 91 to 95%). Automatic
processes mean reduced labor and food costs. Additional benefits include
improved food quality, precise doneness and color, enhanced nutritional
value, and increased tenderness. CVap cook & holds cook to a precise
doneness temperature, while producing a consistent level of doneness
throughout the food product.
DOC081229E Rev 0
rs 12-29-08