Operation Manual
Engine No.:
Document ID: DBAC753771
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. 24hrs Support:
Schützenstrasse 1− 3 Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd.
CH-8400 Winterthur Zürcherstrasse 12
Switzerland CH 8400 Winterthur
+41 52 262 80 10
E 2017-08 Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd., Printed in Switzerland – All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means
(electronic, mechanical, graphic, photocopying, recording, taping or other information retrieval
systems) without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. makes no representation, warranty (express or implied) in this
publication and assumes no responsibility for the correctness, errors or omissions of information contained herein. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice.
Operation Manual
Engine No.:
Document ID: DBAC753771
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. 24hrs Support:
Schützenstrasse 1− 3 Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd.
CH-8400 Winterthur Zürcherstrasse 12
Switzerland CH 8400 Winterthur
+41 52 262 80 10
E 2017-04 Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd., Printed in Switzerland – All rights reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, graphic, photocopying, recording, taping or other information retrieval systems)
without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. or Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd. make no representation,
warranty (express or implied) in this publication and assumes no responsibility for the correctness, errors or omissions for information contained herein. Information in this publication is
subject to change without notice.
Summary for Operation Manual (OM)
2014 Operation Manual, Issue 2014
Date of publication 2014-08-19
0020-1/A1 TOC New chapter 9314-2/A1 added x
0030-1/A1 Subject Index New chapter 9314-2/A1 added x
0080-1/A1 Basic Engine Data Additional illustrat i ons added; x
Conditions - Defective
Additional data for three turboc harger c onfiguration and
0710-1/A1 Diesel Engine Fuels Latest data, minor t ext c hanges x
4104-1/A1 Supply Drive Unit
Additional illustrat i on f or 9-cylinder engines added;
7218-1/A1 Cylinder Lubrication
page 2: Illustration schematic diagram f or 9-cylinder
Lubricating Oil System - 9-
page 4: New illustration added
Group 9 Group TOC New chapter 9314-2/A1 added x
Schematic diagram updated; terminology updated x
New chapter for 9-cylinder engines added x
Date of publication 2014-09-16
Data about Wintert hur Gas & Diesel (Wi nGD) and Wärtsilä
Fuel System - 6-cylinders
Fig. 5: Illustrati on updated;
8019-1/A2 2015-05 Fuel System - 9-cylinders
Fig. 5: Illustrati on updated;
Date of publication 2015-06-09
paragraph 2: Warning about oil mist detector added;
Temperature gradient changed from 15°C/min to 2°C/min
Modification Service
Table 1 added
illustrations updated
engines added
page 13, 14: pressure transmi tter PT3139C added
6-cylinder to 8-cylinder
and all related pages
to 8-cylinders
page 5: Key to Fig. 1 updated
page 8: New illustration added
page 9: New illustration added; Key to Fig. 3 updated
Services Switzerland (W SCH) added;
New Layout WinGD;
Disclaimer updated (WinGD and WS CH added);
para 4.3 and 4.4: reference changed;
para 4.4: procedure changed; alternative proc edure added;
para 4.5: procedure changed; data about spare part kit
para 4.3 and 4.4: reference changed;
para 4.4: procedure changed; alternative proc edure added;
para 4.5: procedure changed; data about spare part kit
all paragraphs: minor text changes and updates (e.g.
position numbers);
Warnings (General Data)
Bulletin RT-82
Diesel Oil to Heavy Fuel
Oil and Vice Versa
paragraph 8: Warning about hot part s added;
paragraph 9: Warning about injury hazards added;
paragraph 13: Warning about air run added;
related to the Service Bullet i n;
1/4 16/10/2017
Summary for Operation Manual (OM)
Latest data from fuel specification added;
Note 2) to Fig. 1: min. val ue f or fuel viscosity changed from
Fig. 1: Schemati c Diagram - Fuel System updated;
paragraph 2.1: additional data added
4003-2/A1 2015-07 EAAD085118 Engine Control Diagram
Document updated with latest data:
-At servo oil rail new group with PT2041A, PI2041L, 8.11-1,
4003-2/A2 2015-07 EAAD085118 Engine Control Diagram
Document updated with latest data:
-At servo oil rail new group with PT2041A, PI2041L, 8.11-1,
Table 1: maximum s ul f ur val ue changed from 4.5 to 3.5
Fig. 1: Viscosi t y/ T emperature Diagram updated;
13 cSt to 10 cSt;
Table 2: Pour point (upper) winter max. value changed
from 0 to -6; Carbon residue m ax. value removed;
minor changes in the text;
Data about Wärtsi l ä Service Switzerland Ltd and Wi nGD
(Version 4)
(Version 4)
Treatment and Fuel
Key to Fig. 1: Item s 31, 32, 33 added;
para 3: minor text changes;
para 4: text changed; data about additional leakage
collection tank added;
Structure of the document changed;
Table 1: data FZG gear machine test added
Table 2: data FZG gear machine test added
paragraph 2.4: Sample point added
paragraph 3.1: updated
Fig. 1: illustrati on updat ed
paragraph 3.2: new data and Fig. 2 added
paragraph 3.3: new paragraph added
paragraph 3.4: new paragraph added
paragraph 7: new paragraph added
paragraph 8.1: new paragraph added
paragraph 8.2: list of approved lubricat i ng oi l s updated
paragraph 8.3: new table added added
Chapter updated (latest data from Revision 4 of the
Service Bulletin RT-138);
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2: new illustrati on with l atest data;
Table 4: List of Validat ed Lubri cating Oils updated (latest
data from January 2015);
Table 5: List of Validat ed System Oils updated (latest data
from January 2015);
4.23 and accumulator added;
-Check point 3.17 top of ICU removed.
4.23 and accumulator added and connection L2 with
T2042A, PI2042L, 8.11-2 removed;
-At cylinder lubrication c onnection L2 remov
onnected the two servo oil pipes to one pipe.
2/4 16/10/2017
ed and
Summary for Operation Manual (OM)
4003-3/A1 2015-01 EAAD085118
Document updated with latest data:
Date of publication 2015-07-28
Short Description of the
Correction of References to Fi g 1; Chapter 3.2 Leak Test
Correction of References to Fi g 1; Chapter 3.2 Leak Test
Torisional vibration damper (damper inlet):
PT2711A: ALM value changed from 1. 5 bar to 2.2 bar;
Change-over from HFO
to MDO and back
Changed description and changed procedure x
Changed procedure for running-in x
Diesel Engine Fuels Text changed for Fuel additives x
Update according to Service Bull etin (Text changes,
Particle Count; new Tables 4 and 5, updated F i gures 1 and
Thrust Bearing Minor text changes, Section 1.1 deleted x
2722-1/A1 2017-08 EAAD086283 Injection Valve Updated section drawing x
3326-1/A1 2017-08 EAAD086618
Text changed; Fig. 1 updated with shorter Guide rail s x
Table 4: Text changed; Table 5: Note deleted; Para 4.7:
Procedures updated (2.1: step 10 and step 12 to 16; 2.2:
Fuel Pump Actuator Update drawing x
-Page 11: PT2041A, PI2041L, 8. 11-1 have been removed.
Address 313 has been changed to 314;
-Page 12: PT2041A, PI2041L, 8. 11-1, PT2042A, PI2042L,
8.11-2 and connection 319 have been removed. Addres s
313 has been changed to 314. Only one servo oil pipe;
-Page 13: All signals relat ed to the turbocharger updated;
-Page 14: All signals relat ed to the turbocharger updated;
-Page 15,16: New group with PT2041A, PI2041L, 8.11-1,
4.23 added;
-Page 17,18: New group with PT2041A, PI2041L, 8.11-1,
4.23 added. Connection 319 has been removed;
-Page 19,20: Check point 3.17 t op of ICU has
-Page 22: Oil mist detection MK6 has been replaced by
for Operation
for Operation
Pressure and
Temperature Ranges
Alarms and Safeguards
Cylinder Liners and
Piston Rings
Min. pressure value changed from 1.0 bar to
2.8 bar; max. pressure 5.0 bar (value added);
Note added;
Medium name changed to 'Tors i onal vibration damper oil
(steel spring damper)';
Note 5 changed
2, updated Tables 6 and 7)
and Cutting In
step 2 deleted; Para 4.11: s t ep 2 changed, step 3 added;
Para 4.12.1: step 4 changed
step 6 to 10)
3/4 16/10/2017
Summary for Operation Manual (OM)
Minor text changes (only cleaning of com pressor) x
Operating Instructions
and Cleaning
Text corrections: First paragraph -5° C replaced with related
Feed Rate - Adjustment Updates according to Service B ul l etin x
Date of publication 2017-10-16
Turbocharger during
value; Table 1 Corrections; In paragraph 2. 1 l ast two
sentences deleted.
4/4 16/10/2017
Operating Descriptions
Bedplate and Tie Rod
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Cover
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod and Piston
Engine Control and Control Elements
Supply Unit, Servo Oil Pump and Fuel Pump
Scavenge Air System
Cylinder Lubrication
Piping Systems
OM / X82 / Register
Engine Monitoring
Intentionally blank
Operating Descriptions Group 0
For Your Attention 0000− 1/A1......................................................................
Preface 0010− 1/A1.............................................................................
Table of Contents 0020− 1/A1....................................................................
Subject Index 0030− 1/A1.......................................................................
Abbreviations 0035− 1/A1.......................................................................
How to Use the Operation Manual 0040− 1/A1.....................................................
Short Description of the Engine 0050− 1/A1........................................................
Two-stroke Diesel Engine − Operation 0060− 1/A1..................................................
The Relation between Engine and Propeller 0070− 1/A1.............................................
Basic Engine Data 0080− 1/A1...................................................................
Prepare the Engine for Operation
Prepare for Engine Start after a Short Shutdown Period (One or More Days) 0110− 1/A1................
Prepare the Fuel System for Operation 0120− 1/A1.................................................
Prepare the Servo Oil System 0130− 1/A1.........................................................
Prepare the Cylinder Lubricating System 0140− 1/A1................................................
Operation during Usual Conditions
General Data 0200− 1/A1........................................................................
Safety Precautions and Warnings (General Data) 0210− 1/A1........................................
Slow Turning 0220− 1/A1........................................................................
Engine Start 0230− 1/A1........................................................................
Usual Operation 0240− 1/A1.....................................................................
Operating Data Sheet
Pressure and Temperature Ranges at Continuous Service Power MCR 0250− 1/A1.....................
Alarms and Safeguards at Continuous Service Power 0250− 2/A1....................................
Manoeuvring 0260− 1/A1........................................................................
Change-over from Diesel Oil to Heavy Fuel Oil and Back 0270− 1/A1.................................
Operation at Low Load 0280− 1/A1...............................................................
Operation at Overload 0290− 1/A1................................................................
Engine Shutdown
General 0310− 1/A1............................................................................
Procedures after Engine Stop 0320− 1/A1.........................................................
Special Procedures
Running-in New Cylinder Liners and Piston Rings 0410− 1/A1........................................
Indicator Diagrams 0420− 1/A1...................................................................
Procedures to Prevent Contamination and Fire in the Scavenge Air Spaces 0450− 1/A1.................
Prevention of Crankcase Explosions − Instructions 0460− 1/A1.......................................
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. X82 / OM / 2014
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Operation Group0
Operation during Unusual Conditions
General Data 0500− 1/A1........................................................................
Operation with Injection Cut Out (One or More Cylinders) 0510− 1/A1.................................
Faults in High Pressure Fuel System 0515− 1/A1...................................................
Operation with Exhaust Valve Control Unit Cut Out 0520− 1/A1.......................................
Faults in Servo Oil System 0525− 1/A1............................................................
Operation with Running Gear Partially or Fully Removed 0540− 1/A1..................................
Operation with Water Leakage into the Combustion Chamber 0545− 1/A1.............................
Defective Scavenge Air Cooler / Defective Auxiliary Blowers 0550− 1/A1..............................
Defective Remote Control 0560− 1/A1.............................................................
Defective Speed Control System 0570− 1/A1.......................................................
Defective Turbocharger 0590− 1/A1...............................................................
Special Procedures Before and After Operation
Prepare for Engine Start after a Long Shutdown Period or an Overhaul 0610− 1/A1.....................
Prepare the Engine for a Long Shutdown Period 0620− 1/A1.........................................
Operation Media
Diesel Engine Fuels 0710− 1/A1..................................................................
Fuel Treatment and Fuel System 0720− 1/A1......................................................
Scavenge Air and Starting Air 0740− 1/A1.........................................................
Lubricating Oils 0750− 1/A1......................................................................
Cooling Water / Cooling Water Treatment 0760− 1/A1...............................................
Problems during Operation
General 0800− 1/A1............................................................................
Problems During Engine Start and Stop
Irregular Operation 0820− 1/A1...................................................................
Problems and Damage to Engine Parts 0840− 1/A1.................................................
Failure and Defects of WECS Components 0850− 1/A1.............................................
0810− 1/A1................................................
X82 / OM / 2014 Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
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Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
For Your Attention
1. General
This manual is for the operator and is for use only for the related type of diesel engine
(the engine described in this manual). The data in this manual is confidential.
Make sure that you read carefully the Operation Manual before you operate the
Make sure that you know the Inspection and Overhaul intervals in the Maintenance
Manual before you operate the engine.
Make sure that you read the data in Group 0 in the Maintenance Manual before you
do maintenance work on the engine.
2. Spare Parts
Use only original spare parts and components to make sure that the engine will
continue to operate satisfactorily. All equipment and tools for maintenance and
operation must be serviceable and in good condition.
0000− 1/A1
The extent of all supplies and services is set exclusively to the related supply
3. Data
The specifications and recommendations of the classification societies, which are
essential for the design, are included in this manual.
The data, instructions, graphics and illustrations etc. in this manual are related to
drawings from Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd. (WinGD). These data relate to the date of
issue of the manual (the year of the issue is shown on the title page). All instructions,
graphics and illustrations etc can change because of continuous new development
and modifications.
4. Personnel
Only qualified personnel that have the applicable knowledge and training must do
work on the engine, its systems and related auxiliary equipment.
Data related to protection against danger and damage to equipment are specified in
this manual as Warnings and Cautions.
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Intentionally blank
5. Technical Documentation Set
The technical documentation set for this diesel engine type includes the following
5.1 Operation Manual
The operation manual contains data about engine operation, the necessary operating
media (oil, water and fuel) and descriptions of the components and systems. The
manual also gives troubleshooting procedures.
5.2 Maintenance Manual
The maintenance manual contains data about disassembly / assembly procedures
that are necessary for the engine maintenance and the maintenance schedule. This
manual gives more data about the masses (weight) of components, a clearance table,
tightening values for important screw connections and a tool list.
0010− 1/A1
5.3 Code Book (spare parts catalogue)
In the code book all parts of the engine are marked with a unique code number. The
code number is necessary to order spare parts from Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
(WinGD) or the engine supplier. The spare parts can only be ordered with the code
number from the code book.
5.4 External Supplier Documentation
The documentation from external suppliers gives data about the parts of the engine
that are not supplied by Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd (WinGD), such as turbocharger,
automatic filter, torsional or vibration damper. Most of this documentation also
contains data about spare parts.
5.5 Records and Drawings
The setting tables, shop trial documents, schematic diagrams and survey certificates
of the related engine are given with the first supply of the documentation.
6. Manual Structure
The manual is divided into different groups. Each group contains data about
components or systems referred to in the design groups.
The manuals give data about the standard engine with all cylinder numbers,
alternative designs and special equipment.
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
The documentation for alternative engine designs are separated into different
chapters with the related design name.
1/ 3
Operation0010− 1/A1
6.1 Structure of the Manual
The groups with their illustrations are divided into the design groups.
Engine type
Manual type
Group No.
1132− 1/A1
− − − − −
Design variant
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd 1 / 4
Page number
Total pages of group
2/ 3
Year of issue
Modification date
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
6.2 Symbols
This symbol shows that the text is safety related. The signal word
WARNING is used to show a hazardous condition. If ignored,
these conditions could cause serious injury or death to
This symbol shows that the text is safety related. The signal word
CAUTION is used to show a potentially hazardous condition. If
ignored, these conditions could cause minor injury to personnel,
or damage to engine components.
Note: Notes give more data to help you do a task, or give you data about the
engine. Notes come immediately before or after the related paragraph.
7. Technical Documentation
0010− 1/A1
Because of the continuous development of the engine, the technical documentation
also changes and is regularly updated. The modification service leaflet on the first
page of the manual shows all changes.
Important data and changes are given directly to the customer in the service bulletins.
To order more technical documents, the data that follows is necessary:
D Engine type, year of manufacture and engine manufacturer
D Name of vessel or site of installation
D Cylinder or engine number
D Special equipment
D Document type (printed manuals or CD).
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Intentionally blank
0020− 1/A1
Table of Contents
T able of Contents
Operating Descriptions Group 0
For Your Attention 0000− 1/A1......................................................................
Preface 0010− 1/A1.............................................................................
Subject Index 0030− 1/A1.......................................................................
Abbreviations 0035− 1/A1.......................................................................
How to Use the Operation Manual 0040− 1/A1.....................................................
Short Description of the Engine 0050− 1/A1........................................................
Two-stroke Diesel Engine − Operation 0060− 1/A1..................................................
The Relation between Engine and Propeller 0070− 1/A1.............................................
Basic Engine Data 0080− 1/A1...................................................................
Prepare the Engine for Operation
Prepare for Engine Start after a Short Shutdown Period (One or More Days) 0110− 1/A1................
Prepare the Fuel System for Operation 0120− 1/A1.................................................
Prepare the Servo Oil System 0130− 1/A1.........................................................
Prepare the Cylinder Lubricating System 0140− 1/A1................................................
Operation during Usual Conditions
General Data 0200− 1/A1........................................................................
Safety Precautions and Warnings (General Data) 0210− 1/A1........................................
Slow Turning 0220− 1/A1........................................................................
Engine Start 0230− 1/A1........................................................................
Usual Operation 0240− 1/A1.....................................................................
Operating Data Sheet
Pressure and Temperature Ranges at Continuous Service Power MCR 0250− 1/A1.....................
Alarms and Safeguards at Continuous Service Power 0250− 2/A1....................................
Manoeuvring 0260− 1/A1........................................................................
Change-over from Diesel Oil to Heavy Fuel Oil and Back 0270− 1/A1.................................
Operation at Low Load 0280− 1/A1...............................................................
Operation at Overload 0290− 1/A1................................................................
Engine Shutdown
General 0310− 1/A1............................................................................
Procedures after Engine Stop 0320− 1/A1.........................................................
Special Procedures
Running-in New Cylinder Liners and Piston Rings 0410− 1/A1........................................
Indicator Diagrams 0420− 1/A1...................................................................
Procedures to Prevent Contamination and Fire in the Scavenge Air Spaces 0450− 1/A1.................
Prevention of Crankcase Explosions − Instructions 0460− 1/A1.......................................
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
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Operation0020− 1/A1
Table of Contents
Operation during Unusual Conditions
General Data 0500− 1/A1........................................................................
Operation with Injection Cut Out (One or More Cylinders) 0510− 1/A1.................................
Faults in High Pressure Fuel System 0515− 1/A1...................................................
Operation with Exhaust Valve Control Unit Cut Out 0520− 1/A1.......................................
Faults in Servo Oil System 0525− 1/A1............................................................
Operation with Running Gear Partially or Fully Removed 0540− 1/A1..................................
Operation with Water Leakage into the Combustion Chamber 0545− 1/A1.............................
Defective Scavenge Air Cooler / Defective Auxiliary Blowers 0550− 1/A1..............................
Defective Remote Control 0560− 1/A1.............................................................
Defective Speed Control System 0570− 1/A1.......................................................
Defective Turbocharger 0590− 1/A1...............................................................
Special Procedures Before and After Operation
Prepare for Engine Start after a Long Shutdown Period or an Overhaul 0610− 1/A1.....................
Prepare the Engine for a Long Shutdown Period 0620− 1/A1.........................................
Operation Media
Diesel Engine Fuels 0710− 1/A1..................................................................
Fuel Treatment and Fuel System 0720− 1/A1......................................................
Scavenge Air and Starting Air 0740− 1/A1.........................................................
Lubricating Oils 0750− 1/A1......................................................................
Cooling Water / Cooling Water Treatment 0760− 1/A1...............................................
Problems during Operation
General 0800− 1/A1............................................................................
Problems During Engine Start and Stop 0810− 1/A1................................................
Irregular Operation 0820− 1/A1...................................................................
Problems and Damage to Engine Parts 0840− 1/A1.................................................
Failure and Defects of WECS Components 0850− 1/A1.............................................
Bedplate and Tie Rod Group 1
Main Bearing 1132− 1/A1...........................................................................
Thrust Bearing 1203− 1/A1..........................................................................
Tie Rod 1903− 1/A1.................................................................................
Cylinder Liner and Cylinder Cover Group 2
Cylinder Liner 2124− 1/A1...........................................................................
Lubricating Quills on Cylinder Liner 2138− 1/A1......................................................
Piston Rod Gland 2303− 1/A1.......................................................................
Injection Valve (FAST Nozzle) 2722− 1/A1............................................................
Starting Valve 2728− 1/A1...........................................................................
Exhaust Valve 2751− 1/A1...........................................................................
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Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
0020− 1/A1
Table of Contents
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod and Piston Group 3
Axial Damper 3140− 1/A1...........................................................................
Connecting Rod and Connecting Rod Bearing 3303− 1/A1............................................
Crosshead and Guide Shoe 3326− 1/A1..............................................................
Piston 3403− 1/A1..................................................................................
Crosshead Lubrication and Piston Cooling 3603− 1/A1...............................................
Engine Control and Control Elements Group 4
Engine Control
Engine Control System WECS-9520 4002− 1/A1...................................................
User Parameters and Maintenance Settings 4002− 3/A1.............................................
Regular Checks and Recommendations for WECS− 9520 4002− 4/A1.................................
Engine Control 4003− 1/A1......................................................................
Control Diagram
Designations (Description to 4003− 1, 4003− 2 and 4003− 3) 4003− 2/A0................................
Control Diagram (6-cylinders to 8-cylinders) 4003− 2/A1.............................................
Control Diagram (9-cylinders) 4003− 2/A2.........................................................
Control and Auxiliary Systems − Detailed Control Diagrams with Interfaces to the Plant 4003− 3/A1.........
Drive Supply Unit Drive 4104− 1/A1..................................................................
Starting Air Shut-off Valve 4325−1/A1...............................................................
Control Air Supply 4605− 1/A1......................................................................
Local Control Panel 4618− 1/A1.....................................................................
Pick-up for Speed Measurement 4628− 1/A1..........................................................
Supply Unit, Servo Oil Pump and Fuel Pump Group 5
Fuel Pump 5556− 1/A1..............................................................................
Fuel Pump − Cutting Out and Cutting In 5556− 2/A1..................................................
Fuel Pressure Control Valve 5562− 1/A1.............................................................
Fuel Pump Unit 5581− 1/A1.........................................................................
Fuel Pump Actuator 5583− 1/A1.....................................................................
Servo Pump Unit with Dynex Servo Oil Pump 5591−1/A1.............................................
Servo Pump Unit with Bosch Servo Oil Pump 5591− 1/A2.............................................
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Operation0020− 1/A1
Table of Contents
Scavenge Air System Group 6
Scavenge Air Receiver 6420− 1/A1..................................................................
Turbocharging 6500− 1/A1..........................................................................
Cleaning the Turbocharger in Operation − All Types 6510− 1/A1.......................................
Auxiliary Blower and Switch Box 6545− 1/A1.........................................................
Scavenge Air Cooler: Operation Instructions and Cleaning 6606− 1/A1.................................
Scavenge Air Waste Gate 6735− 1/A1................................................................
Cylinder Lubrication Group 7
Cylinder Lubrication 7218− 1/A1.....................................................................
Cylinder Lubrication Oil Consumption − Measurement 7218− 2/A1.....................................
Feed Rate − Adjustment 7218− 3/A1.................................................................
Piping Systems Group 8
Lubricating Oil System − 6-cylinders to 8-cylinders 8016− 1/A1........................................
Lubricating Oil System − 9-cylinders 8016− 1/A2.....................................................
Cooling Water System 8017− 1/A1...................................................................
Starting Air Diagram 8018− 1/A1.....................................................................
Fuel System − 6-cylinders to 8-cylinders 8019− 1/A1..................................................
Fuel System − 9-cylinders 8019− 1/A2...............................................................
Exhaust Waste Gate (Low-load-Tuning) 8135− 1/A1...................................................
Drainage System and Wash-water Pipe System 8345− 1/A1...........................................
Engine Monitoring Group 9
Instrument Panel 9215-1/A1........................................................................
Crank Angle Sensor Unit 9223-1/A1................................................................
Pressure Switches and Pressure Transmitters 9258-1/A1............................................
Intelligent Combustion Control 9308-1/A1...........................................................
Oil Mist Detector − 6-cylinders to 8-cylinders 9314-1/A1..............................................
Oil Mist Detector − 9-cylinders 9314-2/A1...........................................................
Location of Flex Electronic Components 9362-1/A1..................................................
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Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
Subject Index
Alphabetical Table of Contents
Abbreviations 0035− 1/A1.......................................................................
Adjustment − Feed Rate 7218− 3/A1..............................................................
Air flaps in the scavenge air receiver 6420− 1/A1...................................................
Alarms and safeguards at continuous service power 0250− 2/A1.....................................
Auxiliary blower and switch box 6545− 1/A1........................................................
Auxiliary blower, failure of... 0550− 1/A1...........................................................
Axial damper 3140− 1/A1........................................................................
Bleed the lubricating pump 7218− 1/A1............................................................
Change-over from diesel oil to heavy fuel oil and back 0270− 1/A1....................................
Checks, engine controls 4003− 1/A1..............................................................
Cleaning the cooling water system 0760− 1/A1.....................................................
Cleaning the scavenge air cooler in operation 6606− 1/A1...........................................
Cleaning the turbocharger during operation 6510− 1/A1.............................................
Compressed air, starting air, control air 0740− 1/A1.................................................
Control air supply 4605− 1/A1...................................................................
Control diagram, designations 4003− 2/A0.........................................................
Control diagram 4003− 2/A1.....................................................................
Connecting rod, connecting rod bearing 3303− 1/A1................................................
Cooling water system 8017− 1/A1................................................................
Cooling water treatment 0760− 1/A1..............................................................
Crank angle sensor unit 9223− 1/A1..............................................................
Crankcase explosions, prevention of... 0460− 1/A1..................................................
Crosshead and guide shoe 3326− 1/A1............................................................
Cut out an exhaust valve control unit 0520− 1/A1...................................................
Cylinder liner 2124− 1/A1........................................................................
Cylinder liner, running-in of new... 0410− 1/A1......................................................
Cylinder Lubrication 7218− 1/A1..................................................................
Cylinder lubricating oil supply unit 7218− 1/A1......................................................
Cylinder lubricating system, control
Cylinder lubricating system, procedures before taking into service 0140− 1/A1..........................
0030− 1/A1
7218− 1/A1....................................................
Damage to engine parts 0840− 1/A1..............................................................
Defective remote control system 0560− 1/A1.......................................................
Drainage system and wash-water system 8345− 1/A1...............................................
Draining cooling water 8017− 1/A1................................................................
Drive supply unit 4104− 1/A1.....................................................................
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Operation0030− 1/A1
Alphabetical Table of Contents
Emergency operation with exhaust valve closed / opened 0520− 1/A1.................................
Engine, short description of... 0050− 1/A1..........................................................
Engine control 4003− 1/A1.......................................................................
Engine control system WECS 4002− 1/A1.........................................................
Engine numbering and designations 0080− 1/A1....................................................
Exchange of defective exhaust valve control unit 0520− 1/A1.........................................
Exchange of defective hydraulic pipe 0520− 1/A1...................................................
Exhaust valve 2751− 1/A1.......................................................................
Exhaust Waste Gate (low-load-tuning) 8135− 1/A1..................................................
Failure of auxiliary blower 0550− 1/A1.............................................................
Faults in HP fuel system 0515− 1/A1..............................................................
Faults in servo oil system 0525− 1/A1.............................................................
Feed Rate − Adjustment 7218− 3/A1..............................................................
Finding group and page numbers 0040− 1/A1......................................................
Fires in scavenge air spaces, prevention of... 0450− 1/A1............................................
For your attention 0000− 1/A1....................................................................
Fuels for diesel engines 0710− 1/A1..............................................................
Fuel leakage system 8019− 1/A1.................................................................
Fuel oil system 8019− 1/A1......................................................................
Fuel oil system, prepare for... 0120− 1/A1..........................................................
Fuel pump 5556− 1/A1..........................................................................
Fuel treatment 0720− 1/A1.......................................................................
General indications for operation 0210− 1/A1.......................................................
Guide shoe on crosshead 3326− 1/A1.............................................................
Heavy fuel, quality requirements 0710− 1/A1.......................................................
Heavy fuel, treatment 0720− 1/A1................................................................
Indicator diagrams 0420− 1/A1...................................................................
Injection valve 2722− 1/A1.......................................................................
Irregular functions during operation 0820− 1/A1....................................................
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Alphabetical Table of Contents
Leakage and wash-water system 8345− 1/A1......................................................
Leakage check of pressure control valve 8019− 1/A1................................................
Leakage servo oil 8016− 1/A1....................................................................
Local control panel 4618− 1/A1...................................................................
Location of flex electronic components 9362− 1/A1.................................................
Low-load-Tuning 8135− 1/A1.....................................................................
Lubricating oils 0750− 1/A1......................................................................
Lubricating oil system 8016− 1/A1................................................................
Lubricating quills 2138− 1/A1.....................................................................
Lubrication of cylinder liner 7218− 1/A1............................................................
Main bearing 1132− 1/A1........................................................................
Manoeuvring 0260− 1/A1........................................................................
Oil mist detector − 6-cylinders to 8-cylinders 9314− 1/A1.............................................
Oil mist detector − 9-cylinders 9314− 2/A1.........................................................
Operating data sheet, alarms and safeguards 0250− 2/A1...........................................
Operating data sheet, pressure and temperature ranges 0250− 1/A1..................................
Operating medium, air 0740− 1/A1................................................................
Operating medium, oil 0750− 1/A1................................................................
Operating medium, water 0760− 1/A1.............................................................
Operating troubles, general 0800− 1/A1...........................................................
Operating with defective turbocharger 0590− 1/A1..................................................
Operation at low load 0280− 1/A1.................................................................
Operation at overload 0290− 1/A1................................................................
Operation under Usual conditions, general data 0210− 1/A1.........................................
Operation under Usual conditions, general data 0200− 1/A1.........................................
Operation interruption, measures before extended standstill 0620− 1/A1...............................
Operation under Unusual conditions, general data 0500− 1/A1.......................................
Operation during unusual conditions 0500− 1/A1...................................................
Operation with injection cut out (one or more cylinders) 0510− 1/A1...................................
Operation with a running gear removed 0540− 1/A1.................................................
Operation with cut out exhaust valve control unit 0520−
Operation with scavenge air cooler out of service 0550− 1/A1........................................
Operation with water leakage into the combustion chamber 0545− 1/A1...............................
0030− 1/A1
to 0590− 1/A1
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Operation0030− 1/A1
Alphabetical Table of Contents
Pick-up for speed measurement 4628− 1/A1.......................................................
Piston 3403− 1/A1..............................................................................
Piston cooling and crosshead lubrication 3603− 1/A1................................................
Piston and piston rings, running-in of cylinder liner 0410− 1/A1.......................................
Piston rod gland 2303− 1/A1.....................................................................
Precautionary measures for operation 0210− 1/A1..................................................
Preface 0010− 1/A1.............................................................................
Prepare the fuel oil system for operation 0120− 1/A1................................................
Prepare the servo oil system 0130− 1/A1..........................................................
Prepare before taking into service 0110− 1/A1......................................................
Prepare before starting after a prolonged shut-down period
or an overhaul 0610− 1/A1.......................................................................
Pressure and temperature ranges 0250− 1/A1......................................................
Pressure control valve 5562− 1/A1................................................................
Pressure release servo oil rail 8016− 1/A1.........................................................
Prevention of crankcase explosions 0460− 1/A1....................................................
Problems, during operation 0820− 1/A1...........................................................
Problems when starting and shutting down 0810− 1/A1..............................................
Problems with engine parts (damage) 0840− 1/A1..................................................
Procedures after engine stop 0320− 1/A1..........................................................
Procedures before putting out of service for a long period 0620− 1/A1.................................
Procedures before starting after a short shut-down
(one or more days) 0110−1/A1...................................................................
Procedures to prevent contamination and fire in the
scavenge air spaces 0450− 1/A1.................................................................
Propeller curve 0070− 1/A1......................................................................
Quality requirements for heavy fuel oil 0710− 1/A1..................................................
Relationship between engine and propeller 0070− 1/A1..............................................
Remote control system defective 0560− 1/A1......................................................
Running gear, operation with removed... 0540− 1/A1................................................
Running-in of new cylinder liner, piston and piston rings 0410− 1/A1..................................
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Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
Alphabetical Table of Contents
Safety measures and warnings (general information) 0210− 1/A1.....................................
Scavenge air 0740− 1/A1........................................................................
Scavenge air cooler, operating instructions and cleaning 6606− 1/A1..................................
Scavenge air cooler out of service, failure of auxiliary blower 0550− 1/A1..............................
Scavenge air receiver 6420− 1/A1................................................................
Section Views 0040− 1/A1.......................................................................
Servo oil leakage 8016− 1/A1....................................................................
Servo oil pump 5591− 1/A1......................................................................
Service pump 8016− 1/A1.......................................................................
Shutting down, general 0310− 1/A1...............................................................
Shutting down, measures to be taken after the ... 0320− 1/A1........................................
Shut-off valve for starting air 4325− 1/A1..........................................................
Slow turning 0220− 1/A1........................................................................
Speed control system defective 0570− 1/A1........................................................
Speed measurement, pick-up for... 4628− 1/A1.....................................................
Starting 0230− 1/A1.............................................................................
Starting air system, schematic diagram 8018− 1/A1.................................................
Starting valve 2728− 1/A1.......................................................................
Structure of the manuals 0010− 1/A1..............................................................
Symbols 0010− 1/A1............................................................................
0030− 1/A1
Table of contents 0020− 1/A1....................................................................
Thrust bearing 1203− 1/A1.......................................................................
Tie rod 1903− 1/A1.............................................................................
Turbocharger out of service 0590− 1/A1...........................................................
Turbocharger surging 0820− 1/A1................................................................
Turbocharging 6500− 1/A1.......................................................................
WECS engine control system 4002− 1/A1.........................................................
Unusual operating conditions 0500− 1/A1..........................................................
Usual operation 0240− 1/A1.....................................................................
Viscosity-temperature diagram 0710− 1/A1........................................................
Warnings (general information), safety precautions and 0210− 1/A1...................................
Wash-water system 8345− 1/A1..................................................................
Water, operating medium... 0760− 1/A1...........................................................
Working principle of two-stroke diesel engine 0060− 1/A1............................................
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Intentionally blank
See the table below for the the abbreviations used in this manual. Unit of measures
are not shown in the list.
0035− 1/A1
AHD Ahead
ALM Alarm
ALM− 20 Advanced Lubrication Module− 20
AMS Alarm and Monitoring System
AST Astern
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
BDC Bottom Dead Center
BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
CA Crank Angle
CAN− Bus Controller Area Network Bus
CAN M Controller Area Network Module Bus
CAN S Controller Area Network System Bus
CCAI Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index
CMCR Contract Maximum Continuous Rating
COC Cleveland Open Cup
CSR Continuous Service Rating
DE Driving End
DENIS Diesel Engine CoNtrol and OptImizing Specification
DO Diesel Oil
ECA Emission Control Area
ECR Engine Control Room
EM Engine Margin
FCM-20 Flex Control Module− 20
FE Free End
FPP Fixed Pitch Propeller
FQS Fuel Quality Setting
FZG Gear Research Center
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
HP High Pressure
ICC Intelligent Combustion Control
IMO International Maritime Organisation
ISO International Standard Organisation
LED Light Emitting Diode
LLT Low-load Tuning
Word(s) in Full
Base Number
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Operation0035− 1/A1
Abbreviation Word(s) in Full
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships
MCM Main Control Module
Modbus Gould-Modicon Fieldbus
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
MDO Marine Diesel Oil
ME Main Engine
mep Mean effective pressure
MGO Marine Gas Oil
OAT Organic Acid Technology
OM Operational Margin
OMD Oil Mist Detector
PCS Propulsion Control System
PLM Pulse Lubrication Module
PLS Pulse Lubrication System
PMCC Pensky Martens Closed Cup method
RCS Remote Control System
SAC Scavenge Air Cooler
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCS Speed Control System
SHD Shut Down
SIB Shipyard Interface Box
SLD Slow Down
SS Safety System
SSI Synchron Serial Interface
TC Turbocharger
TDC Top Dead Center
VEC Variable Exhaust valve Closing
VEO Variable Exhaust valve Opening
VIT Variable Injection Timing
WECS− 9520 Wärtsilä Engine Control System− 9520
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Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.