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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)
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1.General information4
4.Design and function12
5.Transport, packaging and storage15
6.Commissioning, operation16
7.Information on mounting and operation in hazardous
8.Safety-related instructions for the dierent variants18
9.Calculation examples for self-heating at the thermowell tip21
10. Maintenance and cleaning23
11. Faults24
12. Dismounting, return and disposal25
Appendix: EC declaration of conformity26
Declarations of conformity can be found online at
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)3
1. General information
1. General information
The thermometers described in the operating instructions have been designed and
manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. All components are subject to stringent
quality and environmental criteria during production. Our management systems are
certied to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on handling the instrument.
Working safely requires that all safety instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and general safety
regulations for the instrument's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the product and must be kept in the immediate
vicinity of the instrument and readily accessible to skilled personnel at any time.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the operating instructions
prior to beginning any work.
The manufacturer's liability is void in the case of any damage caused by using the
product contrary to its intended use, non-compliance with these operating instructions,
assignment of insuciently qualied skilled personnel or unauthorised modications to
the instrument.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales documentation shall apply.
Subject to technical modications.
Further information:
- Internet address:
- Relevant data sheet: /
TE 60.14 (TR10-W), TE 65.14 (TC10-W)
- Application consultant:Tel.: +49 9372 132-0
Fax: +49 9372 132-406
Explanation of symbols
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in serious injury or
death, if not avoided.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in light injuries or
damage to equipment or the environment, if not avoided.
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)4
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1. General information / 2. Safety
... points out useful tips, recommendations and information for ecient and
trouble-free operation.
... identies hazards caused by electrical power. Should the safety instructions
not be observed, there is a risk of serious or fatal injury.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation in the hazardous area that can
result in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation that can result in burns, caused by
hot surfaces or liquids, if not avoided.
RTD“Resistance temperature detector”; resistance thermometer
2. Safety
Before installation, commissioning and operation, ensure that the appropriate
thermometer has been selected in terms of measuring range, design and
specic measuring conditions.
Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or damage to the equipment.
Further important safety instructions can be found in the individual chapters of
these operating instructions.
2.1 Intended use
Thermometers in this series can be combined with a large number of thermowell designs.
Operation without thermowell is only recommended in certain applications. A wide variety
of possible combinations of sensor, connection head, insertion length, neck length,
connection to thermowell etc. are available for the thermometers; suitable for almost any
thermowell dimension.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)5
2. Safety
The instrument has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here, and
may only be used accordingly.
The technical specications contained in these operating instructions must be observed.
Improper handling or operation of the instrument outside of its technical specications
requires the instrument to be taken out of service immediately and inspected by an
authorised WIKA service engineer.
If the instrument is transported from a cold into a warm environment, the formation of
condensation may result in instrument malfunction. Before putting it back into operation,
wait for the instrument temperature and the room temperature to equalise.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on operation contrary to
the intended use.
2.2 Personnel qualication
Risk of injury should qualication be insucient!
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and damage to equipment.
The activities described in these operating instructions may only be carried
out by skilled personnel who have the qualications described below.
Keep unqualied personnel away from hazardous areas.
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel are understood to be personnel who, based on their technical training,
knowledge of measurement and control technology and on their experience and knowledge
of country-specic regulations, current standards and directives, are capable of carrying out
the work described and independently recognising potential hazards.
Special operating conditions require further appropriate knowledge, e.g. of aggressive
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)6
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2. Safety
2.3 Special hazards
Observe the information given in the applicable type examination certicate and
the relevant country-specic regulations for installation and use in hazardous
areas (e.g. IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC). Non-observance can result in serious
injury and/or damage to the equipment.
For further important safety instructions for instruments with ATEX approval, see
chapter 7 “Information on mounting and operation in hazardous areas”.
For hazardous media such as oxygen, acetylene, ammable or toxic gases or
liquids, and refrigeration plants, compressors, etc., in addition to all standard
regulations, the appropriate existing codes or regulations must also be followed.
Protection from electrostatic discharge (ESD) required!
The proper use of grounded work surfaces and personal wrist straps is required
when working with exposed circuitry (printed circuit boards), in order to prevent
static discharge from damaging sensitive electronic components.
To ensure safe working on the instrument, the operating company must ensure
that suitable rst-aid equipment is available and aid is provided whenever
that the operating personnel are regularly instructed in all topics regarding
work safety, rst aid and environmental protection and know the operating
instructions and in particular, the safety instructions contained therein.
Residual media in the dismounted instrument can result in a risk to persons, the
environment and equipment. Take sucient precautionary measures.
Do not use this instrument in safety or emergency stop devices. Incorrect use of
the instrument can result in injury.
Should a failure occur, aggressive media with extremely high temperature and
under high pressure or vacuum may be present at the instrument.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)7
1 x Pt100 /A / 3 (F)-50 ... +500 °C
Um = DC 30 V / Pm = 2 W
BVS 07ATEX E 071 X IECEx BVS 11.0042XII 2 G Ex d IIC T* Gb
EN 60751
WIKAAlexander Wiegand SE & Co.KG, D-63911 KlingenbergMade in Germany 2013
2. Safety
2.4 Labelling, safety marking
2.4.1 Product labels for resistance thermometers
1 x Pt100 / A / 3 (F)-50 ... +500 °C
Um = DC 30 V / Pm = 2 W
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co.KG, D-63911 Klingenberg
Made in Germany 2013
EN 60751
BVS 07 ATEX E 071 X
IECEx BVS 11.0042X
II 2 G Ex d IIC T* Gb
Sensor in accordance with standard
F Thin-lm measuring resistor
W Wire-wound measuring resistor
2.4.2 Product labels for thermocouples
1 x Typ K / 1 / . 0 ... +600 °C
Um = DC 30 V / Pm = 2 W
WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co.KG, D-63911 Klingenberg
Made in Germany 2013
Sensor in accordance with standard
Explanation of symbols
CE, Communauté Européenne
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the relevant European directives.
ATEX European Explosion Protection Directive
(Atmosphère = AT, explosible = EX)
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the requirements of the European
directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) on explosion protection.
Before mounting and commissioning the instrument, ensure you read
the operating instructions!
Year of manufacture
EN 60584-1
Year of manufacture
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)8
BVS 07 ATEX E 071 X
IECEx BVS 11.0042X
II 2 G Ex d IIC T* Gb
ungrounded welded
welded to the sheath (grounded)
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3. Specications
3. Specications
3.1 Resistance thermometer
Sensor connection method
Sensor tolerance value per DIN EN 60751
Class B
Class A
Class AA
The combinations of a 2-wire connection with class A or class AA are not permissible, since
the lead resistance of the measuring insert negates the higher sensor accuracy.
Basic values and tolerance values
Basic values and tolerance values for the platinum measurement resistances are laid down
in DIN EN 60751.
The nominal value of Pt100 sensors is 100 Ω at 0 °C. The temperature coecient α can be
stated simply to be between 0 °C and 100 °C with:
α = 3.85 ∙ 10
The relationship between temperature and electrical resistance is described by
polynomials, which are also dened in DIN EN 60751. Moreover, this standard species the
basic values in °C steps in tabular form.
1) | t | is the value of the temperature in °C without consideration of the sign.
Bold: Standard version
For further technical information, see WIKA data sheet and the Technical information
IN 00.17 “Usage limitations and accuracies of platinum resistance thermometers per
EN 60751: 2008”.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)9
3. Specications
3.2 Thermocouples
3.2.1 Sensor types
K1,200 °C
J 800 °C
E 800 °C
N1,200 °C
3.2.2 Potential measurement uncertainties
Important factors which counteract the long-term stability of thermocouples.
Ageing eects/poisoning
Oxidation processes in thermocouples which are not appropriately protected (“bare”
thermocouple wires) result in falsications of the characteristic curves.
Foreign atoms (poisoning) that diuse into the original alloys lead to changes of these
original alloys and thus falsify the characteristic curve.
The inuence of hydrogen leads to the embrittlement of the thermocouples.
The Ni leg of the type K thermocouple is often damaged by sulphur which is contained in
exhaust gases, for example. Type J and T thermocouples age slightly, as the pure metal leg
oxidises rst.
Recommended max. operating temperature
In general, rising temperatures cause accelerated ageing eects.
Green rot
If type K thermocouples are used at temperatures from approx. 800 °C to 1,050 °C,
considerable changes of the thermoelectric voltage can occur. The cause of this is a
chromium depletion or the chrome oxidation in the NiCr leg (+ leg). The precondition
for this is a low concentration of oxygen or steam in the immediate environment of the
thermocouple. The nickel leg is not aected by it. The consequence of this eect is a drift of
the measured value caused by decreasing thermoelectric voltage. This eect is accelerated
if there is a shortage of oxygen (reducing atmosphere), since a complete oxide layer, which
would protect it from further oxidation of the chromium, cannot be formed on the surface of
the thermocouple.
The thermocouple is permanently destroyed by this process. The name green rot is derived
from the greenish shimmering colouration on the breaking point of the wire.
The thermocouple type N has in this regard an advantage due to its silicium content. Here,
a protective oxide layer forms on its surface under the same conditions.
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)10
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3. Specications
K eect
The NiCr leg of a type K thermocouple has an ordered alignment with respect to the
alignment in the crystal lattice below approx. 400 °C. If the thermocouple is heated further,
a transition to a disordered state occurs in the temperature range between approx. 400 °C
and 600 °C. Above 600 °C, an ordered crystal lattice is restored.
If these thermocouples cool too quickly (quicker than approx. 100 °C per hour), the
undesirable disordered crystal lattice occurs again during cooling in the range from
approx. 600 °C to approx. 400 °C. In the characteristic curve of type K, however, a
consistently ordered alignment state is assumed and provided with values. This results
in a fault of thermoelectric voltage of up to approx. 0.8 mV (approx. 5 °C) in this range.
The K eect is reversible and is largely eliminated again by annealing above 700 °C,
followed by correspondingly slow cooling.
Thin sheathed thermocouples are particularly sensitive in this regard. Cooling in resting air
can already lead to deviations of 1 °C.
In type N thermocouples, it has been possible to reduce this short-range-order eect by
alloying both legs with silicium.
The application range of these thermometers is limited both by the permissible maximum
temperature of the thermocouple and by the permissible maximum temperature of the
thermowell material.
Listed models are available both as single or dual thermocouples. The thermocouple will be
delivered with an insulated measuring point, unless explicitly specied otherwise.
Tolerance value
For the tolerance value of thermocouples, a cold junction temperature of 0 °C has been
taken as the basis. When using a compensating cable or thermocouple cable, an additional
measuring deviation must be considered.
For tolerance values and further specications, see the corresponding WIKA data sheet
and Technical information IN 00.23, “Application of thermocouples”.
For further specications see WIKA data sheets TE 60.14, TE 65.14 and order
For further important safety instructions for operation in hazardous areas, see
chapter 7 “Information on mounting and operation in hazardous areas”.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)11
4. Design and function
4. Design and function
4.1 Resistance thermometer model TR10-W
The resistance thermometers of model TR10-W consist of a ameproof enclosure, a
measuring insert which is mounted elastically in a neck tube. The measuring insert in
connection with the neck tube functions as a amepath. The choice of the housing to be
mounted and installed is dened by the WIKA housing/instrument list. When applying it,
always use the latest revision of it.
The thermometers are designed to be resistant to shock and vibration and all electrical
components are protected against splash water. The vibration resistance of the standard
version corresponds to DIN EN 60751 (up to 3 g). The impact resistance of all versions
meets the requirements of DIN EN 60751.
The electrical connection is performed using Ex d certied components.
Resistance thermometers of this model range must be installed with a
thermowell (minimal wall thickness: 1 mm). The design of the thermowells can
be selected optionally, but the operational process data (temperature, pressure,
density and ow rate) must be taken into account.
Possible sensor measuring ranges: from -200 … +600 °C
4.2 Thermocouple model TC10-W
The thermocouples of model TC10-W consist of a ameproof enclosure, a measuring insert
which is mounted elastically in a neck tube. The measuring insert in connection with the
neck tube functions as a amepath. The choice of the housing to be mounted and installed
is dened by the WIKA housing/instrument list. When applying it, always use the latest
revision of it.
The thermometers are designed to be resistant to shock and vibration and all electrical
components are protected against splash water.
The electrical connection is performed using Ex d certied components.
Thermocouples of this model range must be installed with a thermowell
(minimal wall thickness: 1 mm). The design of the thermowells can be selected
as desired, but the operational process data (temperature, pressure, density
and ow rate) must be taken into account.
Possible measuring ranges: from -200 … +1.200 °C
The following mounting and operating information has been compiled with care. However, it
is not possible to consider all potential usage cases.
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)12
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4. Design and function
4.3 Technical description of the three variants
Variant 1: ATEX/IECEx-Ex d
housing or connection head
(with connection terminals,
without transmitter)
Variant 2: ATEX/IECEx-Ex d
housing or connection head
(with built-in head-mounted
Variant 3: ATEX/IECEx-
Ex d certied temperature
T4: {-50} -40 °C < Ta < +85 °C
T3: {-50} -40 °C < Ta < +150 °C
T1: {-50} -40 °C < Ta < +300 °C
Connection head
Neck tube
Connection to thermowell
Measuring insert
Terminal block/transmitter (option)
Field transmitter
Variant 1:
The thermometer is tted to a certied enclosure with ignition protection type “ameproof
enclosure”, which has a built-in terminal block. If the thermometer is marked with II 2G Ex d
IIC T1-T6 Gb, it is designed for use in zone 1 with a thermowell.
If the thermometer is marked with II 1/2G Ex d IIC T1-T6 Ga/Gb, then it is designed for use
with a thermowell at the partition to zone 0.
Variant 2:
The thermometer is built into a certied enclosure, with an ignition protection type of
“ameproof enclosure”, in which an electronic assembly has been tted.
If the thermometer is marked with II 2G Ex d IIC T1-T6 Gb, it is designed for use in zone 1
with a thermowell.
If the thermometer is marked with II 1/2G Ex d IIC T1-T6 Ga/Gb, then it is designed for use
with a thermowell at the partition to zone 0.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)13
4. Design and function
Variant 3:
The thermometer is tted to certied equipment (transmitter) with an ignition protection type
of “ameproof enclosure”.
The thermometer is marked with II 2G Ex d IIC Gb and is designed for use in zone 1 with
a thermowell. For any potential usage at the partition to zone 0 with a thermowell, the
approvals and conditions of the relevant transmitters must be considered.
4.4 Neck tube versions
xed design
multi-part design
4.5 Housing- and connection heads
The dimensions of the housing- and connection heads are given in the respective data
4.6 Scope of delivery
Cross-check scope of delivery with delivery note.
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)14
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5. Transport, packaging and storage
5. Transport, packaging and storage
5.1 Transport
Check the instrument for any damage that may have been caused by transport.
Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
5.2 Packaging
Do not remove packaging until just before mounting.
Keep the packaging as it will provide optimum protection during transport (e.g. change in
installation site, sending for repair).
5.3 Storage
Permissible conditions at the place of storage:
Storage temperature: {-50} -40 ... +80 °C
Humidity: 35 ... 85 % relative humidity (no condensation)
Avoid exposure to the following factors:
Direct sunlight or proximity to hot objects
Mechanical vibration, mechanical shock (putting it down hard)
Store the instrument in its original packaging in a location that fulls the conditions listed
above. If the original packaging is not available, pack and store the instrument as described
1. Wrap the instrument in an antistatic plastic lm.
2. Place the instrument along with shock-absorbent material in the packaging.
3. If stored for a prolonged period of time (more than 30 days), place a bag containing a
desiccant inside the packaging.
Before storing the instrument (following operation), remove any residual media.
This is of particular importance if the medium is hazardous to health, e.g.
caustic, toxic, carcinogenic, radioactive, etc.
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WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)15
6. Commissioning, operation / 7. Information on mounting ...
6. Commissioning, operation
6.1 Electrical connection
Variant 1
For the electrical specications (e.g. connection diagrams, tolerance values, etc.) please
refer to the data sheets TE 60.14 (for TR10-W) and TE 65.14 (for TC10-W).
Variant 2
For the electrical specications (e.g. connection diagrams, tolerance values etc.), refer to
the corresponding data sheet of the built-in head-mounted transmitters.
Variant 3
For the electrical specications (e.g. connection diagrams, tolerance values etc.), refer to
the corresponding data sheet of the tted Ex d certied eld transmitters.
6.2 Locking screw
Always tighten the locking screw to prevent unintended opening of
the head with ameproof enclosure.
Before opening the head, always loosen the locking screw
7. Information on mounting and operation in hazardous areas
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss
of explosion protection.
The requirements of the 94/9/EC (ATEX) directive must be followed. Additionally
the specications of the respective national regulations concerning Ex usage
(e.g. EN/IEC 60079-10 and EN/IEC 60079-14) apply.
The responsibility for classication of zones lies with the plant operator and not the
manufacturer/supplier of the equipment.
The plant operator guarantees, and is solely responsible, that all thermometers in use
are identiable with respect to all safety-relevant characteristics. Damaged thermometers
may not be used.
For the installation of the thermometer, only components (e.g. cables, cable glands, etc.)
permitted for “ameproof” may be used.
For earthing the conductive screen, follow the specications of EN/IEC 60079-14.
WIKA operating instructions models TR10-W, TC10-W (Ex d)16
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