WIKA CPH6200 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

Operating Instructions Betriebsanleitung Mode d’emploi Manual de Instrucciones
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät
l'indicateur de pression portable
Manómetro portátil
CPH6200-S1 CPH6200-S2
Model CPH6200-S1 / -S2
Hand-Held Pressure Indicator Page 2 - 25
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät Seite 26 - 49
l'indicateur de pression portable Page 50 - 73
Manómetro portátil Página 74 - 97
Information This symbol provides you with information, notes and tips.
Warning! This Symbol warns you against actions that can cause injury to people or damage to the instrument.
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1. General 4
1.1 General safety instructions 5
1.2 Operation and maintenance advice 6
1.3 Electrical connections 7
1.4 Display 8
1.5 Basic operation 8
2. Configuration 12
2.1 (Unit) Choice of pressure units 13
2.2 (SL) Sea-level correction for absolute pressure sensors 13
2.3 (rAtE) Choice of measuring rates: „rAtE-Slo, -P.dEt, -FASt“ 13
2.3.1 rAtE-Slo: standard measuring 13
2.3.2 rAtE-P.dEt: peak detection 14
2.3.3 rAtE-FASt: fast filtered measuring 14
2.4 Averaging function 14
2.5 Zero correction sensor 1 (OFS.1) and sensor 2 (OFS.2) 15
2.6 Span correction sensor 1 (SCL.1) and sensor 2 (SCL.2) 15
2.7 (P.oFF) Power off function 15
2.8 (Out) Output 15
2.8.1 (Adr.) Serial communications address 15
2.8.2 (dAC.) Analogue output – scaling with dAC.0 and dAC.1 16
2.9 (AL.) Alarm 16
2.10 (CLOC) Real time clock 17
3. Operation of logger 17
3.1 “Func-Stor“: Storing discrete measurements 17
3.2 “Func-CYCL“: Automatic datalogging with adjustable cycle­time
4. The serial interface 21
5. Available pressure sensors 21
6. Fault and system messages 22
7. Calibration services 23
8. Specifications 23
9. Accessories 25
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1. General
In the following chapters detailed information on the hand-held pressure indicator CPH6200 and its proper use can be found.
Should you require further information, or should there be problems which are not dealt within detail in the operating instructions, please contact the address listed on the last page.
Factory calibration of the instrument is according to relevant interna­tional standards.
The warranty period for the CPH6200 hand-held pressure indicator is 24 months according to the general terms of supply of ZVEI. The guarantee is void if the appliance is put to improper use or if the operating instructions are not observed or if an attempt is made to open the appliance. We also point out that the content of these operating instructions neither forms part of an earlier or existing agreement, assurance or legal relationship nor is meant to change these. All obligations of WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG result from the respective sales contract and the general business terms of WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG.
WIKA is a registered trade mark of WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG. Names of companies or products mentioned in this handbook are registered trade marks of the manufacturer.
We reserve the right to effect reasonable changes on the basis of techni­cal improvements.
Any reproduction of this manual or parts thereof by any means is prohibited.
Version key regarding firmware and respective manual.
Manual Firmware
V 1.1 V 4.0 - V 4.9
V 1.2 V 5.0 - V 6.0
V 1.3 > V 6.0
© 2005 Copyright WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
1.1 General safety instructions
This device has been designed and tested in accordance with the relevant safety regulations for electronic devices. However, its trouble-free operation and reliability cannot be guaranteed unless the standard safety measures and special safety advise given in this manual is followed when using the device.
1. Trouble-free operation and reliability of the device can only be guaranteed so long as the device is not subjected to any climatic conditions other than those stated under “8. Specification“.
2. The device and sensors must be handled with care (don‘t throw, hit, etc.). Protect plugs and sockets from contamination.
3. If the device is moved from a cold to a warm environment, condensa tion may cause the equipment to fail. You should therefore ensure the device temperature has adjusted to the ambient temperature before trying to switch it on.
4. If the instrument is to be connected to other devices (e.g. via serial interface) care must be taken when designing the equipment connec­tions. It is possible that internal wiring within the external device (e.g. connection of GND to Earth) may cause excessive voltages which could harm or destroy the instrument or other connected devices.
If the device is operated with a faulty mains power supply (e.g. short circuit from mains voltage to output voltage) this could result in dangerous voltages at the device (e.g. at the sensor socket or serial interface).
5. If there is any risk whatsoever involved in using it, the device must be switched off immediately and marked accordingly to prevent re-use.
Operator safety may be at risk if:
There is visible damage to the device
The device is not working as specified
The device has been stored under unsuitable conditions for an
extended period of time.
If there is any doubt, please return the device to the manufacturer for repair or maintenance.
6. Customers must not attempt to alter or repair the device themselves. Please return the device to the manufacturer for any repair or mainte­nance.
7. Any operation not included in the following instructions or outside the specifications must not be attempted.
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1.2 Operation and maintenance advice
Battery operation
If ´bAt´ is shown in the lower display the battery is low and needs to be replaced or recharged (using the appropriate battery charger as shown in the current CPH6200 price list ). The device will, however, work normally for a limited period. If ´bAt´ is shown in the upper display the voltage is too low to operate the device; the battery will be completely flat.
A) If the device is not going to be used for some time, we advise that
the battery is removed.
B) The real time clock has to be set again after reconnect to the battery
Mains operation with power supply
When using a power supply please note that the operating voltage must be 10.5 to 12 V DC. Do not use with higher voltages! Cheap 12 V-power supplies often have excessive no-load voltage, and we therefore recommend using regulated-voltage power supplies. Trouble-free operation can be ensured by using our own power supply unit (see current CPH6200 price list). Before connecting the power supply to the mains make sure that its operating voltage matches the local mains voltage.
Connecting/Changing sensors
Only use sensors model CPT6200. Using other sensors can damage the instrument! Switch off device before changing the sensor and connect the sensor before turning the device back on, otherwise the sensor may not be identified correctly.
The CPH6200 and the pressure transmitter are connected using a discrete connecting cable. When changing the pressure transmitter, always connect and disconnect at the transmitter end of the cable. To connect the transmitter, rotate the plug till it locates in the guide slot, allowing it to plug in. Then tighten the safety collar (by screwing it lightly in a clockwise direction).
When connecting the cable to the CPH6200, the connector might not locate properly in the socket. In this instance you should try holding the plug by the cable strain relief, rather than by the connector housing. If the plug is correctly located, it will slide in smoothly. To disconnect the sensor hold it by the plug to release the connector lock. Do not pull the cable to release it.
For gauge sensors, the pressure compensation vent hole is found at the top of the sensor housing. This vent (with integral membrane seal) must be kept clear without fail.
Maintenance advice
Both the CPH6200 and sensors are manufactured using solidstate technology, and contain no moving parts which could wear. If the instrument housing has been opened, the warranty becomes invalid.
If cleaning is necessary, use a cloth wetted with mild detergent. Avoid any solvents, caustic or abrasive substances.
As is normal for all measuring instruments, the accuracy of the device should be tested at regular intervals (approx. once per year - see Section 7).
1.3 Electrical connections
On the upper edge of the device:
The connector sockets for attaching the CPH series pressure sensors, CH1 and CH2 (CH2 only with the 2-channel version), are located on the top edge of the CPH6200 (see Section 5), as is the socket for the WIKA interface cable (see Section 4).
Connection for WIKA interface cable or optional analogue output
CH1 CH2 (only for 2-channel version: CPH6200-S2)
Operation as analogue output: connection via suitable cable.
The output mode has to be configured via menu and influences battery life!
On the left side of the device:
The mains adapter socket for connecting the power supply unit (see current CPH6200 price list) is located on the left side of the handheld unit.
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1.4 Display
1 2
4 5
1. Main display: shows the current measured value of CH1.
2. Lower display:
For 2-channel version shows the measured value of CH2 or DIF (CH1-CH2). For 1 channel version it displays the min, max or hold function values.
3. Logg:
shown if logger function is selected, flashes if cyclic logger is
4. Tare:
5. SL:
6. Measuring unit:
indicates that tare function is activated.
indicates, that the sea level function is activated.
an arrow points to the chosen measuring unit.
1.5 Basic operation
On turning the device on; if the logger function is selected, the
integrated clock‘s time will be displayed briefly. If a zero point adjust­ment has been carried out, the display will indicate this by showing "nuLL- Corr". After changing the battery the menu for setting the clock is activated automatically ('CLOC'). Check the clock and adjust if necessary (see Section 2).
1. On/Off key
2. Set/Menu: Enter Configuration Menu (press for 2 sec)
3. Tare: Activate tare function, zero point adjustment
4. Store/Quit: Activate hold function or logger function (see Section “3.
5. Min/Max: Display the respective min-/max-memory value in lower
Max-Function: Pressing ´Max´ shows the maximum measured value record-
Min-Function: Pressing ´Min´ shows the minimum measured value record-
Logger-Functions: Activated by the
Tare-Functions: By pressing ´Tare´, the display will be set to 0. All measure-
Operation of logger”.)
ed. Pressing it again hides it. To clear the max-memory press the ´Max´ key for > 2 seconds.
ed. Pressing it again hides it. To clear the min-memory press the ´Min´ key for > 2 seconds. By pressing ´Store/Quit´ the instantaneous measured value will be shown in the lower display. Pressing it again hides it. (Only when the main menu item logger = ‘off‘ is selected).
been selected via the main menu (see Section “3. Operation of logger”).
ments from then on will be displayed relative to the set tare value. When the tare function is activated, the arrow ´Tare´ appears in the display. To deactivate the tare function press
´Tare´ for > 2 seconds.
key, only if the logger has
Activating/deactivating tare clears the max- and min-memories.
Zero-Point Adjust: (for gauge pressure sensors only) If there is no pressure
applied to the pressure ports the device will display 0. If there is a permanent offset (and the device is being used under steady conditions), a permanent zero point adjust­ment can be carried out. To carry out the adjustment, press ´Tare´ for approx. 5 seconds. (Please note: A zeropoint adjustment can only be made if the difference between the display value and the factory calibration value is less than 2 %! E.g. for a measuring range of 0 ... 25 bar, => zeropoint adjustment up to 0.5 bar possible). To revert to the factory calibration, press ´Tare´ for approx. 15 seconds.
A zero-point adjustment can only be carried out if the difference between the value on display is less than 500 digits! If a zero-point adjustment has been made, this will be signalled by the message “nuLL-Corr“ being displayed briefly as the device is turned on.
Differential pressure: Pressing ´Set/Menu´ shows the difference between
the measured values of Channel 1 and Channel 2
(DIF=CH1-CH2) in the lower display. Pressing it again will
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hide it (only with the 2-channel version and when 2 sensors are connected).
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Main Menu
Read* Logg
Set Conf
Set AL
(2 sec)
Stored data*
Recall of individually logged data and respective time stamp (Func-STOR configuration (see Section “3. Operation of logger”).
Unit** / Sea-Level** / Measuring rate** / Power-off / interface-address
Adjustment of zero and span
Min/Max alarm visual with/without sound
Set** Logg
Set Cloc
(ring - shift)
* appears only if data (Func-STOR) is in the logger memory. ** appears only if the logger memory is empty (see Section “3. Operation of logger”).
Switch from simple ‘Hold’ to ‘Logger’ function: Single-point values (STOR) or Cyclic (CYCL)
time / day & month / year
set parameter next store parameter & quit
Menu Param. Setting Meaning „Menu“
SEt ConF
Set Configuration: Generic settings
Unit SL Alti rAtE
Adr. dAC.
mbar, bar, ... Unit: Unit of display oFF / on Sea-level correction: on or off
-200 ... +9999 Altitude: Input of altitude above sea-level [m] (only if on) Rate: Measuring rate (see chapter 2.3)
Slo Slow: Measuring rate (4 Hz filtered, low power consumption) FASt Fast: Measuring rate, filtered (> 100 Hz) P.dEt Peak detection: fast measuring rate, unfildered (> 100 Hz) 1 ... 120 Averaging interval in seconds, used by the averaging function off oFF Averaging function deactivated 1 ... 120 Auto Power-Off delay in minutes. Device will automatically switch
oFF Auto Power-Off function inactive (continuous operation) oFF Function of the output: No output function, lowest power
SEr Output is serial interface dAC Output is analogue output 0 ... 1 V 01, 11 ... 91 Communicationsaddress of interface CH1, CH2 or
CH DIF eg. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar eg. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar
itself off if, during this interval, no key is pressed, or there is no serial communication.
Choice of the input to be the source for the analogue output (if Out = dAC) Enter desired value at which the analogue output potential should be 0 V (if Out = dAC) Enter desired value at which the analogue output potential should be 1 V (if Out = dAC)
Set Calibration: Adjustment of sensors
Sensordep., e.g. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar OFF Zero displacement inactive (=0.0 °)
eg. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar
OFF Scale correction factor inactive (=0.000) Sensordep.,
e.g. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar OFF Zero dispacement inactive (=0.0°)
eg. -5.00 ... +5.00 mbar
OFF Scale correction factor inactive (=0.000)
The offset of sensor 1 will be displaced by this value to compen­sate for deviations in the probe or in the measuring device.
The measuring scale of sensor 1 will be changed by this factor [%] to compensate deviations of temperature probe or measuring device.
The offset of sensor 2 will be displaced by this value to compen­sate for deviations in the probe or in the measuring device.
The measuring scale of sensor 2 will be changed by this factor [%] to compensate deviations of temperature probe or measuring device.
*, **
*, **
*, **
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Menu Param. Setting Meaning „Menu“
Set Alarm: Alarm function configuration
AL. [1,2,DIF]
AL.Lo [1,2,DIF]
AL.Hi [1,2,DIF]
Set Logger: Logger function configuration
Set Clock: Setting of real time clock
on Alarm function on, with audio alarm no. So Alarm function on without audio alarm oFF No alarm function Min-Range ...
... AL.Hi
AL.Lo ... ... Max-Range
CYCL Cyclic: logger function ‘cyclic logger’ Stor Store: logger function ‘discrete value logger’ oFF No logger function 1 ... 3600 Cycle time for cyclic logger [seconds] on / oFF Low-power logger with very low power consumption (only if
HH:MM Clock: set time hours:minutes TT.MM Date: set time day.month YYYY Year: set time year
Min alarm limit (not when AL.oFF, Min-Range is the lower display range of the connected sensor) Max alarm limit (not when AL.oFF, Max-Range is the upper display range of the connected sensor)
cyclic logger with slow measuring rate)
* If there is existing data in the logger memory, the menus/parameters
cannot be accessed! If these need to be adjusted, the logger memory must first be cleared! (see Section “3. Operation of logger”.)
** This menu can oly be invoked if a refering sensor is connected to
connection 1. When using a second sensor at connection 2 then changes are taken over.
2. Configuration
To change device settings, press the ´Set/Menu´ key for 2 seconds. This will access the configuration menu (main display: “SEt“). Pressing the ´Set/Menu´ key again scrolls down the menus, pressing the ´Tare´ key scrolls across to the associated parameters, which can then be selected with the ´Tare´ key. The parameters can be altered using the ´Min´ or ´Max´ keys. Pressing the ´Set/Menu´ key again saves the settings and returns you to the main configuration menu. The ´Store/Quit´ key exits the configuration and returns you to standard measuring mode.
2.1 (Unit) Choice of pressure units
Depending on the pressure range, the pressure value can be displayed in any one of the following units: mbar, bar, Pa, kPa, MPa, mmHg, inHg or psi.
2.2 (SL) Sea-level correction for absolute pressure sensors
If an absolute pressure sensor is connected to the instrument, then the device displays the true absolute pressure measured by the sensor. This does not necessarily equate to the values given by weather stations, which give the pressure at sea-level. Usually the sensor is situated above sea-level and therefore, if the value at sea-level (zero) is to be measured, the pressure loss resulting from the elevation above sea­level must be considered! To correct the displayed value activate the “Sea-Level-Function“ (SL). (Setting is only possible, if the abs. Pressure sensor is connected to sensor socket 1.) Then enter the sensor‘s height above sea-level in metres (Alti). When activated, the display shows the SL-arrow and the device displays the absolute pressure value relative to sea-level.
When two absolute pressure sensors are connected, the sea level function for both is corresponding to the setting of sensor 1.
2.3 (rAtE) Choice of measuring rates: “rAtE-Slo, -P.dEt, -FASt“
Three options of measuring rate are supported. Two of them work with high measuring frequencies of over 1000 measurements per second. Whichever one of them was selected during configuration (see above), this will be displayed in the lower display: “P.dEt“ or “FASt“.
2.3.1 rAtE-Slo: standard measuring
Measuring rate 4 Hz, averaging and filter functions are active. Application: Measurement of slowly changing or static pressures, e.g. leak testing, atmospheric pressure... Highest accuracy, high noise immunity (EMI and unstable measuring signals), low power consumption.
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2.3.2 rAtE-P.dEt: peak detection
Measuring rate > 1000 Hz, the value is displayed unfiltered. Application with logger function: Measuring of pressure spikes or fluctu­ating pressures with a resolution of < 1.5 ms. The cyclic logger function records the arithmetic mean value, the highest and the lowest peak during the chosen time interval.
Higher power consumption, measuring is sensitive to noise (EMI,..).
2.3.3 rAtE-FASt: fast filtered measuring
Measuring rate > 1000 Hz, but the value is filtered slightly (higher noise immunity than P.dEt, small peaks will be filtered out), apart from that, identical behaviour to P.dEt.
2.4 Averaging function
The averaging function acts on the displayed values (LCD and serial interface). It is completely independent of the averaging within the logger function, please don‘t mix them up! The averaging integrates the measured values during a chosen time interval and then calculates the average display value. It is independent of the selected measuring rate (slow, fast, peak detect). Until sufficient values to calculate an average value have been collected (dependant on selected averaging time), the upper display shows “----“, the lower display shows a ´countdown´. During an active low-power-logging procedure the average is always deactivated.
Operation of min/max-value memory in conjunction with the averaging function:
If averaging is activated and 'slow' measuring rate is selected (rAtE-
Slo), the min-/max-memory value relates to the average display value. If averaging is activated and 'fast' measuring rate is selected (rAtE-
FASt or P.dEt), the min-/max-memory value relates to the internal measured values (pressure spikes can be detected).
2.5 Zero correction sensor 1 (OFS.1) and sensor 2 (OFS.2)
A zero displacement can be carried out for the measured value:
value displayed = value measured - offset
Standard setting: ‘off‘ = 0.0°, i.e. no zero displacement will be carried out. Together with the scale correction (see below) this factor is mainly used to compensate for sensor deviations. Input is in the display unit.
2.6 Span correction sensor 1 (SCL.1) and sensor 2 (SCL.2)
The scale of the measuring can be influenced by this setting (factor is in %):
displayed value = measured value * (1+Scal/100)
Standard setting: ‘off‘ =0.000, i.e. value is not corrected. Together with the zero displacement (see above) this factor is mainly used to compen­sate for sensor deviations.
2.7 (P.oFF) Power off function
If no key is pressed, and no serial communication occurs during the interval set in configuration (P.off), the device will automatically switch itself off to save battery power. If P.oFF = oFF then the automatic power off is deactivated.
2.8 (Out) Output
The output can be used as interface (RS-232 or USB) or as analogue output (0 ... 1 V).
2.8.1 (Adr.) Serial communications address
This parameter has been included in preparation for future operation with multi-point monitoring systems.
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2.8.2 (dAC.) Analogue output – scaling with (dAC.0) and (dAC.1)
Analogue output can not be used during logger recordings
With the dAC.0 and dAC.1 values the output can be rapidly scaled to your efforts. Keep in mind not to connect low-resistive loads to the output, other­wise the output value will be wrong and battery life is decreased. Loads above ca 10 k are uncritical. If the display exceeds the value set by dAC.1, then the device will apply 1 V to the output. If the display falls below the value set by dAC.0, then the device will apply 0 V to the output. In case of an error (Err.1, Err.2, no sensor, etc.) the device will apply slightly above 1 V to the output.
Plug wiring:
The 3rd contact has to be left floating! Only stereo plugs are allowed!
2.9 (AL.) Alarm
There are three possible settings: Alarm off (AL.oFF), on with audio alarm (AL.on), on without audio alarm (AL.no.So). The following conditions will prompt an alarm to be displayed, if the alarm function is activated (on or no.So):
Value is below lower alarm limit (AL.Lo) or above upper alarm limit
(AL.Hi). Sensor error (Sens-Erro)
Low battery (bAt)
Fe 7: System error (always with sound)
When an alarm occurs, the alarm arrow flashes, and, during serial communication, the 'PRIO'-flag is set within the transmitted message.
If the horn sound of one channel will be switched on/off (on or no.So), then this horn sound setting will automatically be copied to the other activated channels.
2.10 (CLOC) Real time clock
The real time clock is needed for time-stamping each data point record­ed within the logger function. As a result, the clock settings should be checked regularly. If the battery has been replaced the appropriate menu 'CLOC' will be accessed automatically.
3. Operation of logger
The device supports two different logger functions:
“Func-Stor“: each time the ´Store/Quit´ key is pressed a data point
will be recorded.
“Func-CYCL“: measurements will automatically be recorded at a
defined interval, set within the logger menu ‘CYCL‘ until the logger is stopped or the logger memory becomes full. Logging is started by pressing the ´Store/Quit´ key for 2 seconds.
The logger records up to 3 measurement values for each interval:
Current or mean value (depending on logger setting, see below), Min-
Peak and Max-Peak. (Sensor 1, Sensor 2, difference)
To evaluate the data, WIKA's Data logger evaluation software GSOFT (V
2.3 or higher) must be used. The software also allows easy configuration
and operation of the logger.
If the logger is selected (Func-STOR or Func-CYCL) the hold function is deactivated; the ´Store/Quit´ key is then used solely for the operation of the logger functions.
Min- and Max-Peak are, respectively, the minimum and the maximum measured values during the last measurement interval. Therefore both the instantaneous pressure values and the measured fluctuations can be better analysed.
3.1 “Func-Stor“: Storing discrete measurements
In this mode, each time the ´Store/Quit´ key is pressed a measure­ment and its time stamp will be recorded. The data recorded can be viewed either on the display (an additional menu item “REAd-LoGG“ is displayed when scrolling through the Configuration menu) or through the
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serial interface and a PC running the GSOFT-software.
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Max. number of measurements: 99
The data recorded includes the following values:
Sensor 1 instantaneous value at that data point
Sensor 1 Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
Sensor 2* instantaneous value at that data point
Sensor 2* Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
Instantaneous difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)* at that data point
Min-Peak, Max-Peak of the difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)*, Min-
Peak, Max-Peak since last data point Time and date stamp of that data point
* Only for 2-channel version CPH6200-S2
After each recording “St. XX“ will be displayed for a short time. XX represents the number of the data point.
If the logger memory already contains data: When the ´Store/Quit´ key is pressed for 2 seconds, the option to clear the logger memory will be displayed:
clear clear nothing all data points (cancel menu)
clear the last data point
Use the ´Min´ or the ´Max´ key to display the required option. The ´Store/Quit´ key selects that choice.
If the logger memory is full, the display will show:
Viewing Recorded Measurements
Within the “LoGG-Stor“ function the measurements can be viewed directly on the instrument display as well as through a computer (“Func­CYCL“ only allows for the data to be viewed on computer). Press the ´Set/Menu´ key for 2 seconds: The first menu displayed is now “rEAd­LoGG“ (read logger data). By then pressing the ´Tare´ key, the last measurement recorded will be displayed; pressing the ´Tare´ key again scrolls between the different values related to this data point. Pressing the ´Min´ key or ´Max´ key selects different data points.
3.2 Func-CYCL“: Automatic datalogging with adjustable cycle-time
The Logger cycle-time is adjustable (see Configuration). For example, setting “CYCL“ = 60: A measurement is made every 60 seconds.
When the slow measurement “rAtE-Slo“ is chosen, additionally a low power function is available: “Lo.Po“. If “Lo.Po“ is on, the device only will take a measurement at the point of time of the recording. In between the recordings the measuring shut‘s down. This decreases the power consumption enormously and there­fore is recommended e.g. for long time recordings where no mains adapter is available.
Max. number of measurements: CPH6200-S1: 10000 CPH6200-S2: 4000 (at max. 64 recording sequences) Cycle-time: 1 ... 3600 seconds (=1 h), selectable
from the configuration menu
A measurement contains:
Slow measuring rate (rAtE-SLo):
- Sensor 1 current value at that data point
- Sensor 1 Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
- Sensor 2* instantaneous value at that data point
- Sensor 2* Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
- Instantaneous difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)* at that data point
- Min-Peak, Max-Peak of difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)*, Min­Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
Fast measuring rate (rAtE-FASt, -P.dEt):
- Sensor 1 average since last data point
- Sensor 1 Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
- Sensor 2* average since last data point
- Sensor 2* Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
- Average difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)* since last data point
- Min-Peak, Max-Peak of difference (Sensor 1 - Sensor 2)*, Min-Peak, Max-Peak since last data point
* Only for 2-channel version CPH6200-S2
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Starting logging:
By pressing ´Store/Quit´ for 2 seconds the logger operation will be called. The display will show:
By pressing ´Store/Quit´ again the recording will be initiated. After that the display shows ‘St.XXXX‘ for a short time whenever a measuring is recorded. XXXX is the number of the measuring 1 ... 4000 or 10000. If the logger memory is full, the display will show:
The recording automatically will be stopped.
If the Low-Power-Logger-function is selected („Lo.Po = on“) the device switches itself off as soon as the memory becomes full.
Stopping the logging manually:
By pressing the ´Store/Quit´ key, recording can be manually interrupted. The following choice then appears:
Stop Do not stop recording recording
The selection can be made by key: ´Max´ and key: ´Min´. Key ´Store/Quit´ enters the choice.
If you try to switch off the instrument during a logging cycle, you will also be asked if you wish to stop recording. The device can only be switched off after the recording has been stopped! The Auto-Power-Off-function is deactivated during logging!
Clear data:
When the ´Store/Quit´ key is pressed for 2 seconds, the logger opera­tion will be called. The display will show:
By pressing the key ´Max´ or key ´Min´ the display will change to:
When ´Store/Quit´ is pressed, the choice for clearing the logger memory will be displayed:
clear clear nothing all recordings (cancel menu)
clear the last recording sequence
The selection can be made by key ´Max´ or key ´Min´.
´Store/Quit´ enters the choice.
4. The serial interface
For data transfer to a computer there are two electrically-isolated inter­face adapters available for the connection of the CPH6200 to a RS-232 or USB interface (USB-driver necessary). WIKA‘s Data logger evaluation software GSOFT (see current CPH6200 price list) is used to display the data. To avoid transmission errors, there are several security features implemented (e.g. CRC).
5. Available pressure sensors
The instrument has been designed so that all sensors model CPT6200 can be connected without the need for any configuration or recali­bration. There is therefore a wide range of interchangeable sensors
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WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator 21
available; with ranges of up to 1000 bar (see current price list for model CPT6200 pressure transmitters).
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WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator22
6. Fault and system messages
Display Meaning Remedy
Low battery power, device will only work for a short while longer
Battery flat Replace battery
Replace battery
SEnS Erro
or Err.9
- - - -
- - - -
No display or strange symbols, device is not responding to input
Err.7 Err.11
Mains operation without battery: wrong voltage
No sensor connected Switch off device and connect sensor Connected sensor or device faulty If second sensor available, check if
Value extremely out of measuring range Check: pressure not within sensor range? Logger data is being read by the serial
Battery flat Replace battery Mains operation without battery: wrong
voltage or polarity System error Disconnect battery or power supply, wait
Instrument faulty Return to manufacturer for repair Measured value above allowable range Check: Is the pressure outside the
Sensor faulty Return to manufacturer for repair Measured value below allowable range Check: Is the pressure outside the
Sensor defective Return to manufacturer for repair Display range overflow Check: value above 9999 -> to high to be
Display range underflow Check: value below ‚-2000‘ (Tare?) ->
System error Return to manufacturer for repair Value coul not be calculated Choose different unit Calculation overflow happened Choose different unit
Check power supply, change it if neces­sary
device is ok. Return defective device/ sensor to manufacturer for repair
When the data transfer is completed the device will automatically return to normal measuring display, no remedy necessary
Check power supply, change it if neces­sary
a while, re-connect
sensor‘s range? -> measured value to high!
sensor‘s range? -> measured value to low!
to low!
7. Calibration services
DKD-certificates - other certificates: If the instrument requires calibration, we recommend returning it, along with its associ­ated sensors, to the manufacturer. Only the manufacturer is able to verify the instrument‘s basic settings and configuration, and if necessary correct them.
8. Specifications
Input 1: for CPH6200-S1; 2: for CPH6200-S2 Pressure range in bar 0.1 0.16 0.25 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 6.0 Overpressure safety in bar 1 1.5 2 2 4 5 10 10 17 35 Burst pressure in bar 2 2 2.4 2.4 4.8 6 12 12 20.5 42 Resolution in mbar 0.1 1 Pressure range in bar 10 16 25 40 60 100 160 250 400 600 1000 Overpressure safety in bar 35 80 50 80 120 200 320 500 800 1200 1500 Burst pressure in bar 42 96 250 400 550 800 1000 1200 1700 2400 3000 Resolution in bar 0.01 0.1 1 Type of pressure gauge {absolute 0.25 up to 16 bar & vacuum on request} Accuracy of the measu­ring chain Calibration* factory calibration certificate (optional: DKD calibration certificate) Display large LCD display for display of 2 values and additional information Range of display max. -19999 up to 99999, depending on sensors used Units can be selected from the following: mbar, bar, Pa, kPa, MPa, mmHg, inHg, psi
CPH6200 Digital Instrument specific details:
Functions via key press Min-, Max-memory, Hold, Tare, Offset-correction, Logger (Start/Stop) Functions via Menu Min-, Max-alarm (acoustic**/visual), Sea-level (barom. air pressure), Power-Off-
Data logger
Interface 1) (serial) RS-232 or USB interface via special interface cables Power supply 9V-zinc-carbon battery, alternative**: 9V rechargeable battery or mains supply Power consumption Working temperature 0 ... 50 °C Air humidity 0 ... 95 % relative humidity without moisture condensation Storage temperature -20 ... +70 °C Housing Impact-resistant ABS, membrane keyboard, transparent panels (CPH62I0 with
Weight Approx. 160 g EMV- / CE-conformity The CPH6200 device corresponds to the essential protection requirements estab-
1) For the intrinsically safe version, the use of the interface is not permitted within an explosive atmosphere. *) Calibrated in vertical mounting position with lower pressure connection. **) Not available for the intrinsically safe version CPH62I0.
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{} Items in curved brackets are optional extras at an additional price.
0.2 % FS +/- 1 digit at reference temperature of 20 °C (optional 0.1 %)
(dependent on range)
Function, measuring rate: 4/sec (“slow“); > 1000/sec (“fast“); > 1000/sec unfil­tered (“peak-detect“) [via “peak-detect“ and min-/max-memory: pressure peaks of 1.5 msec can be detected]
- discrete value-logger: up to 99 data points (incl. time-stamp) via key press
- cyclic-logger: automatic logging of up to 10000 values incl. time. cycle-time: selectable between 1 ... 3600 seconds
Cycle-time slow: < 1.6 mA, fast: < 7.0 mA, Low-Power-Logger-Fct.: < 0.3 mA
lished in the regulations of the council for the approximation of legislation of the member countries regarding electromagnetic compatibility (89/336/EWG).
WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator 23
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WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator24
CPT6200 Pressure Transmitter specific details:
Pressure connection G½ B; {flush diaphragm (G1 for 0.1 up to 1.6 bar) or various connection
Material wetted parts Wetted parts stainless steel, case stainless steel;
Internal transmission fluid Synthetic oil, (only for pressure ranges up to 16 bar or flush
One year stability 0.2 % of span at reference conditions Permissible
- medium temperature
- ambient temperature 0 ... 50 °C
- storage temperature -40 ... +80 °C Compensated range 0 ... 70 °C Temperature coefficients
- mean TC of zero signal 0.2 %/10 K
- mean TC of span 0.2 %/10 K Connection to CPH6200 via 1 m cable (plug and play); on request: up to 5 m Weight approx. 220 g
2) O-ring made of Viton or EPDM for flush diaphragm with integrated cooling element.
3) The oxygen version must not be used with medium temperatures higher than 60 °C. Cannot be manufactured for absolute pressure ranges < 1 bar abs. {} Items in curved brackets are optional extras at an additional price.
adapters on request}
flush diaphragm version: stainless steel {Hastelloy C4}; O-Ring 2): NBR {FKM/FPM or EPDM}
diaphragm), {Halocarbon oil for oxygen applications} {Listed by FDA for food industry}
-25 ... +100 °C
9. Accessories
For accessories such as pressure pumps (pneumatic/hydraulic), flexible pressure hose, pressure adapters, data logger-evaluation software Gsoft or calibration software, power supply unit, battery charger, rechargeable batteries, etc. see current “WIKA Testing and Calibration Technology pricelist”.
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WIKA Operating Instructions Hand-Held Pressure Indicator 25
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
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WIKA Betriebsanleitung Hand-Held Druckmessgerät26
Information Dieses Zeichen gibt Ihnen Informationen, Hinweise oder Tipps.
Warnung! Dieses Symbol warnt Sie vor Handlungen, die Schäden an Personen oder am Gerät verursachen können.
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
1. Allgemeines 28
1.1 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise 29
1.2 Betriebs- und Wartungshinweise 30
1.3 Anschlüsse 31
1.4 Anzeige 32
1.5 Bedienung 32
2. Konfiguration des Gerätes 36
2.1 (Unit) Verschiedene Druckeinheiten 37
2.2 (SL) Höhenkorrektur bei Absolutdruck-Sensoren 37
2.3 (rAtE) Verschiedene Messarten: „rAtE-Slo, -P.dEt, -FASt“ 37
2.3.1 rAtE-Slo: Standardmessung 37
2.3.2 rAtE-P.dEt: Peak detection = Spitzenwertdetektion 38
2.3.3 rAtE-FASt: Fast = Schnelle Messung 38
2.4 Mittelwertbildung 38
2.5 Nullpunktkorrektur Sensor 1 (OFS.1) bzw. Sensor 2 (OFS.2) 39
2.6 Steigungskorrektur Sensor 1 (SCL.1) bzw. Sensor 2 (SCL.2) 39
2.7 (P.oFF) Abschaltverzögerung 39
2.8 (Out) Geräteausgang 39
2.8.1 (Adr.) Schnittstellen-Adresse 39
2.8.2 (dAC.) Analogausgang-Skalierung mit dAC.0 und dAC.1 40
2.9 (AL.) Alarm 40
2.10 (CLOC) Echtzeituhr 41
3. Bedienung der Loggerfunktion 41
3.1 „Func-Stor“: Einzelwerte speichern 41
3.2 „Func-CYCL“: Autom. Aufzeichnung mit einstellbarer Zyklus­zeit
4. Die serielle Schnittstelle 45
5. Verfügbare Drucksensoren 45
6. Fehler- und Systemmeldungen 46
7. Hinweis zum Kalibrierservice 47
8. Technische Daten 47
9. Zubehör 49
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Hand-Held Druckmessgerät CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
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WIKA Betriebsanleitung Hand-Held Druckmessgerät28
1. Allgemeines
In den folgenden Kapiteln erhalten Sie nähere Informationen zum Hand-Held Messgerät CPH6200 und seinen ordnungsgemäßen Einsatz. Sollten Sie weitere Informationen wünschen, oder treten besondere Probleme auf, die in der Betriebsanleitung nicht ausführlich behandelt werden, erhalten Sie Auskunft unter den auf der letzten Seite aufgeli­steten Adressen.
Bei der Werkskalibrierung der Instrumente wurde sich an entsprechende internationalen Normen orientiert.
Die Gewährleistungszeit für das Hand-Held Messgerät CPH6200 beträgt 24 Monate nach den Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen des ZVEI. Sämtliche Gewährleistungsansprüche verfallen, bei unsachgemäßer Handhabung bzw. bei Nichtbeachtung der Betriebsleitungen oder bei dem Versuch das Gerät zu öffnen. Außerdem weisen wir darauf hin, dass der Inhalt dieser Betriebsanlei­tung nicht Teil einer früheren oder bestehenden Vereinbarung, Zusage oder Rechtsverhältnisses ist oder diese abändern soll. Sämtliche Verpflichtungen der WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG ergeben sich aus dem jeweiligen Kaufvertrag und den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbe­dingungen der WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG. WIKA ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG.
Firmen- oder Produktnamen, die in diesem Handbuch erwähnt werden, sind eingetragene Warenzeichen dieser Hersteller.
Zumutbare Änderungen aufgrund technischer Verbesserungen behalten wir uns vor. Eine Vervielfältigung dieses Handbuches oder Teilen davon ist untersagt.
Firmware - Betriebsanleitung-Versionsschlüssel
Manual Firmware
V 1.1 V 4.0 - V 4.9 V 1.2 V 5.0 - V 6.0 V 1.3 > V 6.0
© 2005 Copyright WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
1.1 Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise
Dieses Gerät ist gemäß den Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektro­nische Messgeräte gebaut und geprüft. Die Funktion und Betriebs­sicherheit des Gerätes kann nur dann gewährleistet werden, wenn die nationalen Sicherheits- und Unfallverhütungsvorschriften sowie die Sicherheitshinweise der Betriebsanleitung beachtet werden.
1. Die einwandfreie Funktion und Betriebssicherheit des Gerätes kann nur unter den klimatischen Verhältnissen, die im Kapitel „8. Technische Daten“ spezifiziert sind, eingehalten werden.
2. Gerät und Sensor müssen pfleglich behandelt werden (nicht werfen, aufschlagen, etc.). Stecker und Buchsen sind vor Verschmutzung zu schützen.
3. Wird das Gerät von einer kalten in eine warme Umgebung transpor tiert, so kann durch Kondensatbildung eine Störung der Gerätefunk­tion eintreten. In diesem Fall muss die Angleichung der Gerätetem­peratur an die Raumtemperatur vor einer erneuten Inbetriebnahme abgewartet werden.
4. Konzipieren Sie die Beschaltung beim Anschluss an andere Geräte besonders sorgfältig. Unter Umständen können interne Verbin­dungen in Fremdgeräten (z. B. Verbindung GND mit Erde) zu nicht erlaubten Spannungspotentialen führen, die das Gerät selbst oder ein angeschlossenes Gerät in seiner Funktion beeinträchtigen oder sogar zerstören können.
Bei Betrieb mit einem defekten Netzgerät (z. B. Kurzschluss von Netzspannung zur Ausgangsspannung) können am Gerät lebensge­fährliche Spannungen auftreten!
5. Wenn anzunehmen ist, dass das Gerät nicht mehr gefahrlos betrie ben werden kann, so ist es außer Betrieb zu setzen und vor einer Wiederinbetriebnahme durch Kennzeichnung zu sichern.
Die Sicherheit des Benutzers kann durch das Gerät beeinträchtigt sein, wenn es zum Beispiel:
Sichtbare Schäden aufweist.
Nicht mehr wie vorgeschrieben arbeitet.
Längere Zeit unter ungeeigneten Bedingungen gelagert wurde.
In Zweifelsfällen das Gerät grundsätzlich an den Hersteller zur Reparatur bzw. Wartung einschicken.
6. Es dürfen am Gerät keine Veränderungen oder Reparaturen vom Kunden vorgenommen werden. Zur Wartung oder Reparatur muss das Gerät zum Hersteller eingesandt werden.
7. Ein anderer Betrieb als der in der folgenden Anleitung beschriebene oder außerhalb der Spezifikationen, ist bestimmungswidrig und muss
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deshalb ausgeschlossen werden.
Hand-Held Druckmessgerät CPH6200-S1 / CPH6200-S2
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1.2 Betriebs- und Wartungshinweise
Wird in der unteren Anzeige "bAt" angezeigt, so ist die Batterie verbraucht und muss erneuert werden bzw. der Akku ist leer und muss mit dem dafür vorgesehen Akkuladegerät (siehe aktuelle Preisli­ste CPH6200) geladen werden. Jedoch ist noch für eine gewisse Zeit die Gerätefunktion gewährleistet. Wird in der oberen Anzeige "bAt" angezeigt, so ist die Batterie ganz verbraucht. Batterie und Akku sind nur sachgemäß zu benutzen und ordnungsgemäß den aktuellen, nationalen Vorschriften zu entsorgen. Bei Lagerung des Gerätes über 50 °C muss die Batterie entnommen werden.
Wird das Gerät längere Zeit nicht benutzt, sollte die Batterie / der Akku herausgenommen werden. Die Uhrzeit muss nachher jedoch wieder neu eingestellt werden.
Beim Anschluss eines Netzgerätes muss dessen Spannung zwischen 10,5 und 12 V DC liegen. Keine Überspannungen anlegen! Einfache Netzgeräte können eine zu hohe Leerlaufspannung haben, dies kann zu einer Fehlfunktion bzw. Zerstörung des Gerätes führen! Wir empfehlen daher unser Netzgerät (siehe aktuelle Preisli­ste CPH6200) zu verwenden. Vor dem Verbinden des Netzgerätes mit dem Stromversor-gungs­netz ist sicherzustellen, dass die am Netzgerät angegebene Betriebsspannung mit der Netzspannung übereinstimmt.
Sensoren anstecken/wechseln
Nur Sensoren des Types CPT6200 verwenden! Mit anderen Sensoren kann es zur Zerstörung des Messgerätes und des Sensors kommen. Zum Sensorwechsel Gerät ausschalten. Sensor vor dem Einschalten des Gerätes anstecken, sonst wird er vom Gerät evtl. nicht richtig erkannt.
Digitalgerät und Sensor werden mittels eines separaten Verbindungs­kabels elektrisch miteinander verbunden. Für den Sensorwechsel sollte bevorzugt der 7-polige Steckkontakt am Sensor benutzt werden. Zum Anschluss eines Sensors stecken Sie die 7-polige Steckverbindung am Sensor gemäß der Orientierungsführung zusammen und sichern Sie diese durch die Überwurfhülse (Überwurfhülse ohne größeren Kraftauf­wand in Uhrzeigersinn drehen). Beim Anstecken des Kabels am Digitalgerät kann es vorkommen, dass der Stecker nicht richtig in die Buchse einrastet. In diesem Fall den Stecker beim Anstecken nicht an Steckerhülse sondern am Knickschutz halten. Stecker nicht verkantet anstecken. Bei richtig angesetztem
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