Wieland Industrial Ethernet switches Features and Benefits

Industrial Ethernet switches
Safe and fast communication for your process.
Ethernet connections have be­come part of many areas of life. This global standard is also making inroads into automation technology. Ethernet switches have become quite common for safe networking and coupling between machines, or inside the system. They manage the data flow in an effective and target­oriented manner. The devices are designed to be very robust and are optimally suited to harsh industrial environments.
■ ■Full■compatibility■according■to■ IEEE■802.3,■including■autocrossing,■ autonegotiation,■autosensing,■auto­polarity
inter facewienet
■Complete■diagnostics■display■■ via■various■LEDs
■ Compact■design
■ ■DIN■rail■mounting■or■screw■■ connection
■ ■High■degree■of■protection■■ (IP40)