Power Take-Off Clutches
Superior Torque Control for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
Wichita has instituted quality assurance pro ce dures aimed at achieving the ultimate in product reliability
and its Power Take-Offs rep re sent industry’s most ad vanced PTO design.
Two mechanically activated PTO’s are now available in addition to the per for mance-proven Air Tube
Disc Clutch PTO’s. Com plete clutch engagement of the me chan i cal PTO units is assured with each
release of the hand lever due to the incorporation of a heavy-duty Fuller
many out stand ing fea tures, the Fuller clutch used in the Wichita PTO pre vents torsional vibration from
dam ag ing engine or trans mission com po nents, or causing spline wear. The result is superior Power
Take-Off per for mance and durability!
“Solo” truck clutch. With its
Mechanical Power
Take-Off Clutches
In-Line PTO
2 sizes
Side Load PTO
2 heavy
duty models
Typical Applications
The In-line PTO design pro vides
direct drive operation with side load
ca pa bil i ty. It has an automatic selfad just ing feature and does not require
a pilot bearing. Other features such
as standard SAE flywheel mount ing,
interchangeable clutch and clutch
hous ing, constant plate load and easy
main te nance add up to superior
Side Load PTO’s utilize a pair of
heavy-duty roller bearings fitted in to
the shaft housing. The bearing support
system eliminates the trans mis sion of
side loads that could reduce du ra bil i ty
or even damage the engine’s crank shaft. Its torque capacities range up to
420 HP @ 2100 RPM.
Wichita 15-1/2" mechanical PTO provides long
service life for Cummins 855 diesel on rock crusher.
P-1100-WC 1/12
Air-Tube Disc
Power Take-Off
(PTO) Clutches
3 sizes
Wichita mechanical PTO handles shock
and heavy loads for wood chippers.
Air-Tube Disc Power Take-Off
Clutch es provide dependable troublefree per for mance on indirect drives
with large over hung loads on engines
of 250-700 HP. The Wichita design
isolates the side load from the engine’s
crankshaft for long service life. Simple
air controls can be utilized to re mote ly
control the clutch as well as the
throttle. Wichita PTO’s have been suc cess ful ly used for oil field, con struc tion
and marine ap pli ca tions.
Wichita PTO mounted on Caterpillar diesel engine.
Wichita Clutch 800-964-3262 145

Power Take-Off Clutches
Mechanical Design
Available with
driven discs
No pilot bearing
Adjustment free
adjusts clutch
normal use
Low hand lever effort.
30 lbs. vs. 100 lbs. for
over-center type PTO. Lever
can be mounted on either side
Ideal for
vehicular flywheel
Support Base
Shaft is supported
by ball bearings,
eliminating transmission
of damaging side loads.
Design Features
• Side Load version incorporates a rugged
cylindrical roller bearing system which
eliminates trouble-prone pilot bear
Provides 100% external support of take-off
shaft. Prevents trans mis sion of side loads
that fatigue or even damage the engine
• Precise alignment ca
pa bil i ties of the
bearing system ensure flywheel/clutch
concentricity to min i mize effects of diesel
engine torsional vibration.
reducing required axial force as the clutch
is disengaged. The discs are raced with
trapezoidal ceramic buttons, and are
dampened with an assembly of coaxial
springs mount ed in the disc hub.
• Dampened clutch discs prevent
from damaging engine or
• Available in 2 sizes, from 14" to 15 1/2" for
engines up to 420 HP @ 2100 RPM.
• Performance-proven Fuller Solo Spring
clutch provides easy engagement. Axial
load is provided by three pairs of springs
placed at an angle to the clutch
146 Wichita Clutch 800-964-3262
P-1100-WC 1/12

Power Take-Off Clutches
Mechanical In-line PTO (Truck Flywheel)
Size 14" Flat, 14" Pot & 15-1/2" Flat
Dimensions: inches
Clutch SAE Bell Pilot BC E
Size Housing (+.000/-.002) in. Hole Circle Plate Dia. D Hole Size – Qty F
14" Flat 1 16.50* 15.500 13.56 N/A 13/32 8 2.62
14" Pot 1 14.750 15.500 13.75 2.94 13/32 8 2.50
15-1/2" Flat 1 17.155 16.625 15.22 0.19 15/32 8 2.50
* Nominal diameter only, clutch is not piloted.
Caution: Do not use with Drive Line
Center of gravity is 242 lbs. located 3.50” from bell housing mounting surface
Estimated Side Load Calculation
#1 L=
#2 L=
L= Actual Applied Load (lbs. for #1 and kgs for #2)
N= Shaft Speed (RPM)
D= Pitch Diameter (in. for #1 and mm for #2) of Sheave
F= Load Factor
SF = Service Factor
126,000 x HP
N x D
1,945,000 x kW
N x D
1.0 for Chain Drive or Gear Drive
1.5 for Timing Belts
2.5 for All V-belts
3.5 for All Flat Belts
2.1 for Reciprocating Compressors and other severe shock drives
1.8 for Large Inertia Drives such as Crushers, Chippers, and Planers
x F x SF
x F x SF
Allowable Side Load (lbs.) at
1,800 RPM
X Side Load
Distance from (lbs.) B
Bell Housing Bearing LIfe
3.62 1,600
4.62 1,100
5.62 850
6.62 680
7.62 565
8.62 450
9.62 400
10.26 370
11.25 340
At 2,100 RPM, derate side load by 20%.
Note: It is recommended that the optional support plate be used in side load applications.
P-1100-WC 1/12
Wichita Clutch 800-964-3262 147