Industrial Clutch Products
Hydraulically Actuated
Combination Clutch-Brakes
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Model CBH
The Model CBH combination clutch-bakes are oil immersed
units with a spring-set brake and hydraulically-set clutch.
hey are designed for extremely high cyclic rates for for
those applications that require a high degree of stopping
Hydraulic actuation and precise control of piston stroke
contributes to an extremely fast response time. Actuation
volumes are very small and the fluid’s virtually
incompressible characteristics means that piston motion
times can be as low as 5-10 milliseconds. This, in turn,
allows for more shaft motion time since the unit’s hydraulic
response time is so short. Cyclic rates in excess of 300 cpm
are not uncommon in some applications.
Such high cyclic rates induce a large amount of shock into
the mechanical components of the unit and all members are
designed to withstand these loads. Oil films help dampen
these shock loads and the units run extremely quiet. Noise
reduction s of 25-30 dBA are common when compared to
dry units running at the same speeds and loads.
Wear characteristics of the Model CBH units are excellent.
As an example, a Model CBH unit was endurance tested for
120 million cycles with no appreciable lining or mechanical
wear. A dry unit was tested at the same load level and found
to require re-line every 10 million cycles and complete unit
replacement every 30 million cycles. There are many
industrial applications which require longevities of this
magnitude and the Model CBH has exhibited outstanding
performance in these instances.
Combination clutch-brake eliminates the
possibillity of clutch-brake fight
Hydraulic actuation for fastest possible
response time
Impervious to adverse operating
Wear virtually non-existent
Capable of high cyclic rates
Extreme stopping accuracy
Quiet operation
Original Equipment
Machinery which cycle frequently and requires the ultimate
performance with respect to life, reliability, and accuracy.
Machinery which is being upgraded to increase production
or reliability.
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