Item Model
Number Number Description
F4-1748 Terminal base for 1D78-140 &
1E78 thermostats.
Item Model
Number Number Description
F61-2593 Wallplate for 1D70 or 1E70 series
thermostats, 41/2”W x 619/32”H,
Classic White color.
F16-7715 Cover for 1A65 / 1A66
(Beige) Thermostat.
F16-7716 Cover for 1A65W / 1A66W
(White) Thermostat.
F16-8100 Cover assembly for 1F78-144
F16-8101 Cover assembly for 1F78-151
F61-2068 Wallplate for low voltage standard
thermostats (55/8”H x 53/4”W).
Beige. Includes adapter for mounting
to vertical junction box.
F61-2301 Same as F61-2068 except white.
F61-2300 Wallplate for all 1F90 series
thermostats (except Blue models),
(71/4”W x 51/2”H), Classic White
color, includes adapter plate for
mounting to horizontal or vertical
junction box.
F61-2499 Wallplate for 1C20-xxx/1C26-xxx
(55/8”H x 5”W).
F61-2600 Wallplate for 90 series Blue Touch-
screen thermostats, 81/8”W x 53/8”H,
Classic White color, for use with or
without horizontal junction box.
F61-2634 Wallplate for 90 and 80 series Blue
thermostats, 61/2”W x 5”H, Classic
White color, for use with or without
horizontal junction box.
F75-0176 Temperature knob locking or limiting
kit for 1A65-641, 1A65W-641,
1A66-641 and 1A66W-641.
F92-0563 Temperature lever locking or
temperature limiting kit for low
voltage thermostats except
1C70, 1C20 and 1E26 series.
F145-1082 Replacement door 1F90/1F97
(-51, -60, -71) 1F91-71, 1F92-71,
1F94-71, 1F95-71.
F145-0999 Replacement key for all thermostat
guards, F29 series.
F145-1000 Replacement lock and key for all
thermostat guards, F29 series.
F145-1328 90 Series Indoor Remote Sensor.
Replaces all previous Indoor
Remote Sensors.
F61-2500 Wallplate for all 1F80 series
thermostats (except Blue models),
(75/8”W x 43/4”H), Classic White
color, includes adapter plate for
mounting to horizontal or vertical
junction box.
F61-2510 Wallplate for all 1F70 series thermo-
stats, 61/2”W x 41/2”H, Classic White
color, Includes adapter plate for
mounting to horizontal or vertical
junction box.
F61-2550 Wallplate for all 1F70 series thermo-
stats, 61/2”W x 41/2”H, Classic White
color, does not Include adapter plate
for mounting to horizontal or vertical
junction box.
F145-1378 90 Series Outdoor Temperature
Sensor, For Models with Outdoor
Sensor Option.
F61-2648 Same as F61-2634 except 6 pack.
F61-2642 Universal adapter plate for 1E65-144