See inside front cover for illustration
showing button locations.
O (Blue arrow) Lowers temperature
setting (45°F or 7°C minimum)
O (Red arrow) Raises temperature
setting (99°F or 37°C maximum)
O The multi-color indicator glows:
green for 1st stage, yellow for 2ndstage,
red for emergency heat and flashing
red for malfunction condition in
This button (on top of the cover)
lights the display.
O Used to initiate or review thermo-
stat programming or advance to next
program period in programming mode.
O Used with TIME _/TIME
to set the clock.
Used to adjust the time backward,
or to select the previous menu item.
Used to adjust the time forward, or
to select the next menu item.
0 Used with TIME _/TIME
to set the current day.
_) Used to advance operation to the
next program period or advance to the
next day in programming mode.
Used to manually override
programming to hold at a selected
Used to enter and configure the
_} Selects tan operation (see The
Display _ ). This button is also used
to program the ['an to mn continuously
during a program period.
Used to set the filter change-out
time, or to reset the filter change timer.
_} Sets the system mode (HEATing,
EMERgency (Heat Pump models
only), OFF, COOLing, or AUTO-
matic changeover).
_} Used to adjust the clock one hour
[brward or back.
Used to start or return to program