Model ARG 488/G
Version 8534 488 01000 Page
Whirlpool Europe
Customer Services
ARG 488/G
Service Manual
Freestanding Cooling
Double Door NO Frost
ARG 488/G
Technical data 2
Spare part list 3 - 4
Exploded view 5 - 16
Wiring diagram 17
Circuit diagram 18
Text/Legend 19
This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respective safety regulations.
Date: 10.12.1997 Subject to modification
Document-No.: 4812 711 18085
10.12.1997 / Page 2 ARG 488/G Whirlpool Europe
Doc. No: 4812 711 18085 8534 488 01000 Customer Service
Technical data
Height 175 cm
Width 90 cm
Depth 82 cm
gross 761 l
net 707 l
gross 470 l
net 462 l
gross 291 l
net 245 l
Electrical connection
Voltage 220 - 240 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Power consumption
in 24 hours 2.65 kWh
Freezing capacity
in 24 hours 8 kg
Type FGS 130 HA
Capacity (CECOMAF) 265 W
Cooling agent
Type R 134 a
Quantity 170 g
Thermostat switching value (cooling)
Switch on temperature min. + 5.5 ˚C
Switch on temperature max. - 1.5 ˚C
Switch off temperature min. - 2.5 ˚C
Switch off temperature max. - 11 ˚C
Thermostat switching value (freezing)
Switch on temperature min. - 14.5 ˚C
Switch on temperature max. - 22 ˚C
Switch off temperaturemin. - 20 ˚C
Switch off temperaturemax. - 29 ˚C
Whirlpool Europe ARG488/G 10.12.1997 / Page 3
Customer Service 8534 488 01000 Doc. No: 4812 711 18085
Spare part list
Model ARG 488/G
Service No. 853448801000
Version 853448801000
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
012 0 4819 528 78059 Roller
012 1 4819 528 78056 Roller
021 0 4819 462 88076 Cover
040 0 4819 021 96046 Hinge,upper
040 1 4819 021 71947 Cover
040 2 4819 021 96049 Spacer
040 3 4819 462 79634 Panel
040 4 4819 417 19369 Hinge,lower
047 1 4819 021 82132 Cam
047 2 4819 404 79059 Bracket
047 8 4819 528 38428 Cam
070 0 4819 458 58514 Plinth
070 1 4819 021 82147 Grid
101 0 4819 021 97756 Door, freezer
101 1 4819 021 80351 Door
104 0 4819 021 97937 Outerdoor refr.
110 0 4819 021 94948 Handle
130 0 4819 021 80208 Door
130 1 4819 021 80210 Pivot
130 2 4819 021 80223 Delay
131 0 4819 021 80267 Hook
131 1 4819 021 80258 Hook
131 2 4819 021 94719 Rail
131 3 4819 021 80224 Container
131 4 4819 535 38135 Hook
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
233 4 4819 535 98391 Bearing bushing
233 9 4819 462 79681 Plug
239 0 4819 466 98562 Ejector
239 1 4819 418 78844 Tray
239 2 4819 021 82124 Tool,puller
239 3 4819 690 28168 Heating element
239 4 4819 460 88787 Arm
239 5 4819 021 96091 Tray icecube
241 0 4819 458 68021 Basket
241 1 4819 458 68019 Basket
241 2 4819 458 68024 Basket
241 4 4819 021 95905 Front
242 0 4819 021 94914 Crisper
242 1 4819 021 94916 Container
242 3 4819 021 94907 Grid, support
244 0 4819 021 94297 Shelf
244 1 4819 418 79279 Shelf
246 0 4819 021 80243 Cup,thaw water
255 0 4819 021 94736 Shelf
255 1 4819 450 69971 Crisper cover
255 2 4819 450 69969 Crisper cover
255 3 4819 459 48723 Front
255 4 4819 021 94742 Rail
255 5 4819 021 94734 Shelf
255 6 4819 021 94578 Crisper cover
133 0 4819 535 78143 Rod
133 1 4819 492 68533 Clip,fix
152 0 4819 418 79054 Rack,egg
152 1 4819 442 78159 Door, small
152 2 4819 418 79272 Flap
152 4 4819 021 95496 Separator
152 7 4819 418 79281 Shelf
154 1 4819 466 98999 Holder,bottles
156 0 4819 418 79266 Holder, eggs
156 3 4819 418 79352 Shelf
156 4 4819 021 79608 Grid, support
156 5 4819 021 65792 Tray
170 0 4819 021 95931 Trim,door
170 1 4819 468 18113 Gasket
170 2 4819 021 94906 Trim, handle
170 3 4819 021 94951 Trim, handle
170 4 4819 404 79057 Support
170 5 4819 021 94952 Trim, handle
170 6 4819 021 98099 End block
170 7 4819 404 79056 Support
170 8 4819 021 98101 End block
170 9 4819 021 94913 Trim, handle
176 0 4819 011 26015 Pane
176 1 4819 011 26017 Panel
176 2 4819 011 26016 Panel
255 7 4819 021 89601 Cover
261 0 4819 021 94845 Dispenser
261 1 4819 462 38781 Guide
261 2 4819 462 38782 Guide
261 3 4819 462 38576 Slide friction bearing
261 4 4819 462 38577 Slide
263 0 4819 404 78085 Support
263 1 4819 404 78073 Bracket
263 3 4819 535 98358 Bracket
263 4 4819 535 98569 Pin
263 5 4819 462 38778 Slide
263 6 4819 021 94744 Nozzle,crevize
263 7 4819 462 38779 Slide
263 8 4819 466 98997 Housing
304 0 4819 021 83771 Bracket
321 0 4819 460 78301 Ornament.strip
321 1 4819 452 99843 Insert
339 0 4819 021 81955 Conveyor
339 1 4819 526 48235 Can plug
339 2 4819 532 68494 Connection cl.
339 3 4819 532 68495 Ring
339 4 4819 535 38097 Rod, shelf
354 0 4819 381 18218 Lens
400 1 4819 401 18499 Can plug
402 0 4819 360 38639 Compressor
191 0 4819 468 18017 Gasket, door
191 1 4819 468 18018 Magnetic seal
201 0 4819 021 89570 Cover
233 2 4819 535 98388 Bracket
233 3 4819 404 78465 Extension piece
406 0 4819 361 78192 Motor
406 2 4819 462 79839 Cover
406 3 4819 418 79037 Basket
406 4 4819 466 99099 Housing
406 5 4819 460 88761 Tube,stabilizer
10.12.1997 / Page 4 ARG488/G Whirlpool Europe
Doc. No: 4812 711 18085 8534 488 01000 Customer Service
Spare part list
Model ARG 488/G
Service No. 853448801000
Version 853448801000
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
406 6 4819 529 28155 Sleeve
406 7 4819 442 78128 Cover,front
406 8 4819 466 38026 Flap
406 9 4819 310 38748 Module
420 0 4819 121 18206 Capacitor
440 2 4819 466 98547 Fastener
440 3 4819 526 48286 Coupling piece
440 4 4819 515 48042 Fan
440 5 4819 021 98746 Motor
441 0 4819 361 18333 Motor
441 1 4819 532 68772 Shaft seal
441 2 4819 515 48057 Propeller,motor
451 0 4819 259 28846 Element defrost
451 1 4819 401 18692 Clamp
480 0 4819 320 58293 Cable
483 0 4819 320 58174 Cable
521 0 4819 021 80236 Control unit
532 0 4819 282 18609 Clock
554 0 4819 271 28934 Thermostat
556 0 4819 271 28659 Thermostat
556 1 4819 404 78135 Hoop
556 2 4819 021 95172 Thermostat
556 3 4819 462 38783 Rail
561 0 4819 282 28653 Switch
571 0 4819 281 28237 Solenoid
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
746 1 4819 418 78925 Distributor
746 2 4819 021 82146 Gutter
746 3 4819 466 69951 Gasket
750 0 4819 418 78471 Tray
764 0 4819 480 28144 Dryer
781 0 4819 530 28748 Hose
781 1 4819 492 68544 Clip,fix
783 0 4819 021 96035 Tube
783 1 4819 532 68493 Insert
783 3 4819 006 27861 Hose
783 4 4819 281 28253 Valve,magnet
783 5 4819 021 96003 Hose
900 0 4819 492 68639 Clip,fix
900 1 4819 532 68775 Ring
900 2 4819 134 98001 Lens
900 3 4819 134 98002 Lens
900 4 4819 401 18516 Clip
900 5 4819 395 78017 Knife
900 6 4819 395 78015 Cutter
900 7 4819 535 98368 Shaft
900 8 4819 466 89024 Guide
900 9 4819 395 78014 Cutter
904 0 4819 466 89297 Spacer
904 1 4819 532 28202 Connection cl.
904 2 4819 532 28203 Connection cl.
571 1 4819 462 38648 Guide
614 0 4819 282 28506 Relay
621 0 4819 271 38044 Microswitch
621 1 4819 466 98854 Spacer microswitch
626 1 4819 442 78119 Flap
633 0 4819 276 18157 Microswitch
651 0 4819 134 88156 Lamp
651 2 4819 134 88163 Lamp
652 0 4819 532 18188 Collar
652 1 4819 255 18167 Bearer
652 4 4819 021 80200 Holder,lamp
652 5 4819 466 89285 Guard
655 0 4819 276 18241 Microswitch
655 1 4819 021 66844 Plug
656 0 4819 381 18221 Lens
656 1 4819 381 18219 Dispenser
700 0 4819 021 81940 Tube
702 0 4819 021 80225 Coupling piece
711 0 4819 418 68227 Reservoir
726 1 4819 462 79534 Panel
740 0 4819 021 98177 Condenser
741 0 4819 021 82120 Housing
741 1 4819 404 78634 Support
741 2 4819 404 79055 Support
743 0 4819 458 58637 Air diffuser
904 3 4819 395 78016 Cutter
904 4 4819 532 68496 Ring,circlip
904 5 4819 532 28201 Connection cl.
910 0 4819 004 89481 Screw
910 1 4819 502 18281 Screw
910 2 4819 104 89497 Screw
910 3 4819 532 28204 Gasket
910 4 4819 503 18228 Screw
910 5 4819 505 18257 Can plug
910 6 4819 505 18256 Nut
910 7 4819 004 89478 Screw
910 8 4819 503 18199 Screw
910 9 4819 505 18259 Nut
921 0 4819 535 98367 Spacer
930 0 4819 021 80209 Spring
930 1 4819 492 68532 Spring
962 1 4819 462 79619 Exit
965 0 4819 459 48724 Frame
965 1 4819 459 48725 Frame
965 2 4819 462 79332 Shutter
965 3 4819 492 69522 Clip
965 4 4819 462 48301 Stopper
965 5 4819 401 18711 Clip
743 1 4819 462 79837 Cover
745 0 4819 511 38541 Evaporator
745 1 4819 442 29748 Panel icemaker
745 2 4819 282 48239 Switch,thermal
746 0 4819 021 82063 Liner
Exploded view
Whirlpool Europe ARG 488/G 10.12.1997 / Page 5
Customer Service 8534 488 01000 Doc. No: 4812 711 18085
10.12.1997 / Page 6 ARG 488/G Whirlpool Europe
Doc. No: 4812 711 18085 8534 488 01000 Customer Service
Exploded view