Items Needing Attention While Driving
Driv ing is forb idden dur ing the Rai ny day, strong wind and night the transm itter can not opera te
,con trol or los t its way aft er droppi ng it into th e water .
No dri ving in the f ollowin g places.
•N ear the cro wded peop le .
•N ear the hig h voltage e lectric ity or comm unicati on statio n.
•W henever t he interf erence of w aves, obs tacles or t ransmit ter, or the ve hicle fault cause body
out of c ontrol , it may cause other people death .
Do not d rive when y ou are tire d, ailing o r drunken , unable to c orrectl y judge the e asy opera tion
erro r, tend to dan ger.
Befo re drivin g you must te st launch r eceivin g system an d dynamic m odel, con dition of the
cont rol funct ion.
Rega rdless of t he remote c ontrol or a ny part of th e model abn ormal may c ause out of c ontrol.
A sim ple test me thod:
Plea se hold the m odel car by t he helper o r fixed on th e platfor m, try to ope rate all th e site ,
conf irm wheth er action a nd comman d is consis tent. If yo u can't con trol or the abnormal
move ment.
Usin g it or after u sing do not i mmediat ely touch t he engine , motor and e lectron ic transmission
devi ce. The high te mperatu re may caus e burns.
When t he power is o n:
Thro ttle trig ger trans mitter ma intaine d at the stop p osition .
1, tur n on the tran smitter p ower firs t
2, the n turn on the r eceiver p ower
The op posite op eration , may cause t he body out o f control , and risk.
When t he power su pply is swi tched off :
Afte r stoppin g the engin e or motor
1, tur n off the recei ver power
2, and t hen turn off th e transmi tter power
The op posite op eration , may cause t he body sho rt burst, d anger!
Plea se stop the e ngine ope ration be fore the ad justmen t of remote c ontrol (p ower off).
If you d on't stop t he engine o peratio n in advanc e the body bu rst dange r may occur .
Important Notes