Wfly X4 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Shen Zhen WFLY Tech nology Development Co.,Ltd.
www.w flysz.c om
Before using , please make sure you must understand the following information.
When O pening th e package , please co nfirm the f ollowin g items are c omplete .
Matc h the differe nt parts of the assembly the articl e is also diffe rent, ple ase conf irm it acco rding to th e followi ng chart.
If mix ed with the c ounterf eit produ ct which re sult in dam age, the co mpany shal l not be resp onsible f or it
Plea se use this b ook or cata logue whi ch have rec orded the p roducts .
Receiver (WFR04H)
Battery box for the transmitter
Instruction book
Foam box
Color box
Transmitter (X4)
If the re is insuffi cient or un clear poi nt for the pack aging con tent, plea se refer to t he model sh op for more i nformat ion.
Packed content
x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Logo M eaning Atte ntion Poi nt For The Us ing Of 2.4G Hz System Atte ntion Poi nt For The Us ing Of High S peed Mode Atte ntion Poi nt For The Dr iving Atte ntion Poi nt For The Ba ttery Atte ntion Poi nt For The Sa ved And Wasted Bat tery. Othe r Matters N eeding Attentio n
Attention Point For The Mode Setting Of Steering Response
The Using Method Of The Transmitter
The Na me Of Each Pa rt Of The Transmit ter
The Powe r Switch And R f Switch Low Vol tage War ning The Oper ation Mod e Of Digital Trimming Grip L ever Oper ation The Adjus tment Met hod Of Mechanical Range Adjus tment Met hod Of Whee l / Trigger Tig htness Adjus tment Met hod Of The Trigger Position Meth od For Repl acing The Lef t And Right Hand
Using Method Of Transmitter Antenna And Receiver Ante nna Relat ed Matter s
The Name O f Each Part Of The Re ceiver Rece iver Code M ethod The Rece iver Indi cator Lam p Status Confirmatio n The Inst allatio n Method Of Receiver
Assembling Method
Safe ty Consid eration s When Assem bled
Initial Set-up
The Pr eparati on Before The Tr ansmitter Sets
Switch, Button Description
The General Mode Of Operation
Description Of Indicator Lamps
Rece iver And Ser vo Connec tions
20 20 21 21 22
23 24
Terms Of Use
Important Notes
9 9 9 10 11 12 12
14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17
Direction [STEER]
Expo nential C urve [EXP ] Dire ction Del ay [SPEED ]
Throttle [THR]
Expo nential C urve [EXP ] Thrott le Delay [S PEED] Accel erator [T H ACC]
Primary Setting
Posi tive And Neg ative Set ting [REV ] Digi tal Trimmi ng [TRIM] Auxil iary Tunin g [SUBTR] Trave l Set [EPA] Lose C ontrol Of P rotecti on [F/S] Posi tion [POS ] TIME R Circ le The Number L ist [LAPL IST]
The Si ze Of The Action [ D/R]
Can St ore 40 Sets O f Model Dat a Spec ial Brake M ixing For L arge Car (B RAKE) Anti L ock Braki ng System ( A.B.S) Acce lerator ( TH-ACC) Stee ring Spee d (ST SPEED) Thro ttle Spee d (TH SPEED ) Tim er (TIMER ) Fine / The Selec tion Of Swi tch Funct ion
Product Features
Function Chart
Function Description
Main P age Dire ctory Str ucture The Fu nction Table
29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
30 30 32
33 33 34
35 36 37
38 38 38 39 39 40 40 41
Advanced Function Prog ramming O f Mixed Con trol
A.B.S Brak e Mixing Four W heel Stee ring Fron t And Behind The M iscible Flooding Thrott le Mode
Function Selection [DIAL SW]
Swit ch, Butto n Fine Tu ning Opti ons
Tra nsmitte r
Rece iver
Function Description
52 52 52 53 53 53 53
42 43 44 45 46 47
51 51 51 51
Model Information
Mode l Selecti on
Mode l Replica tion Mode l Name Fact ory Setti ng
System Settings
Back light Lam p The To ne Powe r Supply Sc heme Versi on Inform ation High S peed Mode Code
Adjus tment
49 50
Important Notes
In order to ensure the safety of yourself and others, when using this product, please pay attention to the following matters.
Logo Meaning
The following logo appears in the book, indicate the safety consideration, please pay special attention to.
Prohibited items
Be sure to keep matters
Circular logo:
The Attention Use Of 2.4GHz System
Inte rferenc e effects may be subject to ot her 2.4GH z systems l eads to sig nal canno t be deli very. If such th ings appe ar before the using of act ion test or u sing it ple ase stop usin g.
In vie w of the safe ty Please s et out the lo se contro l of protec tion func tion.
Note : The Use Of High Speed Mode
When u sing the hi gh speed mo de, pleas e use the dig ital serv os.
When u sing the no rmal mode , please us e the analo g actuato r.
Igno rance of th is logo and t he operat ion error, m ay lead to th e user o r others to d eath and in jury risk .
Igno rance of th is logo and t he operat ion error, m ay lead to th e user or oth ers to deat h and serio us injury r isk, or mad e A min or injury o r poss ibility d amage of th e gods.
Igno rance of th is identi ty and oper ational e rrors, th e possibi lity of maki ng users or o thers inj ured is not h igh, ther e are still m ay inju red or caus e damage to t he gods .
Items Needing Attention While Driving
Driv ing is forb idden dur ing the Rai ny day, strong wind and night the transm itter can not opera te ,con trol or los t its way aft er droppi ng it into th e water .
No dri ving in the f ollowin g places.
N ear the cro wded peop le .
N ear the hig h voltage e lectric ity or comm unicati on statio n.
W henever t he interf erence of w aves, obs tacles or t ransmit ter, or the ve hicle fault cause body
out of c ontrol , it may cause other people death .
Do not d rive when y ou are tire d, ailing o r drunken , unable to c orrectl y judge the e asy opera tion erro r, tend to dan ger.
Befo re drivin g you must te st launch r eceivin g system an d dynamic m odel, con dition of the cont rol funct ion. Rega rdless of t he remote c ontrol or a ny part of th e model abn ormal may c ause out of c ontrol.
A sim ple test me thod:
Plea se hold the m odel car by t he helper o r fixed on th e platfor m, try to ope rate all th e site , conf irm wheth er action a nd comman d is consis tent. If yo u can't con trol or the abnormal move ment.
Usin g it or after u sing do not i mmediat ely touch t he engine , motor and e lectron ic transmission devi ce. The high te mperatu re may caus e burns.
When t he power is o n:
Thro ttle trig ger trans mitter ma intaine d at the stop p osition . 1, tur n on the tran smitter p ower firs t 2, the n turn on the r eceiver p ower The op posite op eration , may cause t he body out o f control , and risk.
When t he power su pply is swi tched off :
Afte r stoppin g the engin e or motor 1, tur n off the recei ver power 2, and t hen turn off th e transmi tter power The op posite op eration , may cause t he body sho rt burst, d anger!
Plea se stop the e ngine ope ration be fore the ad justmen t of remote c ontrol (p ower off). If you d on't stop t he engine o peratio n in advanc e the body bu rst dange r may occur .
Important Notes
Plea se check th e functio n of losing c ontrol pr otectio n is normal b efore dri ving Conf irmatio n method:
1, Ope n the trans mitter fi rst and the n open the re ceiver po wer; 2, set t he lose con trol of pro tection f unction c onnect to t he receiv er (39 page s); 3, tur n off the trans mitter; 4, con firm the fu nction un der the los e control p rotecti on the thro ttle and ch annel can o perate in a sett ing posit ion. Lose c ontrol of p rotecti on functi on is when th e receive r can not rec eive the si gnal, Let the actu ator set th e positio n move in adv ance Make t he hurt to th e lowest sa fety auxiliary funct ion But if t he positi on set in adv ance is dan gerous po sition, i t will caus e the posit e effe ct.
Case : the throt tle setti ng is safe in t he midpoi nt positi on.
Attention Point For The Battery
Do not u se wet hand . To Plug t he charge r to avoid th e risk of electric shock .
Befo re drivin g, make sur e the trans mitter fo r battery c harging . Driv ing power i s insuffici ent, ther e will be danger burst.
When t he Nickel c admium ba ttery of th e transmi tter is cha rging, pl ease be sur e to use the dedi cated cha rger. Char ging exce eds the spe cified va lue will be t end to abno rmal heat ing, rupt ure, batt ery fluid leak age .Inju ry, fire damag e, blindn ess may happen .
Avoid ni ckel cadm ium batte ry link end m ay result in short circu ited. If the s hort circ uit will be o n fire, abn ormal hea t, will cau se burns or f ire.
Ni/MH Ni/Cd
Using NiCd/NiMH battery
Important Notes
Avoi d nickel-cadmium batteries fall ing from a high place ca use strongly hit. Strongly hit the battery may cause t he battery short circuit, abnorma l heat, damaged
battery fluid leakage Cause burn s or chemical damage .
Be sure to the battery should discon nected. when the exe rcise is no longer operate Do not plug in the socket.when the cha rger is not charging
Avoi d abnormal heating accident.
Preservation And Waste Batteries Considerations
Chil dren may to uch the tra nsmitte rs or body wh ich cause t he injure o f the body , or playing the batt ery causi ng chemic al Substa nce intox ication .
Can no t put the nic kel-cad mium batt eries int o fire or hea t, nor make i ts decomp osition o r tran sformat ion. If the b attery ru pture, ab normal he at or leaka ge of batte ry fluid ma y cause bur ns or blindness.
<Nic kel-cad mium, nic kel-met al hydrid e battery e lectrol yte> Cont aining hi ghly alka line batt ery, if they fall into the eyes i t can cause b lindnes s. If flow in to the eyes b y acciden t you shoul d immedia tely wash w ith the cle an water be fore seei ng the doct or . In addi tion, the e lectrol yte will da mage the sk in, if the sk in or cloth ing is Dip in to the elec trolyte , you shou ld immedi ately was h with clea n water. (Ex cept lith ium)
The re mote cont rol can not b e stored in t he follow ing locat ions.
extr emely hot p laces (ab ove) - a very c old place ( - less)
dire ct sunlig ht and high h umidity p laces pla ces du sty places
vibr ation pla ce more ste am spaces
If sto red in the ab ove areas , it will lik ely to caus e deforma tion or fai lure.
Other Considerations
Do not l et the plas tic parts d irectly c ontact to t he fuel, oi l, exhaus t, etc. if the P lastic pa rt expose d to fuel and o ther subs tances ma y be corros ion which w ill cause the dama ge.
Tra nsmitte r, receive r, servos, e lectron ic transm ission, n ickel-c admium ba tteries a nd other devi ces must ma tch the sta ndard pro duct to use .
Important Notes
If you want to use t he X4 high speed steer ing response mode, y ou must meet the following conditions:
With the 6V 270Hz specifications : digital servos. The 6A nickel cadmium battery the usi ng power for the recei ver .
The transmitter steering respo nse mode setting: hi gh speed mode (refer to page 53).
When using the s imulated steerin g, be sure to transform the response mode of X4 steering into the normal mo de .
The use of X4 common steering respon se mode, must meet the f ollowing conditions:
With the 6V 50Hz specifications: S imulation of steer ing gear. The use of nickel cadmium battery po wer receiver: 6V. The transmitter steering respo nse modes: normal mo de
(refer to page 53).
Simulation o f steering gear can no t normally oper ate in the high­speed mode , And also can con nect to the steering o f the receiver and other part may happen failu re .
In normal mode , digital servos als o can normally op erate ..
Attention For The Mode Setting Of Steering Response
Terms Of Use
The Using Method Of Transmitter
The Name Of Each Part Of The Transmitter
Butt on (SW.1)
The tr igger
Slid e switch (S W.2)
A bri ef descri ption of th e battery i nstalla tion
1, as sh own in the pi cture to op en the batt ery compa rtment co ver. 2, the b attery re moved. 3, rep lace the ne w battery. (pa y attention to the polar ity of the batt ery, can not be re versed) 4, the b attery co mpartme nt cover sh ould put ba ck into the o rginal plac e
Ante nna
Disp lay
Retu rn key
Stee ring whee l
The po wer switc h
Menu k ey
Roll er and defi ne key
Debu gging ind icator
Stat us indica tor
Ring s
Terms Of Use
When y ou Close th e battery c over, plea se don't le t the lid nip t he connec ted line of b attery. If the c able is cla mped whic h cause a sho rt circui t, will b e outbrea k of fire, ab normal he at, cause b urns or fir e.
The Power Switch And RF Switch
Low Voltage Warning
When t he batter y and volta ge of the tra nsmitte r is lower th an the usab le range th e warn ing sound , and the two i ndicato r lights. Lith ium ion bat teries, n ickel met al hydrid e, nickel c admium, s tem cells c an use the differ ent volta ge range , so i t must be in Syst em settin g and use the p ower supp ly scheme t o set the usi ng power .
low power
If the b attery ru ns out of dur ing the dri ving, whi ch cause th e body out of cont rol, so whe n the alert s ounded. Plea se immedi ately sto p running , receive t he body of th e car.
Digital Trimming Operation Mode
Init ial state
DT1: t o fine tune ; Dt2: t hrottle t rim; Dt3: c hannel 3; DT4: t he size of th e action se ttings.
Both s ides pres sing the el ectroni c tuning to f ine tune th e action. LCD wi ll show the a mount of fi ne-tuni ng, the siz e of the curr ent actio n and brake s troke volu me.
Radi o waves are
bein g transmi tted
LED(b lu e)
Radi o waves are n ot
bein g transmi tted
LED(r ed )
Terms Of Use
Grip Lever Operation
Butt on initia l setting i s the timer o peratio n button. Oper ation mod e is divide d into: 1, the s tandard , press dow n is effective bounce is invalid; 2, swi tch, each t ime you pre ss will swi tch the sta te of ON/OF F .
The Adjustment Method Of Mechanical Range
In acc ordance w ith the use r's opera tion feel ing, when y ou want to redu ce/enla rge the tri gger. Brak ing trave l, please a djust thi s plac e. Adju stment me thod: 6 angl e screwdr iver rota tion diag rams of usi ng the 2.5m m screws, adju st The trig ger brake t ravel. Cloc kwise rot ating scr ew, travel b ecomes sm all, plea se adjust .
when y ou observ e .
Matt ers need to a ttentio n
Afte r Adjustin g the machi nery rang e it must use t he thrott le cali bration f unction . (see page f ifty-se cond)
Adju st chan ge the stee ring whee l And trigge r tightne ss.
Adju stment me thod: Use 1. 5mm 6 angle s crewdri ver rotat e the screw, a djust the stee ring whee l And th e spring st rength to p ull the tri gger. Cloc kwise rot ation, th e tractio n force wil l be strong er .
Matt ers need to a ttentio n:
When t he anti clo ckwise ro tate beyo nd the limi t the screw w ill be fall o ff .
the st rength of s teering w heel and th e trigger s pring, to
Adjustment Method Of Wheel/trigger Tightness.
The ru nner tigh tness regu lating ho le
The tr igger for adju sting tig htness
Adjustment Method Of Trigger Position
You can move the tr igger pos ition.
Adju stment me thod:
6 angl e screwdr iver 2.5m m rotatin g the screw, a djust the t rigger posi tion.Cl ockwise r otation a djustme nt is far awa y from the hand le.
Terms Of Use
In ord er to meet di ff erent ope ration habits of user s,We use the sw itch desi gn of multiple modes oper ation!
Unlo ading the f ixed dire ction whe el arm and th e other sid e of the circ le on the cov er of the ei ght inner s ix angle sc rew;
Remo ve the stee ring whee l arm and a rou nd cover, un plug the ca ble plug; t he cable thro ugh the voi ds inside t he machin e.
Tools: 2 .5 inner si x angle scr ewdrive r
Steering Rocker Hand Replacement
Tra de the posi tion betw een the ste ering whe el arm and ro und cap ,pl ug cable in stalled the in ner six ang le screw
Method For Replacing The Left And Right Hand
Terms Of Use
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