Thank you for purchasing W F LY products,pls read the instruction before using it.
Shenzhen W F LY Tec hn ol og y De ve lo pm en t Co ., Lt d.
Flag Meaning
If you ignore this sign and use product without proper operati on , i t is p os si bl e to
Dange r
War nin g
Cauti on
cause you or others seriously injury or even death.
If you ignore this product and use the product without proper operatio n, i t is
possible to cause you or others hurt seriously or damages thin gs .
If you ignore the sign and use the product without proper operatio n, i t is p os si bl e
to hurt you or others or damage things.
Prohi bit ed
Prohibited operation.
Manda tor y
Terms Of Sale
Cauti on
1.From the date of purchase, Quality problem within one year free warran ty b y WFLY (W F LY
to bear the freight.)
2.Within 7days from the date of purchase, product quality problems a pp ea rs a t th e no rm al
using situation, user can rely on the warranty card and purchase vou ch er s at t he d ea le r fo r a
free replacement of the same .type products; When dealers receive a repl ac em en t pr od uc t,
should first notify the company for the replacement.
3.Lifetime after-sales service will be provided by W F LY . from the date of purchase, manĀ made damage, modification, lid seals and damaged more than o ne y ea r fr ee w ar ra nt y pe ri od
of the product, the user must pay for return postage, material cost and maintenance co st s.
4.Dealer do not give warranty card or do not fill out required fro m the se ll er t o be ar a ll t he
after-sales service.
5.The terms of after service are limited to products sold in mainland chin a.
Product Usage And Modification
War nin g
1. WFLY products are limited to model usage under the Provisions of the Radio Act of China.
2. WFLY will take no responsibility for the the modification, adjustment and replacement parts
Safety Tips
Be fo re u se , pl ea se c on fi rm w he th er t he g oo ds h av e ac ce ss or ie s re ad y, whether
receiver has been connected with third-line switches , we at he r st ee ri ng g ea r, th e
Cauti on
Prohi bit ed
Cauti on
Dange r
host and the receiver are connected to a good power supply, and can be turned on
with verify correct operation, confirm before use. Confirm the battery has pow er
before using it .before first use after purchase or prolonged no-use, rech ar ge ab le
batteries are required to affiliated charger before use.When using lithium polymer
battery or other power devices, make sure the battery voltage is suitable.
If t he re o cc ur s a la ck o f ac ce ss or ie s, p ar ts a nd b ad a ct io n, p le as e co nt ac t yo ur
dealer or contact the company's customer service department.
Fo r sa fe u se o f th is p ro du ct , be s ur e to o bs er ve t he f ol lo wi ng p re ca ut io ns .
Prohibited flying in the rain, strong winds weather or at night .
Prohibit flying under your tired, sick or drunken state.
Pr oh ib it f li gh t in t he f ol lo wi ng p la ce s.
>Near the other radio-controlled flying place (3 km or les s) .
>other unrelated activities persons near or over the place.
>Residential, schools, hospitals and other crowded p la ce s.
>Near high voltage power lines, tall buildings o r te le co mm un ic at io ns f ac il it ie s.
>Flight banned sites.
Be s ur e to d o th e ba la nc e te st b ef or e fl ig ht .
Before starting the engine, operate each rudder first, make sure all the rud de r ca n
run simultaneously. If each of the rudder can not run simultaneously, or ab no rm al ,
do not fly.
Be s ur e to s et t he i nt er fa ce i nt o th e in it ia l sc re en d ur in g fl ig ht .
during flight mistakenly press the Edit button is very dangerous.
Be s ur e to u se t he s pe ci fi ed r ec ei ve r
This product supports only part of the W F LY receiver models, if you use another
receiver,this product will not be operated.
Prohi bit ed
Dange r
Cauti on
Cauti on
Dange r
Da ng er ou s si tu at io n wi ll o cc ur , fe ve r, fi re , el ec tr ic s ho ck , in ju ry, etc.
Do not decomposition or retrofit of the plane parts.
En gi ne o r mo to r( el ec tr ic m od el ) at h ig ht s pe ed w il l oc cu r:
When the power turned on, set the host's throttle stick to the minimum (do not let
the rotary engine, the motor at high speed location), and then start the main un it 's
power switch, and then turn on the power switch on the receiver aspe ct . When y ou
want to turn off, turn the receiver off , an d th en t ur n off the system power supply.
Wh en y ou w an t to a dj us t th e he li co pt er e ng in e (m ot or ):
Be sure to observe the rotating helicopter blades from behind.
When the host of the throttle rocker at hight speed state it's very dangerous to
adjust the engine.
Ma lf un ct io n re as on s:
Do not mix use W F LY remote control device with other brands receiver.
The battery box is dedicated to the host battery
Th e ai rc ra ft l os t co nt ro l:
When steering response slow, please immediately termi na te t he f li gh t, a nd t he n
check the battery's residual power and rudder machine.
Safety Tips
Re mo te c on tr ol d is ta nc e wi ll s ho rt er :
War nin g
Prohi bit ed
Dange r
War nin g
Antenna fracture can cause remote distance becomes shorter and ou t of c on tr ol
Pl ea se d o no t us e re mo te c on tr ol d ev ic e in f ol lo wi ng c as es :
>Other signals interfere.
>Over the speeding vehicle .
>Near station buildings, ship radios and other wirel es s tr an sm it ti ng s ta ti on .
>Near or over the residential or buildings or pedestri an .
Wr on g ac ti on s re su lt i n da ng er ou s si tu at io n:
>After the receiver, servos, etc. soaked dry, do not install immediately. sh ou ld b e
sent to the company to check before use.
>Flight preparation process, the host is placed in the ground, can n ot b e pl ac ed
upright. Host easily be blown down, then joystick operating , pe op le m ay b e
involved in the propeller injuries.
>Before and after using, do not touch engine or motor which may get inju re d
because of high temperature.
Fo r sa fe ty, please confirm following matters before operation.
>Battery capacity of the host and the receiver are sufficient.
>Adequate oil and no oil leakage.
>Linkage does not touch the aircraft ,or it may cause aircraft vibration l ea ds t o
clutter signal. >Keep the aircraft in a constant state for vibration test, the engine
(motor) to the high-speed, and try to manipulate the joystick to see if normal
>When adjusting the balance, except when necessary, shall stop the engine
(motor) running.
>Do not fly too high or too far at the first fright, choose a safe area, the height from
the ground about 50 meters or so to make flying back and forth.
>Test about 5 minutes, to operate back and forth 2-3 times, to confirm everything is
normal then perform official flight.
Dange r
Manda tor y
If t he b at te ry f lu id a cc id en ta ll y ge ts o n th e ey e, t he re w il l be t he r is k of b li nd ne ss ,
do not rub your eyes, wash with water immediately then go to hospital for
>The batteries and aircraft devices should keep out of the reach of chil dr en .
>keep devices away from water.
>Avoid external plugs, wires or antenna and other parts cracked or peeling.
>Stop charging when exceed the normal charging time.
>Do not place the product in hot,humid or dusty place.
>Do not charge in cold (-10 degrees) state
>Do not discard the waste batteries in the trash as ordinary garbage s.
Safety Prompts(b atter y selec tion an d insta llati on)
Transmitter Battery Selection
Cauti on
Tr an sm it te r st an da rd i np ut v ol ta ge r an ge 9 .6 V - 12 V, the battery can select the following
>Standard AA - 5 # Ni M H / 1.2V rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries, together use with
8 standard battery box equipped by this product.
>Standard 3S-12.6V Lithium Battery.
Receiver Battery Selection
Cauti on
Re ce iv er s ta nd ar d in pu t vo lt ag e ra ng e 4. 8V - 1 2. 6 V, the b attery can select the following
>Four standard AA - Day 5 # N iMH / 1.2V rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries.
>S C s ta nd ar d 5. 0V o ut pu t us in g th e po we r su pp ly f or r ec ei ve r.
Transmitter Battery Installation Method
Cauti on
As s ho wn : th e ba tt er y is c on ne ct ed t o th e co nn ec to r, an d th en i ns er te d in to t he s oc ke t in si de
the battery compartment on the right side of the transmitter.
Receiver Battery Installation Method
An y ch an ne l ca n be u se d as p ow er i np ut ,
Connect with the third channel when powered by
ESC,changable by practical situation.
As s ho wn : th e ba tt er y an d pl ug c on ne ct io n,
insert receiver.
Signal terminal
The positive electrode
The negative electrode
Positive and negative electrode
War nin g
contacts errors will burn receiver.
Cauti on
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