● Large gra phic dot ma trix LCD display, easy to op erate.
● Multi-l anguage
● WFT07 RC de vice is the m ulti-functio n proport ion of 7ch re mote control .
● The origi nal 2.4G te chnology , with da ta transf er , which gr eatly improve th e handlin g agility
Fully exp lain the fa st as lightning. ( Note: The is the WFLY excl usive technolo gy).
● Low-vol tage desi gn, lower b atter y consump tion, a var iety of bat tery av ailable :such as 4S a lkaline b atteries ,
4S NiMH(N ickel Met al Hydride),1S l ithium- ion batte ry ,1S lithium pol ymer batt ery . Voltag e range 3.7 V-6V.
● joystic k of elasti c, are free to adjus t the hengt h of the head . The new s hape of the head mak es a good Fee l.
● Digital e lectron ic tuning , 250 ste ps adjust able.
● Complet e the timer f unction to ensur e flight fo olproof
● Monitor f unction c an more intuitiv e operati on.
● Tra ining fun ction
● Perfect t iming fun ction
● Up to 11 gro ups of curv es, easy to d eal with diffi cult movi ng action s.
● Multipl e mixing co ntrol system , adj ustable 9 p oint of the c urve .
● A variety of f light pat terns,ease fli ght.
Note the special symbol
For the saf e use of this p roduct, pls pay at tention t o
The marks h ave the fol lowing descrip tion of sym bols.
Dangers :
War nings:
War ning:
Notices :
If you use in w ithout a pr oper operation ,it is poss ible to hur t user seriously i njury or ma y even
cause dea th .
If you use it w ithout pr oper operation , it may make t he user or ot hers to hurt badly o r may even
cause dea th,and it m ay cause slight hu rt or damag e to things
Childre n under 14 mu st be accompanied by an adult u sing
If you use it w ithout a pr oper operation , it may caus e user to hur t slightly or dama ge things ,but
it won't hu rt you seri ourly normally.
Turn on theTran smitter f irst, then turn on t he receiv er; after p lay pls turn off t he Receiv er first, t hen
the Transm itter
Flight Precautions
Prohibitions Compulsory Items Warning
Do not fly in the evening , ra in,or strong wind.
Possible damage to equi pment or aircraft acc id ents.
The Feature of WFT07 Remote control device