FT06 Radio Control System
Use in model aerocraft/helicopter
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6 channels airplane, mix function, D/R, HDE helicopter.
4 channels airplane, mix function, ,
D/R HDE helicopter.
FT06-C: 6 channels CCPM helicopter, airplane.
(1) At airplane state, channel 1, 2, 4, 6 is a switch for dual rate (D/R) variable: from ±100% to ±125%.
(2) At airplane state, channel1&6 mixture function: F
(5) At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is to channel 4 & channel 6.
(6) At helicopter state, channel 3 mixture function is only to channel 6.
(7) Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.
(8) Normal mode can be used in car model and boat model.
(9) Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power
indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S
glitters and buzzes at the same time.
At airplane state, channel4&2mixture function: V-tail.
At airplane state, channel1&2mixture function: Triangle wing(ELEVON).
FT06-A Function Introduction (6 channels)
This item has functions of both airplane and helicopter, and emphasizes more
on airplane.
The main functions are as follows:
The main functions are as follows:
(1) Channel 1, 2, 4 power adjusted function.
(2) Standard 4 channel functions.
(3) At airplane state, channel1&2mixture function: Triangle wing (ELEVON).
(4) Channel 1, 2, 3, 4 reverse switch.
(5) Sound-and-light hint notification for low power: when the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the
power indicator light 1S/1S glitters and buzzes. And when it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light
0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at the same time.
FT06-B Function Introduction (4 channels)
This item is a popular model with 4 channels. It is mainly used for airplane or
helicopter with mixture functions.
FT06-C Function Introduction (6 channels)
Digital Proportional R/C System
This model has functions of CCPM helicopte and airplane, but emphasizes
on helicopter.
The main functions are as follows:
(1) Pitch Zero Trim (PZT).
(2) Pitch Length Trim (PLT).
(3) Be used for CCPM helicopter, airplane, car, boat. Standard 6 channels output.
(4) Compatible with simulation softwares.
(5) Channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 reverse switch.
(6) CCPM helicopter pitch reverse.
(7) CCPM state, aileron reverse switch.
(8) CCPM state, elevator reverse switch.
(9) Normal flying and 3D flying. The transmitter will alarms if it is turned on in a Idle-up state, and no output.
(10) Dual rate.
(11) Throttle hold.
(12) Gyro sensitivity adjust.
(13) Idle-up throttle adjust.
(14) Sound-and-light indicator for low power:When the battery voltage is below 8.8V, the power indicator light
1S/1S glitters and buzzes. When it is below 8.3V, the power indicator light 0.5S/1S glitters and buzzes at
the same time.