Flying Notices
To ensure t he safety of you rself and o thers,
pleas e observe the fo llowing p recautions :
Charg e the batterie s! Check tr ansmitter an d
recei ver battery le vels and al ways recharg e the
batte ries before ea ch flying s ession. A low batt ery
will so on die potenti ally, cau sing loss o f control and
a crash . When you begin y our flyin g session, res et
your ET 07 built-in ti mer, and dur ing the sessio n pay
atten tion to the dura tion of usa ge.
Be care ful when flyin g near power li ne, High
st ructures or com municatio n faci litie s, as the re
may be ra dio int erfe rence aroun d.
Begin ners should pa y particu lar attentio n to the
follo wing safety pr ecautio ns! Please rea d careful ly!
It is for bidden to fly wh en in poor co ndition such
as fati gue and drunke nness.
It is for bidden to fly in b ad weathe r such as rain
and gal e.
It is for bidden to fly ne ar high vol tage lines,
commu nication bas e station s and places whe re
peopl e gather or acti vate.
It is for bidden to fly in a irports a nd other place s
where f ly is forbidde n.
Befor e flying, test t he equipm ent, check whe ther
the tra nsceiver sys tem and the a ircraft are no rmal;
When fl ying, make the i nterfac e of transmitt er in
the ini tial interfa ce for prev enting the cha nge of
param eters by mista ke;
After f lying, turn off the rece iver prim arily and
then tu rn off the t ransmitter f or protec ting people
from th e fail-safe fu nction.
More de bugging, mor e testing , less loss, les s
damag e!
Power on and off sequency of tran smit ter
and receiver!
Power on step:
Fi rstly turn on t he tra nsmitter (e nsuri ng the
mi nimum throttle po sitio n),
Se condl y Turn on the re ceiver.
Power off:
Fi rstly turn off t he rece iver,S econdly tur n off the
transmitte r.
Trans mitt er and re ceiver low voltag e may cause
fail safe dang er.
No tice: The transmi tter will display th e warn ing
in terface, please pay att entio n to the transmitte r
prompt ! Improperly operation m ay cau se acci dent
in jury to user.
Discl aimer & Warning:
User sh ould be respon sible for a ny consequen ces
cause d by using the pro duct. WFLY shall no t be
liabl e for any direct ly or indir ectly damage , injury
and any l egal liabili ty,User s hall comp ly with all
guide lines includ ing but not l imited to this
docum ent. Please fo llow the lo cal laws and
regul ations for reg ular flig ht activitie s. Do not use
this pr oduct to carry o ut person al safety,property
safet y or other bad fli ght behav iors.
Safety Caution