Wfly ET07 Instruction Manual

Shezhen WFLY Technology Development Co.,Ld
10 Channels Digital Proportional R/C System
Mor e produ ct info rmati on, ple ase fol low the W eC hat o ffici al acc ount ab ove
Thank y ou for using WFLY pro ducts!
● Pleas e read this prod uct manua l carefully be fore usin g this product !
● Pleas e use this produ ct proper ly!
The R/C m odel is not a toy, for safety, please do n ot fly in cro wded places!
Funct ion Catalogu e
Pleas e read the follo wing inst ructions car efully befor e use to ensu re safely use of t he produc t
6 7 8 8 8
9 9 10 11 11
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Safet y Caution
Symbo ls Definitio n Flyin g Notices Batte ry Trainer USB Int erface
Befor e Use
Produ ct Features Basic C onfigurati on Each Pa rts Name Of Trans mitter Switc h Configurat ion And Type s The Trav el Of Antenna Dir ection Adj ustment
Basic O peration
Home In terface Oper ation Touch Scr een Operatio n Indic ator Light Of Tra nsmitte r Stick Ad just Instruc tion Stick Ad justment Recei ver Instruct ions Recei ver And Servo Lin k Example
-airp lane
-glid er
-heli copter
-mult icopter
Model s Basic Settin g Sequenc e
-airp lane and glide r
-heli copter
Funct ion Catalogu e
Save mul tiple sets o f set paramete rs and swit ch freely when n eeded Name a gr oup of model par ameters Selec t helicopter, airplan e or multicopt er Copy on e group of model p aramete rs to another gr oup of mode l parameters Reset a g roup of model pa rameter s to initial val ue Set low b attery alarm p oint On/Off sound Adjus t backlight br ightnes s, light time Set tra iner or simula tor funct ion Input l etter or numbe r,as a user na me Modif y the screen bac k colour Calib rate the neutr al point of a ilerons, ele vations , accelerato rs, direc tional chann el rocker and th e positio n of the upper, low er, left and r ight endpoin ts
Selec t suitable ope ration st ick mode Selec t English or Chi nese inte rface langua ge Reset a ll parameter s of transm itter Displ ay the unit sett ing Calib rate the panel s creen Transmitte r system in formation
24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29
30 30 30 30 31 31
Syste m Setting
Model S elect Model N ame Model Type Model C opy Model R eset Low Volt age Sound Backl ight Trainer/Si mulator User Na me Back Co lor Calib ration
Stick M ode Langu age Facto ry Reset Telemet ry Unit Scree n Cal Infor mation
32 33 33 34 35
36 36 36
Linka ge Setting
Link St ep Telemet ry Servo F requency Range C heck Fail Sa fe
W.BUS Se rvo PPM/W. BUS Rx Port S etting
Transmitte r and recei ver link Displ ay the set senso r data The ser vo working fre quency Reduc e the power to rem ote contr ol range check When th e receiver los t the signa l, it automati cally loa ds the preset sc heme for the b ody action saf ety prote ction Set ser vo Switc h the output mod e of receiv er Set the o utput channe l of receiv er port
37 37 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 41 41
Gener al Menu
Monit or Servo R everse Sub-Trim Timer Dual Ra te End Poi nt Trim Step Aux Cha nnel Chann el Delay Progr am Mix1-3 Curve M ix1-2
Monit oring and disp laying th e output statu s of each cha nnel Set eac h channel reve rse to matc h the neutral po int of each m odel channel Adjus t the netrual po int of each c hannel Set fly ing alarm time t o help remi nd battery or fu el capaci ty Adjus t the channel ou tput valu e to adapt the dua l rate of eac h model channe l Chann el end point and l imit posi tion Set the t rimming step v alue of eac h channel Custo mize the switc h of 5-10 cha nnel Set the d elay value Mixin g the output of 2 ra ndom chan nels Mixin g the 2 ramdon cha nnels of cu rve controll ed
Funct ion Catalogu e
42 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 48 48
Model M enu\Airpla ne
Throt tle Hold AIL Diff erential Ailer on 2 Fly Mod e Throt tle Cut Throt tle Curve Flap Tri m ELE to Fl ap Flape ron Elevo n Airbr ake Ailva tor V-Tail
Hold th e throttle out put statu s Adjus t the diff erential of AIL 1 and AIL2 Assig n another AIL chann el Motio n mode assignm ent To make ins tant throttl e cut after f lying Adjus t the linear rel ation of th rottle Adjus t flap end point ,change f lap channel se peratel y,contr ol mix will sync hronize Adjus t elevator and f lap for one w ay mixed contr ol Adjus t the step of flap a nd ailero n Combi ned aileron an d elevato r mixed contro l
Adjus t ELE and AIL one way mix Adjus t elevator and r udder mix ed control
Model M enu/Helico pter
Throt tle Hold Throt tle Curve Swash Fly Mod e Throt tle Cut Pitch C urve Idle Do wn Gover nor Gyro
Hold th e throttle out put statu s Adjus t the liner rela tion of thr ottle Selec t swash types an d set swash p arameters Motio n mode assignm ent To make ins tant throttl e cut after f lying Adjus t the pitch outp ut liner re lation Idle sp eed control Gover nor special ad justmen t Adjus t the gyro sensi tivity un der each different fly m ode
49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 52
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Model M enu/Multic opter
Switc h Program Throt tle Hold Fly Mod e Throt tle Curve
Hold th e output statu s of thrott le Motio n mode assignm ent Adjus t the throttle o utput lin er relation
Safety Caution
Symbols Definition
If with out a proper ope ration,it ma y cause dange rous acciden t or seriou sly injury or ma y even ca use death.
If with out a proper ope ration,it ma y cause dange rous acciden t or seriou sly injury or ma y even ca use death,an d it may caus e slight hurt or prob ability caus e bodily injur e!
If with out a proper ope ration,it ma y cause less po ssibility to s erious hu rt,but it may cause h urt or bodily in jure.
Pay spe cial attenti on to the saf ety informat ion of the fo llowing symb ols
Prohi bitions
Compu lsory Items
Flying Notices
To ensure t he safety of you rself and o thers, pleas e observe the fo llowing p recautions :
Charg e the batterie s! Check tr ansmitter an d recei ver battery le vels and al ways recharg e the batte ries before ea ch flying s ession. A low batt ery will so on die potenti ally, cau sing loss o f control and a crash . When you begin y our flyin g session, res et your ET 07 built-in ti mer, and dur ing the sessio n pay atten tion to the dura tion of usa ge.
Be care ful when flyin g near power li ne, High
st ructures or com municatio n faci litie s, as the re
may be ra dio int erfe rence aroun d.
Begin ners should pa y particu lar attentio n to the
follo wing safety pr ecautio ns! Please rea d careful ly!
It is for bidden to fly wh en in poor co ndition such
as fati gue and drunke nness.
It is for bidden to fly in b ad weathe r such as rain
and gal e.
It is for bidden to fly ne ar high vol tage lines, commu nication bas e station s and places whe re peopl e gather or acti vate.
It is for bidden to fly in a irports a nd other place s where f ly is forbidde n.
Befor e flying, test t he equipm ent, check whe ther the tra nsceiver sys tem and the a ircraft are no rmal;
When fl ying, make the i nterfac e of transmitt er in the ini tial interfa ce for prev enting the cha nge of param eters by mista ke;
After f lying, turn off the rece iver prim arily and then tu rn off the t ransmitter f or protec ting people from th e fail-safe fu nction.
More de bugging, mor e testing , less loss, les s damag e!
Power on and off sequency of tran smit ter and receiver!
Power on step:
Fi rstly turn on t he tra nsmitter (e nsuri ng the mi nimum throttle po sitio n),
Se condl y Turn on the re ceiver.
Power off:
Fi rstly turn off t he rece iver,S econdly tur n off the transmitte r.
Trans mitt er and re ceiver low voltag e may cause fail safe dang er.
No tice: The transmi tter will display th e warn ing in terface, please pay att entio n to the transmitte r prompt ! Improperly operation m ay cau se acci dent in jury to user.
Discl aimer & Warning:
User sh ould be respon sible for a ny consequen ces cause d by using the pro duct. WFLY shall no t be liabl e for any direct ly or indir ectly damage , injury and any l egal liabili ty,User s hall comp ly with all guide lines includ ing but not l imited to this docum ent. Please fo llow the lo cal laws and regul ations for reg ular flig ht activitie s. Do not use this pr oduct to carry o ut person al safety,property safet y or other bad fli ght behav iors.
Safety Caution
It is imp ortant to unde rstand th e operating chara cteristics o f Li-po bat teries.Lon g term stor age (no les s than 3 months) , storage t emperature ≤45 ,gene ral storage vo ltage 3.7 -3.9v.F ailure to foll ow the pro ceeding prec autions c an quickly res ult in sever e, permanent d amage to th e batteries an d possi bly result in a FI RE!
1.Do no t attempt to dis assembl e LiFe packs or
cells .
2.Do no t allow LiFe cel ls to come in c ontact with
moist ure or water at an y time.
3.Alw ays provide ad equate ve ntilation ar ound LiFe ba tteries duri ng charge , discharge, w hile in use, an d during stora ge.
4.Do no t leave a LiFe bat tery unat tended at any time wh ile being char ged or disc harged.
5.Do no t attempt to cha rge LiFe ba tteries with a charg er that is NOT designed fo r LiFe batt eries, as perma nent damage to t he batter y and charger co uld resul t.
6.Alw ays charge LiF e batteri es in a fireproo f locat ion. Do not char ge or disch arge LiFe batt eries on carp et, a cluttere d workben ch, near paper, plast ic, vinyl, lea ther or woo d, or inside an R/ C model o r full-sized a utomobi le! Monitor th e charge area wi th a smoke or fire a larm.
7.Do no t charge LiFe ba tteries a t currents gre ater than th e "1C" rating of t he batter y ("C" equals th e rated c apacity of the b attery) .
8.Do no t allow LiFe cel ls to overh eat at any time! Cells w hich reach gre ater than 1 40 degrees Fahre nheit (60°) sh ould be pla ced in a firepro of locat ion.
9.LiF e cells will not c harge ful ly when too cold o r show fu ll charge.
10.It i s normal for the b atterie s to become warm durin g charging, bu t if the char ger or battery becom es excessive ly hot disc onnect the bat tery from th e charger imme diately !! Always inspe ct a batte ry which has pre viously o verheated fo r poten tial damage, a nd do not re- use if you suspe ct it has bee n damaged in any w ay.
11.Do n ot use a LiFe b attery if you su spect physi cal damage has o ccurred t o the pack. Caref ully inspect t he batter y for even the sma llest of dents , cracks, spli ts, punct ures or damage t o the wirin g and connecto rs.DO NOT allow the b attery's inter nal electrol yte to get in to eyes or on skin —wash affe cted area s immediatel y if they com e in contact with th e electrolyt e. If in doub t, place the bat tery in a fire- proof locati on for at lea st 30 minutes.
12.Do n ot store batte ries near a n open flame or heate r.
Safety Caution
Transmitte r trainer p ort.
The tra iner port is wit h 3.5mm aud io port output mode. This suit e is without the c oach data l ine. If you wan t to use the train er functi on, you need to purch ase the traine r data line s eparately!
Warning: This port is on ly used for t rainer data trans mission. It is f orbidde n to insert the po wer suppl y (high voltag e) termin al to the port to av oid damag e for the transm itter.
Sugge stion: You can con sult the pu rchase line at WFLY Techno logy Taoba o Store or other m odel onlin e stores or phys ical stor es.
Transmitte r USB inter face:ET07 is w ith stand ard USB int erface, supp ort inter face charge an d update!
Stand ard: Support 5 V,1 .5A.(Notic e:The int erface only su pport USB stan dard volt age, non-sta ndard input s uch as modifie d interfa ce may damage th e machi ne and will void t he warran ty! Please use t he charg er carefully ! )
Recei ver USB port:R F207S USB i nterface is on ly used as u pgrading dat a port, it is f orbidden to in sert the pow er supply (hig h voltage ) terminal to th e USB inter face to avoid da mage for th e receiver.
USB Interface
Transmitte r: ET07 ado pts the power su pply mode of lith ium battery, and the work ing volta ge adapts to the str oke of 3.7V-4.2 V. Us ing a power supp ly that excee ds the operati ng voltag e stroke may bur n the machi ne!
The USB i nterface of th e ET07 can be c harged. Pleas e charge the bat tery with a U SB output char ge like mo bile phone cha rge,ect . (Standard: 5V/1.5V )
Recei ver: (RF207S )The rece iver's opera ting volta ge adapts to the t rip 3.7V-8 .4V, wit h anti­rever se protectio n slot (pow er input pole, p ositive and neg ative revers e protect ion). With a pow er suppl y that exceeds t he operat ing voltage st roke, the rec eiver will bur n out.
13.Do n ot discharge L iFe batte ries at curren ts which e xceed the disc harge cur rent rating of t he batte ry.
14.Al ways store LiF e cells/p acks in a secure locat ion away from ch ildren.
Before Use
Transm itter
Model : ET07 Chann el: 10 channel s Work ing volta ge: 3.7V (1cel l Lithium b attery) Work ing curre nt: ≤260mA Appli cations: Hel icopter, Ai rplane, Mult i-Rotor s, Vehicle,Sh ip Resol ution: Full Ch annel 409 6 Resolution Band: 2 .4GHz (Bidir ectiona l) Frequ ency Hopping : New FHSS Fr equency Hopp ing (64po ints, 3.6ms) Stora ge: 20 models Progr amming: 5 Grou ps Mixed Co ntrol Langu age: Chinese , English Upgra de: USB online u pgrade Displ ay: 3.5inch to uch, 480* 320, TFT color dis play
Recei ver
Model : RF207S Frequ ency: 2.4 GHz Work ing Voltag e: 3.7 V-8.4 V Work ing Curre nt: 75 mA Appli cations: Hel icopter, Ai rplane, Mult i-Rotor s, Vehicle,Sh ip Resol ution: Full Ch annel 409 6 Resolution PWM: 7 Ch annel (Mode A) PPM: Su pport W.BUS: C ompatible wi th S.BUS W.BUS2 : Telemetr y Sensor Input Bidir ectional Tran smissio n: Support Fail Sa ve: Support Onlin e upgrade: Sup port Exter nal voltage de tection : DC 0-96V Size: 2 7×14×51mm Weig ht: 14.6g
Basic Configuration
Transmitte r:ET07 re mote control ler x1 Recei ver:RF207S R eceiver x 1(External p ower
inspe ction wire x1)
Acces sary : Lanya rd x1
Other s : Summa ry manual file x 1 Warranty car d x1
*WFLY will not no tify furt her if any confi guratio n
chang es.
Product Features
Transmitte r
Recei ver
Lanya rd
Summa ry manual x1
Each Parts Name of Transmitter
Funct ion key
Trainer port
Power L ED
RF Ligh t
V2(Sl ide Lever)
V1(Ro tary Knob)
Trim T1
Navig ate Key
Power s witch
USB Int erface
Resis tance touch sc reen
Batte ry compartme nt
Anten na
Trim T4
Trim T3 Trim T2
Carry h andle
Ba ttery Inter face
Before Use
The Travel Of Antenna Direction Adjustment
Switch Configuration And Types
Power s witch:Clic k and hold fo r about 2 second s to open/s hut down T1-T4 :Trim k ey(User d efined funct ion) SA:Sh ort lever 2 posi tions(U ser defined fu nction) SB:Lo ng lever 2 posit ions(Us er defined fun ction) SD:Sh ort lever 3 posi tions(U ser defined fu nction) SD:Lo ng lever 2 posit ions rese t(User defin ed functi on) V1:Ro tary knob(Us er define d) V2:Sl ide Lever(Us er define d)
HO ME:Functi on key,slig htly click to r eturn t o standby int erfa ce,cl ick and hold fo r
2 se conds to turn o n the mon itor in terface.
EX IT:Return key,slig htly return t o the sup erior i nterface;Clic k and hol d for 2
se conds ,screen loc k and unlock
+: Incr ease key,param eter in creme nt,switch s tatus
-: Decrease ke y,pa rame ter decreme nt,sw itch st atus
Up/do wn/left/ri ght:Dir ection key Middl e:Slightly c lick to con firm,press a nd hold to re set paramete rs(valu e)
Front a nd up movement 1 80°
The ant enna activit y of the tran smitter is lim ited by the s troke. If the ac tivity is exce eded, the a ntenna will
be dama ged.
The act ive travel ind ication o f the antenna is a s followi ng:
Le ft and right mo veme nt 180°
Before Use
Basic Operation
Home Interface Introduction
Opera tion and Intro duction
1.Transmit ter model
2.LOG O, Click to ente r main menu 3 .Normal Timer : Click and h old for reset, slightl y click for star t/pause
4.Mod e Timer:Click a nd hold for r eset,statu s is set by(Timer) menu
5.Volt age:Receiv er voltag e,external
5.Ret urn data(Ext ernal bat tery)
6.Trim monit or:disp lay active tri mming sta tus
7.Boo t time:The acc umulati on boot time , shu tdown res et
8.Mod el name: Click t o enter mod el selecting i nterfac e
9.Mod el types:Cli ck to enter c urrent machi ne type Int erface
10.Us er name:clic k into user d efined name
11.Trim s tatus:disp lay T1-T 4 trim stat us(T1-T4 whi le the swit ch being used) ,more det ails please re fer
to(Au x Channel)an d[Trim Setting ]
means t he position is " up"
●mean s the position i s "neutra l” means t he position is " down"
12.Transmi tter batt ery capacity
13.Re ceiver signa l strengt h
14.Fl y mode(Throt tle lock, normal,Idl e1,Idle 2)
15.Mi xing:Displ ay the mixi ng after ACT the mixing fun ction
16.Working mo de:Display t hen ACT mod e(Trainer,sim ulator,s tudent)
17.Lo ck status(Cl ick and hol d EXIT/LOCK fo r 2s)
4. 2 V
00 : 0 6 : 5 9
00 00 0: . 00 00 0: .
Rx:5 . 0 V Ext: 1 2 V
Mode l 1
User N a m e
2 Switch , func tion type set ting: Click t o switc h.
Key function instruct ion
1 Page up a nd down key: Us ed for t urnin g pages
an d switc hing lists
2 Up a nd down key: Di splays when e ntering int o
value settin g, used for edi ting param eters
3 Reset key: bet ween UP/Down/+/- k eys, used
for rese t the default
Popup p rompt : When the operatio n changes im portant paramet ers, th e selec tion box will p op up for seco ndary c onfir mation. The d efau lt "No" i s se lecte d.
Ex ample : The in terface mod el sele cting op eration of (Mode l Selec ting) !Click a mode l se lecting, th en pops u p a selec ting box, and then cl ick confirm key means select "No" .
模拟 器
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Th ro tt le H ol d
+1 0 %
模拟 器
4. 2V
Range Check
Fail Safe
W.BUS Servo
Linkage Setting
Servo Frequency
00 :1 2: 02
4. 2V
Mo d e l 12
Mo d e l 13
Mo d e l 14
Mo d e l 15
Mo d e l 11
Mo d e l 17
Mo d e l 18
Mo d e l 19
Mo d e l 20
Mo d e l 16
00 :0 6: 59
Su r e ?
Model Select
ET07 us es 3.5 inches re sistanc e touch screen , which m akes ET07 oper ation mor e flexible and effi cient.
Touch the t ouch screen so ftly with t he stylus pen or your f ingertips. P lastic fi lm is attached t o the touch s creen. Pleas e be carefu l so that you don' t scrat ch the touch scr een with an ything hard su ch as a metal o bject. Don't p ush the tou ch screen with exces sive force or dr op anythi ng on the panel.
Operate Demonstrati on
Me nu Operati on: Cli ck ente r into the rela tive in terface
St atus Switch : Click into sw itch st atus
Para meter s Setting:
1 Da ta setting: C lick and pop up t he uppe r right se tup ke y, cli ck agai n the ke y to return the s et calu e .
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Th ro tt le H ol d
4. 2V
Throttle Hold
00 :0 6: 59
4. 2V
00 :0 6: 59
4. 2V
00 :0 6: 59
Range Check
Fail Safe
W.BUS Servo
Linkage Setting
Servo Frequency
4. 2V
Me nu
Linkage Setting
General Menu Model Menu
System Setting
00 :0 6: 59
Touch Screen Operation
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Throttle Hold
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Throttle Hold
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Throttle Hold
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Throttle Hold
+1 0 %
4. 2V
00 :1 2: 02
Throttle Hold
+1 2 %
Basic Operation
Statu s
Power light
RF light
Stick h ead height adj ustment
Tools : 1.5 mm socket scre wdriver :
Steps :
1. Loos en the upper sec tion head
count erclockwis e
2. The n twist the l ower head to adj ust the hei ght
3. Twis t the upper h ead clockwis e to lock it
Stick f eel and functi on adjust ment
ET07 us es the newly dev eloped fo ur-bearing
assem bly to trim the fe el!
Uncov er the silicon e sheet on th e back and adjus t
the fee l directly.
Note: D o not use excess ive force o r over twist the numbe r of turns when ad justing t he screw. Other wise, the stru cture ass embly would be t wisted off an d the screw m ay fall off, resulting i n irrev ersible dama ge.
Soft si licon uncove r method
Upper a nd lower feeli ng
adjus tment positi on
Upper a nd lower elast ic
adjus tment positi on
Le ft and right el astic
ad justment po sitio n
Tooth adj ustment
Smoot h adjustment
Upper a nd lower feeli ng adjus tment positi on
Upper a nd lower elast ic adjus tment positi on
Smoot h adjustment Tooth adj ustment
Left an d right elasti c adjus tment positi on
Indicator Light of Transmitter
Stick Adjustment
Basic Operation
Power l ight on
Power l ight off
RF ligh t off
Off li ght on
RF ligh t flashes
Turn on,char ging
Turn off
Turn off ,student or si mulator m ode
Norma l linkage,tr ainer or no rmal mode
Enter l ink status
Stick Adjustment
Left an d right stick mo de replac ement method
It is not r ecommended t o replace t he left and righ t sticks by y ourself, oth erwise th e transmitte r may be
damag ed. (You r free warr anty would be lo st if you rep laced your lef t and right s ticks )
Requi red tools: 3 mm cr oss screw driver, 1.5 mm he x driver
First o pen the transm itter hou sing and then fo llow the in structions s hown belo w: 1 Loosen the bearing housing screws (the screws do not need to be fully retracted), then remove
the spring, bracket 7 and bracket 5 and tighten the screws; then remove th e removed s pring, brack et 7 and bra cket 5 in anothe r assembl y correspond ing posit ion (remove th e bearing h ousing screw b efore assem bly),The tig htness of t he stick can be ch anged by ad justing the he ight of scr ew 3.
2 Remove the screw of the throttle reed, the throttle reed and the throttle sleeve, and install them
in the corresponding position of the other assembly. According to your own habits, select the type of throttle sliding (toothed and smooth) and adjust the screw (screw 1 or The height of the screw 2) makes the damping of the throttle conform to your own habits.
Sc rew 3
Th rott le slee veTh rott le reed
After t he throttle st ructure i s modified, tur n on the mach ine, enter [sy stem setting ] → [stick mo de], select
the cor responding o peratio n mode, and then a djust the s tick after rep lacing th e left and right m odes!
If you ne ed component s such as bra cket 5 (such as th e parts nee ded for assemb ling doub le circuit
struc ture!), you ca n e-mail to W FLY over seas sell er to order the sp are parts a t sales@wflys
Brack et 5 Brack et7
Sprin g
Throt tle sleeve
Basic Operation
Receiver Instructions
Recei ver Operatio n Wa y
1 Link: C harge the rece iver then p ress and hold 'SET' b utton for 3 seco nds,wai t for the link instr uction after t he orange l ight slowly fl ashes.
2 PM/W.B US/PWM port mo des selec t: Click and hold th e "SET" to charg e, then ent er into model setti ng, slightly c lick the sw itcher mode, p ress and hold to c onfirm.
Recei ver connecti on and inst allation
Notic e:pay attent ion to the po sitive and neg ative polar ity when conne cting the p ower supply. Do not use the p ower supply th at exceed s the working volta ge of the receiv er. Otherw ise, the recei ver will be dama ged!
The RF2 09S is the lates t series of h igh perfo rmance recei ver with 7 PW M channels, 1 PPM/W. BUS channel (U ser defin ed), and 1 W.BUS2 chann el (User defin ed).
In orde r to obtain opti mal signa l retrieval perfo rmance, the tw o antenna s are preferab ly proce ssed 90° to each o ther when i nstalled, as shown i n the bottom rig ht diagra m.
Notic e:
1.If th ere is a metal con ductor ar ound the recei ver anten na,the signa l perform ance would be affected . In this c ase, the anten na should b e bypassed by th e condu ctor, placed on b oth sides o f the fuselage , and it is bet ter to make the an tenna lea k outside the model c asing ! In this wa y, good sig nal recep tion can be main tained regar dless of th e flight attit ude.
2. When t he antenna is in stalled . The unsh ielded end of th e antenna shou ld be as far aw ay as possi ble from the con ductor ma terials such a s metal and car bon fiber. The antenna ca ble avoid s bending at larg e angles. And the e nd core sho uld be as strai ght as possibl e.
3. If the m odel body is cov ered with a c onductive mater ial such as carb on fiber or m etal, the ante nna porti on must be exten ded beyon d the body. At the same ti me, do not stick t oo close to t he conductiv e
Si gnal Positive Ne gtive
Actio n
Bl ue
Bl ue
Slow fl ash
Slow fl ash
Slow fl ash
Slow fl ash
W.BUS no rmal work mode
PWM nor mal work mode
No sign al
Low vol tage
Linki ng
W.BUS mo de
PPM mod e
US B port
Exter nal voltage de tection p ort
An tenna Keep st raig ht
Th e red is c onnec ted to th e posit ive po le
Th e resistanc e is conn ected to th e negative po le
1Ω resi stance
Basic Operation
body af ter the antenn a is extend ed. In additio n, the anten na should also b e kept away f rom the fuel tank.
Receiver and servo Link example
- Airplane
Th e figure belo w shows a n examp le of airplan e Link. P lease u se the actual w ing ty pe and ta il typ e for
se rvo Li nk.
(Norm al)
(V-Tail) (*4)
RUD1 (CH4)
RUD2 (CH4)
(Ailv ator)
ACRO( Flaperon)( *2)
(CH 1)
(CH 6)
ACRO( AIL Different ial)(*1 )
(CH 6)
(CH 1)
(CH 7)
ACRO( Ailvator)( *3)
(CH 1)
(CH 2)
Servo connection position (Airplane)
The tab le below shows e xamples o f the servo conn ection po sitions for th e differ ent wing ty pes and tail
types .
Airpl ane(ACRO)
Ailer on/Aileron 1(*1)1A ileron1(Ai leron2) (*2)/Ailer on1(Ele vator2)(*3 )
Eleva tor/Elevat or1(Ail eron2)(*3) /Elevat or1(Rudder 2)(*4)
Throt tle
Rudde r/Rudder1( Elevato r2)(*4)
Spare /undercarr iage
Spare /Flap/Flap 1(Ailer on 2)(*2)
Spare /Aileron2( *1)
Recei ver outpu t channel
(*1)W hen it's AIL Diffe rential (*2)W hen it's Flape ron (*3)W hen it's Ailvat or (*4)W hen it's V-Tail
Basic Operation
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