Westinghouse MA7200 User Manual

PID Quick Start Manual
For Fan and Pump Applications
1 to 2 HP
Models- MA7200-2001/2-N1 (230V)
MA7200-4001/2-N1 (460V)
Rev. 1.3 - May 27th 2008
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
PID Quick Start Guide for Fan and Pump Applications
PID is a control method that can be used for the purpose of automatically regulating flow or pressure in fan and pump applications. Following steps 1 through 13 listed below in this guide will
simplify the start up of the MA7200 PLUS Inverter series for fan and pump applications using PID control. Some of the steps are specific to pump applications only and will be so noted. The guide is not intended to replace the MA7200 PLUS Installation and Operation Manual, and the user is urged review this manual.
The PID method of control covered by this guide will consist basically of a set-point (operating point, e.g. flow, pressure etc.) entered through the keypad and an analog transducer feedback signal (0 – 10 VDC or 4 - 20 mA). These two signals are then compared, and through PID processing, correct for any load or environmental changes to maintain the set-point. Only the (P) proportional and (I) integral parameters will be set and adjusted through the keypad to optimize performance. The parameter (D) derivative will not be discussed or used in this guide as the factory setting is usually sufficient for fan and pump applications. Actual values will be used to provide a realistic example of setting up PID control.
Although the inverter can be controlled via serial communication, it is beyond the scope of this guide and the user is referred to the MA7200 PLUS Installation and Operating Manual for further information on this subject.
Step 1 – Before starting the inverter –Safety First! Step 2 – Apply power to the drive. Step 3 – Set drive to run mode. Step 4 – Check fan or pump motor operation. Step 5 – Making external digital input / output and analog feedback control wiring connections. Step 6 – Select stop / start method of control. Step 7 – Setting minimum speed in pump applications. (Pump applications only) Step 8 – Select PID control and feedback input Step 9 – Select engineering units. Step 10 – Setting PID parameters Step 11 – Setting acceleration and deceleration. (Note 1) Step 12 – Setting PID sleep functions. (Pump applications only) Step 13 – Testing the system.
Note 1 – The acceleration and deceleration parameters are not specific to PID control but are included as part of the PID set-up.
Step 1 - Before Starting the Inverter
• Referring to the MA7200 PLUS Instruction Manual, please review and verify that the correct inverter size for the motor was received free of damage. To ensure personnel safety and to avoid equipment damage, follow the precautions and the installation procedures for mounting, wiring, and operating environment.
CAUTION - To avoid damage to the inverter when removing the inverter cover
and/or LCD Operator, refer to Appendix B for the proper procedure.
• In accordance with applicable codes make electrical connection s to the motor and input power terminals. (Refer to the block diagram, Fig. 4). No other external connections should be made at
this time, as the initial control will be from the keypad.
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
Step 2 - Apply Power to the Drive
• Apply AC power to the Inverter and observe the LCD Display Line 1; it should read “Freq. Cmd 000.00Hz”. Line 2 should read “TECO”. The red LED on the STOP key should be on. The DRIVE and FWD LED’s should be on. (See Fig. 1 below)
Step 3
• If the red DRIVE LED is not on with AC power up, press the PGRM / DRIVE key until the red Drive LED is on. The Inverter is now in the RUN mode.
- Set Drive to Run Mode
Step 4 - Check Fan or Pump Motor Operation
Enter 10.00Hz for the frequency reference and set parameter Sn-08 = 1 to disable Reverse
Direction Operation. Note: The output from the inverter is displayed in Hz as factory default. If
desired, the output may be displayed in other units such as (%) of full speed, P SI etc. (see Step 9)
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
Press the RUN key, and check the fan or pump direction of rotation. If the direction is not correct,
press the STOP key and wait until the fan or pump has come to a complete STOP. Next, power
down the inverter.
After the power has been turned OFF, wait at least 5 minutes until the charge indicator extinguishes completely before touching any wiring, circuit boards or components.
Reverse any two of the fan or pump motor connections at the inverter ( U(T1),V(T2), or W(T3) ).
Next, following STEP 2, power-up the inverter; the motor direction should now be correct.
Step 5 – Making External Digital Input/Output and Analog Feedback
Control wiring Connections
Before removing any covers or making any external control connections, power down the
After the power has been turned OFF, wait at least 5 minutes until the charge indicator extinguishes completely before touching any wiring, circuit boards, or components.
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
In this step the external wiring connections will be made for the various control functions. To do
this, the method of control and feedback used in your particular application must be determined. In the following pages are wiring examples for (digital input) Start / Stop, and (analog) Feedback. Also included are E-Stop, (digital output) Restart, and Fault indication connections.
DIGITAL INPUT / OUTPUT terminal connections
Fig’s 2a, 2b, and 2c below show the terminal connections for input control functions. The
connections shown are typical and the user is referred to the MA7200 PLUS Manual if
additional information is required. Fig.2d shows an example for the use of the Fault Output
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
ANALOG FEEDBACK terminal connections
Fig’s 3a,3b, and 3c, show the analog feedback schemes for 0-10VDC or 4-20mA devices to
control flow, level, pressure etc.
After all of the external wiring has been completed and secure, replace all covers and
power up the inverter.
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
Step 6
Before selecting this parameter, ensure the inverter is in the STOP mode.
The set-point is selected by the keypad (Sn-05=0), and the start / stop method can be from the
The parameter (Sn – 04) is set to = 0 (keypad), as factory default. If external contact is desired,
– Select Start / Stop Method of Control (Sn-04)
keypad or external contact (see Fig. 2a). NOTE: The set-point can also be set from an external
source but commonly it is set from the keypad.
follow the navigation procedure below to set (Sn-04 = 1).
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
MA7200 PLUS Inverter 1 to 2 HP PID Fan and Pump Quick Start Manual __________________________________________________________________
Step 7 – Setting Minimum Speed in Pump Applications
(NOTE: In the case of a fan application skip this step and go to Step 8)
In the case of pump applications it is normally required to limit the minimum speed that the pump will operate regardless of the input speed command. The pump minimum speed is usually specified either by the pump manufacturer or the application. Once this value has been established, the minimum output frequency of the inverter and thus the minimum motor (pump) speed can be set by parameter Cn-19. This parameter sets the minimum inverter frequency output, and thus a minimum motor (pump) speed to a percentage of the maximum output command frequency.
The following is an example of setting the minimum motor (pump) speed to 1800 RPM, which is 50% of the maximum pump speed, 3600 RPM.
To set parameter Cn-19 = 050%
(Minimum pump speed )
Keypad Steps
1 - Press the
2 - Press the
3 - Press the
4 - Press the
5 - Press the
key 3 times
key until the display shows
key twice; then the
Resulting Display
key 5 times
An – 01 -
Freq. Cmd. 1
Input Voltage
Freq Cmd Low Bound
Cn-19 = 000%
Freq Cmd Low Bound
Cn-19 = 050%
Freq Cmd Low Bound
6 - Press the
key to save.
Entry Accepted
2 Seconds
Cn-19 = 050%
Freq Cmd Low Bound
7 - Press the
key to return to the main display.
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
+ 16 hidden pages