Westinghouse LTV-32W1, LTV-27W2 Owner’s Manual

P_roduct Safety iinstruct ens ..........................................................................2
Antenna hstaHation Safety ................................................................. 3
Safety Guidelines ........................................ 4
Cleanin 9 the LCD TV ...................................................................................5
ackage Contents 6
Front Vim of the LCD TV ............................................................... 6
Side View of the LCD TV ................................................................. 7
Rear View of the LeD TV ....................................... 9
emot_ Controls ....... ! 0
hsta_ation ....................................................... 11
CoIo_ T6_mp [ Sharpness f ASF_Cl Ratio _'
Back_ight ! R÷se_ 15
PC PARAMETERS: Auto Ad;_st t'CJod</Phase I Pesit_,a@........................ 16
AUDIO SE_JNGS: volume I Bass f TrebJe f Balance t MTS _'Mule
Spea_er / _............................................... 17
P_CTURE4N,, PIC°FURE: Display Mode I Man Source _P_P So,Jrce / Sv_'ap/
PiP Position _P_P Size _Audio From .......... !8
CHANt@EL SE_INGS: w /cKrv/Ao oscan.,Channel EDIT _Close
Cap_Jon.................................................... 19
Passwerd EDiT 19
G ENE RAL SE_NGS: Mer'_u Position _M÷n_ Ti;me_u_ / L_nguage ,_
S}ee9 Timer / T_ansparency / DPMS /
System _nfe/ Fakery _..................... 21
Specifications 22 Troublesh_ing 24
E×planattons of requir÷d sym bols :
_:_Asa_ia_ERO<J8 VOLTAGE
SA 1965
SA 1988
s_s_7>_n21q_ _thesd_,p14sn88
Follow and obey aJ warnings and nstru_or_s m_rked on th,_ LeD TV. Fo_ you:,r sa_ety, please read ai !he sde_y end apeFaNng ins_Tuc_:ionsbefore you _era_e _he LCD TV Keep
_hs useas ttanua for futJre rJerercea.....
Ovedoadh'_g ,
Do net overload well artier:s, e£ension co_ds e_ p@_'er s_rips Th;is oan re:su_ in fke or electronic s@ock
Power Co_d Protectten_
Power s@py cords sheu!d be r®u_Jedso tha_:they are ne_:likei¥ _o be e er pinched by _ems pa@d upon ,or age sat _hem Per odea _ inspec_ the oords and each end of _he
oords for damage _he LCP._'_V sha be nsta ed near a we! socket o_4et and the _wer oo_d W_al be readalff acoaseible
SIo_:;sand op_a ngs on _he cabinet are prev_Sed fe_ ventilaNen pur_ses To ensure _eliable c_eraton d the LeD _,/and to preaeet i_:from ove_h÷ating, these openings must net be
b asked o_ covered
. Do _®_block _he openiags b_ p!ec n@_he LCD TV of_ e bed sofa, _i_u$ ethe_
similarsudaea Do no_ place 1he LCD TV n a bui_b n nstalfation such as a bookcase or reck unless p_:oper ventilation is provided a_8 the manufac_ _rer_s instruction have [seen _he_ed
pug On
O_het NoN_es
Avoid e×_s ng the LQD _iv _o d_ec_ sunii;gh_ at high temper:etures Avoid exposing the LeD TV _o nsoksture o_ hgh humkd _y
Do not attemp_ repa rs yo_ursei!f Your warrant/does net cover re?airs er attempted repairs by shyer!rio no_:authorized by WesN gheuse D _i_a,
_ _eur LOD IV no_ be zsed for a ier_g p@ od d t _-r[e u_p ug _he LOB TV a_d remove _hesat_enes from !:he remote can,:re.
. Ave_d _ouchiag _he sc_eea Skin ols are d_fic_ It to remove
Never remove the _ear cove_. Your LOB TV santa ns hkgh* 9e pa_s You may be sedeus_y niured i_you teuch them
Avoid exwaS n9 your LCD TV to d_rec_ sunlight or aria€her hea_ SOLFCe Ode__ yeur LC© TV away from direct s_nlight _oreduc_ gate
AM,eys handle yo_._rLCD display wi_h care wtien moving t ,, P_ace your LCD TV _na 'well-vent la_ed don't place _he kCO W# n ai_iglN
compadmer ts Do n®! place anythir_g en you_ LCD TV tha_ p_events heat
Ermute _ha!:_k_ area around the L_D TV is dean and flee of mo:isiure ,_ Do r_o_p/a_ heavy ob eats on _he LCD _, audiofv dee _sbtes o_ powe_ co_d
!f Ihe LCD PV e'_iis smoke abnorma_ _o[s,e o_'a s!_ange odor remedial:ely _:um i_: .off and co:ntaet the WesNng_ouse Se_x_c_ Cen_er
WARNING _ To Reduce The Ri:sk _ Fire Or Eie_tric Shock Do Not Expose The LCD To Rai_ Or _oisture! The LCD TV sha!l iloi _ exposed ia dr p_ r g ar spiashin_ and objects flied wi_:h iquds, such as; yeses shal not be placed on the
Antenna Installation Safety
Outdoo_ Antenna Grounding if an o_tside e_enna of ca_e system is connected to t_e LCD 7V, be sure the astenna of ca_e
syst@m s ed to prey@at vo_tage su_rges and buJl,¢lp static es. A@81e 8t0 of the Natiodal E}ectd_l Code, ANS/NFPA 70 pp@/ides nfem_a_ion o_ ng d the mas_ and
su_S_or_ing s_ruc_are, gtou_ld_ng of the !e_S- n wits Io an anS®_wsadiact_ge _ni_ conr_et;tksn t:o grounding el¢_rodeg, and requ n_s for the gr'o_ndi£g e de
For added pro[e_£_on for the LCD TV during a lighmi_g s_orm or _l iis left un ed and unused _or I_g periods d _;me ur'_p_ug it _rom the ,_s_!ioutIet a_d d_scennect t_ anter na or ¢a_e
TSis w_l Is'event damage is type LCD TV @_e to Jgh@_J¢i@@F_4_ ,Ine A£ges Do no_
di ct the snao¢ _he power ca4d du!'_ng e heavy storm -light, sing may £_dk@whig you are ho_dhg She cable corral, _UNFX_ serious Jaury TuB off yo_sr LCD TV a_d wait for 9_e v,@ather
_o v'r_prove
An @#lsi_e antenna system shout_ ne_ be in me vicing d eveme:a_ p_w,er Ima.s o ome_ eiectdc t@ht o_ power _rcLHts When m_s[al/it_3 an oulside ant÷nns s}_stem ÷x_reme _re sho_s,/d
be taken to keep from t@Jchi_@ Such po'_-_{ _ines erc rcui_a.
I) Read these _structio_m
2} Keep t_e _#stmctio_s
3} N_,d al! watN_gm
4} _o_ow NI i_struet_o_s_
Do _ot #so the LCD _z near wa_n
6} @lean o_ly with a _ cloth,
7) Do _ot b_ock any ventaat_o_ epe_r_ge _ns_l! in eccore_nce :with the mat_ rat's
Do not ins_l[ #ear a_y heat so_rces seth as. repiners, l_eat reg_ete_ SteveS_ or other ap_,us (_6_d_g amplifiers} t_at _rodeee heat
13,onot at_.mp_ to bypass the safety porpoise _ the po_arJaed of grou_diago ty_
p_eg A po,laffzed p_ug !_as two b_aees w_h one w_der than t_ other, A gro#n_#g4y_ plug has two b_ad_s and a third grounding prong. _t the provide_
p_#g dee_ _et f_ :into yoer wail out_et_ consult a_ e_ec_rie_aa _or repl_cemen¢ o_ the obsol,et_ out|eL
O_y use a_a¢hments_a o_es speckled by the manufacturer, Use on_ 2 with the caA_ stand, tripo_ #racA_, or table epe¢i_ by the _a_facturer, or soid with tN LCD TV. Wheee ca_ _s; us_,, use ca_Jo_ who# _eV_#g th_ ¢a_ t:O
avoi_ i_j_ry Or damage
i3) U_piug th÷ LC@ TV _utin@ _igr_:_t_g sto_s or whe_ it ie no[ b_ag u$ed for a _ong
perio_ of t_me
t4) Rdet el{ see_cing to qualified service perso_hr_eL _r¢_¢i#_ is _q_d when the
LCD T_ has b_n damage_ in any way,, su_h as the power-su_pl:y ¢o¢d er plug is _ama_ed I_q_i_ I_a b_ sp_lIed or ob_c_a have fallen into the LCD _, has b_ exposed _o rain or moi;ature, it d_s not operate aorma_{y_ or the _d has bee_
the power cord from bei_ waned @ner Na¢:he_ pa_icu_ady at the e_r_s of
Safety Guidelines
CAU_ON:: 'Th¢__xJwe_su#pty _D_4 sho,uld De i_Ja;_tedne_r lh_ LCD TV sad sbo_l_._:b_ e_sily @:cce_ssib_@ £_ways us____h_ ap.p_o#liata AC co_d that s _u_r_iq®__e__,_surspecHic ,c/_n_? 8OlLrl@@XB_1_J/#DS _Ji_ _S|_I]
USA.....................UL Sv¢itzeda_'_ 8EV
C_r_da .................CSA Butae .............. BASE;B8
Japar_ ............... _iechic A#_lMric_:_Coqtic4 A_4:
_PORTANT NOTIC_ CONC_RNIN_ _OWER CORD SELECTION Th_ s#e_i_8 _uzer cord for 1ha LC© TV _se_s®®d a_t_ h_ be_! se_ecled accor_n# _ the cou,'_tW <st
d_ttna_ir_8_ and mus_ be _m÷d to #_eve_t e/ shock} (,}_e 1he |o!_3wL%]g_;id_etir_ if il is _'_ec,ea_;sW _e repkace _he o_,gi_"_s!ca_d ae_ O!"if the 8®r_ set is eel e_,ck_.e_ T_e Meade re_}e_tac_eo !he card eel r'_us_
meal 1_C.6832@ requi_eR_eri_ an_ sho{_d _e(P__ike_i_ _reA1 berow;
For t]_e U_ited _nd Ca#aria In the Uai_n_ s a#_l Ca!r_a_a _he m_de paso ks a NBMA5 t5 st_ae (Figure £ZL UL _is1_od and CS£
L#b_bd For LCD TVs that are pla_,'d en a _eak e[ JaL_e typ 8;_ or SJT cold sets may L_ _,_s_ Fe:_LCD PUs #!_v_ @®cUr on 1he floo_, en/y S,;T lyre c_rd se% _,_a_be _'sed The cord se_ _.Jei b_ s(@_c_J
a<:<:_r_g to [fie _xi_re:n_[atm_ let _he LC© P!ease coas_Jl:t_e _ab_ek_;Jew _er _he selection, c:_'_e_'_a_@_ _we_ _::ordssse_ _a{he U_ited $_lee ar_ C®nada
18AW® 14AW15
17 AWG ; en_ps
FCC Compliance Statement
tithe [CC Rul®s The_e _m,_%8_'ed_igr_sd _@provide _easo able pctate_o_'_against harmfu int_rferenc® t_ a ros_d®nflsl astaih_]o_. _Thisaqu;:pme_t sen@taLes uses, sad ca_ radials tadle _tq_e_cy energy a#,d rns{y cause harm&_} n_erferenee 'to r_o s®m_ur_;caSons if no_ _ns!alJed an_ ue_2d 1¢_accardar>cu vath the
n_:I_usfi®as er th÷re is guarantee _hatintswfer÷n_ceveil}net c{Jaur n a ps[_cuia#i_ta_a_i®_. _ t#_s _u pme_t do_s cause harm_u_ hteder_nce So ra_J_oo _@@/ision _®ceptien, which aa_, _ determined by
turning t_e eqatpe_enl e# _r_d o1_the user is e_nc_ag_,d lo try _oco_'[eci _e R1elrferehce b_ ORe OJm_¢e Of the_eHC/wi{_mea_su¢ms'
Reefi@Bter r@Joc?_@_t_e[eceWing8h{er_rta
, lr_c_÷as,e_:heseparation b@_weer_the :LCOTV a_d Fece.we_
Co_ru_ct #_e equ@men_ i_d_aa:_a_Uel:®a ach t;uil dFf_er_ horn _ha{Io wMmh the res@_ar is co,t_n,mct_;d
Cs_su_t fhe Washier!Bourse Service C@#_t@¢ Or aa @xO(HieRse@ f:_Lhiat'i_V [ec_ Ri{;_se fe_ _)_aists#c@_
Cleaning the LCD
TO clea_n the $_reen
W_pe th® s _o,_tha c!ea:n_ so_, !_:_t-f_e 1_, This _movee dust and emir
2 If it SS_i__ no_ c_ean appt,¢ a _ma! amo<._nt, of n(s_.-am t_orsia _m.oa_x}_'_o_ ;based gass
c!.eane_ onto 8 clean soft I n_ free c_,oth, a_q_wipe the screen.
To clean the _as¢;
1 Use a soft, dry @e_h.
2, f it sl:H!s _ot clean apply a sma! 8mount d non-amm®s_ia nes-alceh_ based, mild nos_
abrasive detergent 0_¢o a d_an soft in_-free c_o_h _:he__e_peme _J_ace.
Westi_ghouse DS_I_} _oes no_ recommend the _e d an_ ammonia e_ a_ho_-ba_ed c/eane_s on _he ,C© 'TV _ or cas_ 8_m_ chemical! c!eane#s have been _e_o¢ted _odamage 1he _reen
and¢<_aLC© TV ,case _,_estia as÷ ©i9[_ 'w_l :_o_be i_ab}e re[ d_ag÷ r,esu]h_g t_r:_'__he ,_e d any _mo_a or alcohel-_se_ ¢J÷sners
Package Conten_
Yo_JrproducS pac£:age inc!udes:
J A 2T or 32' West_ngh_qse LCD TV
Remote Control (,with batLeries)
PenNer Cord
Quick Connec_ G_aide
Users Manua
J Component Video Cable (G_een Bue Red)
Audio Cabb (Red White)
Front View of the LCD TV
Use the buttons on the right side of _he LC D ?_ or on _,he_remo_e_n_ro _o display the On Sc D splay (OS©) Th_ OSD controls are ne_ in OSD _u_iend' on page i4
"IR° receiver a_'_d LED indicator
Side View of the LCD TV
A ..................... _o,o
O ............
A}B, AV2 Audio Input, ILeff t Right)
C, AV2 Video Bnput
VCR DVOo _i_eo_me SVSte'_
D_ Headphone Jack
_i _ _i_,,,,_....
4 ............._:>__
t ;:
t. S_d_ |n_Jt
lh_S cc n_ect_ stlppOr_S e_# let S_Vi@o or AV J_pu_
4. Audio Output (RJ#hi / Le_)
& VGA _dJo IN
_rom a _mpu_e_
........... t:_
iii! /
JiiJ! i _ i!ii!i
_':t_ti97: '
#,-_ [ < [
13 'i_::;_;% 11
jjjj ......
7_ VGA
U;si#_ a 1543im VGA _b_@ c#_n÷_ to s c_[_¢@r _ _mer
&_v ,ca wi_h a VGA OutpLR
& 0V! Aa_io !nput {Right i Left!
& DV_
Using a 20 p_ DV_ _a_e _nnec_ _o _ _mpu[er or ,oth_
dew_ _ !_ha DVl out_t
1& YPbP_! In_t
ConnerA _n extema_ v_eO de_ ces w__h r_mpone_t _t_ _
_othese ]aC&s.
1I,YPbPilA**d_o I In_{ (Left ! Right)
Conr_ecl: at_ e<x_ema_a_udi_ _urce _e_ _s i_k.
12, YPbPr2 Input
Connec_ an ex_erna_ w S®o device w_th cem_ent ou_p_L|_ £0
_nese jacks
13. Y_bPK2 A_o 2 !#P#l _L_/R!ght) (-
_,on_ect an e×teraa. _4JGteseurce _etins _a,ck.
Rear View of the LCD TV
2? inch LCD TV
32 inCh LC:O TV
Remote Control
The Remote Con_rol wil! transmit !_ _he LCD TV up to 23 fee away
Switch _he power O
2_ #_PUT
Selec_ inpu_ source
8el,ecl s_oif!¢ chan_lels
4. _STCH Switch _o p_vious channel
Turn OSD Menu O_lO_ oc qua,t:the T,/
cL anne! scanning
See_ V_deo D splay _ormat 'STANDARO _
or ;F_LL" 0_ "ZOOM
7. Vl A !4,__. OSD MENU corn,r!!
& Ente_
Turn _he Soured ff
Displaythe source and channe idormat_or_
Display Sub picture On£Off
F man sor÷en
Voume Upgewn adiustment
!4CH Y/A
TV Channel UpfDown adius_ment
Selec_ YPbPrt z YPbPF2 source input
Select VGA /DVI source nput
Selecl TV s@¢_rce inp_,_
Se!_cl S_Video souse ;_np_J_
Select AVt _AV2 s_sFce inp_
1. _nse_ Remote Cont_i Ba_edes
1) Remove _heba_lery c_ve
2} !_sed the _ .........ba_te_e_ corlespond_ng to _he (+) and (=} marks on th8 ba_!ecy
3/ R o_al(ac_ the ba'i_:ery cover
2, Connect audio and video cab|es to a PC
Connect o_le or at of _e fOHowing i_ the back of _h_,LCI_ TV iMPORTANT: Befol_ beginning, make sure aH devices, are turned off.
VGA CONNECTION: Connec_ an an@!o9 VGA cable from yo_JrPC VGA OUT pert _o
the LCD TV VGA 1N po_ ....
OVi CONNECTION: Connec_ a Digital DV_ cable from your PC er DVD DV/OUT pert
to _he LCD TV DV_4,_©CP po_
AUDIO CONNECTION: Cor_nec! a o rain cable from the PCs AU©_O OUT _o_t
to _,heAUDIO _N po_t on _he LC© Td.
3, Connect AV_ Component, S-Video, AntennaiCable to Video Devices
Connecrl 'Videe/A{;d o cables frem cz_mpatible deviees to _he back parcel of _he LCD TV
t¸_i _i•i_i¸!iii_ "i
_iii •¸¸_'i_......
4, Connect power cables
Cor_n÷¢_:the _,wer co_d to t_ ,_LCD TV ihen to a _°_ropedyg_rounded AC eu_iet
27 inch LCD °iV 32 u ch LC[} TV
5, Turn Power ,On
Press l:he Pewe_ ON bu_on on the right side of' ihe LCD TV or press the P@_e_ ON
(Red} bull@_ on t!'e rerTore _r'ltrol
6. Select input source for the LCO TV using the OSD menu o_ remote
7+ if COnnecting to Antenna+, Cab|e or other RF source on TV Inputs:
See Bage 19 t:8 auto scan _nd edit avai abie ch,ann_is_
ff connecting to a PC ,(VGNOV!):
For _he bes_ p_ur® qua! _y Set the truing m_3e d y_,u oomputer to 1280 x 720 at 75Hz
(for 27 inch LCD TV) or 1_0 x 768 at 60Hz (for 32 inch LCD TV} Refer to the graphic
cards user gu,_deof you o_t_puter _o se! _hs t_imin9 mode
OSD Function
All the OSD funct on se ti:ngs are controlled either b}, the remo_e cont_eJ ot using the oon,,ro_ _ys orl ihe rght side d LOB _d
To diss;_ay the OSD mai:n me_lu, press _he Menu butt:on en Ihe right :side of front: ' ....
keys d ihe LCD TV or the MENU hey on _he remo,_e co:_s_ro Use _if _ ar"_'owkeys _o highl gh_:the de:sired OSD sub menu,
Main Menu
S'o se/e¢l a sub_mertu press AY or_ _:he_:igh_sde o_ the LC© TV or the AV key e_s the remo_e _:_:_n_o_
Cois_Temp iColor _÷mper;a_u,s÷aqus_men_IOoor ! Ooo,r2, Color 31_
Sha@ness ad]ustm en_
ir_PC model!
At_p2ct. R2.,!.!o....................................Set STAN OAR O t FILL" t ZO orq
Bacsl g_ ° _ d splay _o
Res÷_:video _tticn,gs
Automstica _yadjust _h®hSdzor_td phase 8f S_e mage Clock aqus_m÷_ Phase adjustment Adjus_ _he bodzoa_a and vedical po®£ion d the mage
NOTE: The GRAPHIC m÷_'su is orly avaiIab_e wher_ VGA sour_ is selecled
Bass __"........"
a Jjus_m_
Ba_an_e adjus_men_
NOTE: Thi{s 6unc_:is:n depsads on _he type of broadcast beng
Select Audo OFF or ON Select __8_'ral or e£ema speake_
Res÷_ a_>di8 s÷_£ings
Dsptay Mode
Main Sou_6÷
PIP Sou_÷
P!P Posi:t 8n PIP S_e
Audi8 From
OFF ,-,> P_P _> PBP o,°,>POP SeLcl man screen sou_ces
_V _> AV1 ,---.>AV2 --_>S Videe ooYPbPrl _> YPbP_ ,--_>VGA o_>
Piease s_ PiPtPBWPOP specification in Sable i
Swap mare scr®_e_n and sub scre®n seu_@
SBboscteen @splay hsrtzontalt/e_aca _s_hon adius_mea_ Subs_een d splay sze adiustment
Sinai-,..>Medium ,.:_ Lar_,_ ]elec_ nan scr_r_ or sub,oscreeB suds sources
"vx;A X
ow O AVS 0 A': :' 0
8 '#dee 0
'VPt_ 2: X
....... _ ...... J
8 V_ide@
0 X
© O ×
_PbP_! ' PbP_2 V
X × @ 0 0 0 © 0 X
o o ×
0 < < '_ * X
8e!e_' TV Source,°_ Type.... (ANTENNA => Cab!e STD => Cable
Add i D_I®_@the coted TV chann@_
Turn the _.Jos÷ Capbor! @FF or CCS _,Cz CC3 CC4,
See page 2_S
on Name
Mersu ion OS© horizenta_h,,e_tica! pos t£e,nadjus!r_eat
Set _h®time Io turn off _h® OSD au_orsat_caJ_y OSD _asguage selec:t_on
Set s!_p _imer to turn ,_s_f_he power automa_ica ly Set OSD tr_qsparency _eve
Setec_ DPMS O
Syslem _nfo Displ,ay h_u_ source t_'_e a_d s_gna_ F:a¢_o,_tyReset Restore _ac_o_:ydefault settings
inch LCD TV Specifications
MoSel Name LTV 32wl Parcel 3Z' (32XJ2_ vie_le ,Si_g®n_l ®re_}, TFT (Thi_ Fih_ TrsI_®islo<l D,cSve
V_dem_Audi® VGA Ama_# ' i {76obrn_ 07 Vpop>;Mi<_oS_o _I
Re_c,rnmer_d_edI360 _ ?68 @ _0Hz
Mam_ LCD, 1:?_6 _ 788 _e@ma ®Wipe
l-4t,j sep@r_e_ {TTL) I:or PC-:
DV_D " _ (HDCP muppo_} _RCA (UR) _ 1
fh: 30..80 kH& fi#:50=75 Hz
TV S_s_s__ar_rm_ / NT\SC1 n US a_t P_/ Cor;sFonen_ ',!_de@_ 2 / RCA c/_tR:)8le[eo _2
Coq%_si e _ ! _S '@ide@_ ! _<RCA (L/R} ste_® " ! Cmmt_osite 1 f RCA (L/R} S_ere_ 1 Headpho_e MinhS_er_e "1(side I/P)
480 488P '720P i8801
128@x @4 @ 60, '75Hz 800_ _)# @ 80_ 75 Hz !024 _ 768 @ 7Q 75 Hz 720 _ 48# @ 70 Hz'
848 x 480 @ 6OHz {:_40_ 480 @ @0 75 Hz
83,2:_824 @ ?SHz (MAC) 9,a ( x 2 Chan_e%7
Pow_ 90°240 VAC 56168 HZ @_ta s_M_.c_0;t8A u_@ersa_
-20 tO ._68 C 1!o'Urn.<-3S%)
""7""'? ¸¸"<ii'"?ii"='?"?i?'=7"=<i il
0 to 12_OOm
Dir_a_ems 797mm (tiff)_ 64t m_ (H)_ 112.7mere(O}
Premet Timi## Mad÷ (P!e,ad)_;_,te_ _o_ed_mebla_king; 1S60 _ 768 _16OHz}
Wami'ng: De tool set _b÷g_a#h_cs cacd in rT'_Jl"re_l_te_ o e×ceed _hes8 re#e_r_ r_+ d_n_ so ram{ [esu_ _m
pemsanem dam:a@eto _h÷ LC© _d,
l_lo_:: Prod_;l _÷<3fica/fions @res_._b£e¢lo cha!_e wTt!!eu no_ice
27 inch LCD TV Specifications
Mod÷l !_+am+ Pan+l
27" (2697 +>view_b_÷ diagor+a i_rea} TFT _Thi _tm TYa_s+st_) Active
Mat'+x WXGA LCD, 1280 _ 72@verb+catstip+;_
An_:Ne'fi+cqv@_aalmg ÷ An1++IHare86atiRg
1+° (H)/I+0 +{V}
VGA Anale4] ++! # <
+7+,ohms, O 7 Vp,p}#,_+I Ste+@e +1
H.iVsepala+ed CYTI,}for P4:; _,/+© +i +HDCP su+po+) ] RCA (L+_++ +
[_ 3088 :kHz tv 58?'5 Hz T_'syste_T'_an+_n_na ,_NT$C+I in U8 ar+d TW CorT++nen+ +V_dem++2 f RCA (DR:} Stereo + 2
Composite + 1 ; $..V+deo + 1 ] RCA (DR} ster÷u +1 Comp¢_ ° ! ,'RCA Ct__R)SLe_e®+ I H(_+>d;}h@_¢Mk+t,.8_eceo +!(s,_d@L@')
RCA I_JR)8te++ee +1+ 48@++80P+ 720P 10M@
128+++× 720 @ 7_z
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