Specification Sheet
Ceiling Fan
Order Number 78427
Size .......................................... 52"
Finish ....................................... White
Blades ...................................... Reversible MDF Blades
(White/White Washed Pine)
Light Fixture ............................. Frosted Glass Bowl
Switch Housing Cap .................. Not Included
Blade Pitch ............................... 11°
Motor Material.......................... Cold Rolled Steel Motor
Motor Size ................................ 153mm x 12mm
Down Rod ................................ 3/4" x 4"
Mount ...................................... Combo
Lead Wire ................................. 24"
Capacitor .................................. Dual
Bulb Usage ............................... Includes: (2) Candelabra Base, G16 1/2
Lamps, 60 Watt Maximum
Remote Control ......................... Included
Country of Origin ...................... China
Reversible White Washed
Pine Finish Blades
Energy Information (at High Speed)
Air Flow E cency ...................... 80 Cubic Feet Per Minute Per Watt
Electricity Use ........................... 55 Watts (excludes lights)
Air Flow.................................... 4370 Cubic Feet per Minute
Ceiling fans backed by our Limited Lifetime Warranty have a lifetime
motor warranty and a 2-year warranty on all other parts.
Call 1-800-999-2226 or visit www.westinghouselighting.com.
Westin ghouse L ightin g, Philad elphia, PA 19154-1029, U.S. A. Westinghouse Lighting, a West inghouse Electric Cor porat ion licensee
“West inghouse” and “You c an be sure...if it’s Westingh ouse” are all registered t rademarks of Westing house Electri c Corporation.
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