Specification Sheet
Ceiling Fan
Order Number 7812700
Size .......................................... 56"
Finish ....................................... White
Blades ...................................... Steel Blades
Light Fixture ............................. N/A
Switch Housing Cap .................. Not Included
Blade Pitch ............................... 9º
Motor Material.......................... Cold Rolled Steel Motor
Motor Size ................................ 153mm x 17mm
Down Rod ................................ 1/2" X 12"
Mount ...................................... Down Rod Only
Lead Wire ................................. 78"
Capacitor .................................. Single
Bulb Usage ............................... N/A
5-Speed Wall Control ................ Included
Installation System .................... Ball Hanger
Country of Origin ...................... China
Energy Information (at High Speed)
Airfl ow E ciency ...................... 104 Cubic Feet Per Minute Per Watt
Electricity Use ........................... 60 Watts (excludes lights)
A i r fl o w ..................................... 6254 Cubic Feet per Minute
Industrial ceiling fans are not recommended for use in any household applications. Severe injury can result if any part of the
body comes in contact with the sharp metal blades of these fans. Because the industrial ceiling fans operate at higher speeds
than traditional ceiling fans, they are required to be hung at least 10 feet above the floor.
Ceiling fans backed by our 15 Year Limited Warranty have a 15-year motor warranty and a 2-year warranty on all other parts.
Call 1-800-999-2226 or visit www.westinghouselighting.com.
Westin ghouse L ightin g, Philad elphia, PA 19154-1029, U.S. A. Westinghouse Lighting, a West inghouse Electric Cor porat ion licensee
“West inghouse” and “You c an be sure...if it’s Westingh ouse”are all regis tered tr ademar ks of Westinghouse Electric Corpor ation
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