DC HC310
6TB and 4TB | 7200 RPM | 12Gb/s SAS or 6Gb/s SATA
4TB capacities also offer 512n format
• Excellent random and sequential performance
• 6TB and 4TB capacity points support traditional
IT systems
• Sustained transfer rate up to 255MB/s (512e/4Kn
models); 233MB/s (512n models)
• Choice of 12Gb/s SAS or 6Gb/s SATA
• Advanced Format 4Kn and 512e models up to
6TB; 512n formatting available on 4TB to support
legacy systems
• Self-Encrypting Drive (TCG SAS) options
• 5-year limited warranty
Applications & Workloads
• Distributed fi le systems, like Apache Hadoop®,
to support Big Data analytics
• Direct & Network Attached Storage
• RAID arrays
• Legacy applications requiring 512n format (4TB)
Economics and Access Speed: Key Requirements
for Low Capacity HDDs in the Data Center
As the industry evolves to develop purpose-built solutions for growing data storage
requirements, IT managers continue to rely on lower capacity drives that are
economical to acquire, yet deliver quick and reliable data access for traditional data
center applications. Ultrastar
offerings, that helps address economic and access requirements of many traditional
IT workloads. Low capacity drives also help address architecture limitations. Part of
our mid-capacity DC HC300 series, the Ultrastar DC HC310 is designed for traditional
storage and server applications as well as distributed and scalable computing,
including block and fi le storage architectures, providing fast 7,200 RPM performance
and lower acquisition cost to help ease budget constraints. Ultrastar DC HC310 is
offered with either 6Gb/s SATA or 12Gb/s SAS interface in a choice of 512e or 4Kn
formats. A 512n option is also available on 4TB models to support legacy systems with
native 512-byte block sizes.
DC HC310* is a low-capacity HDD, with 6TB and 4TB
Technology Innovation Delivers Effi ciency and
Performance for Traditional and Legacy Systems
Ultrastar DC HC310 is based on a new 4-disk air platform design that uses conventional
magnetic recording (CMR) technology in a 3.5-inch large form factor. Compared to the
prior generation, Ultrastar 7K6000, the DC HC310 delivers a 12% performance boost
and uses slightly larger-diameter media. It features a second-generation, dual-stage
micro actuator to enhance head positioning accuracy for better drive performance.
Write performance gains are also supported by Western Digital’s media cache
architecture, a disk-based caching technology that provides a large cache area on
the disk, which also improves reliability and data integrity during unexpected power
loss. Finally, the addition of fl ash-based non-volatile cache (NVC) on both SATA and
SAS models helps improve write performance. The Ultrastar DC HC310 also includes
a Rebuild Assist feature, which helps dramatically reduce RAID rebuild times and
maintain system performance during the rebuild process. Learn more in our Rebuild
Assist technical brief.
Data Security with Trusted Quality, Reliability
Compliance and privacy requirements drive the need for increased data security.
Ultrastar DC HC310 helps protect data from unauthorized use by of fering security and
encryption options. SAS models offer hardware-based encryption options, including
a Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Enterprise_A, TCG with FIPS 140–2 certifi cation,
Level 2. The Ultrastar DC HC310 extends Western Digital’s long-standing tradition of
reliability leadership with a 2M-hour MTBF² rating and a 5-year limited warranty.
Features & Benefi ts
Feature / Function B e n e fi t s
*Previo usly kn own as Ultr asta r 7K6
• 6TB & 4TB
• Advanced Format up to 6TB
• 512n format available on 4TB
• Non-volatile cache (NVC)
• Up to 255MB/s transfer rate (512e/4Kn);
233MB/s trans fer rate (512n)
• Dual-stage Micro Actuator
• 2M hours MTBF and 0.44% AFR
• 5-year limited warranty
• Lower c apacity points needed for traditional IT workloads and applications
• Enables higher capacities and reliability
• Compatibility with legacy systems
• Improved write performance and write splice protection
• 12% faster than prior generation
• Better head positioning and rotational vibration robustness
• One of the high est reliability ratings for air-fi lled Ca pacit y Enterprise HDDs

DC HC310
Configuration SATA Models SAS Models
Model # / Part # HU S7 26TxTAL E6y z
HU S7 26TxTAL N6y z
Interface SATA 6G b/s SAS 12Gb/s
6TB / 4TB
Form Factor 3.5-inch
Sector size (bytes)
Max . areal density
(Gbits/sq. in., max)
4Kn: 4096
512n*/512e: 512
512e/4Kn: 782, 696 (4TB)
512n*: 753
HU S7 26TxTAL 52y z
HU S7 26TxTAL 42yz
4Kn: 4096, 4104 ,
4160, 42 24
512n*/512e: 512, 520,
Data buffer (MB)
Rotational spe ed (RPM) 7200
Latenc y average (ms) 4.16
Interface transfer r ate (MB/s, max) 600 1200
Sustained transfer rate
(M iB/s ec , ty p .)
(M B/s e c, t yp .)
512e/4Kn: Up to 243
512n*: 222
512e/4Kn: Up to 255
512n*: 23 3
Seek tim e (read/write, ms, typ.)
8.0 / 8.6
Error Rate (non-recoverable bits read) 1 in 10
Load/Unload cycles (at 40°C) 600,000
Annual f ailure rate (AFR)
2M hours
0.4 4%
Availability (hrs/day x days/wk) 24×7
Limited Warranty (yrs) 5
SATA Models SAS Models
Idle/Operating (Bels, typical) 2.9 / 3.6
Requirement +5 V, +12 V
Operating (W, typical)
Idle (W )
7.0 12.1
5.9 7.0
z-height (mm, max) 26.1
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 101.6 (+/-0.25) x 147
Weight (g, ma x) 715
Environmental (operating)
Ambient Temperature 5°C to 60°C
Shock (h alf-sign wave, 2 ms, G) 70
Vibration (G RMS, 5 to 500 Hz) 0.67 (XYZ)
Environmental (non-operating)
Ambient Temperature -40°C to 70°C
Shock (h alf-sign wave, 2 ms, G) 300
Vibration (G RMS, 2 to 20 0 Hz) 1.04 (XYZ)
NOTE: See “H ow to Read Model Number” below for possibl e values of x, y and z in m odel nu mbers .
One meg abyte (MB) is eq ual to one million by tes, one
gigaby te (GB) is equa l to 1,000MB (one billio n bytes),
and one te rabyte (T B) is equal to 1,0 00GB (one tr illion
bytes) when referring to storage capacity. Accessible
capaci ty will vary fro m the state d capacity due to
formatting, system software, and other factors.
MTBF and AF R specification s are based o n a
sample population and are estimated by statistical
measurements and acceleration algorithms under
typic al opera ting cond itions fo r this drive m odel.
MTBF and AF R ratings do not pred ict an individua l
drive’s rel iabilit y and do not consti tute a warra nty.
5601 Great Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US ( Toll -F re e): 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
Advance d Format dr ive: 4K (4096-byte) physic al sec
Portion of buffer capacity used for drive firmware
⁵ 1MiB = 1,048, 576 bytes (220), 1MB = 1,000,000 by tes (106)
⁶ Excludes command overhead
⁷ SATA models: 8 K Queue Depth = 1 @ 40 IO PS,
SAS model s: 4K Queue Depth = 4 @ Ma x IOPS
⁸ Idle spe cification is base d on use of Idle_A
How to Read the Ultrastar Model Number
HUS726TxTALE6yz = xTB SATA 6Gb/s 512e
H = HGST/Western Digital
U = Ultrastar
S = Standard
72 = 7200 RPM
6T = Max capacity in series (6TB)
xT = Capacity of this mo del
(6T = 6TB, 4T = 4TB)
A = Generation code
L = 26.1mm z-height
E6 = Inter face (512e SATA 6Gb/s)
y = Power Disable Pin 3 status
(0 = Power Disable Pin 3 support
L = Legacy Pin 3 config – No Power
Disable Support)
z = Data Securit y Mode
1 = TCG Encryption (SAS)
4 = Secure Erase (overwrite only)
5 = TCG Encryption with FIPS (SAS)
* Available on 4TB capacities
(A6* = 512n SATA 6Gb/s,
N6 = 4Kn SATA 6Gb/s,
S2* = 512n SAS 12Gb/s,
42 = 4Kn SAS 12Gb/s,
52 = 512e SAS 12Gb/s)
© 2018 Western D igital Corpor ation or it s affiliates. All r ights reserved . Produced 4/18, Rev 7/18. Western D igital, the Wester n Digital logo, an d Ultras tar are reg istered
trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. Apache®, Apache Hadoop, and Hadoop® are eithe r registered
tradem arks or tradema rks of The Apache So ftwar e Foundati on in the United Stat es and/or other cou ntries. All other m arks are the prope rty of their res pective ow ners.
Referen ces in this p ublicat ion to Wester n Digital p roducts, prog rams, or servic es do not imp ly that they will be ma de available in all c ountrie s. Produc t specific ations
provide d are sampl e specification s that are sub ject to change an d do not cons titute a war ranty. Plea se visit our website , www.wdc.com/dc-su pport for addi tional
information on product specifications. Pictures shown may vary from actual products.