Ultrastar DC ME200 Memory Extension Drive,
NVMe 2.5-inch U.2 and PCIe AIC HH-HL
• Enables scaling of system memory, typically up to
24T iB1 per 1U server and 96TiB in 4U servers
• Delivers DRAM-like performance for key
enterprise applications and workloads*
• Transparent to existing OS and applications
• Promotes server consolidation
• Fits most industry-standard ser ver models
Memory Expansion for the Data Center
The digital economy has created significant demands for both real-time and batch
processing of large data sets. IT organizations across the world are leveraging
in-memory computing to drive superior application performance and obtain
meaningful insights through the use of advanced business analytics.
However, in-memory computing can become bottlenecked by set limitations on
the amount of memory available to the server, as well as prohibitive DRAM pricing.
Ultrastar® DC ME200 Memory Extension Drive can be used to scale existing
system memory, promote server consolidation, and reduce the complexity of
splitting large multi-TB data sets across multiple servers. Ultrastar memory drive
provides applications with large amounts of system memory at a fraction of the
cost of DRAM. Advanced software algorithms work to maintain near DRAM-like
performance across a variety of applications, especially targeting highly parallel
workloads with high numbers of transactions. Once installed, the solution is
transparent, requiring no changes to the existing OS and application stacks.
• Business Analytics
• Data Warehousing
• Application Caching
• Server Virtualization
• Container-Based Applications
• Genomics & AI Research
• Real-Time Analysis
• Cloud Services and SaaS
• IoT, Time-Series Analysis
Figure 1: S oftware-de fined Me mory E xtens ion util izing Ul trast ar memo ry drive with
Western Digital Memory Extension
Dramatically Scale System Memory
Web application caching in particular requires large amounts of system memory
to quickly ingest and analyze vast streams of data from Internet users, transaction
events, and IoT devices. High concurrency environments, such as virtualized servers
and container-based applications, are prime examples where memory usage can
quickly outpace processing capabilities, requiring expensive additional scale-out
servers to house the extra memory and virtual machines.
Ultrastar memory drive allows for the transparent expansion of system memory,
enabling larger data sets to be used for analytics computations, more data to be
stored in front-end web caches, and overall more work that can be accomplished
within each server.

Memory Expansion Example:
Figure 2 : Scalin g system m emor y with Ult rasta r memor y drive;
based o n current D RAM spot pricing (Fall 2018).
1U, 2-socket server
24x 64GiB DRAM DIMMs
1.5TiB total system memory
Config-A (1:8 memory extension)
Config-A (1:8 memory extension)
1U, 2-socket server
16x 16GiB DRAM DIMMs (256GiB)
2x 1TiB ME200 devices
2TiB total system memory
Config-B (1:8 memory extension)
1U, 2-socket server
24x 16GiB DRAM DIMMS (384GiB)
3x 1TiB ME200 devices
3TiB total system memory
Performance Example:
Use-Case Scenarios:
• Configuration A in Figure 2 on the lef t shows that reducing DRAM from 1.5TiB to
256GiB and adding two 1TiB Ultrastar memory drive devices can reduce total
system cost by 35% and provide applications with 33% more memory.
• Configuration B in Figure 2 shows that by reducing DRAM from 1.5TiB to 384GiB
and adding three 1.5TiB Ultrastar memory drive devices, you can reduce TCO
system cost by 10%, while providing applications with 100% more memory.
• Both Configuration-A and Configuration-B in Figure 2 showcase how Ultrastar
memory drive enables server consolidation by allowing for the increase in size of
data sets that can be handled within a single server, thereby reducing the total
number of servers, application licenses, and associated OPEX and CAPEX costs.
• Figure 3 is a performance example using Memcached, typically used in content
caching applications. Total system memory as seen by the application in all three
instances is 768GiB. The first bar represents the full amount of system memory
in native DRAM. The second and third bars show the same workload run using
less DRAM plus Ultrastar memory drive in a 1:4 memor y extension ratio and 1:8
memory extension ratio. The application is able to maintain 91% performance*
and 85% performance* respectively, compared to running in DRAM alone.
Memory Capacity
Recommended Expansion
Recommended Configuration One Ultrastar
Supported Processors Intel
Supported Operating Systems Linux
Hardware Specifications
Form-Factor / Interface U.2 15mm, PCIe Gen3 AIC HH-HL
Power Requirement (D C +/-5%) 3.3V (aux) and 12V
Operating Power (typical) 25 wat ts active, 9 watt s idle
Operating Temperature (ambient) U.2: 0°C-70°C Ambient, AIC: 0°C-55° C Ambient
Endurance (PBW)
Limited Warranty
Ordering Information
Scale system memory up to 8x DRAM:
Xeon® E5-x6xx v3 or l ater, E7-x8xx v3 or late r
Intel Xeon B ronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum
RHEL 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
Fedora Core ver. 4 to 27; Open SuSe ver. 10 to 11
Ubuntu Server ver. 16.04 to 17.10; Debian 9.5.0
1 TiB mod el: 19.1, 2 TiB mode l: 38.2, 4 T iB model: 78
1TiB, 2TiB, 4TiB
-Up to 24TiB in 2P server s (1U)
-Up to 48T iB in 4P ser vers (2U)
-Up to 96TiB in 8P servers (4U)
memor y drive device per so cket
64-bit OS
SLES 11-SP4, 12, 12-SP1, 12-SP2
3 years
Figure 3: Performance comparison of Memcached
based o n interna l testin g. Results may var y based o n
system configuration, load, and other factors.
5601 Great Oaks Par kway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll- Free): 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
© 2018 Western D igital Co rporati on or affi liates. All r ights res erved. Pr oduced 11/18 . Western Dig ital, the Wes tern Digi tal logo a nd Ultras tar are reg istered
tradem arks or tr ademark s of Western Di gital Co rporati on or its af filiates in the US and/or othe r countri es. The NVMe wo rd mark is a tr ademark of NVM Ex press, Inc .
Intel and Xe on are trad emarks of I ntel Corp oration or i ts subsi diaries i n the U.S. and/or oth er countri es. Linux ® is the regi stered tr ademar k of Linus Torva lds in the
U.S. and ot her countr ies. All oth er marks are prope rty of th eir respe ctive owne rs. Refere nces in thi s publica tion to Wester n Digital p roducts, prog rams, or se rvices
do not imp ly that they w ill be made av ailable i n all countr ies. Produ ct speci fication s provided a re sample s pecifica tions and d o not const itute a warr anty. Actual
specifi cations fo r unique pa rt numb ers may var y. Please vi sit our webs ite, www.wdc.c om, for addi tional in formati on on produ ct specifi cations . Picture s shown may
vary from actual products.
U.2 Part Number Capacity AIC Part Number Capacity
0TS 1741 1TiB 0TS1912 1TiB
0TS1742 2TiB 0TS1913 2TiB
0TS 1743 4Ti B 0TS1914 4T iB
Memor y capa city is i ndicated by GiB and TiB and ba sed on binary va lues suc h that one g ibibyte (GiB) is
Sugges ted expa nsion of 8x DRAM based on internal perform ance tes ting across a vari ety of industr y
Endurance rating based on 4KiB random write workload.
The war ranty fo r the product wil l expire on t he earlier of (i) t he date when the flas h media has reache d one-
* Result s will var y based on appli cation and work load
equal to 2
indic ated by TB and PB where on e PB equal s is 1015 byte s. Access ible capacity can var y from st ated cap acity
due to sof tware, format ting, and other f actors .
standard benchmarks.
erson (1%) of its remai ning life or (ii) th e expira tion of th e time period associated with the p roduct .
bytes and one tebibyte (T iB) is equa l to 1024 GiB (240) bytes. Storage capacity and endurance is