Western Digital Ultrastar DC SS200 User Manual

DC SS200
Easily Scale Enterprise Flash Storage with Workload-Optimized SAS SSDs
Leveraging widely deployed SAS storage infrastructure to scale out enterprise flash is critical for budget-conscious data centers trying to keep pace with an ever increasing volume and velocity of data generated daily. The Ultrastar® DC SS200* solid state drive (SSD) is a 12Gb/s SAS Enterprise SSD that helps transform hybrid and all-flash data centers by scaling flash storage capacities using workload-optimized solutions to deliver exceptional value.
Data center managers can target performance acceleration of mixed-use application workloads such as Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) or push the capacity envelope
7.68TB, 3.84TB, 1.92TB, 960GB, 480GB | 1DW/D
3.2TB, 1.6TB, 800GB, 400GB | 3DW/D
2.5-inch SFF | SAS 12Gb/s
on read-intensive workloads like data warehousing and corporate file servers. Western Digital continues to build on its strong tradition of leading-edge SAS SSD products to deliver more capacity, improved performance and continued emphasis on reliability to enable universal flash adoption in enterprise storage.
• Enterprise-grade 12Gb/s SAS SSD; backward compatible with 6Gb/s SAS
• Capacity points: 400GB to 7.68TB in 2.5-inch drive form factor
• Maximum read throughput up to 1,800MB/s
• Up to 250,000 4KiB IOPS in random reads
• Up to 1,000MB/s sequential writes
• Endurance of 3 or 1 random drive writes per day (DW/D) for 5 years
• Instant Secure Erase (ISE) & Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) options including TCG Enterprise
• 5-year limited warranty
Mixed Use Applications & Workloads (400GB – 3.2TB)
• Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Databases
• Financial Transactions
• E-Commerce
• E-Mail / Messaging / Collaboration
• Virtual Environments
Read-intensive Workloads (480GB – 7.68TB)
• ERP, CRM, and Data Warehouse
• Video Streaming, Video-on-Demand
• File Servers
• Database Analytics
Delivering High Capacity, High Performance SAS SSD with Cost-Effectiveness and Data Reliability
Ultrastar DC SS200 SSDs integrate Western Digital 15nm NAND and the enterprise-tested Guardian Technology™ platform to deliver enterprise-grade reliability, endurance and performance. Delivering up to 1,800MB/s and 250,000 4KiB IOPS read performance combined with exceptional write performance, DC SS200 enables valuable application acceleration without compromise. With significantly improved performance consistency and associated Quality of Service (QoS) metrics, this generation of SAS SSDs can help meet stringent enterprise application service level agreements (SLAs).
Available in capacity points from 400GB to 7.68TB, Ultrastar DC SS200 SSDs also offer a choice of endurance options of either 3 random drive writes per day (DW/D) for mixed­use workloads or 1 random DW/D for read-intensive workloads. All drives support the DW/D endurance rating over a 5-year limited warranty.
Proven Provider of Enterprise-Grade SSD Products
Ultrastar SSDs leverage decades of proven enterprise storage expertise in Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) design, reliability, firmware, customer qualification and system integration to this key member of the Ultrastar line-up.
The Ultrastar DC SS200 SAS SSD is protected by the Guardian Technology™ platform, a comprehensive suite of enterprise features comprised of FlashGuard™, DataGuard™ and EverGuard™ technologies.
• FlashGuard technology combines aggregated flash management and advanced signal processing to reliably extract significantly more life from commercial-grade MLC flash for read-intensive application workloads.
• DataGuard technology features full data path protection, to help safeguard user data from corruption along all data paths in the SSD.
• Ever Guard technology helps protect against loss of user data in the event of unexpected power interruptions using a third-generation backup power circuit design and high reliability discrete capacitors.
*Previo usly kn own as Ult rast ar SS200
DC SS200
Features & Benefits
Performance Capacity & Endurance Reliability Integration
Feature • Up to 1800MB/s Read &
1000MB/s Write Bandwidth
• Up to 250K Read IOPS (4K)
Increase application performance and reduce storage system bottlenecks
• 400GB to 7.68TB capacities
• Endurance-optimized or Capacity-optimized options
Broad portfolio of fering that is optimized to offer most value based on workload requirements
Configuration 3 DW/ D 1 DW/ D
Base Model Ultrastar DC SS200
Interface SAS 12Gb/s
Form Factor 2.5-inch
Flash Memory Technology 15nm MLC NAND
Capacity 3.2TB, 1.6TB,
Endurance (Drive writes per day) 3 1
800GB, 400GB
Sequential Rea d (max MB/s, 128KiB) 1,800
Sequential Write (max MB/s, 128KiB) 1,000
Random Read (max IOPS, 4KiB) 250,000
Random Write (max IOPS, 4KiB) 86,000 37,000
Mixed Random Read/Write (max IOPS 70%R/30%W, 4KiB) 154,000 90,000
Latency (s) 100
Unrecoverable B it Error Rate (UBER) < 1 in 10
Annual Failure Rate
Limited Warranty 5 years
Data Retention 3-month at 40°C
(AFR) 0.35%
2.5M hours
Requirement (DC +/- 5%) 5V & 12V
Operating (W, typical) 9 or 11 (configurable)
Idle (W ) 3.8 to 4.3
z-height (m m) 15
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 69.85 × 100.45
Weight (g, ma x) 200
Operating Temperature (case) 0°C to 70° C
Non-operating Temperature -40°C to 85°C
One meg abyte (MB) i s equal to o ne milli on bytes , one
gigaby te (GB) is equ al to 1,000MB (one billi on bytes), and one tera byte (TB) i s equal to 1,0 00GB (one t rillio n bytes) when referring to storage capacity. Accessible capacity will var y from the stated c apaci ty due to fo rmat ting, sys tem software, and other factors.
² Endura nce rati ng base d on DW/D using 4KiB ran dom wri te
worklo ad over 5 yea rs
³ Perfo rmance will var y by capa city po int, or wi th the
change s in usab le capa city. Cons ult prod uct man ual for furt her det ails. Al l perf orman ce measu rement s are in ful l susta ined mo de and are p eak valu es. Prel iminar y and subject to change.
⁴ Average R /W Latency at 4KiB QD =1
7.68TB, 3.84TB, 1.96TB, 960GB, 480GB
• UBER of < 1 in 10
• AFR 0.35%
• Guardian Technology
Enterprise-grade reliability helps reduce service incidents to help lowe r support cos ts
Ultrastar Quality and Reliability
Ultrastar DC SS200 SAS extends the company’s long-standing tradition of performance and reliability leadership. A balanced combination of new and proven technologies helps enable high reliability and availability to customer data. Ultrastar drives are backed by a 5-year limited warranty and an array of technical suppor t and services, which may include customer and integration assistance. Western Digital provides a complete portfolio of SSD/HDD solutions to satisfy today’s monumental computing needs.
Model and Part Numbers
For a complete list of available models and part numbers, please visit the Ultrastar DC SS200 product page on our website, www.westerndigital.com
⁵ MTBF an d AFR targ ets are ba sed on a sam ple pop ulati on
and are estimated by statistical measurement and acceleration algorithms under median operating conditions. MTBF and A FR ratin g do not predict an individual drive’s reliab ility a nd do not co nstitute a warr anty.
⁶ The warranty fo r the pro duct wil l expire o n the earl ier of (i )
the date when the flash media has reached one-percent (1%) of its rem aining l ife or (ii) the exp iratio n of the tim e perio d associ ated wit h the prod uct.
SAS 12Gb/s
Wide industry adoption for easy and reliable scale out flash storage
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll- Free): 800.801.4618 International: 408.717.6000
© 2017–18 Western Dig ital Corporat ion or its a ffilia tes. All rig hts reserved. Pr oduced 2/ 17. Rev. 9/18. Wester n Digital, the Weste rn Digital logo, D ataGu ard, EverGu ard, FlashGuard, Guardian Technology, and Ultrastar are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other m arks are the prope rty of the respe ctive owne rs. References i n this publ ication to Western Di gital product s, programs, or se rvices do not imp ly that the y will be made ava ilable i n all count ries. Pro duct specifica tions prov ided are s ample sp ecifications th at are subje ct to change and do n ot consti tute a warranty. Plea se visit th e Support section of our website, www.wdc.com/dc-support, for additional information on product specifications. Pictures shown may vary from actual products.