DC SN620
2.5-inch U.2 NVMe SSD
3.84TB, 3.2TB, 1.92TB and 1.6TB
Features & Benefits
• PCIe Gen 3, x4 interface and NVMe™ 1.2 compliant
with in-box driver support
• Industry-standard 2.5-inch U.2 small form factor
for high ser viceability
• Capacities up to 3.84TB
• Optimized for read-intensive & mixed-use workloads
• Up to 132K IOPS (70/30 random mixed workload)
• Half the power consumption compared to 25W
PCIe SSD solutions
• Hot Swap/Hot Plug support with data-loss
• Includes Guardian Technology
improved flash endurance and data integrity/
• MTBF rating of 2 million hours
• Instant Secure Erase (ISE)
Platform for
Specialized for the Following
• Direct-attached Storage (DAS)
• Cloud and hyperscale storage
• Virtualization
• File/web servers
• Media streaming & VoD
Economies of Scale Propel Cloud Storage
Cloud services are revolutionizing how companies think of data storage by transitioning
from fixed-cost IT infrastructure to variable cost models. As more business services
move to the cloud to reap the benefits of the “pay as you go” model, the demands on
cloud ser vice providers to scale increase exponentially. Finding ways to maximize and
streamline storage by running concurrent workloads across the storage infrastructure
has become essential. Furthermore, cloud storage services must offer high availability
and consistent I/O performance to be delivered 24/7, 365 days a year. Ultrastar® DC
SN620 NVMe
customers meet these rigorous requirements at a viable $/GB.
SSDs (previously known as SanDisk® Skyhawk™ and Skyhawk Ultra) help
Ultrastar DC SN620 SSDs Help Increase
Productivity and Lower TCO
SATA SSDs have long been used in data centers and cloud storage. But as capacity
needs grow along with the necessity to access data with minimal latency, the adequacy
of the interface bandwidth between the host and the drive comes under scrutiny. With
no announced evolution of the SATA standard beyond SATA 3.x (6Gbps), the use of SATA
SSDs in the cloud has reached performance limits. While capacity and bandwidth can
be scaled by supplementing more SATA drives, they will come at the cost of increased
floor space and lower PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness). The sprawling effect of SATA
SSDs can be mitigated by the use of Ultrastar DC SN620 NVMe-compliant SSDs. By
delivering 3x the bandwidth of enterprise SATA SSDs*, Ultrastar DC SN620 SSDs can yield
server consolidation benefits as much as 3:1.
Highly Reliable Storage Innovation
Utilizing the industry standard NVMe command protocol that lowers latency and
improves bandwidth, Ultrastar DC SN620 PCIe SSDs enable a cost-effective transition to
next-generation storage platforms.
Available in the 2.5-inch small form factor with typical power consumption under 11W
and hot-swap capability, Ultrastar DC SN620 PCIe SSDs simplify large-scale deployment
in the data center. This results in efficient workload utilization, a lower thermal profile
compared to 25W PCIe SSDs and improved TCO.
Ultrastar DC SN620 SSDs are powered by an innovative Guardian Technology Platform,
a comprehensive suite of enterprise features comprised of FlashGuard™, DataGuard™,
and EverGuard™ technologies. By leveraging Western Digital’s history of providing
world class enterprise storage solutions, manufacturing excellence combined with
commitment to reliability leadership, Ultrastar DC SN620 SSDs enable data center
customers to innovate with minimal risk.
Options to Simplify Data Security
Compliance and privacy requirements drive the need for increased data security.
Ultrastar DC SN620 models with Instant Secure Erase (ISE) are not considered selfencrypting drives, but use behind-the-scenes encryption keys to expedite drive
redeployment and retirement. Secure Erase (SE) models use industry-standard
commands to securely erase without the use of encryption technology.
*Compared to CloudSpeed™ Gen. II SATA SSDs from t he SanDisk brand

DC SN620
Model <1 DW/D >1 D W/ D
Form Factor U.2 2.5-inch drive
Interface PCIe 3.0 x4 NVMe
Endurance (Drive writes per day, DW/D) 0.5 / 0.6 1.2 / 1.7
Flash Memory Technology 15nm MLC NAND
Sequential Read, (max MiB/s, 128KiB, QD32) 1,700 1,700
Sequential Write, (max MiB/s, 128KiB, QD32) 1,100 1,100
Random Read (max IOPS, 4KiB, QD32) 250,000 250,000
Random Write (max IOPS, 4KiB, QD32) 38,000 83,000
Mixed Random Read/Write (max IOPS 70%R/30%W, 4KiB, QD32) 89,000 132,000
Average Random Read Latency, 4KiB, QD32 (s) 128 128
Average Random Write Latency, 4KiB, QD32 ( s) 1,455 / 842 780 / 386
Uncorrectable Bit Error Rate (UBER) 1 in 10
Data Retention 3 months at 40° C
Annualized Failure Rate (AFR)
Limited Warranty
Requirement (DC +/- 10%) 12V
Operating (W, average) 10
Idle (W, average) 5.2
Operating Temperature 0° C to 70° C
Non-operating Temperature -40° C to +85° C
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 100.45 × 69.85
Weight (g, ma x) 125
z-height (mm) 15
3.84TB / 1.92TB 3.2TB / 1.6TB
2 million hours
0.4 4%
5 years
Feature Part Number Model Number
Insta nt Secure Erase 0TS1842
0TS184 4 SDLC2 LLR- 038T-3N A1 3. 84T B 0.5 DW/D
0TS1 841 SDLC2 CLR- 016T-3NA1 1.6TB 1. 7 D W/D
0TS184 3 SDLC2 LLR- 032T-3NA1 3.2TB 1 .2 D W/D
Secure Erase 0TS184 6 SDLC2CLR-0 19T-3BA 2 1.92T B 0.6 DW/D
0TS1848 SDLC2CLR-038T-3BA 2 3.8 4TB 0.5 DW/D
0TS184 5 SDLC2CLR-0 16T-3BA2 1.6TB 1. 7 DW/ D
0TS1847 SDLC2 CLR- 032T-3BA 2 3.2TB 1 .2 D W/D
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll- Free): 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
SDLC2 CLR- 019T-3NA1 1.92 TB 0.6 DW/D
© 2017–18 Western Dig ital Corporat ion or its a ffiliates. All ri ghts res erved . Produce d 2/17. Rev. 7/18. Western D igital , the Wester n Digit al logo, Sa nDisk, C loudSp eed,
DataGuard, EverGuard, FlashGuard, Guardian Technology, and Ultrastar are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the
U.S. and/or othe r countri es. All other mark s are the pro perty of the res pecti ve owners . Referen ces in this p ublication to Weste rn Digital prod ucts, p rogram s, or ser vices
do not imp ly that the y will be ma de availa ble in all c ountrie s. Product speci fications provid ed are sam ple spec ifications that ar e subjec t to change and do not co nstitute
a warran ty. Please vi sit the Support s ection of our webs ite, ww w.wdc.com/dc-suppo rt, for a dditio nal info rmatio n on produ ct speci fications. Pict ures show n may vary
from actual products.
Capacity Endurance
¹ One giga byte (GB) is e qual to 1,00 0MB (one
billio n bytes) an d one tera byte (TB) is equal to
1,000GB (on e trill ion byte s) when refe rring to
solid-s tate ca pacit y. Accessib le cap acity w ill
vary f rom the st ated ca pacit y due to for matt ing
and par titi oning of t he drive, t he comp uter’s
operating system, and other factors.
² Endura nce rati ng base d on JESD-21 9 Workloa ds
over 5 years
³ Perfo rmanc e will var y by capacity po int,
or with th e chang es in use able ca pacit y.
Consul t produc t manual for fur ther details . All
perf orman ce measu rement s are in fu ll sust ained
mode an d are peak v alues .Subje ct to chan ge.
1MiB= 1,04 8,576 bytes o r 2
or 2
. 1KiB= 1,024 by tes
⁴ MTBF and A FR targe ts are ba sed on a sa mple
population and are estimated by statistical
measurement and acceleration algorithms
under median operating conditions. MTBF and
AFR ratin g do not pre dict an i ndivi dual dr ive’s
reliab ility a nd do not co nstit ute a warr anty.
⁵ The les ser of 5 yea rs from th e date of
manufacture of the product or the date on
which the product’s relevant endurance
thresh olds set f orth i n the prod uct
specifi catio ns are reac hed
⁶ Internal temperature sensor reading