DC HA210
Value to the Data Center with Performance-optimized
Capacity for High-intensity Applications
Data centers that need fast access to data in Tier 2 environments need look no further. The
Ultrastar® DC HA210* HDD, a member of our HA200 series product line, delivers fast data
access in capacity-optimized, enterprise-class storage systems. Enhanced RAFF™ technology
in the DC HA210 includes sophisticated electronics to monitor the drive and correct both
linear and rotational vibration disturbances in real time—especially helpful in multi-drive
arrays and rack-mounted systems maintaining high read/write performance. Designed
to handle workloads up to 550TB per year, the Ultrastar DC HA210 delivers up to 2TB of
affordable storage capacity for high-intensity applications in enterprise-class environments.
Maximize Your Data Center Application Investment
2TB & 1TB | 7200 RPM | SATA 6Gb/s 512n
• Up to 2TB capacity in a standard 3.5-inch
form factor
• Enhanced RAFF
robust performance in multi-drive environments
• Reliable, fi eld-proven design
• SATA 6Gb/s with 512-byte (512n) supportd legacy
enterprise applications
• 2M hours MTBF2 rating & 5-year limited warranty
anti-vibration technology for
• RAID arrays
• Massive scale-out (MSO) data centers
• Data warehousing & mining
• Cloud storage
• Enterprise NAS
• Disk-to-disk backup & archiving
• Legacy mainstream enterprise capacity
applications that require 512n block size
with Proven Storage Technology
Data centers face growing pressures to store more with fl at-to-shrinking budgets.
Keeping systems operational for as long as possible to maximize investments can be an
effective part of the strategy, but supporting those legacy applications becomes even
more challenging as drive technologies move to next generation formats and interfaces.
The Ultrastar DC HA210 has a SATA 6Gb/s interface and native 512-byte (512n) sector
size to provide consistent, high performance and compatibility with legacy data center
applications. Dual-stage actuator technology provides a head positioning system that
improves positional accuracy over the data tracks, enabling data to be written to and read
from the drive more reliably. Trust Western Digital to deliver storage options that allow
data centers to get the most from their hardware investment.
Designed with Data Center Requirements in Mind
Multi-axis shock sensor technology automatically detects the smallest shock events and
compensates to protect stored data on the Ultrastar DC HA210. RAID-specifi c, timelimited error recovery reduces drive fallout caused by extended hard drive error-recovery
processes. Ramp load/unload technology keeps the recording heads away from the disk
media during idle time and power down, ensuring signifi cantly less wear to the recording
heads and media, and provides better drive protection in transit. Through the use of
dynamic fl y-height technology, each read-write head’s fl y-height is adjusted in real time for
optimum reliability and performance. With a 2M hour MTBF rating and a 5-year warranty,
rely on Ultrastar DC HA210 to deliver capacity, performance and reliability for more value
to your data center.
Western Digital Quality and Service
Ultrastar DC HA210 extends Western Digital’s product offerings for capacity-enterprise
environments. The proven drive design enables high reliability and availability to customer
data. Ultrastar quality, performance and world class technical support and service
provides customers with a lower total cost of ownership over previous generations.
Western Digital data center drives are backed by an array of technical support and
services, which may include customer and integration assistance. Western Digital offers a
complete portfolio of product offerings designed to create environments for data to thrive.
Features & Benefi ts
Feature / Function Benefi ts
Capacity • 2TB and 1TB • Popular capacity points for high-intensity applications
Performance • Dual-stage actuator
Reliability • RAID-specifi c time-limited error recovery
*Previo usly kn own as Ultrast ar 7K2
• Rotational vibration sensor technology
• SATA 6Gb/s with 512n sec tors
• 128MB cache buffer
vibration compenstation technology
• Multi-axis shock sensor
• Load/unload ramp technology
• 2M hours MTBF
• 5-year limited warranty
and 0.4 4% AFR
• Accurate head positioning, especially in multi-drive environments, for better performance, data
integrity and reliability
• Maintains drive performance in high rotational vibration environments and multi-drive systems
• Supports legacy enterprise systems
• Improves response time and data management
• Reduces drive f allout caused by extended hard drive error-recovery processes
• Helps maintain performance in high-vibration environments, common in multi-drive systems
• Automatically detects the smallest shock events and compenstates to protect the data
• Protects use r data when power is removed
• High reliability rating
• Enterprise-class warranty rating

DC HA210
Model / Part No.
HUS722T2TALA604 / 1W10002
HUS722T 1TALA604 / 1W10001
Interface SATA 6G b/s
(TB) 2TB // 1TB
Sector size (bytes) 512 native (512n)
Max. ar eal densi ty (Gbits/sq. in) 638
Data buffer3 (MB) 128
Rotational speed (RPM) 7200
Latenc y average (ms) 4.2
Interface transfe r rate (MB/s, max) 600
Sustained transfer rate
(M i B/s e c, t y p. )
(M B/s e c , t yp.)
Seek time
(read/write, ms, typical) 7.7 / 8.3
191 // 175
200 // 184
Error rate (non-recoverable, bits read) 1 in 10
Load/Unload cycles (40°C) 600,000
(M hours) 2.0
Annualized Failure Rate
(AFR) 0.4 4%
Availability (hrs/day x days/wk) 24×7
Warranty (yrs) 5
Idle/Operating (Bels, typical) 2.5 // 2.8
Requirement +5 V, + 12 V
Operating (W, typical) 8.1
Idle (W ) 5.9
Power consumption efficiency at idle
(Wat ts/TB)
(Wa t ts/GB)
2.95 // 5.9
0.00295 // 0.0059
Physical size
z-height (mm) 26.1
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 101.6 (+/- 0.25) x 147 (max)
Weight (g, typical) 640 (+/-10%)
Environmental (operating)
Ambient temperature 5o to 60o C
Shock (h alf-sin e wave, G, read operation) 65 (2 ms)
Vibration (G RMS, 10 to 300 Hz) 1.08 (XYZ)
Environmental (non-operating)
Ambient temperature -40o to 70o C
Shock (h alf-sin e wave, G) 300 ( 2ms)
Random Vibration (G RMS, 10 to 300 Hz) 3.8 (XYZ)
One meg abyte (MB) is equal to o ne milli on byte s,
one giga byte (GB) is e qual to 1,00 0MB (one
billio n bytes), and o ne teraby te (TB) is equal to
1,000GB (on e trill ion byte s) when refe rring to
storage capacity. Accessible capacity will vary
from the s tated c apaci ty due to f ormat ting,
system software, and other factors.
MTBF and A FR speci ficati ons are ba sed on
a sampl e popul ation an d are est imated by
5601 Great Oaks Pa rkway
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll- Free): 800.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
statistical measurements and acceleration
algorithms under typical operating conditions for
this dri ve mode l. MTBF an d AFR rati ngs do not
predic t an indi vidual d rive’s rel iabili ty and d o not
constitute a warranty.
Porti on of buf fer capacit y used for d rive firmw are
MiB/s is 2
Excludes command overhead
bytes, M B/s is 106 bytes
© 2016–2018 Weste rn Digital Corp oration o r its affiliates . All rights reser ved. Produced 6/16, rev 5/18 . Western Di gital, t he Western D igital logo, RAF F, and Ultras tar are
registe red trademark s or trade marks of Western Di gital Co rporat ion or it s affili ates in the US a nd/o r other cou ntries . All other m arks that may be ment ioned herein are
the prop erty o f their res pective owners . Referen ces in this p ublication to Weste rn Digital prod ucts, p rogram s, or ser vices do n ot imply th at they will be made av ailabl e
in all coun tries. Pr oduct specific ations provided ar e sample specific ations that are sub ject to change and d o not constitute a wa rrant y. Please vis it our webs ite,
www.wdc.com/dc-support for additional information on product specifications. Pictures shown may vary from actual products.
How to Read the Ultrastar Model Number
Example: HUS722T2TALA604 = 7200 RPM, 2TB, 512n SATA 6Gb/s
H = Western Digital
U = Ultrastar
S = Standard
72 = 7200 RPM
2T = Full capacity — 2TB (2,000GB)
2T = Capacity this mode l (2T = 2TB, 1T = 1TB)
A = Generation code
L = 26.1mm z-height
A6 = Interface, 512n SATA 6Gb/s
0 = Reser ved
4 = Data Securit y Mode
(Secure Erase – overwrite on ly)