Media Player
Minimum Installation Requirements
Standard or HD television with HDMI or composite video
An available network connection for online content and
Requisiti minimi di installazione
Televisore standard o HD con ingresso video HDMI o
Connessione di rete disponibile per contenuti e servizi
Requisitos mínimos de instalación
Televisión estándar o HD con HDMI o entrada de vídeo
Una conexión de red disponible para servicios y contenido
en línea.
Requisitos mínimos de instalação
Televisão HD ou padrão com HDMI ou entrada para vídeo
Uma conexão de rede disponível para serviços e conteúdo
Minimale installatievereisten
Standaard- of HD-televisie met HDMI- of composietvideoingang.
Een beschikbare netwerkverbinding voor online materiaal
en services.
Минимальные требования для
Теле виз ор (обычный или HD) с видеовходом
составного сигнала, или HDMI.
Возможность подключения к сети для доступа к
ресурсам в Интернете.
Mindestanforderungen zur Installation
Standard- oder HD-Fersehgerät mit HDMI- oder Composite
Ein verfügbarer Netzwerkanschluss für Online-Inhalte
und -Dienste.
Configuration minimum requise
Téléviseur standard ou HD avec entrée HDMI ou vidéo
Connexion réseau disponible pour les contenus et service s
en ligne.
Minimalne wymagania instalacyjne
Odbiornik telewizyjny standardowy lub HD z wejściem
sygnału HDMI lub kompozytowego wizji (Composite).
Połączenie sieciowe do korzystania z zawartości i usług
Minimum installationskrav
Standard eller HD TV med HDMI eller komposit videoudgang.
En tilgængelig netværksforbindelse til onlineindhold
og -tjenester.
Minimum Kurulum Gereksinimleri
HDMI veya bileşik video girişi içeren Standart ya da HD
Çevrimiçi içerik ve servisler için kullanılabilir bir ağ
Minimální požadavky pro instalaci
Běžný televizor nebo televizor s vysokým rozlišením HD
s kompozitním, HDMI nebo video vstupem.
Dostupné připojení k síti pro přístup k online obsahu a
Minstekrav for installasjon
Standard eller HD-TV med HDMI eller sammensatt
Nettverksforbindelse for online innhold og tjenester.
Ελάχιστες απαιτήσεις εγκατάστασης
Τυπ ι κή τηλεόραση ή τηλεόραση HD με HDMI ή σύνθετη
είσοδο βίντεο.
Διαθέσιμη σύνδεση σε δίκτυο για ηλεκτρονικό
περιεχόμενο και υπηρεσίες.
Asennuksen vähimmäisvaatimukset
Tavallinen tai HD-televisio, jossa on HDMI- tai
Verkkoliitäntä online-sisällölle ja -palveluille.
Lägsta krav för installation
Standard- eller HD-TV med HDMI- eller
En tillgänglig nätverksanslutning för onlinematerial och tjänster.
Minimálne požiadavky na inštaláciu
Štandardný televízor alebo televízor s rozlíšením HD so
vstupom HDMI, kompozitným alebo vstupom pre video.
Pripojenie k sieti pre prístup k online obsahu a službám.
Minimális telepítési követelmények
Normál vagy HD TV-készülék HDMI vagy kompozit
Rendelkezésre álló hálózati kapcsolat az online tartalmak
és szolgáltatások eléréséhez.
HDMI またはコンポジットビデオ信号入力が装備された
標準 TV または HD TV。
オンライン コンテンツおよびサービスのための利用可
최소 설치 요구 사항
HDMI 또는 컴포지트 비디오 입력이 있는 일반 또는 HD TV.
온라인 컨텐츠 및 서비스용으로 사용 가능한 네트워크 연결.
具有 HDMI 或複合視訊輸出的標準或 HD 電視。
带 HDMI 或复合视频输入的标准或 HD 电视。
Technical Support
If you encounter problems with this product, please contact WD Technical Support.
North America
English 800.ASK.4WDC (800.275.4932)
Spanish 800.832.4778
Asia Pacific (all countries) http://support.wd.com/contact
Asia Pacific (non toll free) +86.21.2603.7560
Australia & New Zealand +800.2275.4932
India 1800 200 5789 / 1800 419 5591
Japan 0800.805.7293
Singapore 1800.608.6008
South America http://support.wd.com/contact
Europe (toll free*) 00800.27549338
* Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Europe (non toll free) +31.880062100
Russia 8.10.8002.3355011
Middle East
Western Digital, WD, the WD logo, and WD TV are registered trademarks of Western Digital Technologies, Inc.in the U.S. and other
countries; WD TV Remote and WD Discovery are trademarks of Western Digital Technologies, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Other
marks may be mentioned herein that belong to other companies. Sp ecifications subject to change without notice.
© 2014 Western Digital Technologies, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Wester n Digital
3355 Michelson Drive, Suite 100
Irvine, California, U.S.A. 92612
4079-705135-802 Mar 2014
(sold separately)

WD TV Remote™App
WD Discovery
User Manual
Router sold separately
Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent Nos: 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS and
the Symbol together are registered trademarks & DTS 2.0+Digital Out is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Product includes software. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
Confidential unpublished work. © 1995-2005 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.
© 2006-2007 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this copyright protection
technology must be authorized by Rovi Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Rovi Corporation.
Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Do not connect the unit through a VCR. Video signals fed through VCRs may be affected by copyright protection systems and the picture will be distorted on the television.
Ethernet cable sold separately
WD respects the rights of copyright owners to control the uses of their intellectual property.