Westermo GS-01 User Manual

Westermo Teleindustri AB • 2000 • REV. A
2 6195-2201
It is of most importance that all regulations regarding use of the GSM modem is followed.
Violation against any regulation may cause withdrawn of the subscription or at major vio­lations lead to prosecution.
Accessories: Main adapter PS-13 for 230V AC (Contact Westermo)
Package content:
1 pcs GS-01, GSM-modem
1 pcs Antenna
1 pcs Serial cable
1 pcs Power supply cable + fuse
1 pcs User manual (this document)
1.0 Functional description
................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Connections .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Terminal connections (DCE)
.......................................................................................... 6
3.2 Power supply connection
....................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.1 SIM-Card
........................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Antenna
........................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Power supply
............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.4 RS-232/V.24 connection
........................................................................................................... 7
4.4.1 Voice/Audio
................................................................................................................................................ 7
4.4.2 Boot/Reset
.................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................ 8–49
5.1 General command
........................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Call control commands
............................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Network service commands
......................................................................................... 14
5.4 Security commands
.................................................................................................................... 15
5.5 Supplementary commands
5.6 Phonebook commands
.......................................................................................................... 22
5.6 Data commands
............................................................................................................................... 25
5.7 V.24/V.25 commands
............................................................................................................... 28
5.8 Short message commands
............................................................................................... 35
6.0 LED function ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.0 Applications ......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
7.1 GSM to GSM
......................................................................................................................................... 50
7.2 GSM to GSM (V.110)
............................................................................................................... 50
7.3 GSM to PSTN (TD-32)
......................................................................................................... 51
7.4 GSM to ISDN (ID-90)
.............................................................................................................. 51
7.5 GS-01 to GS-01 (SMS)
........................................................................................................... 52
7.6 GS-01, Dial up when DTR is activated
........................................................... 52
8.0 Trouble shooting ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
8.1 The modem does not answer through the serial link
.................................................................................................................................................... 53
8.2 The modem always return “error” when trying to issue a communication
........................................................ 53
8.3 The modems always return “no carrier” when trying to issue a communication
........................................................ 54
4 6195-2201
Functional description
The GS-01 modem provides RS-232/V.24 up to 9 600 bit/s connections over GSM net­works. It can be used instead of serial cable to link PLC’s, data loggers, security and sur­veillance system or for data acquisition.
It is possibility to have an external signal (DTR) to trigger the modem to call a pre-set number. This makes it ideal for alarm monitoring and remote diagnostics from unmanned stations.
It is also possible to send/receive SMS-messages up to 160 characters as well as fax functions. It can communicate with other GSM-modems but also traditional analogue modem such as TD-32 or ISDN-adapters like ID-90.
All configuration is made by AT-commands similar to standard analogue PSTN modems.
The GS-01 uses the standardised GSM network on 900 MHz. This makes it possible for world wide use (not U.S.A.).
The housing is profiled aluminium and has been designed to be easy to use and simple to install.
Note! To get the modem to work is it necessary to get a subscription (SIM-card) from
some network provider. To get all functions in the GS-01 to work properly it is necessary to have the right subscription and that the network provider can support right services. It is necessary to have a subscription that can handle both receive and transmit data.
The test function of received signal strength makes it easy to see if it is possible to get a functional communication link. This can be done without any SIM-card inserted.
The GS-01 also support voice communication (some external equipment is necessary)
ID-90 TD-32
2.0 Specifications
Frequency 900 MHz Radio power 2 W, Class 4 Antenna External, 870 -960 MHz, 50 Ohms, SMA-connector Serial interface RS-232/V.24, 15 pin D-sub connector, female (HD) Transmission Data Asynchronous 2 400, 4 800, 9 600 bit/s
Transparent and Non Transparent mode In Non Transparent mode only: 300, 1 200, 1200/75 Mode 3.1 KHz (PSTN) and V.110 (ISDN) AT commands according to ETSI 07.05, 07.07 and V.25ter
Data format Up to 11 bits Handshake RTS/CTS or none Transmission SMS Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT)
Mode Text & PDU point to point. Cell broadcast AT commands according to ETSI 07.05
Transmission Fax 2 400, 4 800, 7 200, 9 600 bit/s
Class 1, Group 3 compatible, Tele service 62
SIM-card Small SIM-card Power supply 5–32V DC Option: PS-13 main adapter for 230V AC Power consumption Idle: 20 mA, active: 200mA Fuse 2.5AT mounted on the power supply cable Temperature range Operating: –20ºC to +55ºC
Storage: –25ºC to +70ºC
Humidity 0-95% RH, non-condensing Dimensions, mm 110 x 54 x 25 Weight <140 gram
TAC 330142-FAC33, 14th January 1999 CTR19 access GSM Phase 2 CTR20 Telephone GSM Phase 2 CE approvals according to 98-790 EMC: 89-336 CEE
6 6195-2201
3.0 Connections
3.1 Terminal connections (DCE)
RS-232/V.24, 15-pin D-sub, female, High density
3.2 Power supply connection
Direction Connection no. CCITT Description
O 1 109 DCD/Data Carrier Detect O 6 104 RD/Receive Data
I 2 103 TD/Transmit Data I 8 108.2 DTR/Data Terminal Ready
9 SG/Signal Ground
O 7 107 DSR/Data Set Ready
I 12 105 RTS/Request to Send O 11 106 CTS/Clear to Send O 13 125 RI/Ring Indicator
Audio 4 Microphone (+)
5 Microphone (–) 10 Speaker (+) 15 Speaker (–)
Boot 3 Boot
Reset 14 Reset
Connector Connection no. Supply
4-position 1 + 5 – 32V DC
Micro-Fit 3.0 2 0V
3–4 Not in use
Power Supply 5-32V DC
15-pole D-sub connector, female RS-232/V.24
LED indication
SIM card
SIM card holder
Button to eject the SIM card holder
I = Input on GS-01 O = Output on GS-01
Antenna SMA connector
4.0 Installation
4.1 SIM-card
To get the modem to work is it necessary to have a GSM subscription from a network provider.
They will provide you with a SIM card that should be mounted in the SIM card holder. Use a sharp element and press the yellow button to eject the holder. Mount the SIM card in the holder and make sure it is correctly installed before it is pushed back into the modem.
4.2 Antenna
Remove the protection from the SMA connector and connect the enclosed antenna.
If any other type of antenna is required it should be within the frequency 870–960 MHz, 50 Ohms.
4.3 Power supply
Use enclosed power supply cable to modem and DC power source, Red (+5–32V DC), black (GND).
Westermo can supply a main adapter for 230V AC (Contact Westermo).
4.4 RS-232/V.24 connection
To be able to configure the modem connect the unit to a serial interface on a terminal or PC with the enclosed serial cable. The configuration is made by using AT-commands.
It is only the RS-232/V.24 signal that is connected in enclosed cable.
4.4.1 Voice/Audio
To be able to use Voice/audio facility another serial cable has to be used (Contact Westermo).
4.4.2 Boot/Reset
To be able to use Boot/Reset facility another serial cable has to be used (Contact Westermo).
8 6195-2201
5.0 Configuration
Note! To be able to configure the modem all the AT-commands has to be written with
capital letters, e.g. AT+CPIN.
In this manual we have only described the most frequently used commands. For the com­plete AT-commands manual, please, visit our web,
www.westermo.se where you can find it
in PDF-format.
General commands
+CGMM – Request model identification
This command is used to get the supported bands (GSM 900, DCS 1800 or PCS 1900). The answer could be a combination of different bands in the case of multiband modules.
Application to GSM AT+CGMM get hardware version
GSM to application 900P GSM 900 MHZ primary band, or
OK “900E” (extended band), “1800” (DCS),
“1900” (PCS) or “MULTIBAND”
+GCAP – Capabilities list
This command gives the complete capabilities list.
Application to GSM AT+GCAP get capabilities list
GSM to application +GCAP: +CGSM +FCLASS supports GSM commands
and FAX
A/ – Repeat last command
Only A/ command can not be repeated. This command repeats the last command executed.
Application to GSM A/ repeat last command
Call control commands
D – Dial command
Command syntax: ATD <Numb> [I / i] [G/g] [;]
ATD> <PhbStr> [I / i] [G/g] [;]
ATD> mem <n> [I / i] [G/g] [;]
ATD> <PhbIndex> [I / i] [G/g] [;]
The ATD command is used to establish a speech, data or fax call.
For a data or fax call, the application sends to the GSM module the following ASCII string: (the bearer has to be selected before with the +CBST command)
ATD<nb> where <nb> is the called phone number.
For a voice call, the application sends to the GSM module the following ASCII string: (the bearer has to be selected before, if not a default bearer is used)
ATD<nb>; where <nb> is the called phone number.
Please, notice that in case of international number, the local international prefix has not to be set (usually 00) but need to be replaced by the ”+” character. Example: to establish a voice call to Wavecom from another country,
the AT command shall be:
Notice that some countries can have particular numbering rules for their GSM handset numbering.
The answer to the ATD command can be one of the following ones:
Verbose result code Numeric (V0 set) Description
OK 0 if the calls succeeds, for voice
call only
CONNECT <speed> 10,11,12,13,14,15 if the calls succeeds, for data calls
only, <speed> takes the value negotiated by the GSM module
BUSY 7 if the called party is already in
NO ANSWER 8 if no hang up is detected
after a fixed network time-out
NO CARRIER 3 Call setup failed or remote user
release. Use the AT+CEER command to know the failure cause
10 6195-2201
Direct dialling from a phonebook location (stored in SIM card) can be done with the following command:
ATD> <index>; for calling <index> from the selected phonebook (by +CPBS command)
ATD>”BILL”; for calling ”BILL” from the selected phonebook
ATD> mem <index> (mem is ”SM”, ”FD” or ”ON”, see +CPBS command)
is a way to directly dial from a phonebook number.
Application to GSM AT+CPBS? Which phonebook is selected?
GSM to application +CPBS:”FD”, FDN phonebook is selected
5,10 5 locations are used and 10
locations are available.
Application to GSM ATD>SM6; Call index 6 from ADN phonebook
When FDN phonebook has been locked only the numbers beginning with the digits of FDN phonebook entries can be called.
For example, if ”014629” is written in the FDN phonebook all the phone numbers beginning with these 6 digits can be called.
It is allowed to override the CLIR supplementary service subscription for this call only.
I” means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation)
i” means “suppression” (allow CLI presentation).
It is allowed to control the CUG supplementary service information by ”G” or ”g” for this call only. The index and info values set with command +CCUG are used. An out­going call attempt could be refused if the AOC service is active and the credit is expired (NO CARRIER).
When trying to make an outgoing call while there is an active call, the active call is first put on hold, then the call setup is made.
H – Hang-Up command
The command ATH (or ATH0) is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. In case of multiple calls, all calls are released (active, held and waiting calls). The specific Wavecom command ATH1 has been appended to disconnect only the out­going call. It can be useful in case of multi communication.
Application to GSM ATH ask for disconnection
GSM to application OK all calls, if any, are released
Application to GSM ATH1 ask for outgoing call disconnection
GSM to application OK outgoing call, if any, is released
A – Answer a call
When the GSM module receives a call, it set the RingInd signal and sends to the appli­cation the ASCII string ”RING” or ”+CRING: <type>” if cellular result code (+CRC) is enabled. Then it waits for the application to accept the call.
GSM to application RING incoming call
Application to GSM ATA answer to this incoming call
GSM to application OK call accepted
Application to GSM ATH disconnect call
GSM to application NO CARRIER call disconnected
ATDL – Redial last number
This command is used by the application to redial the last number used in the ATD command. The last dialled number is displayed followed by ”;” for speech calls only.
Application to GSM ATDL redial last number GSM to application 0146290800; last call was a speech call
OK command valid
12 6195-2201
AT%Dn – Automatic dialling with DTR
This command allows to activate and deactivate automatic dialling of the phone number stored in the first location of ADN phonebook. The number is dialled on DTR OFF to ON transition.
Sets commands: AT%D<n>[;]
Options: n (0–1) for activate or deactivate the automatic
; Informs the module that the number is a
voice rather than a fax or data number.
AT%D0 Deactivates automatic DTR dialling.
AT%D1; Activates automatic DTR dialling if
DTR switches from OFF to ON; Dials the phone number in the first location of ADN phonebook.
Speech call
AT%D1 Activates automatic DTR dialling if
DTR switches from OFF to ON; Dials the phone number in the first location of ADN phonebook.
Data or Fax call.
Application to GSM AT%D1; Activates DTR dialling.
GSM to application OK Command has been executed.
DTR is OFF DTR switches ON The number in the first location
of the ADN phonebook is dialled automatically.
DTR switches OFF The module goes on-hook.
ATS0 – Automatic answer
This S0-parameter controls the automatic answering feature of the mobile.
Application to GSM ATS0=2 Automatic answer after 2 rings
GSM to application OK
Application to GSM ATS0? Current value
GSM to application 002 Always 3 characters with leading
OK zeros
Application to GSM ATS0=0 No automatic answer
GSM to application OK Command valid
All others S-parameters (S6,S7,S8 ...) are not implemented.
+CICB – Incoming Call Bearer
Command syntax: AT+CICB= <mode>
This specific command is used for incoming call type when no incoming bearer is given (single numbering scheme, see +CSNS).
<mode> values:
0: Data 1: Fax 2: Speech
Application to GSM AT+CICB=1 If no incoming bearer, force a fax
GSM to Application OK Command accepted
Application to GSM AT+CICB=2 If no incoming bearer, force a
speech call
GSM to Application OK Command accepted
Application to GSM AT+CICB? Interrogate value
GSM to Application +CICB: 2 Default incoming bearer:
speech call
Application to GSM AT+CICB=? Test command
GSM to Application +CICB: (0-2) Speech, data or fax default
incoming bearer
14 6195-2201
Network service commands
+CSQ – Signal Quality
This command shall be used to know the received signal strength indication (<rssi>) and the channel bit error rate (<ber>) with or without any SIM card inserted.
0: –113 dBm or less 1: –111 dBm
2...30: –109 to –53 dBm 31: –51dBm or greater 99: not known or not detectable
0...7: as RXQUAL values in the table GSM 05.08 99: not known or not detectable
Application to GSM AT+CSQ
GSM to application +CSQ: <rssi>,<ber> <rssi> and <ber> as defined
OK before
+CREG – Network registration
This command is used by the application to know the registration status of the mobile.
Command syntax: AT+CREG= <mode>
Response syntax: +CREG: <mode>, <stat> [ ,<lac>,<ci> ]
for AT+CREG? command only
0: Disable network registration unsolicited result code (default) 1: Enable network registration code result code +CREG: <stat> 2: Enable network registration and location information unsolicited
result code +CREG: <stat>,<lac>,<ci> if there is a change of the network cell.
0: not registered, ME is not currently searching a new operator 1: registered, home network 2: not registered, ME currently searching a new operator to register to 3: registration denied 4: unknown 5: registered, roaming
<lac>: string type; two byte location area code in hexadecimal format
(e.g. ”00C3” equals 193 in decimal)
<ci>: string type; two byte cell ID in hexadecimal format
Application to GSM AT+CREG?
GSM to application +CREG: <mode>,<stat> as defined before
Application to GSM AT+CREG=<mode> Disable/enable network
registration Unsolicited result code
GSM to application OK Command valid
Application to GSM AT+CREG=?
GSM to application +CREG: (0–2) 0,1,2 <mode> values
are supported
Security commands
+CPIN – Enter PIN
This command is used to enter ME passwords (CHV1 / CHV2 / PUK1 /PUK2…) which are needed before any other functionality of the ME can be used. The CHV1/CHV2 length is between 4 and 8 digits, the PUK1/PUK2 length is 8 digits only.
If the user application try to establish an outgoing call before having validated the SIM PIN code (CHV1), then the GSM module will refuse the ”ATD” command with a ”+CME ERROR: 11” (SIM PIN required).
It’s up to the application to validate the PIN after each reset or power on if the PIN was enabled. The application shall therefore use the command:
Application to GSM AT+CPIN=1234 Enter PIN
GSM to application OK PIN code is correct
Application to GSM AT+CPIN=5678 enter PIN
GSM to application +CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed,
PIN previously entered
After 3 unsuccessful codes, the PUK will then be required. The PUK validation forces the user to enter as a second parameter a new PIN code which will be the new PIN code if the PUK validation succeeds. The CHV1 is then enabled if the PUK1 is correct. The application shall therefore use the command:
Application to GSM AT+CPIN=00000000,1234 Enter PUK and new PIN
GSM to application +CME ERROR: 16 Incorrect PUK
Application to GSM AT+CPIN=12345678,1234 Enter PUK and new PIN,
2nd attempt
GSM to application OK PUK correct, new PIN
16 6195-2201
To know which code has to be entered (or not), the following interrogation command can be used:
The possible responses are:
+CPIN: READY ME is not pending for any password
+CPIN: SIM PIN CHV1 is required
+CPIN: SIM PUK PUK1 is required
+CPIN: SIM PIN2 CHV2 is required
+CPIN: SIM PUK2 PUK2 is required
+CPIN: PH-SIM PIN SIM lock (phone-to-SIM) is required
+CPIN: PH-NET PIN Network personnalisation is required
+CME ERROR: <err> SIM failure (13) absent (10) etc...
Please note that in this case the mobile does not finish its response with the OK string. The response +CME ERROR: 13 (SIM failure) is returned after 10 unsuccessful PUK presentations. The SIM card is then out of order and shall be replaced by a new one.
Example: 3 failed PIN validations + 1 successful PUK validation
AT+CPIN? Read the PIN status
+CPIN: SIM PIN The GSM module requires SIM PIN
AT+CPIN=1235 First attempt to enter a SIM PIN
AT+CPIN=1236 Second attempt
AT+CPIN=1237 Third attempt
AT+CPIN? Read PIN state
+CPIN: SIM PUK The GSM module requires PUK
AT+CPIN=99999999,5678 The PUK is entered, the new PIN shall be
OK 5678 PUK validation is OK. New Pin is 5678
AT+CPIN? Read PIN state
+CPIN: READY GSM module is ready
If the user try to do something which requires PIN2 (CHV2) the GSM module will refuse his action with a ”+CME ERROR: 17” (SIM PIN2 required). Then the GSM module is waiting SIM PIN2 to be given.
Of course if SIM PIN2 is blocked, SIM PUK2 is required instead of SIM PIN2.
For instance, the GSM module needs PIN2 to write in the fixed dialling phonebook (FDN), so if SIM PIN2 authentification has not been done during the current cession the SIM PIN2 is required:
Application to GSM AT+CPBS=”FD” Choose FDN
GSM to application OK
Application to GSM AT+CPBW=5,”01290917”,129,”Jacky” Write in FDN at
location 5
GSM to application +CME ERROR:17 SIM PIN2 is
Application to GSM AT+CPIN?
GSM to application SIM PIN2 SIM PIN2 is
Application to GSM AT+CPIN=5678 Enter SIM PIN2
GSM to application OK
Application to GSM AT+CPBW=5,”01290917”,129,”Jacky” Write in FDN at
location 5
GSM to application OK Now writing in
FDN is allowed
Please note that the GSM module ask only once PIN2 or PUK2, so if they aren’t entered right, the next +CPIN? command will return ”+CPIN: READY”.
In the way Application to GSM, an ”h” character shall be added before the PIN value if cyphering mode (with D.E.S algorithm) is on. See +EXPKEY command.
Same remark for +CLCK and +CPWD commands.
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