Westermo GD-01 US, GD-01 TCP Interface Manual

Westermo Teleindustri AB • 2005
Interface Guide
GD-01 TCP/GD-01 US
2 6196-2220
Short form list of AT commands .................................................................................................... 3–8
List of AT-commands
................................................................................................................................ 9–175
General commands
.................................................................................................................................... 10–17
Call Control commands
....................................................................................................................... 18–25
Network service commands
.......................................................................................................... 26–33
Security commands
................................................................................................................................... 34–40
Phonebook commands
.......................................................................................................................... 41–52
Short Messages commands
............................................................................................................. 53–74
Supplementary Services commands
.................................................................................. 75–92
Data commands
.......................................................................................................................................... 93–103
Fax commands
.......................................................................................................................................... 104–114
V24-V25 commands
........................................................................................................................... 115–125
Specific AT commands
................................................................................................................... 126–146
AT commands for GPRS
.............................................................................................................. 148–175
Data / Commands multiplexering protocoll
..................................................... 176–178
Error codes from modem
.......................................................................................................... 179–184
GSM 04.11 Annex E-2: Mobile originating SM-transfer
...................... 185–188
Power down mode via RS-232
.............................................................................................. 189–190
GSM sequences list
.............................................................................................................................. 191–192
Application example
........................................................................................................................ 193–200
GSM network operators, subscriptions and services
.......................................... 201
Antenna installation information
................................................................................................... 202
............................................................................................................................................................................ 203
Trouble shooting/FAQ
................................................................................................................................... 204
Related documents
............................................................................................................................................ 205
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CGMI Manufacturer identification – +CGMM Request model identification – +CGMR Request revision identification – +CGSN Product Serial Number – +CSCS Select TE character set x x “PPCP437” +WPCS Phonebook Character Set x x “TRANSPARENT” +CIMI Request IMSI – +CCID Card Identification – +GCAP Capabilities list – +CPOF Power off – +CFUN Set phone functionality – +CPAS Phone activity status – +CMEE Report Mobile Equipment errors x x 0 +CKPD Keypad control – +CCLK Clock Management – +CALA Alarm Management
Short form list of AT commands
S-registers Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
S0 Ring signals before auto answer - - x x 0
General commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
D Dial command - – H Hang–Up command – A Answer a call – +CEER Extended error report – +VTD DTMF signals tone duration – +VTS Send DTMF signals – %Dn Automatic dialing with DTR x x 0 +CICB Incoming Call Bearer x x 2 +CSNS Single Numbering Scheme x x 0
Call control commands
26 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 31 32 32 33
34 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 41
4 6196-2220
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CSQ Signal Quality – +COPS Operator selection x x x 0,2 +CREG Network registration x x 0 +WOPN Read operator name – +CPOL Preferred operator list
Network service commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CPIN Enter PIN – +CPIN2 Enter PIN2 – +CPINC PIN remaining attempt number – +CLCK Facility lock – +CPWD Change password
Security commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage - - - - ­+CPBR Read phonebook entries - - - - ­+CPBF Find phonebook entries - - - - ­+CPBW Write phonebook entry - - - - ­+CPBP Phonebook phone search - - - - ­+CPBN Move action in phonebook - - - - ­+CNUM Subscriber number - - - - ­+WAIP Avoid phonebook init - - x x 0 +WDCP Delete Calls Phonebook - - - - ­+CSVM Set Voice Mail Number x - - x 0
Phonebook commands
42 43 46 47 48
50 52 53 54 56
57 58 59 60 62 63 65 66 67 68
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CSMS Select message service x 0 +CNMA New Message Acknowledgement – +CPMS Preferred Message Storage – +CMGF Preferred Message Format x x 1 +CSAS Save Settings – +CRES Restore settings – +CSDH Show text mode parameters x x 0 +CNMI New message indication x x 0,1,0,0,0 +CMGR Read message – +CMGL List message – +CMGS Send message – +CMGW Write Message to Memory – +CMSS Send Message From Storage +CMSS – +CSMP Set Text Mode Parameters x x 1,167,0,0 +CMGD Delete message – +CSCA Service center address x SIM dependant +CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Types – +WCBM Cell Broadcast Message Identifiers – +WMSC Message status modification – +WMGO Message overwriting – +WUSS Unchange SMS Status x x 0
Short Messages commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CCFC Call forwarding – +CLCK Call barring – +CPWD Modify SS password – +CCWA Call waiting x x 0 +CLIR Calling line identification restriction – +CLIP Calling line identification presentation x x 0 +COLP Connected line identification presentation x x 0 +CAOC Advice of charge – +CACM Accumulated call meter – +CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum – +CPUC Price per unit and currency table – +CHLD Call related supplementary services – +CLCC List current calls – +CSSN Supplementary service notifications x x 0,0 +CUSD Unstructured supplementary service data x x 0 +CCUG Closed user group x 0,0,0
Supplementary Services commands
70 71 73 74 75 75 75 76 78 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 89 90 90
91 92 94 94 96 97 98
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 107 108
6 6196-2220
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CBST Bearer type selection x x 0,0,1 +FCLASS Select mode – +CR Service reporting control x x 0 +CRC Cellular result codes x x 0 +ILRR DTE–DCE local rate reporting x x 0 +CRLP Radio link protocol parameters x x 61,61,48,6,1 +DOPT Others radio link parameters x x 1,1 %C Select data compression x x 2 +DS V42 bis data compression x x 3,0,4096,20 +DR V42 bis data compression report x x 0 \N Select data error correcting mode x x 0
Data commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+FTM Transmit speed – +FRM Receive speed – +FTH HDLC transmit speed – +FRH HDLC receive speed – +FTS Stop transmission and wait – +FRS Receive silence
Fax class 1 commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+FDT Transmit Data – +FDR Receive Data – +FET Transmit page punctuation – +FPTS Page transfer status parameters – +FK Terminate Session – +FBOR Page transfer bit order x x 0 +FBUF Buffer size report – +FCQ Copy quality checking x x 0 +FCR Capability to receive x x 1 +FDIS Current sessions parameters x x 0,5,0,0,2,0,0,0,0 +FDCC DCE capabilities parameters x x 0,5,0,0,2,0,0,0,0 +FLID Local ID string – +FPHCTO Page transfer timeout parameter x x 30
Fax class 2 commands
109 111 112 113 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
120 121 121 122 122 123
125 125 125 126 126 126 127 127 127 128 130 130 130
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+IPR Fixed DTE rate x 9600 +ICF DTE–DCE character framing x 3,4 +IFC DTE–DCE local flow control x 2,2 &C Set DCD signal x 1 &D Set DTR signal x 1 &S Set DSR signal x 1 O Back to online mode – Q Result code suppression x x 0 V DCE response format x x 1 Z Default configuration – &W Save configuration – &T Auto–tests – – E Echo – x 1 &F Restore factory settings – &V Display configuration – I Request identification information – +WMUX Data / Commands Multiplexing x x 0
V24-V25 commands
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CCED Cell environment description – +CCED Automatic RxLev indication – +WIND General Indications x x 0 +WLPR Read Language Preference – +WLPW Write Language Preference – +WAC Abort command – +WDWL Downloading – – +WDR Data Rate x 2 +WHWV Hardware Version – +WDOP Date of Production – +WSTR Status Request – +WSCAN Scan – – +WRIM Ring Indicator Mode – +W32K 32kHz Power down Mode – +WSSW Internal Software version – +WCCS Custom Character Set – +WLCK Lock – – +CPHS CPHS command x x 0 +WMIR Customer storage mirror – +WMBN CPHS Mail Box Number – +WRST Reset – – +WATH Hang–up –
Specific AT commands
131 132 133 134 134 135 135 135 136 136 137 137 138 138 139 140 141
142 143 144 146 147 147 148 148 149 149 150 151 152 153 153 154 156 158 159 159 161 162
8 6196-2220
Command Description Direct +CSAS &W &F Default
Save value
+CGDCONT Define PDP Context – +CGQREQ Requested Quality of Service Profile – +CGQMIN (Minimum acceptable)
Quality of Service Profile – +CGATT GPRS attach or detach – +CGACT PDP context activate or deactivate – +CGDATA Enter data state – +CGCLASS GPRS mobile station class – +CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages – +CGEREP GPRS event reporting – +CGREG GPRS network registration status – D Request GPRS IP service – +CGAUTO Automatic response to a network
request for PDP context activation – +CGANS Manual response to a network
request for PDP context activation – +CGPADDR Show PDP address – +CGCOUNTERS PDP Counters Infos – +WGPRS GPRS PARAMETERS CUSTOM: – +WGAUTH Set authentication parameters – +WGIPCPINF Get IPCP informations
AT commands for GPRS
164 166
170 172
173 174 175 177 178 180 181
184 186
187 188 190 191
List of AT-commands
Commands always start with AT (which means ATtention) and finish with a <CR> character.
Information responses and result codes
Responses normally start and end with <CR><LF>, except when the modem is set to “short result code format” with the command ATV0, or when the ATQ1 (no result codes) command is used.
If command syntax is incorrect, an ERROR string is returned. If extended error result codes are configured (+CMEE) and if command syntax is correct but with some incorrect parameters, the +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS ERROR: <SmsErr> strings are returned with different error codes. If the command line has been performed suc­cessfully, an OK string is returned. In some cases, such as “AT+CPIN?” or (unsolicited) incoming events, the product does not return the OK string as a response.
In the AT-command list below, <CR> and <CR><LF> are intentionally omitted.
Special AT-commands
In addition to the commands listed below there are two special commands that do not start with AT.The first command is “A/” without any <CR>.This command makes the modem repeat the last entered command.The second special command is the “+++” (also without <CR>).This command is called “escape sequence” and is used when the modem is in dedicated mode (online mode).When entering “+++” in dedicated mode, the modem will switch from “online mode” to “online command mode”.This means that it is possible to send commands to the local modem.The escape sequence is useful when disconnecting the active call.The disconnection is made with the ATH command (see the list of AT-commands below).The ATO command can also be used when in “online com­mand mode”.
10 6196-2220
General commands
+CGMI – Manufacturer identification
This command gives the GSM engine manufacturer identification.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CGMI WAVECOM MODEM Module manufacturer
+CGMM – Request model identification
This command is used to get the supported frequency bands.With multi-band products the response may be a combination of different bands.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CGMM MULTIBAND 900E 1800 Support of 900
OK and 1800 MHz
+CGMR – Request revision identification
This command is used to get the GSM engine software version.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CGMR 430a09gm.2D ... Software release 4.30
+CGSN – Product Serial Number
This command allows the user application to get the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) of the product.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CGSN 135790248939 IMEI read from EEPROM
AT+CGSN +CME ERROR: 22 IMEI not found
+CSCS – Select TE character set
This command informs the ME which character set is used by the TE.The ME can convert each character of entered or displayed strings.This is used to send, read or write short messages. See also +WPCS for the phonebooks’ character sets.
AT+CSCS=<Character Set>
<Character Set> may be one of the following parameters “GSM” GSM default alphabet. “PCCP437” PC character set code page 437.
“CUSTOM” User defined character set (see also. +WCCS command). “HEX” Hexadecimal mode. No character set used; the user can
read or write hexadecimal values.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CSCS=”GSM” OK Command valid AT+CSCS=”PCCP437” OK Command valid AT+CSCS=? +CSCS: ("GSM"... Possible values
12 6196-2220
+WPCS – Phonebook Character Set
This specific command informs the ME which character set is used by the TE for the phonebooks.The ME can convert each character of entered or displayed strings. This is used to read or write phonebook entries. See also +CSCS for the short messages character sets.
AT+WPCS=<Character Set>
<Character Set> may be one of the following parameters “TRANSPARENT” Transparent mode. The strings are displayed and entered
as they are stored in SIM or in ME.
“CUSTOM” User defined character set
(see also. +WCCS command).
“HEX” Hexadecimal mode. No character set used ; the user can
read or write hexadecimal values.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+WPCS=”TRANSPARENT” OK Command valid AT+WPCS=”CUSTOM” OK Command valid AT+WPCS=? +WPCS: ("TRANSP... Possible values
+CIMI – Request IMSI
This command is used to read and identify the IMSI (International Mobile Station Identity) of the SIM card.The PIN may need to be entered before reading the IMSI.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CIMI 208200120320598 IMSI value (15 digits)
+CCID – Card Identification
This command orders the product to read the EF-CCID file on the SIM card. If there is no EF-CCID file present on the SIM, the +CCID answer will not be sent, but the OK message will be returned.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CCID +CCID:“123456789... EF-CCID is present,
hexadecimal format AT+CCID? +CCID:“123456789... Same result as +CCID AT+CCID=? OK No parameter but this
command is valid
+GCAP – Capabilities list
This command gets the complete list of capabilities.
Command example Possible responses Note
OK commands
+CPOF – Power down modem software
This specific command stops the GSM software stack as well as the hardware layer. The AT+CFUN=0 command is equivalent to +CPOF.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CPOF OK Command valid
14 6196-2220
+CFUN – Set phone functionality
This command selects the mobile station’s level of functionality.When the application wants to stop the product with a power off, or if the application wants to force the product to execute an IMSI DETACH procedure, then it must send:
AT+CFUN=0 (equivalent to AT+CPOF)
This command executes an IMSI DETACH and makes a backup copy of some internal parameters in SIM and in EEPROM.The SIM card cannot then be accessed. If the mobile equipment is not powered off by the application after this command has been sent, a re-start command
...will have to be issued to restart the whole GSM registration process. If the mobile equipment is turned off after this command, then a power on will automatically restart the whole GSM process.The AT+CFUN=1 command restarts the entire GSM stack and GSM functionality: a complete software reset is performed.All parameters are reset to their previous values if AT&W was not used.
If you write entries in the phonebook (+CPBW) and then reset the product directly (AT+CFUN=1, with no previous AT+CFUN=0 command), some entries may not be writ­ten (the SIM task does not have enough time to write entries in the SIM card). In addition, the OK response will be sent at the last baud rate defined by the +IPR command.With the autobauding mode the response can be at a different baud rate, it is therefore preferable to save the defined baud rate with AT&W before directly sending the AT+CFUN=1 command.
AT+CFUN=<functionality level> <functionality level> may be one of the following parameters 0 Execute an IMSI detach
1 Restart the whole GSM registration process.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CFUN? +CFUN: 1 Full functionality indicated
OK Command valid AT+CFUN=0 OK Detach from network. AT+CFUN=1 OK Set the full functionality
mode with a complete software reset
+CPAS – Phone activity status
This command returns the activity status of the mobile equipment.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CPAS +CPAS: <pas> Current activity status OK Defined values:
<pas> may be one of the following parameters 0 ready (allow commands from TA/TE)
1 unavailable (does not allow commands) 2 unknown 3 ringing (ringer is active) 4 call in progress 5 asleep (low functionality)
+CMEE – Report Mobile Equipment Errors
This command disables or enables the use of the “+CME ERROR: <xxx>” or “+CMS ERROR:<xxx>” result code instead of simply “ERROR”.
See chapter ”error codes” for ”+CME ERROR” result codes description and ”+CMS ERROR” result codes.
AT+CMEE=<error reporting flag> <error reporting flag> may be one of the following parameters 0 Disable ME error reports, use only ”ERROR”
1 Enable long error reports, ”+CME ERROR xxx”
or ”+CMS ERROR xxx”
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CMEE=0 OK Disable ME error reports,
use only « ERROR »
AT+CMEE=1 OK Enable
”+CME ERROR: <xxx>” or ”+CMS ERROR: <xxx>”
16 6196-2220
+CKPD – Keypad control
This command emulates the ME keypad by sending each keystroke as a character in a <keys> string.The supported GSM sequences are listed below in this manual. If emulation fails, a +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. If emulation succeeds, the result depends on the GSM sequence activated.
NOTE: In the case where the FDN phonebook is activated, the sequences concerning
“call forwarding” are allowed only if the entire sequence is written in the FDN.
AT+CKPD=<keys> <keys> may be a string of the following characters 0-9,*,# characters allowed in the keypad control string
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CKPD=”*#21#” +CCFC: 0,7 Check every call
forwarding status
AT+CKPD=”1234” +CME ERROR 3 Sequence not allowed
+CCLK – Clock Management
This command is used to set or get the current date and time of the ME real-time clock. Default date/time is “98/01/01,00:00:00” (January 1st, 1998 / midnight).
AT+CCLK=<date and time string> <date and time string> is a string with the following format: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss” Valid years are 98 (for 1998) to 97 (for 2097).
The seconds field is not mandatory.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CCLK=”00/06/09,17:33:00” OK set date to June 9th, 2000,
and time to 5:33pm AT+CCLK=”00/13/13,12:00:00” +CME ERROR 3 Incorrect month entered AT+CCLK? +CCLK: “00/06/09... current date is June 9th,
2000, time is also reported
+CALA – Alarm Management
This command is used to set alarms date/time in the ME. The maximum number of alarms is 16. Seconds are not taken into account.
AT+CALA=<date and time string> (set alarm) AT+CALA=””,<index> (delete alarm) <date and time string> is a string with the following format: “yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss” Valid years are 98 (for 1998) to 97 (for 2097).
The seconds field is not mandatory.
<index> is a number from 0 to 15.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CALA= ”00/06/09,07:30” OK Set an alarm for June 9th,
2000 at 7:30 am, alarm stored
AT+CALA= ”99/03/05,13:00:00” +CME ERROR 3 Invalid alarm
(date/time expired)
AT+CALA? +CALA: list all alarms Note: three
“00/06/08,15:25:00”,0 alarms are set +CALA: “00/06/09,07:30:00”,1 (index 0, 1, 2) +CALA: “00/06/10,23:59:00”,2
+CALA: An alarm occurs (index 0) “00/06/08,15:25:00”,0
AT+CALA=””,2 OK Delete alarm index 2
Note: Alarm index 2
“00/06/09,07:30:00”,1 List all alarms,
only one alarm (index 1)
18 6196-2220
Call Control commands
D and DL – Dial command
The ATD command is used to data or fax call. As per GSM 02.30, the dial command also controls supplementary services.
For a data or a fax call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product (the bearer must be previously selected with the +CBST command):
ATD<nb> where <nb> is the destination phone number.
For a voice call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product: (the bear­er may be selected previously, if not a default bearer is used).A voice call must be used when sending DTMF tones.
ATD<nb>; where <nb> is the destination phone number.
Please note that for an international number, the local international prefix does not need to be set (usually 00) but does need to be replaced by the ‘+’ character.
Example: to set up a data call to the Westermo Sweden office from another country, the AT command is:“ATD+4616428000”
Note that some countries may have specific numbering rules for their GSM handset numbering.
The ATDL command dials the last valid dialled number.
The response to the ATD command is one of the following:
Verbose result code Numeric code Description with ATV0 set
OK 0 if the call succeeds, for
voice call only
CONNECT <speed> 10,11,12, 13,14,15 <speed> if the call succeeds, for
data calls only takes the value negotiated by the product.
BUSY 7 If the called party is
already in communication
NO ANSWER 8 If no hang up is detected
after a fixed network time-out
NO CARRIER 3 Call setup failed or
remote user release. Use the AT+CEER command to know the failure cause
Direct dialling from a phonebook (stored in the SIM card) Direct dialling can be performed with the following command: ATD> <index>; to call <index> from the selected phonebook
(by the +CPBS command)
ATD> “BILL”; to call “BILL” from the selected phonebook ATD> mem <index> (mem is “SM”, “LD”,“MC”,“ME”, “RC”,“MT” or “SN”,
see +CPBS command) allows direct dialling from a phonebook number. Does not function with "ON" mem..15
ATD<nb>[<I>][;] ATD>[<mem>]<index>[<I>][;] ATD>[<mem>]<name>[<I>][;]
<nb> is the number to dial.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CPBS? +CPBS:”SM”,8,10 ADN phonebook is
selected, 8 locations are used and 10 locations are available
ATD>SM6; OK Call index 6 from
AND phonebook and call succeeds
Command specific information
When the FDN phonebook has been locked, only numbers beginning with the digits of FDN phonebook entries can be called. For example, if “014629” is entered in the FDN phonebook all the phone numbers beginning with these 6 digits can be called.
The CLIR supplementary service subscription can be overridden for this call only. “I” means “invocation” (restrict CLI presentation). “i” means “suppression” (allow CLI presentation).
Control of CUG supplementary service information by “G” or “g” is allowed for this call only.The index and info values set with the +CCUG command are used.
An outgoing call attempt could be refused if the AOC service is active and credit has expired (NO CARRIER).
When trying to set up an outgoing call while there is an active call, the active call is first put on hold, then the call set up is carried out.
20 6196-2220
GSM sequences
As per GSM 02.30, GSM sequences may be controlled using dial commands.These sequences can contain “*”,“#”, but “;” is forbidden. If the sequence is not supported or fails, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. In the case where the FDN phonebook is activat­ed, the sequences concerning call forwarding are allowed only if there are written in the FDN.
Example of using GSM sequences:
Command example Possible responses Note
ATD*#21# +CCFC: 0,7 Check any call forwarding
status, no call forwarding reported
ATD**61*+33146290800**25# OK Register call forwarding
on no reply, with no reply timer fixed at 25 s, result:
done. ATD*2# +CME ERROR 3 Bad sequence See the enf of the manual for the list of supported sequences.
H – Hang-Up command
The ATH (or ATH0) command is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. In the case of multiple calls, all calls are released (active, on-hold and waiting calls). The ATH1 command disconnects the current outgoing call, only in dialing or alerting state (ie. ATH1 can be used only after the ATD command, and before its terminal response (OK, NO CARRIER, ...). It can be useful in the case of multiple calls.
Command example Possible responses Note
ATH OK Ask for disconnection,
result: every call, if any, are
released ATH1 OK Ask for outgoing call
Result: Outgoing call,
if any, is released
A – Answer a call
When the product receives a call, it sets the RingInd signal and sends the ASCII “RING” or “+CRING: <type>” string to the application (+CRING if the cellular result code +CRC is enabled).Then it waits for the application to accept the call with the ATA com­mand.
Command example Possible responses Note
RING Incoming call
ATA OK Answer to this incoming
call, call accepted
ATH OK Disconnect call OK,
call disconnected
+CEER – Extended error report
This command gives the cause of call release when the last call set up (originating or answering) failed.
Command example Possible responses Note
ATD123456789 NO CARRIER Outgoing voice call,
call setup failure
AT+CEER +CEER: Error <xxx> Ask for reason of release,
OK <xxx> is the cause
information element values from GSM recom­mendation 04.08 or specific, call accepted
For the cause information element from GSM 04.08 see further in this manual. “NO CARRIER” indicates that the AT+CEER information is available for failure diagnosis.
22 6196-2220
+VTD, +VTS – DTMF signals
+VTD Description:
The product enables the user application to send DTMF tones over the GSM network. This command is used to define tone duration (the default value is 300 ms).
+VTD Syntax:
AT+VTD=<n> where <n>*100 gives the duration in ms. If n < 4, tone duration is 300 ms.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+VTD=6 OK To define 600 ms tone
duration, command valid AT+VTD=0 OK To set the default value
+VTS Description:
The product enables the user application to send DTMF tones over the GSM network. This command enables tones to be transmitted. DTMF tones can only be transmitted when there is an active call.
+VTS Syntax:
AT+VTS=<Tone> where <Tone> is in {0-9,*,#,A,B,C,D}.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+VTS=A OK Command valid AT+VTS=11 +CME ERROR: 4 If the <Tone> is wrong AT+VTS=4 +CME ERROR: 3 If there is no communica-
Informative example:
To send tone sequence 13#, the application sends: AT+VTS=1;+VTS=3;+VTS=#
AT%Dn – Automatic dialing with DTR
This command enables and disables
• automatic dialling of the phone number stored in the first location of the ADN phonebook,
• automatic sending of the short message (SMS) stored in the first location of the SIM.
The number is dialled when DTR OFF switches ON. The short message is sent when DTR OFF switches ON.
AT%D<n>[ ;] Where <n> is 0, 1 or 2
Command example Possible responses Note
AT%D1; OK Activates DTR number
dialling DTR is OFF DTR switches ON The number in the first
location of the ADN is
dialled automatically DTR switches OFF The product goes off-
hook AT%D2 OK Activates DTR short
message sending
Defined values: <n>
AT%D0 Disables automatic DTR
number dialling / message
transmission. AT%D1 Activates automatic DTR
dialling if DTR switches
from OFF to ON; Dials
the phone number in the
first location of the ADN
phonebook. Data or Fax
call. AT%D2 Activates automatic DTR
short message transmis-
sion if DTR switches from
OFF to ON.
24 6196-2220
+CICB – Incoming Call Bearer
This specific command is used to set the type of incoming calls when no incoming bearer is given (see +CSNS).
NOTE: setting the +CICB command affects the current value of +CSNS.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CICB=1 OK If no incoming bearer,
force a fax call
AT+CICB=2 OK If no incoming bearer,
force a voice call
AT+CICB? +CICB: 2 Interrogate value,
incoming bearer: voice call
AT+CICB=? +CICB: (0-2) Test command, speech,
data or fax may be reported
Defined values: <mode>
0: Data 1: Fax 2: Speech
+CSNS – Single Numbering Scheme
This command selects the bearer to be used when an MT single numbering scheme call is set up (see +CICB). NOTE: setting the +CSNS command affects the current value of +CICB.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CSNS=2 OK force a fax call AT+CSNS=0 OK force a voice call AT+CSNS? +CSNS: 0 Interrogate value,
incoming bearer:
voice call AT+CSNS=? +CSNS: (0,2,4) Test command,
voice, data or fax default
incoming bearer
Defined values: <mode>
0: Voice 2: Fax 4: Data
26 6196-2220
Network service commands
+CSQ – Signal Quality
This command is used to ascertain the received signal strength indication (<rssi>) and the channel bit error rate (<ber>) with or without a SIM card inserted.
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CSQ +CSQ: <rssi>,<ber> <rssi> and <ber>
as defined below
Defined values: <rssi>
0: –113 dBm or less
1: –111 dBm 2–30: –109 to –53 dBm 31: –51dBm or greater 99: not known or not detectable
0–7: as RXQUAL values in the table GSM 05.08
99: not known or not detectable
+COPS – Operator selection
There are three possible ways of selecting an operator (PLMN):
• The product is in manual mode. It then tries to find the operator specified by the appli­cation and if found, tries to register.
• The product is in automatic mode. It then tries to find the home operator and if found, tries to register. If not found, the product automatically searches for another network.
• The product enters into manual/automatic mode, and then tries to find an operator as specified by the application (as in manual mode). If this attempt fails it enters automatic mode. If this is successful, the operator specified by the application is selected. The mobile equipment then enters into automatic mode.
NOTE:The read command returns the current mode and the currently selected operator. In manual mode, this PLMN may not be the one set by the application (as it is in the search phase). These commands are not allowed during one communication.
To force an attempt to select and register on a network, the application must send the following command: Command syntax:AT+COPS=<mode>, [<format> [ , <oper> ] ]
Possible responses: AT+COPS=<mode>:
OK (Network is selected with full service) +CME ERROR: 30 (No network service)
+CME ERROR: 32 (Network not allowed – emergency calls only) +CME ERROR: 3 (Not allowed during one Communication) +CME ERROR: 4 (Incorrect parameters) +CME ERROR: 527 (Please wait, and retry your selection later) +CME ERROR: 528 (Location update failure – emergency calls only) +CME ERROR: 529 (Selection failure – emergency calls only)
Response syntax for AT+COPS?:
+COPS: <mode> [, <format>, <oper> ]
Response syntax for AT+COPS=?:
+COPS: [list of supported (<stat>, long alphanumeric <oper>, short alphanu-
meric <oper>s, numeric <oper>) s]
If an incoming call occurs during a PLMN list request, the operation is aborted (+CME ERROR: 520) and the unsolicited RING appears
28 6196-2220
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,2,20801 Ask for current PLMN,
OK reported PLMN is
France Telecom Orange
AT+COPS=? +COPS: Ask for PLMN list, home
(2,”F Itinéris”,”Itline”,”20801”), PLMN is France
OK (3,”FSFR”,”SFR”,”20810”)
Telecom, SFR network has been detected
AT+COPS=1,2,20810 +CME ERROR: 32 Ask for registration on
SFR network, network not allowed – emergency calls only
AT+COPS=1,1,23433 +CME ERROR: 529 Ask for registration on
UK Orange network Selection failed – emer­gency calls only
AT+COPS=0 OK Register on home net-
work, succeeded
AT+COPS=3,0 OK Set <format> to long
AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,0,”Orange F” Ask for current PLMN,
OK home PLMN is
France Telecom Orange
AT+COPS=2 OK Request deregistration
from network, OK
AT+COPS? +COPS: 2 Ask for current PLMN
Note: ME is unregistered until <mode>=0 or 1 is selected.31
Defined values:
The parameters values are the following ones:
0: automatic (default value) 1: manual 2: deregistration ; ME will be unregistered until <mode>=0 or 1 is selected. 3: set only <format> (for read command AT+COPS?) 4: manual / automatic (<oper> shall be present), if manual selection fails, auto-
matic mode is entered.
0: long alphanumeric format <oper> 1: short alphanumeric format <oper> 2: numeric <oper> (default value) <stat>: status of <oper>
0: unknown 1: available 2: current 3: forbidden
Operator identifier (MCC/MNC in numeric format only for operator selection). The long alphanumeric format can be up to 16 characters long (see appendix 18.12 for operator names description, field is “Name”).The short alphanumeric format can be up to 8 characters long..32
30 6196-2220
+CREG – Network registration
This command is used by the application to ascertain the registration status of the product.
AT+CREG= <mode>
Response Syntax
+CREG: <mode>, <stat> [ ,<lac>,<ci> ] for AT+CREG? Command only
Command example Possible responses Note
AT+CREG? +CREG: <mode>,<stat> As defined above
AT+CREG=0 OK Disable network registra-
tion unsolicited result code, command valid
AT+CREG=1 OK Enable network registra-
tion unsolicited result code, command valid
AT+CREG=2 OK Enable network registra-
tion and location informa­tion unsolicited result code, command valid
AT+CREG=? +CREG: (0-2) 0,1,2 <mode> values are
Defined values: <mode>
0: Disable network registration unsolicited result code (default) 1: Enable network registration code result code +CREG: <stat> 2: Enable network registration and location information unsolicited
result code +CREG:
0: not registered, ME is not currently searching for a new operator. 1: registered, home network. 2: not registered, ME currently searching for a new operator to register to. 3: registration denied. 4: unknown. 5: registered, roaming.
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