Westermo Teleindustri AB • 2002 • REV. A

2 6196-2211
Wireless data communication links over a GSM network can be used instead of normal
wirebound communication in several industrial data communication applications. The
benefits of wireless applications are many and one of the most obvious is the low cost of
the installation. Other important benefits are for example all services provides by the
GSM networks. The data transfer service is just one of many that could be used in a lot
of different industrial data communication applications.
The Westermo GD-series of modems provides a reliable data communication link over
GSM networks. The modems has been designed for use in industrial data communication
applications and has several features that are normally not present on standard GSM
modems. The GD-xx series of GSM modems is available in two versions: the GD-01 and
the GD-02. The GD-01 is a DIN-rail mounted modem with RS-232 interface in either a
9-pin D-sub or in a 5-pin screw connector.
The GD-02 is also DIN rail mounted and has the same RS-232 interface as the GD-01
plus a RS-422/RS-485 interface in a 4-pin screw connector, 2 alarm inputs and one relay
output. The GD-02 is in general more advanced than the GD-01. Besides the interface
differences there are also a lot of “soft” features such as callback and password functionality.
The Westermo GD-series of modems can be used in data communication applications
together with other GSM modems, traditional analogue PSTN modems (like the TD-33)
or ISDN adapters (like the ID-90).
All configuration is made by AT-commands but in the GD-02 also dipswitches or remote
configuration can be used to set up the modem.
See the technical specifications and the AT-command description for more details.
Note! To get the modem to work properly it is necessary to use a subscription
(SIM-card) from a GSM network operator. To get all functions in the
GD- modems to work it is important that the wanted services are
enabled in the subscription. Please refer to the technical specification
for a list of GSM services supported by the modem.

Functional description
The GD-series of modems are modem for wireless data transmissions over the public
GSM network. The GSM-modem can be used to link PLC:s, data loggers, security and
surveillance systems or for data acquisition.
The GSM services supported by the Westermo GD-modems are Circuit Switched Data,
Fax, SMS and GPRS. A data communication link can be established to another
GSM modem, to an analogue modem or to a digital ISDN adapter. The protocol
used when connecting to an analogue modem is V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.23, V32 or V.34.
The protocol used when connecting to an ISDN adapter is V.110. A connection can be
established either via AT-commands (ATD…) or via the RS-232 signal DTR. The DTR
connection is made to a preconfigured number. The unit can send and receive FAX
according to Fax Class 2 Group 3. SMS messages can be transmitted or received.
A SMS send session can be initiated by either an AT command or by a positive
transition of the DTR signal. Sending and receiving of packet data is possible with
the GPRS service.
The GD-xx series of GSM modems is available in two versions:
the GD-01 and the GD-02.
Wireless connection
to GSM network
power supply
Serial data
12–36 V DC

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Before using this unit, read the manual completely, and make sure that you
understand it fully. Check that your application does not exceed the safe
operating specifications for this unit.
Before installation, maintenance or modification work:
Prevent damage to internal electronics from electrostatic discharges (ESD)
by discharging your body to a grounding point (e.g. use of wrist strap).
Prevent access to hazardous voltages by disconnecting the unit from AC/DC
mains supply and all others electrical connections.
This unit is constructed for professional system use. It should be located in a
restricted access area, such as locked cabinet which can only be accessed by
service personnel.
This unit is intended for permanent connection to the AC/DC power supply
and should only be installed by qualified personnel.
The AC/DC power supply wiring must be sufficiently fused, and if necessary
it must be possible to disconnect the unit manually from the voltage supply.
Ensure compliance to national installation regulations.
This unit is a class II equipment, and does not rely on protective earthing.
This unit uses convection cooling.To avoid obstructions to the airflow around
the unit, follow the spacing recommendations (see Installation).
Conformity with the Directive 99/5/EEC (Radio Equipment & Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment) has been assessed by application of the standards
• EN60950 (user safety),
• EN 301 489-1 (Electromagnetic compatibility),
• EN 301 489-7 (Electromagnetic compatibility),
• EN 61000-6-2 (Electromagnetic compatibility, industrial immunity),
• EN 61000-6-3 (Electromagnetic compatibility, residential emission)
• EN 301 419-1 (Radio spectrum matters),
• EN 301 420 (Radio spectrum matters),
The GD-series of modems are fully compliant with ETSI GSM Phase 2+ standard.

Declaration of conformity

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GSM services
Circuit Switched Data Asynchronous transparent or non-transparent
up to 14 400 bit/s
MNP2 error correction and V.42 bis data compression
Fax Fax group 3 (Class 1 and Class 2)
SMS 160 characters text or PDU
Point to point (MT/MO)
Cell broadcast
GPRS (optional) GPRS Class 2, Class B
Coding scheme: CS1 to CS4
Power interface
Rated voltage 12–36 V DC
Rated current @12 V DC: 200 mA / 40 mA
on line mode/ @24 V DC: 100 mA / 20 mA
idle mode @36 V DC: 67 mA / 17 mA
Connection Screw connector
Circuit type Power network
Special factors Reverse polarity protected
Communication and service interface, RS-232
Electrical specification RS-232
Data rate 300–115 200 bit/s
Data format 7 or 8 databits, Odd, Even, None, Mark or Space parity
Connection 9-pin D-sub and 5-pin screw connector
Circuit type SELV, max 15 m length, shielding not required
Communication interface, RS-422/RS-485 (only in GD-02)
Electrical specification RS-422/485
Data rate 300–115 200 bit/s
Data format 7 or 8 databits, Odd, Even or None parity
Connection 5-position screw block
Circuit type TNV-1, twisted pair, shielding not required
Special factors Bus turning time < 1.5 bit time