The WT6014 is a member of WT60XX microcontroller family. It is specially designed for digital
controlled multi-sync monitor. It contains 8-bit CPU, 4K bytes ROM, 128 bytes RAM, 14 PWMs,
parallel I/O, SYNC processor, timer, DDC interface (slave mode I2C interface with DDC1), and
watch-dog timer.
* 8-bit 6502 compatible CPU, 4MHz operating frequency
* 4096 bytes ROM, 128 bytes SRAM
* 8MHz crystal oscillator
* 14 channels 8-bit/62.5kHz PWM outputs (8 open drain outputs & 6 CMOS outputs)
* Sync signal processor with sync separation, frequency calculation, H/V polarity detection control
* DDC interface supports VESA DDC1/DDC2B standard
* Watch-dog timer (0.524 second)
* Maximum 22 programmable I/O pins
* One 8-bit programmable timer
* One external interrupt request
* Built-in low VDD voltage reset
* Single +5V power supply
D/A converter 2. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 1. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 0. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
Reset. Active low. Schmitt trigger input, Internal pull high.
Power supply (+5V).
Ground (0V).
Oscillator Output. Connects a 8MHz crystal.
Oscillator Input. Connects a 8MHz crystal.
I/O Port B5. When it is an input pin, it has an internal pull-up resistor. When it is
an output pin, the sink current is 5mA and the source current is 5mA.
I/O Port B4. Same as PB5.
I/O Port B3. Same as PB5.
I/O Port B2. Same as PB5.
I/O Port B1. Same as PB5.
I/O Port B0. Same as PB5.
Interrupt Request . It has an internal pull high resistor.
I/O Port C7. When it is an input pin, it has an internal pull-up resistor. When it is
an output pin, the sink current is 10mA and the source current is 5mA.
I/O Port C6. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C5. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C4. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C3. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C2. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C1. Same as PC7.
I/O Port C0. Same as PC7.
DDC serial data.
DDC serial clock.
I/O Port A0 or D/A converter 8. This pin can be the output of D/A converter 8
(source/sink = 5mA) or an I/O pin (source = -100uA, sink = 5mA).
I/O Port A1 or D/A converter 9. Same as PA0/DA8.
I/O Port A2 or D/A converter 10. Same as PA0/DA8.
I/O Port A3 or D/A converter 11. Same as PA0/DA8.
I/O Port A4 or D/A converter 12. Same as PA0/DA8.
I/O Port A5 or D/A converter 13. Same as PA0/DA8.
I/O Port A6 / VSYNC OUT. This pin can be the output of VSYNC or an I/O pin.
When as an I/O pin, it is same as PA0.
I/O Port A7 / HSYNC OUT. This pin can be the output of HSYNC or an I/O pin.
When as an I/O pin, it is same as PA0.
D/A converter 7. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 6. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 5. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 4. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
D/A converter 3. Open-drain output. External applied voltage can up to 10V.
HSYNC input. Schmitt trigger input.
VSYNC input. Schmitt trigger input.
Ver. 1.21 Jul-31-1998
Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc.
Digital Monitor Controller
Ver. 1.21 Jul-31-1998
The CPU core is 6502 compatible, operating frequency is 4MHz. Address bus is 16-bit and data bus is
8-bit. the non-maskable interrupt (/NMI) of 6502 is changed to maskable interrupt and is defined as
the INT0. The interrupt request (/IRQ) of 6502 is defined as the INT1.
The initial stack pointer is 00FFH, because page 1 and page 0 are mapped to same area.
Please refer the 6502 reference menu for more detail.
4096 bytes maskable ROM is provided for program codes.
Address is located from F000H to FFFFH.
The following addresses are reserved for special purpose :
FFFAH (low byte) and FFFBH (high byte) : INT0 interrupt vector.
FFFCH (low byte) and FFFDH (high byte) : program reset vector.
FFFEH (low byte) and FFFFH (high byte) : INT1 interrupt vector.
Built-in 128 bytes SRAM, address is located from 0080H to 00FFH
Low VDD Voltage Reset
Page 1 mapped to Page 0
A VDD voltage detector is built inside the chip. When VDD is below 4.0 volts, the whole chip will be
reset just like power-on-reset.
Note that the 4.0 volts varies with temperature and process. Please refer the electrical characteristics.
Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc.
Digital Monitor Controller
Ver. 1.21 Jul-31-1998
PWM D/A Converter
The WT6014 provides 14 PWM D/A converters. DA0 to DA7 are open-drain outputs and external
applied voltage on these pins can be up to 10 volts. DA8 to DA13 are 5 volts push-pull CMOS outputs
and are shared with I/O Port PA0 to PA5. All D/A converters are 62.5kHz frequency with 8-bit
resolution. Each D/A converter is controlled by the corresponding register (REG#00H to REG#0DH),
the duty cycle can be programmed from 1/256 (data = 01H) to 255/256 (data = FFH).
Duty cycle = 1/256
Duty cycle = 2/256
Duty cycle = 255/256
To program the PWM D/A converters, write the corresponding registers ( REG#00H to REG#0DH).
** Do not write 00H to the PWM registers. This will cause unstable
output on the corresponding pin.
Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc.
Digital Monitor Controller
Ver. 1.21 Jul-31-1998
I/O Ports
Port_A :
Pin PA0/DA8 - general purpose I/O shared with DA8 output.
Pin PA1/DA9 - general purpose I/O shared with DA9 output.
Pin PA2/DA10 - general purpose I/O shared with DA10 output.
Pin PA3/DA11 - general purpose I/O shared with DA11 output.
Pin PA4/DA12 - general purpose I/O shared with DA12 output.
Pin PA5/DA13 - general purpose I/O shared with DA13 output.
Pin PA6/VSO - general purpose I/O shared with VSYNC output.
Pin PA7/HSO - general purpose I/O shared with HSYNC output.
Port_A is controlled by REG#10H & REG#11H. In REG#10H, each corresponding bit enables
HSYNC output, VSYNC output or D/A converter output when it is "1". If the corresponding bit is "0",
the output level is decided by REG#11H. In REG#11H, if the I/O corresponding bit (PAn) is "0", the
output is low level (IOL=5mA). If PAn bit is "1", the output is high level (IOH= -100uA) and can be
used as an input.
EHOEnable PA7 as HSYNC output.PA7 as general purpose I/O.
EVOEnable PA6 as VSYNC output.PA6 as general purpose I/O.
EDA13Enable PA5 as DA13 output.PA5 as general purpose I/O.
EDA12Enable PA4 as DA12 output.PA4 as general purpose I/O.
EDA11Enable PA3 as DA11 output.PA3 as general purpose I/O.
EDA10Enable PA2 as DA10 output.PA2 as general purpose I/O.
EDA9Enable PA1 as DA9 output.PA1 as general purpose I/O.
EDA8Enable PA0 as DA8 output.PA0 as general purpose I/O.
* If the program wants to force VSYNC output (VSO pin) in low state, write "0" to PA6 bit first, then
write "0" to EVO bit. This is used to prevent high frequency output on VSO pin when the VSYNC
frequency is increased to read EDID data in DDC1 mode.
Pin PAn
Weltrend Semiconductor, Inc.
Digital Monitor Controller
Ver. 1.21 Jul-31-1998
Port_B :
Pin PB0 to PB5 - general purpose I/O pins.
The source/sink current of port_B is 5mA when as an output. When it is input, an internal pull