MACH 6 Quick Reference Guide
Daily Requirements Powder Canister Level and moisture
Monthly Requirements Filters and Moisture
Handpiece/s Handpiece Hose/s and Nozzles
Pinch Tube (check)
Quarterly Requirements Pinch Tube (replace)
BI-Annual Requirements Pinch Valve Assembly (l ubricate)
Inspect Canister components
Annual Requirements Air In and Out In-Line Filters (replace)
Internal Tubing (re -tube)
Powder Canister (replace components)
Maintenance Checks
No. Maintenance item 6 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo. 24 mo.
PM 1 Maintain Pinch Valve XX XX XX XX
PM 2 Replace Filters & Tubing XX XX
PM 3 Maintain Powder Canister XX XX
PM 4 Calibrate system XX XX XX XX
PM 1. Maintain pinch valve block 6/12 Months) : .50 hour
One Year Maintenance Kit K150034
PM 2. Replace the Filters and tubing (12 months): 1.0 hour
One Year Maintenance Kit K150034
PM 3. Check Powder Canister (6/12 months): 0.5 hour
One Year Maintenance Kit K150034
Check Canister Gasket and lid
Clear powder ports and back flush canister
Clean Gasket and Canister lid
Clear and measure Orifice Plate holes
Replace powder and verify system operation
Maintain Powder Canister (12 month) 1.0 hour
One Year Maintenance Kit K150034
PM 4. Calibrate system (6 months): 1.0 hour
Verify and calibr ate using procedure
K990291 Rev. C

MACH 6 Quick Reference Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
No powder or air from the
handpiece nozzle.
Air from the handpiece but no
powder flow.
Air and powder from the
handpiece flow for only a few
seconds then stop.
Air and powder flow
continuously from handpiece
even when in the Standby
Powder inside the unit
Unit Plugged into Water Contact Welch Allyn Service center for unit Repair
?? The handpiece is clogged. Use an orthowire to clear the nozzle. Disconnect
the handpiece from the handpiece hose and blow air through it.
?? No Powder
?? Blown Pinch Tube
?? Clogged orifice plate. Empty the powder from the canister. With an ortho
wire, gently move the wire back and forth in the small holes in the bottom of the
Powder Canister.
?? Pinch Valve Piston stuck
?? A pinch tube is sticking. Replace the pinch tube.
?? Pinch Valve Piston stuck
?? Change pinch tube.
?? Shoe block cover has become scarred. Replace the shoe block cover.
?? Blown Pinch Tube
?? Hole in Powder tubing
?? Shoe block cover has become scarred. Replace the shoe block cover.
K990291 Rev. C