BAKE All Bread Machines
This setting is especially helpful when making gluten-free breads. After the first rise, stop the machine
and cancel the cycle by pressing the STOP key until it beeps. Set tile machine to the BAKE setting and
press the START key.
Usin lYourBreadMachine
The bread settings in these units will combine ingredients, knead and make bread from start to finish automatically The
DOUGHsetting makes dough for a variety of recipes for you to shape and bake m your oven. To delay compietion, the
automatic T!MER may be programmed to make bread or dough while you are at york or asleep iSee 'Usii g Tile Tirner",
sage 15)
The recipes included with this booklet have been thoroughly tested to ensure best results Recipes have been created by
ilome economists specifically for these bread machines an,d may no_,p,oduce acceptable resLfltsin other similar bread
0pel the id and remove the baking _an [._,pulhng stra,ght m : 1tile nan-
d e. t is important to remove the baking can from _ne dlllI ramer _nan
putt ng mgredients into the pan wh le _ ts -"o_ace:o avoid acc_aen[a ,
sp I!ing ingredients into the bakmg cnamoer.
Attach the kneading blade onto the shaft inside the baking pan by lining
Lipthe flat side of the blade with the flat side on the shaft. Push the blade
firmly onto the shaft.
Select a recipe from the recipe section of this booklet. When following
the recipes:
- Measure ingredients carefully and accurately To measure liquids,
use a see-through liquid measuring cup and cheek tile nreasuremeHt at
eye level When measuring dry ingredients, use a standard dry measur-
mg cup and !evel the ingredients with a straightedge knife Inaccurate
measurement, even slightly, can make a diflerence in results, Use
standard measuring spoons and level off with a straightedge knife.
See Measuring Your Ingredients", page 21.)
- Always add ingredients into the baking san in the order listed.
- Always add yeast last. Besure the yeast does not touch the liquid
Place vour bread machine
whereitis level stab!e and
•Be sure to set the kneading
blade firmly into place other-
wise the blade may come off
durirrg operation vfhich Ha,/
affect tire knead ng or
•Be sure the shaft s clean of
any residue (ie. dougt_)This
will ensure tile kneading b!ade
will fully seat into place.
Becareful not io nrx ttre yeast
with any of the wet ingredi-
ents especially when using
the delayed timer feature
Otherwise the b_eadmay not
rise properly.
Breadmaking Tip:
After 5 minutes of knead-
ing open the lid of the
bread machine and check
ingredients. /- ---- . _ i-
%,--dL_-_ Dry _- W'_-/
_,,, _,_ f Inaredie ls Yeast
(ie. flour) _ L,._..,J
the dough consistency. The
dough should from a sort,
tacky ball If too dry. add
tiquid: if too wet. add flour -
- 1/2 to 1 tablespoon at a