Weidmuller WI-MOD-E-100, WI-MOD-E-300 User Manual

User Manual
WI-MOD-E-100 &
Ethernet Modems
Weidmuller, Inc., Richmond, VA 23236
Tel: (800) 849-9343 Fax: (804) 897-4136
Web: www.weidmuller.com
WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet User Manual
Thank you for your selection of the WI-MOD-E-100 and/or WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless
Ethernet Modem. We trust it will give you many years of valuable service.
Incorrect termination of supply wires may cause internal damage and will void warranty. To ensure your WI-MOD-E enjoys a long life,
double check ALL your connections with
the user’s manual
before turning the power on.
For continued protection against risk of fire, replace the internal module fuse only with the same type and rating.
Antennas used with this device must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons to satisfy RF exposure compliance.
operate the transmitter when someone is within 20 cm of the antenna operate the transmitter unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are properly
terminated. operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere
All equipment must be properly grounded for safe operations. All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified technician.
WI-MOD-E Manual v1.10 Page 2
Important Notice
Weidmuller, Inc. products are designed to be used in industrial environments, by experienced industrial engineering personnel with
adequate knowledge of safety design considerations.
Weidmuller, Inc. radio products are used on unprotected license-free radio bands with radio noise and interference. The products are designed to operate in the presence of noise and interference, however in an extreme case, radio noise and interference could cause product operation delays or operation failure. Like all industrial electronic products, Weidmuller, Inc. products can fail in a variety of modes due to misuse, age, or malfunction. We recommend that users and designers design systems using design techniques intended to prevent personal injury or damage during product operation, and provide failure tolerant systems to prevent personal injury or damage in the event of product failure. Designers must warn users of the equipment or systems if adequate protection against failure has not been included in the system design. Designers must include this Important Notice in operating procedures and system manuals.
These products should not be used in non-industrial applications, or life-support systems, without consulting Weidmuller, Inc. first.
1. A radio license is not required in some countries, provided the module is installed using the aerial and equipment configuration described in the WI-MOD-E Installation Guide. Check with your local distributor for further information on regulations.
2. Operation is authorized by the radio frequency regulatory authority in your country on a non­protection basis. Although all care is taken in the design of these units, there is no responsibility taken for sources of external interference. Systems should be designed to be tolerant of these operational delays.
3. To avoid the risk of electrocution, the aerial, aerial cable, serial cables and all terminals of the WI-MOD-E module should be electrically protected. To provide maximum surge and lightning protection, the module should be connected to a suitable earth and the aerial, aerial cable, serial cables and the module should be installed as recommended in the Installation Guide.
4. To avoid accidents during maintenance or adjustment of remotely controlled equipment, all equipment should be first disconnected from the WI-MOD-E module during these adjustments. Equipment should carry clear markings to indicate remote or automatic operation. E.g. "This equipment is remotely controlled and may start without warning. Isolate at the switchboard before attempting adjustments."
5. The WI-MOD-E module is not suitable for use in explosive environments without additional protection.
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WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet User Manual
Limited Lifetime Warranty, Disclaimer and Limitation of Remedies
Weidmuller, Inc. products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for the “serviceable lifetime” of the product. The “serviceable lifetime” is limited to the availability of electronic components. If the serviceable life is reached in less than three years following the original purchase from Weidmuller, Inc., Weidmuller, Inc. will replace the product with an equivalent product if an equivalent product is available.
This warranty does not extend to:
- Failures caused by the operation of the equipment outside the particular product's specification,
- Use of the module not in accordance with this User Manual, or
- Abuse, misuse, neglect or damage by external causes, or
- Repairs, alterations, or modifications undertaken other than by an authorized Service Agent.
Weidmuller, Inc.’s liability under this warranty is limited to the replacement or repair of the product. This warranty is in lieu of and exclusive of all other warranties. This warranty does not indemnify the purchaser of products for any consequential claim for damages or loss of operations or profits and Weidmuller, Inc. is not liable for any consequential damages or loss of operations or profits resulting from the use of these products. Weidmuller, Inc. is not liable for damages, losses, costs, injury or harm incurred as a consequence of any representations, warranties or conditions made by Weidmuller, Inc. or its representatives or by any other party, except as expressed solely in this document.
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 7
1.1 NETWORK TOPOLOGY..................................................................................................... 7
1.2 GETTING STARTED QUICKLY ........................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 11
2.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................11
2.2 ANTENNA INSTALLATION.............................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Dipole and Collinear antennas................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Directional antennas. ...............................................................................................14
2.3 POWER SUPPLY............................................................................................................. 15
2.4 SERIAL CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................15
2.4.1 RS232 Serial Port ................................................................................................15
2.4.2 RS485 Serial Port ................................................................................................16
2.5 DISCRETE (DIGITAL) INPUT/OUTPUT.............................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE OPERATION............................................................................. 19
3.1 START-UP......................................................................................................................19
3.2 SELECTING A CHANNEL ................................................................................................21
3.3 DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ...........................................................................................22
3.4 CONFIGURING THE UNIT FOR THE FIRST TIME............................................................... 22
3.4.1 Set PC to same network as WI-MOD-E ..................................................................22
3.4.2 Set WI-MOD-E to same network as PC ..................................................................25
3.5 NETWORK CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................... 27
3.6 ETHERNET DATA...........................................................................................................29
3.7 NORMAL OPERATION.................................................................................................... 30
3.8 RADIO CONFIGURATION................................................................................................31
3.9 SPANNING TREE ALGORITHM / REDUNDANCY ..............................................................33
3.10 MULTIPLE AP REPEATER MESH NETWORK...................................................................34
3.11 ROUTING RULES ...........................................................................................................42
3.12 WIRELESS MESSAGE FILTERING....................................................................................44
3.13 SERIAL PORT CONFIGURATION......................................................................................46
3.13.1 RS-232 PPP Server..............................................................................................46
3.13.2 Serial Gateway..................................................................................................... 51
3.13.3 ModBus TCP to RTU Gateway........................................................................... 53
3.14 DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT................................................................................................ 54
3.15 MODBUS I/O TRANSFER...............................................................................................54
3.16 MODULE INFORMATION CONFIGURATION .....................................................................59
3.17 REMOTE CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................63
3.18 CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES .........................................................................................64
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CHAPTER FOUR DIAGNOSTICS.................................................................................. 68
4.1 DIAGNOSTICS CHART.................................................................................................... 68
4.2 DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION AVAILABLE .......................................................................69
4.2.1 Connectivity.........................................................................................................69
4.2.2 Monitor Communications....................................................................................70
4.2.3 Statistics...............................................................................................................71
4.2.4 Network Traffic Analysis.....................................................................................71
4.3 TESTING RADIO PATHS .................................................................................................71
4.4 UTILITIES ......................................................................................................................72
4.4.1 PING ........................................................................................................................72
4.4.2 IPCONFIG...............................................................................................................74
4.4.4 ROUTE ....................................................................................................................75
CHAPTER FIVE SPECIFICATIONS ..........................................................................77
APPENDIX A FIRMWARE UPGRADE ......................................................................... 79
APPENDIX B GLOSSARY ...............................................................................................85
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The WI-MOD-E Industrial Wi-Fi Wireless Ethernet module provides wireless connections between Ethernet devices or Ethernet wired networks (LAN’s). It complies with the IEEE 802.11b standard. The WI-MOD-E has an internal 2.4GHz direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) wireless transceiver, which can be used without a radio license in most countries. Users can select one of 11 5MHz wide channels, with the first channel centered at 2.412 GHz.
Note that regulations in North America and part of Europe permit all 11 channels to be used in these countries. Please check with your Weidmuller, Inc. representative for the permitted channel usage in your country.
The WI-MOD-E unit also provides two serial connections as well as the Ethernet connections. It is possible to use all three data connections concurrently, allowing the WI-MOD-E to act as a Device Server. Wireless connections can be made between serial devices and Ethernet devices, however appropriate driver applications are required in the host devices to handle the different data format. The WI-MOD-E does provide connection functionality between serial “ModBus RTU” devices and Ethernet “ModBus TCP” devices.
The WI-MOD-E is available in two models with different RF power:
WI-MOD-E-100 100mW of RF power WI-MOD-E-300 300mW of RF power
Note that European regulations do not permit more than 100mW of RF power to be used. In USA, Canada and Australia, up to 1W of RF power may be generated. In other countries, please check with your Weidmuller, Inc. representative.
The WI-MOD-E has a standard RJ45 Ethernet connection which will operate at up to 100Mbit/sec. The module will transmit the Ethernet messages on the wireless band at rates between 1 and 11 Mbit/sec.
1.1 Network Topology
The WI-MOD-E is an Ethernet device, and must be configured as part of an Ethernet network. Each WI-MOD-E must be configured as:
an “Access Point” or a “Client”, and a “Bridge” or a “Router”.
You can also connect to the WI-MOD-E via a RS232 or RS485 serial port using serial server or PPP (point-to-point) protocol. PPP allows the WI-MOD-E to connect serial communications into the Ethernet network.
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Access Point vs Client
The Access Point unit acts as the “wireless master” unit. The Access Point sets up the wireless links to the Client units, and controls the wireless communications. The first diagram shows two Ethernet devices being linked. One WI-MOD-E is configured as an Access Point and one as a Client
- in this example it doesn’t mater which unit is the
Access Point. The second diagram shows an existing LAN being
extended using WI-MOD-E’s. In this example, the Access Point should be configured at the LAN end
- although the wireless link will still work if the
Client is at the LAN end.
An Access Point can connect to multiple Clients. In this case, the Access Point should be the “central” unit.
An Access Point could be used as a “Repeater” unit to connect two WI-MOD-E Clients which do not have direct reliable radio paths.
Multiple Access Points can be set-up in a “mesh” network to provide multiple repeaters.
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Bridge vs Router
Each WI-MOD-E is configured with an IP address for the Ethernet side, and another for the wireless side.
A Bridge connects devices within the same Ethernet network - for example, extending an existing Ethernet LAN. For a Bridge, the IP address for the wireless side is the same as the Ethernet side.
A Router connects devices on different LAN’s. The IP addresses for the Ethernet and wireless sides are different.
In the above example, the wireless link is part of LAN A, with the Client unit acting as a Router between LAN A and LAN B. Alternately, the Access Point could be configured as a Router - the wireless link is then part of LAN B.
If more than two routers are required within the same radio network, then routing rules may need to be configured (refer section “3.11 Routing Rules” for further details). There is no limit to the number of Bridges in the same network - although there is a limit of 128 Client units linked to any one Access Point.
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1.2 Getting Started Quickly
Most applications for the WI-MOD-E require little configuration. The WI-MOD-E has many sophisticated features, however if you don’t require these features, this section will allow you to configure the units quickly.
First, read Section 2, “Installation”. The WI-MOD-E requires an antenna and a power supply.
Power the WI-MOD-E and make an Ethernet connection to your PC (for further information on
how to do this, refer to section 3.4)
Set the WI-MOD-E address settings as per section 3.4 Save the configuration - the WI-MOD-E is now ready to use.
Before installing the WI-MOD-E, bench test the system. It is a lot easier to locate problems when the equipment is all together.
There are other configuration settings which may or may not improve the operation of the system. For details on these settings, refer to section 3.
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2.1 General
The WI-MOD-E module is housed in a rugged aluminium case, suitable for DIN-rail mounting. Terminals will accept wires up to 2.5 sqmm (12 gauge) in size. Module is mounted using the spring loaded DIN Rail mounts located on the back of the module. To mount, clip the top of the DIN Rail clip on to the DIN rail and then press the module back firmly until it clicks into place. To release firmly pull the bottom of the module toward you.
All connections to the module must be SELV. Normal 110-250V mains supply should not be connected to any terminal of the WI-MOD-E module. Refer to Section 2.3 Power Supply.
Before installing a new system, it is preferable to bench test the complete system. Configuration problems are easier to recognize when the system units are adjacent. Following installation, the most common problem is poor communications caused by incorrectly installed antennas, or radio interference on the same channel, or the radio path being inadequate. If the radio path is a problem (i.e. path too long, or obstructions in the way), then higher performance antennas or a higher mounting point for the antenna may rectify the problem. Alternately, use an intermediate WI-MOD-E Module as a repeater.
The foldout sheet WI-MOD-E Installation Guide provides an installation drawing appropriate to most applications. Further information is detailed below.
Each WI-MOD-E module should be effectively earthed via the "GND" terminal on the WI­MOD-E module - this is to ensure that the surge protection circuits inside the WI-MOD-E module are effective.
2.2 Antenna Installation
The WI-MOD-E module will operate reliably over large distances. The distance which may be reliably achieved will vary with each application - depending on the type and location of antennas, the degree of radio interference, and obstructions (such as buildings or trees) to the radio path.
The maximum range achievable depends on the regulated RF power permitted in your country, and whether you use separate transmit and receive antennas. With a single antenna, 5 km (3 miles) can be achieved in USA, Canada and Australia (4W ERP) and 1km in Europe (100mW ERP). With separate transmit and receive antennas, more than 10km (6 miles) can be achieved in USA, Canada and Australia and more than 5 km in Europe.
To achieve the maximum transmission distance, the antennas should be raised above intermediate obstructions so the radio path is true “line of sight”. The modules will operate reliably with some obstruction of the radio path, although the reliable distance will be reduced. Obstructions which are close to either antenna will have more of a blocking affect than obstructions in the middle of the radio path. The WI-MOD-E modules provide a diagnostic feature which displays the radio signal strength of transmissions (refer Diagnostics section).
Line-of-sight paths are only necessary to obtain the maximum range. Obstructions will reduce the range, however may not prevent a reliable path. A larger amount of obstruction can be
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tolerated for shorter distances. For short distances, it is possible to mount the antennas inside buildings. An obstructed path requires testing to determine if the path will be reliable - refer the section 6 of this manual.
Where it is not possible to achieve reliable communications between two WI-MOD-E modules, then a third WI-MOD-E module may be used to receive the message and re-transmit it. This module is referred to as a repeater. This module may also have a host device connected to it.
The WI-MOD-E unit has two antenna connections at the top of the module, allowing two antennas to be fitted to the unit. The left connector (looking at the front) labeled “RX” is connected only to the internal wireless receiver. The right connector labeled TX/RX is connected to both the transmitter and receiver.
Note: when only one antenna is used, it must be connected to the right TX/RX connector.
Plant and factory installations
Most installations in industrial plants and factories use a single omni-directional antenna. Installations can suffer from “multi-path fading” effects where multiple reflected radio signals adversely affect the signal strength. This can be checked by moving the antenna a short distance (10 cm or 4 inches) - if the signal increases significantly then there are multi-path effects.
In a “static” installation, where the radio path is not changing, moving an antenna to the position of maximum signal solves this problem. However where the radio path changes because the WI­MOD-E is mounted on moving equipment, or if there is moving equipment in the area, then the solution is to use two antennas. Because the two connectors are separated, the RF signal at each connector will be different in the presence of multi-path fading. The WI-MOD-E unit will automatically select the higher RF signal.
Note that directional antennas are not normally used in plant and factory installations.
Line-of-sight installations
In longer line-of-sight installations, the range may be increased by using a high gain antenna on the TX/RX connector. However the gain should not cause the effective radiated power (ERP) to exceed the permitted value. A second higher gain antenna can be connected to the RX connector without affecting ERP - this will increase the operating range provided the background noise in the area is low.
Antennas can be either connected directly to the module connectors or connected via 50 ohm coaxial cable (e.g. RG58 Cellfoil or RG213) terminated with a male SMA coaxial connector. The higher the antenna is mounted, the greater the transmission range will be, however as the length of coaxial cable increases so do cable losses.
The net gain of an antenna/cable configuration is the gain of the antenna (in dBi) less the loss in the coaxial cable (in dB). The maximum net gain of the antenna/cable configuration connected to the TX/RX connector is 0dB in Europe (100mW ERP). In USA, Canada and Australia (4W ERP), the maximum gain is 12dB for the WI-MOD-E -300 or 16dB for the WI-MOD-E -100. There is no gain restriction for antennas connected to the RX connector.
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The gains and losses of typical antennas are
Antenna Gain (dBi)
Dipole 2 Collinear 5 or 8 Directional 10 - 28
Cable type Loss (dB per 10 m / 30 ft)
RG58 Cellfoil -6 RG213 -5 LDF4-50 -1.5
The net gain of the antenna/cable configuration is determined by adding the antenna gain and the cable loss. For example, a 5dBi antenna with 10 meters of Cellfoil has a net gain of -1 dB (5dB – 6dB).
Installation tips Connections between the antenna and coaxial cable should be carefully taped to prevent ingress
of moisture. Moisture ingress in the coaxial cable is a common cause for problems with radio systems, as it greatly increases the radio losses. We recommend that the connection be taped, firstly with a layer of PVC Tape, then with a vulcanizing tape such as “3M 23 tape”, and finally with another layer of PVC UV Stabilized insulating tape. The first layer of tape allows the joint to be easily inspected when trouble shooting as the vulcanizing seal can be easily removed.
Where antennas are mounted on elevated masts, the masts should be effectively earthed to avoid lightning surges. For high lightning risk areas, surge suppression devices between the module and the antenna are recommended. If the antenna is not already shielded from lightning strike by an adjacent earthed structure, a lightning rod may be installed above the antenna to provide shielding.
2.2.1 Dipole and Collinear antennas
A dipole or collinear antenna transmits the same amount of radio power in all directions - as such that are easy to install and use. The dipole antenna with integral 5 meters (15 feet) cable does not require any additional coaxial cable; however a cable must be used with the collinear antennas.
Collinear and dipole antennas should be mounted vertically, preferably 30 cm (1 foot) away from a wall or mast to obtain maximum range.
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30 cm minimum
2.2.2 Directional antennas.
Directional antennas can be;
a Yagi antenna with a main beam and orthogonal elements, or a directional radome, which is cylindrical in shape, or a parabolic antenna.
A directional antenna provides high gain in the forward direction, but lower gain in other directions. This may be used to compensate for coaxial cable loss for installations with marginal radio path.
Yagi antennas should be installed with the main beam horizontal, pointing in the forward direction. If the Yagi is transmitting to a vertically mounted omni-directional antenna, then the Yagi elements should be vertical. If the Yagi is transmitting to another Yagi, then the elements at each end of the wireless link need to in the same plane (horizontal or vertical).
Directional radomes should be installed with the central beam horizontal and must be pointed exactly in the direction of transmission to benefit from the gain of the antenna. Parabolic antennas should be mounted as per the manufacturer’s instructions, with the parabolic grid at the “back” and the radiating element pointing in the direction of the transmission.
Ensure that the antenna mounting bracket is well connected to “ground/earth”.
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2.3 Power Supply
The WI-MOD-E module can be powered from a 9 - 30VDC power supply. The power supply should be rated at 1 Amp. The positive side of the supply must not be connected to earth. The supply negative is connected to the unit case internally. The DC supply may be a floating supply or negatively grounded.
The power requirements of the WI­MOD-E unit is 240mA @ 12V or 150mA @ 24VDC. This is inclusive of radio and Ethernet ports active, & serial port plugged in. Transmission current is nominally 350mA at 12V (200mA at 24V) for the 100mW RF
9 - 30
unit, and 500mA at 12V (350mA at 24V) for the 300mW RF unit.
A Ground Terminal is provided on the back of the module. This Terminal should be connected to the Main Ground point of the installation in order to provide efficient surge protection for the module (refer to the Installation Diagram)
2.4 Serial Connections
2.4.1 RS232 Serial Port
The serial port is a 9 pin DB9 female and provides for connection to a host device as well as a PC terminal for configuration, field testing and for factory testing. Communication is via standard RS232 signals. The WI-MOD-E is configured as DCE equipment with the pinouts detailed below.
Hardware handshaking using the CTS/RTS lines is provided. The CTS/RTS lines may be used to reflect the status of the local unit’s input buffer. The WI-MOD-E does not support XON/XOFF.
Example cable drawings for connection to a DTE host (a PC) or another DCE hosts (or modem) are detailed above.
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DB9 Connector Pinouts
Pin Name Direction Function
1 DCD Out
Data carrier detect
2 RD Out
3 TD In
4 DTR In
5 SG
6 DSR Out
7 RTS In
8 CTS Out
9 RI
Transmit Data – Serial Data Output
Receive Data – Serial Data Input Data Terminal Ready -
Signal Ground
Data Set Ready - always high when unit is powered on.
Request to Send -
Clear to send -
Ring indicator -
2.4.2 RS485 Serial Port
The RS485 port provides for communication between the WI-MOD-E unit and its host device using a multi-drop cable. Up to 32 devices may be connected in each multi-drop network.
As the RS485 communication medium is shared, only one of the units on the RS485 cable may send data at any one time. Thus communication protocols based on the RS-485 standard require some type of arbitration.
RS485 is a balanced, differential standard but it is recommended that shielded, twisted pair cable be used to interconnect modules to reduce potential RFI. It is important to maintain the polarity of the two RS485 wires. An RS485 network should be wired as indicated in the diagram below and terminated at each end of the network with a 120 ohm resistor. On-board 120 ohm resistors are provided and may be engaged by operating the single DIP switch in the end plate next to the RS485 terminals. The DIP switch should be in the “1” or “on” position to connect the resistor. If the module is not at one end of the RS485 cable, the switch should be off.
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FOR 120
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2.5 Discrete (Digital) Input/Output
The WI-MOD-E has one on-board discrete/digital I/O channel. This channel can act as either a discrete input or discrete output. It can be monitored, or set remotely, or alternatively used to output a communications alarm status.
If used as an “input”, the I/O channel is suitable for voltage free contacts (such as mechanical switches) or NPN transistor devices (such as electronic proximity switches). PNP transistor devices are not suitable. Contact wetting current of approximately 5mA is provided to maintain reliable operation of driving relays.
The digital input is connected between the "DIO" terminal and common "COM". The I/O circuit includes a LED indicator which is lit when the digital input is active, that is, when the input circuit is closed. Provided the resistance of the switching device is less than 200 ohms, the device will be able to activate the digital input.
Voltage-free contact input
The I/O channel may also be used as a discrete output. The digital outputs are transistor switched DC signals, FET output to common rated at 30VDC @500 mA.
The output circuit is connected to the "DIO" terminal. The digital output circuit includes a LED indicator which is lit when the digital output is active.
Max 30VDC
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Chapter Three OPERATION
3.1 Start-up
“Access Point” Start-up
An Access Point (AP) unit starts and immediately begins transmitting periodic messages, called beacons, on the configured channel. Beacons include capability information that a Client may examine in order to identify if the Access Point is suitable for link establishment. Clients will only attempt to establish a link with an Access Point whose beacon indicates a matching SSID. Access Points do not initiate link establishment.
“Client” Start-up
When a Client powers up, it scans for beacons from Access Points. While a link is not established, the Client cyclically scans all available channels for a suitable Access Point. The Client will attempt to establish a link with an Access Point only if it has matching SSID and other compatible capabilities as indicated by the beacon. If more than one suitable Access Point is discovered, the client will attempt to establish a link with the Access Point that has the strongest radio signal.
Link Establishment
Once a Client identifies a suitable Access Point for link establishment it attempts to establish a link using a two step process – “Authentication” and “Association”. During Authentication the Client and Access Point check if their configurations permit them to establish a link. Once the Client has been authenticated, it will then request an Association to establish a link.
Status of the wireless link is indicated via the Link LED. For an Access Point, the Link LED will be OFF while no links have been established. Once one or more links have been established, the Link LED is ON. For a Client, the Link LED will reflect the connection status to an Access Point. Link status is also displayed on the “Connectivity” page of the web interface.
After the link is established, data may be transferred in both directions. The Access Point will act as a master-unit and will control the flow of data to the Clients linked to it. Clients can only transmit data to the AP to which they are connected. When a Client transfers data to another Client, it first transmits the data to the AP which then forwards the data to the destined Client.
Presence of a “link” does not mean that the connected unit is authorized to communicate over radio. If the encryption keys are incorrect between units in the same system, or a dissimilar encryption scheme is configured, the LINK led will light, however data may not be passed over the wireless network.
A maximum of 255 Clients may be linked to an Access Point.
How a Link connection is lost
The Access Point refreshes the link status with a Client every time a message is received from that Client. If nothing is received from a Client for a period of 120 seconds, the Access Point sends a “link-check” message. If there is no response to the link-check a De-authenticate message is sent and the link is dropped.
A Client monitors beacons from an Access Point to determine whether the link is still present. If the Client can no longer receive beacons from the AP, the AP is considered to be out-of-range and the
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link is dropped. Whenever a Client is not connected to an AP, it will cyclically scan all available channels for a suitable AP.
Clients may also roam between Access Points. If a Client receives a beacon from an AP with a stronger signal than the current AP (providing SSID is the same and capability information are compatible), it may disconnect from the first AP and establish a link with the second AP. This functionality permits a client to have mobility whilst maintaining a link with the most suitable AP.
LED Indication
The following table details the status of the indicating LEDs on the front panel under normal operating conditions.
LED Indicator Condition Meaning
OK GREEN Normal Operation
OK RED Supply voltage too low.
Radio RX GREEN flash Radio receiving data
Radio RX RED flash Weak radio signal
Radio TX Flash Radio Transmitting
Radio LINK On On when a radio communications link is
Radio LINK Off Communications failure or radio link not
Radio LINK GREEN flash
RED flash
LAN ON Link Established on Ethernet port
LAN Flash Activity on Ethernet port.
Serial GREEN flash Rs232 Serial Port Activity
Serial RED flash Rs485 Serial Port Activity
Digital Output ON or Input is grounded.
Digital Output OFF and Input is open circuit.
Serial Port Receiving
CTS low
The Ethernet RJ45 port incorporates two indication LEDs. The LINK LED comes on when there is a connection on the Ethernet port, and will blink off briefly when activity is detected on the Ethernet Port. The 100MB LED indicates that the connection is at 100 MBit/Sec. The 100MB LED will be off for 10MB/Sec connection.
Other conditions indicating a fault are described in Chapter Six Troubleshooting.
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3.2 Selecting a Channel
The WI-MOD-E conforms to the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN specification. The WI-MOD-E supports 11 radio channels, each 5MHz wide, in the range 2412MHz to 2462MHz. Only one of these channels is used for a connection. The desired channel is selected and configured at the Access Point, and is then used for all beacon transmissions and connections. Clients scan all 11 channels for a suitable Access Point and then adopt the same channel as the AP when a connection is established. Although each channel is only 5MHz wide, the radio transmission is a lot wider. Hence the channels overlap. The following diagram shows the RF energy distribution for a WiFi transmission:
f-33 f-22 f-11 f f+11 f+22 f+33
RF power distribution in a WiFi transmission with channel central frequency, f
Most of the energy is in a central 22 MHz wide “lobe”, centered around the channel frequency, however there are also side-lobes extending either side.
If we ignore the side lobes and consider each WiFi message as a 22MHz wide transmission, then the following diagram represents how transmissions in each channel overlaps.
If there is more than one WiFi AP within the same wireless range, then it is important that the AP’s are on channels as far apart as possible. If there are only two AP’s, then set them to 1 and 11. If there are three, set them to 1, 6, 11.
It is also important that correct channel is selected for region. Channels 1 to 11 are approved for North America (FCC), Europe (ETSI), Canada (IC) and Australia (ACMA). Channels 10 and 11 are approved for use in Spain and France. Refer to the relevant regulatory authority for the region as to which radio channels are approved for use.
Increasing frequency
1 6 11
2 7
3 8
4 9
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WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet User Manual
3.3 Default Configuration
The default factory configuration of the WI-MOD-E is
IP address192.168.0.1XX, where XX is the last two digits of the serial number (the default IP
address is shown on the printed label on the back of the module)
Subnet mask
Username is “user” and the default password is “user
The WI-MOD-E will temporarily load some factory-default settings if powered up with the Factory Default switch (on the end-plate of the module) in SETUP position. When in SETUP mode, wireless operation is disabled. The previous configuration remains stored in non-volatile memory and will only change if a configuration parameter is modified and the change saved.
Do not forget to set the switch back to the RUN position and cycle power at the conclusion of configuration for resumption of normal operation.
3.4 Configuring the Unit for the First Time
The WI-MOD-E has a built-in web server, containing webpages for analysis and modification of configuration. The configuration can be accessed using Microsoft® Internet Explorer. This program is shipped with Microsoft Windows or may be obtained freely via the Microsoft® website.
Configuration of IP address, gateway address and subnet mask may also be accessed via the RS-232 serial port.
Accessing Configuration for the first time
There are two methods for accessing the configuration inside a WI-MOD-E. The first method requires changing your computer settings so that the configuring PC is on the same network as the WI-MOD-E with factory default settings. This is the preferred method and is much less complicated than the second method. You will need a “straight-through” Ethernet cable between the PC Ethernet port and the WI-MOD-E. The factory default Ethernet address for the WI-MOD-E is where XX are the last two digits of the serial number (check the label on the back of the module).
The second method requires setting an IP address in the WI-MOD-E such that it is accessible on your network without having to change your network settings.
3.4.1 Set PC to same network as WI-MOD-E
Connect the Ethernet cable between unit and the PC configuring the module.
Set the Factory Default Switch to the SETUP position. This will always start the WI-MOD-E with Ethernet IP address, subnet mask, gateway IP and the radio disabled. Do not forget to set the switch back to the RUN position and cycle power at the conclusion of configuration for resumption of normal operation.
WI-MOD-E Manual v1.10 Page 22
Power up the WI-MOD-E module.
Open “Network Settings” on your PC
under Control Panel. The following description is for Windows XP - earlier Windows operating systems have similar settings.
Open “Properties” of Local Area Connection.
Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click on Properties.
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WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet User Manual
On the General tab enter IP address, Subnet mask, and default gateway
Open Internet Explorer and ensure that settings will allow you to connect to the IP address selected. If the PC uses a proxy server, ensure that Internet Explorer will bypass the Proxy Server for local addresses. This option may be modified by opening Tools -> Internet Options ­> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings->Proxy Server -> bypass proxy for local addresses.
Enter the default IP address for the WI-MOD-E where XX is the last two digits of the serial number
A welcome webpage should be displayed as illustrated below.
Configuration and Diagnostics may be opened by clicking on any of the menu items, and
entering the username “user” and default password “user”. Configure the unit to your requirements (refer later sections of this manual).
When Configuration is complete, switch Factory Default dip-switch on WI-MOD-E to RUN position, and cycle power to resume normal configured operation.
WI-MOD-E Manual v1.10 Page 24
3.4.2 Set WI-MOD-E to same network as PC
This is the alternate procedure to setting an IP address in the WI-MOD-E. Consult your network administrator for an IP address on your network, the gateway IP address, and network mask.
a) Switch Factory Default dip-switch on WI-MOD-E to SETUP position. b) Connect the RS232 port on the WI-MOD-E to the RS232 port on the PC using a “straight-
through” serial cable.
c) Open a terminal package (such as HyperTerminal) with 19200bps data rate, 8 data bit, 1 stop,
no parity and no flow control. Make sure that no other programs have control of the serial port.
d) Power up WI-MOD-E. Basic network settings will be displayed on the terminal as illustrated
below. When prompted, hit enter key to stop automatic boot process. You have 5 seconds to abort the boot process.
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WI-MOD-E-100 & WI-MOD-E-300 Wireless Ethernet User Manual
e) Check values for Boot Address, Boot Netmask, and Boot Gateway. These values should be
setto reflect those of the PC you are using to configure the unit. If these are correct skip to step (h). You may check settings again with the rct command. For further help, type the help command.
f) Set Boot Netmask to the same settings as the computer you have the Ethernet cable connected
to. This may be performed with the command: bnm <Type the netmask>
g) Set Boot Gateway to the same settings as the computer you have the Ethernet cable connected
to. This may be performed with the command: bgw <Type the gateway IP address>
h) Choose an IP address for the WI-MOD-E being upgraded. This IP address must be on the same
network as the computer you have connected the Ethernet cable to. This may be performed with
WI-MOD-E Manual v1.10 Page 26
the command: bip <Type the IP address> i) Switch dip-switch on WI-MOD-E to RUN position. j) Type the command reset, or cycle power to the unit. The WI-MOD-E will reset and start with
the network settings you have entered. k) Open Internet Explorer and ensure that settings will allow you to connect to the IP address
selected. If the PC uses a proxy server, ensure that Internet Explorer will bypass the Proxy
Server for local addresses. This option may be modified by opening Tools -> Internet Options -
> Connections Tab -> LAN Settings->Proxy Server -> bypass proxy for local addresses. l) Enter the webpage http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address selected for
the module. A welcome webpage should be displayed as illustrated. m) Clicking on any of the menu items, and entering the username “user” and password “user” may
open Configuration and Diagnostics. If the password has previously been configured other than
the default password, then enter this instead.
3.5 Network Configuration
You can view or modify Ethernet network parameters by selecting the “Network” menu. When prompted for username and password, enter “user” as the username, and “user” as the password in the password field. If IP address or password has been forgotten, the Factory Default switch may be used to access the existing configuration. Refer to section 3.3 above.
The Network Configuration page allows configuration of parameters related to the wired and wireless Ethernet interfaces. In general, IP address selection will be dependant upon the connected wired Ethernet device(s) – before connecting to an existing LAN consult the network administrator.
A system of WI-MOD-E’s must have at least one Access Point acting as a master to one or more Clients. All WI-MOD-E’s to be configured as part of the same wireless network should be given the same System Address (SSID) and Radio Encryption settings. For further information and examples on wireless network topologies refer section 1.1 above.
The WI-MOD-E supports several different radio encryption schemes. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption is the weakest encryption method, defined by the original IEEE802.11 standard. 64bit and 128bit WEP combine either a 40bit or 104bit key with a 24bit initialization vector, and are intended to provide equivalent security attributes to those of a wired medium. The WI-MOD-E supports both 64bit and 128bit WEP without any performance (throughput) degradation.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a subset of the IEEE802.11i Security Enhancements specification. The WI-MOD-E supports WPA-1 TKIP and WPA-2 AES using a Pre-Shared Key (PSK). TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) enhances WEP by using 128bit encryption plus separate 64bit Tx and Rx MIC (Message Integrity Check) keys. Enabling TKIP will degrade the WI-MOD-E radio throughput by approximately half of the rate attainable using either WEP or no encryption. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the most secure encryption method, is also based on 128 bit encryption key. Enabling AES in the WI-MOD-E will degrade radio throughput to approximately 20% of the rate attainable using either WEP or no encryption.
After changes are made to Network Configuration, it is important to save the configuration by selecting “Save and Reset”.
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