Motors | Automation | Energy | Transmission & Distribution | Coatings
Frequency Inverter
Convertidor de Frecuencia
Inversor de Frequência
CFW501 V1.8X
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Referencia Rápida de los Parámetros, Fallas y Alarmas
Referência Rápida dos Parâmetros, Falhas e Alarmes
Quick Parameter Reference,
Faults and Alarms
Series: CFW501
Language: English
Document: 10002035842 / 02
Software Version: 1.8X
Date: 05/2015
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0000 Access to Parameters0 to 9999 0 5-2
P0001 Speed Reference0 to 65535 rpmroREAD 15-1
P0002 Motor Speed0 to 65535 rpmroREAD 15-1
P0003 Motor Current0.0 to 200.0 AroREAD 15-1
P0004 DC Link Voltage (Ud)0 to 2000 VroREAD 15-1
P0005 Motor Frequency0.0 to 500.0 HzroREAD 15-2
P0006 VFD Status0 = Ready
P0007 Output Voltage0 to 2000 VroREAD 15-3
P0009 Motor Torque-1000.0 to 1000.0 %roREAD 15-3
P0010 Output Power0.0 to 6553.5 kWroREAD 15-3
P0011 Power Factor-1.00 to 1.00 roREAD 15-3
P0 012 DI8 to DI1 StatusBit 0 = DI1
P0 013 DO5 to DO1 StatusBit 0 = DO1
P0 014 AO1 Value0.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-7
P0 015 AO2 Value0.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-7
P0016 FO % Value0.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-13
P0 017 FO Hz Value0 to 20000 HzroREAD, I/O 12-13
P0018 AI1 Value-100.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-1
P0019 AI2 Value-100.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-1
P0020 AI3 Value-100.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-1
P0021 FI % Value-100.0 to 100.0 %roREAD, I/O 12-11
P0022 FI Hz Value0 to 20000 HzroREAD, I/O 12-11
P0023 Main SW Version0.00 to 655.35 roREAD6 -1
P0024 Sec. SW Version0.00 to 655.35 roREAD6 -1
P0027 Plug-in Mod. Config.0 = No Plug-in
1 = Run
2 = Undervoltage
3 = Fault
4 = Self-Tuning
5 = Configuration
6 = DC-Braking
7 = Reser ved
8 = Reser ved
9 = Reser ved
Bit 1 = DI2
Bit 2 = DI3
Bit 3 = DI4
Bit 4 = DI5
Bit 5 = DI6
Bit 6 = DI7
Bit 7 = DI8
Bit 1 = DO2
Bit 2 = DO3
Bit 3 = DO4
Bit 4 = DO5
1 to 8 = Reser ved
9 = CFW500-CRS485
Propr. Groups Pag.
roREAD 15-2
roREAD, I/O 12-16
roREAD, I/O 12-22
CFW501 | 3
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0029 Power HW Config.0 = Not Identified
P0030 Heatsink Temperature-20 to 150 ºCroREAD 15-5
P0037 Motor Overload Ixt0 to 100 %roREAD 14-3
P0042 Powered Time0 to 65535 hroREAD 15-5
P0043 Enabled Time0.0 to 6553.5 hroREAD 15-5
P0044 kWh Output Energy0 to 65535 kWhroREAD 15-6
P0047 CONF State0 to 999 roREAD 15-6
P0048 Present Alarm0 to 999 roREAD 14-8
P0049 Present Fault0 to 999 roREAD 14-8
P0050 Last Fault0 to 999 roREAD 14-8
P0 051 Current At Last Fault0.0 to 200.0 AroREAD 14-9
P0052 DC Link At Last Fault0 to 2000 VroREAD 14-9
P0053 Frequency At Last Fault0.0 to 500.0 HzroREAD 14- 9
P0054 Temp. At Last Fault-20 to 150 ºCroREAD 14-10
P0055 Log. State Last Fault0000h to FFFFh roREAD 14 -10
1 = 200-240 V / 1.6 A
2 = 200-240 V / 2.6 A
3 = 200-240 V / 4.3 A
4 = 200-240 V / 7.0 A
5 = 200-240 V / 9.6 A
6 = 380-480 V / 1.0 A
7 = 380-480 V / 1.6 A
8 = 380-480 V / 2.6 A
9 = 380-480 V / 4.3 A
10 = 380-480 V / 6.1 A
11 = 200-240 V / 7.3 A
12 = 200-240 V / 10.0 A
13 = 200-240 V / 16.0 A
14 = 380-480 V / 2.6 A
15 = 380-480 V / 4.3 A
16 = 380-480 V / 6.5 A
17 = 380-480 V / 10.0 A
18 = 200-240 V / 24.0 A
19 = 380-480 V / 14.0 A
20 = 380-480 V / 16.0 A
21 = 500-600 V / 1.7 A
22 = 500-600 V / 3.0 A
23 = 500-600 V / 4.3 A
24 = 500-600 V / 7.0 A
25 = 500-600 V / 10.0 A
26 = 500-600 V / 12.0 A
27 = 200-240 V / 28.0 A
28 = 200-240 V / 33.0 A
29 = 380-480 V / 24.0 A
30 = 380-480 V / 31.0 A
31 = 500-600 V / 17.0 A
32 = 500-600 V / 22.0 A
33 = 200-240 V / 47.0 A
34 = 200-240 V / 56.0 A
35 = 380-480 V / 39.0 A
36 = 380-480 V / 49.0 A
37 = 500-600 V / 27.0 A
38 = 500-600 V / 32.0 A
Propr. Groups Pag.
4 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0060 Second Fault0 to 999 roREAD 14- 8
P0061 Current at 2nd Fault0.0 to 200.0 AroREAD 14- 9
P0062 DC Link at 2nd Fault0 to 2000 VroREAD 14-9
P0063 Frequency 2nd Fault0.0 to 500.0 HzroREAD 14- 9
P0064 Te mp. 2nd Fault-20 to 150 ºCroREAD 14-10
P0065 Log. State 2nd Fault0000h to FFFFh roREAD 14-10
P0070 Third Fault0 to 999 roREAD 14-8
P0071 Current at 3rd Fault0.0 to 200.0 AroREAD 14- 9
P0072 DC Link 3rd Fault0 to 2000 VroREAD 14-9
P0073 Frequency 3rd Fault0.0 to 500.0 HzroREAD 14- 9
P0074 Tem p. 3rd Fault-20 to 150 ºCroREAD 14-10
P0075 Log. State 3rd Fault0000h to FFFFh roREAD 14 -10
P0080 Last Fault in “Fire Mode” 0 to 999 0roREAD 14 -10
P00 81 Second Fault in “Fire
0 to 999 0roREAD 14 -10
P0082 Third Fault in “Fire Mode” 0 to 999 0roREAD 14 -10
P010 0 Acceleration Time0.1 to 999.0 s10.0 sBASIC 11-1
P0101 Deceleration Time0.1 to 999.0 s10.0 sBASIC 11-1
P0102 2nd Ramp Accel. Time0.1 to 999.0 s10.0 s11-2
P0103 2nd Ramp Decel. Time0.1 to 999.0 s10.0 s11- 2
P0104 S Ramp0 = Inactive
P0226 REM FWD/REV Selection See options in P02230cfgI/O7- 6
P0227 REM Run/Stop Sel.See options in P02241cfgI/O7- 6
P0228 REM JOG SelectionSee options in P02252cfgI/O7-7
P0229 Stop Mode Selection0 = Ramp to Stop
P0230 Dead Zone (AIs)0 = Inactive
P0231 AI1 Signal Function0 = Speed Ref.
P0232 AI1 Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12-4
P0233 AI1 Signal Type0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA
P0234 AI1 Offset-100.0 to 100.0 %0.0 %I/O12-4
P0235 AI1 Filter0.00 to 16.00 s0.15 s I/O12-5
P0236 AI2 Signal FunctionSee options in P02318cfgI/O12-3
P0237 AI2 Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12-4
P0238 AI2 Signal Type0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA
P0239 AI2 Offset-100.0 to 100.0 %0.0 %I/O12-4
P024 0 AI2 Filter0.00 to 16.00 s0.15 s I/O12- 5
P0 241 AI3 Signal FunctionSee options in P02310cfgI/O12-3
P0242 AI3 Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12- 4
P0243 AI3 Signal Type0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA
P024 4 AI3 Offset-100.0 to 100.0 %0.0 %I/O12-4
P024 5 AI3 Filter0.00 to 16.00 s0.15 sI/O12-5
1 = Coast to Stop
2 = Quick Stop
1 = Active
1 = Not Used
2 = Not Used
3 = SoftPLC
4 = PTC
5 = Main PID Feedback 1
6 = Main PID Feedback 2
7 = Not Used
8 = External PID 1 Feedback
9 = Not Used
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
4 = -10 to +10 V
Propr. Groups Pag.
CFW501 | 9
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P024 6 Freq. Input FI0 = Inactive
P0247 FI Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12-12
P024 8 Min. FI10 to 20000 Hz10 HzI/O12-12
P024 9 FI Offset-100.0 to 100.0 %0.0 %I/O12-12
P0250 Max. FI10 to 20000 Hz10000 HzI/O12-12
P0251 AO1 Function0 = Speed Ref.
P0252 AO1 Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12-9
P0253 AO1 Signal Type0 = 0 to 10 V
P0254 AO2 FunctionSee options in P02515I/O12-8
P0255 AO2 Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12- 9
P0256 AO2 Signal TypeSee options in P02530I/O12-9
P0257 FO Function0 = Speed Ref.
1 = Active
1 = Not Used
2 = Real Speed
3 = Not Used
4 = Not Used
5 = Output Current
6 = Active Current
7 = Output Power
8 = Not Used
9 = Motor Torque
10 = SoftPLC
11 = Not Used
12 = Motor Ixt
13 = P0696 Value
14 = P0697 Value
15 = Not Used
16 = External PID Output
17 = Not Used
18 = P0698 Value
1 = 0 to 20 mA
2 = 4 to 20 mA
3 = 10 V to 0
4 = 20 mA to 0
5 = 20 to 4 mA
1 = Not Used
2 = Real Speed
3 = Not Used
4 = Not Used
5 = Output Current
6 = Active Current
7 = Output Power
8 = Not Used
9 = Motor Torque
10 = SoftPLC
11 = Not Used
12 = Motor Ixt
13 = P0696 Value
14 = P0697 Value
15 = Disable F.O.
16 = External PID Output
17 = Not Used
18 = P0698 Value
Propr. Groups Pag.
10 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0258 FO Gain0.000 to 9.999 1.000 I/O12-15
P0259 Min. FO10 to 20000 Hz10 H zI/O12-15
P0260 Max. FO10 to 20000 Hz10000 HzI/O12-15
P0263 DI1 Function0 = Not Used
P0264 DI2 FunctionSee options in P02630cfgI/O12-17
P0265 DI3 FunctionSee options in P026320cfgI/O12 -17
P0266 DI4 FunctionSee options in P026321cfgI/O12-17
P0267 DI5 FunctionSee options in P0263 0cfgI/O12-17
P0268 DI6 FunctionSee options in P02630cfgI/O12-17
P0269 DI7 FunctionSee options in P02630cfgI/O12-17
P0270 DI8 FunctionSee options in P02630cfgI/O12-17
P0271 DI1 Function0 = (DI1..DI8)NPN
1 = Run/Stop
2 = General Enable
3 = Quick Stop
6 = JOG
7 = SoftPLC
8 = 2nd Ramp
9 = Not Used
10 = Not Used
11 = Not Used
12 = No Ext. Alarm
13 = No Ext. Fault
14 = Reset
15 = Disab.FlyStart
16 = Not Used
17 = Progr. Off
18 = Load User 1
19 = Load User 2
20 = Auto/Manual Main PID
21 = Auto/Manual External
22 = Not Used
23 = Bypass Mode
24 = Activate Fire Mode
25 = PTC
P0276 DO2 FunctionSee options in P02750I/O12-22
P0277 DO3 FunctionSee options in P027524I/O12-22
P0278 DO4 FunctionSee options in P02750I/O12-22
P0279 DO5 FunctionSee options in P02750I/O12-22
P0281 Fx Frequency0.0 to 500.0 Hz4.0 HzI/O12-24
P0282 Fx Hysteresis0.0 to 15.0 Hz2.0 HzI/O12-24
P0287 Nx/Ny Hysteresis0 to 900 rpm18 (15) rpmI/O12-24
P0288 Nx Speed0 to 18000 rpm120 (100) rpmI/O12-24
P0289 Ny Speed0 to 18000 rpm1800 (1500) rpmI/O12-24
1 = N* > Nx
2 = N > Nx
3 = N < Nx
4 = N = N*
5 = Zero Speed
6 = Is > Ix
7 = Is < Ix
8 = Torque > Tx
9 = Torque < Tx
10 = Remote
11 = Run
12 = Ready
13 = No Fault
14 = No F070
15 = Not Used
16 = No F0021/22
17 = No F0051
18 = No F072
19 = 4-20 mA OK
20 = P0695 Value
21 = Forward
22 = Ride-Through
23 = Pre-Charge OK
24 = Fault
25 = Time Enable > Hx
26 = SoftPLC
27 = Not Used
28 = F > Fx(1)
29 = F > Fx(2)
30 = Not Used
31 = Not Used
32 = No Alarm
33 = No Fault/Alarm
34 = Dry Pump Alarm/Fault
35 = Broken Belt Alarm/Fault
36 = Filter Mainten. Alarm/
37 = Sleep Mode
38 = Not Used
39 = Drive Bypass Contactor
40 = Mains Bypass
41 = Fire Mode
42 = Self-tunning
Propr. Groups Pag.
12 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0290 Ix Current0.0 to 200.0 A1.0 xI
P0291 Zero Speed0 to 18000 rpm18 (15) rpmI/O12-25
P0292 N = N* Band0 to 18000 rpm18 (15) rpmI/O12-25
P0293 Tx Torque0 to 200 %100 %I/O12-25
P0294 Hx Time0 to 6553.5 h432.0 hI/O12-25
P0295 Inverter Rated Current0.0 to 200.0 AAccording to
P0296 Line Rated Voltage0 = 200 - 240 V
1 = 380 - 480 V
2 = 500 - 600 V
inverter model
According to
inverter model
P0297 Switching Frequency2500 to 15000 Hz5000 HzMOTOR 6-3
P0299 DC-Braking Start Time0.0 to 15.0 s0.0 sMOTOR 11-10
P0300 DC-Braking Stop Time0.0 to 15.0 s0.0 sMOTOR 11-11
P0301 DC-Braking Speed0 to 18000 rpm30 rpmMOTOR 11-12
P0302 DC-Braking Voltage0.0 to 100.0 %20.0 %MOTOR 11-12
P0303 Skip Speed 10 to 18000 rpm600 rpm11-13
P0304 Skip Speed 20 to 18000 rpm900 rpm11-13
P0306 Skip Band0 to 18000 rpm0 rpm11-13
P0308 Serial Address0 to 255 1 NET16-1
P0310 Serial Baud Rate0 = 9600 bits/s
P0 512 Ref. Eng. Unit 2See options in P051011HMI5-7
P0 513 Indirect Indication Form 2 0 = wxyz
P0 516 Ref. Eng. Unit 4See options in P051013HMI5-9
P0 517 Indirect Indication Form 4 0 = wxyz
P0580 Fire Mode Configuration 0 = Inactive
P0581 Setpoint P ID fire M ode -32768 to 327670HVAC
P0582 Auto-reset configuration 0 = Limited
P0583 Bypass Mode
P0584 Bypass Contactor time0.00 to 300.00 s0.30 scfgHVAC 18-34
P0585 Short Cycle Protection
P0586 Minimum RUN Time0 to 650.00 s5.00 scfgHVAC 18-4
P0587 Minimum STOP Time0.00 to 650.00 s5.00 scfgHVAC 18-4
P0588 Energy Saving Max.
P0589 Energy Saving Min. Mag. 40 to 80 %40 %cfg, V/f HVAC 18-2
P0590 Energy Saving Min. Speed 360 to 18000 rpm600 (525) rpmcfg, V/fHVAC 18 -3
P0591 Energy Saving Hysteresis 0 to 30 %10 %cfg, V/ f HVAC 18- 3
P0680 Logical StatusBit 0 = Not Used
P0681 Speed in 13 bits-32768 to 32767 roNET16-2
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 =
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 =
1 = Active
2 = Active / P0134
3 = Active / P0581
4 = Active / Gen. Disable
1 = Unlimited
0 = Inactive
1 = Active/DIx
2 = Active/DIx+Failure
0 = Inactive
1 = Active
0 to 85 %60 %cfg, V/fHVAC 18-2
Bit 1 = Run Command
Bit 2 = Fire mode
Bit 3 = Bypass
Bit 4 = Quick Stop
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Config. Mode
Bit 7 = Alarm
Bit 8 = Running
Bit 9 = Enabled
Bit 10 = Forward
Bit 11 = JOG
Bit 12 = Remote
Bit 13 = Subvoltage
Bit 14 = Reserved
Bit 15 = Fault
0cfgHVAC 18-3 0
0cfgHVAC 18 -31
0cfgHVAC 18-3 4
0cfgHVAC 18-3
Propr. Groups Pag.
roRE AD,
16 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Param.FunctionAdjustable Range
P0682 Serial/USB ControlBit 0 = Ramp Enable
P0683 Serial/USB Speed Ref.-32768 to 32767 roNET16-2
P0690 Logical Status 2Bit 0....3 = Not Used
P0695 DOx ValueBit 0 = DO1
P0696 AOx Value 1-32768 to 32767 roNET16 -2
P0697 AOx Value 2-32768 to 32767 roNET16-2
P0698 AOx Value 3-32768 to 32767 roNET16 -2
P0760 BACnet Dev Inst Hi0 to 419 0 NET16-2
P0761 BACnet Dev Inst Lo0 to 9999 0 NET16 -2
P0762 Max Number of Master0 to 127 127 NET16-2
P0763 MS/TP Max info Frame1 to 65535 1 NET16-2
P0764 I-AM Msg transmition0 = Power Up
P0765 Token RX Qtde0 to 65535 roNET16-2
P1000 SoftPLC Status0 = No Applicative
P1001 SoftPLC Command0 = Stop Application
P100 2 Scan Cycle Time0 to 65535 msroHVAC17-1
P100 3 SoftPLC Application0 = User
P1010 HVAC Function Version0.00 to 100.00 roHVAC 17- 2
P1011 Main PID Aut. Setpoint-32768 to 32767 0 HVAC 17- 2
P1012 SoftPLC Parameter 3-32768 to 32767 0 HVAC17-2
P1013 SoftPLC Parameter 4-32768 to 32767 0 HVAC17-2
Bit 1 = General Enable
Bit 2 = Run Forward
Bit 3 = JOG Enable
Bit 4 = Remote
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Quick Stop
Bit 7 = Fault Reset
Bit 8....12 = Not Used
Bit 13 = Intern PID
Bit 14 = Extern PID
Bit 15 = Reser ved
Bit 4 = Force Low Fs
Bit 5 = Sleep State
Bit 6 = Deceleration Ramp
Bit 7 = Acceleration Ramp
Bit 8 = Freeze Ramp
Bit 9 = Setpoint Ok
Bit 10 = DC Link Regulation
Bit 11 = 50Hz Config
Bit 12 = Ride Through
Bit 13 = Flying Start
Bit 14 = DC-Braking
Bit 15 = PWM
ro = Read only parameter.
V/f = Available when V/f control mode is chosen.
cfg = Configuration parameter, value can be programmed only with motor stopped.
VVW = Available when V VW control mode is chosen.
0.0 to 100.0 %0.0 %HVAC17-2
0.0 to 100.0 %100.0 %HVAC17-2
-32768 to 32767 0 HVAC17-2
-32768 to 32767 1000 HVAC17-2
0 = Disable
1 = Enable Alarm
2 = Enable Fault
-32768 to 32767 2HVAC17-2
0.00 to 650.00 s5.00 sHVAC17-2
-32768 to 32767 900 HVAC17-2
0.00 to 650.00 s5.00 sHVAC17-2
Propr. Groups Pag.
20 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Motor overload
IGBT overload
Power module
External alarm
Telegram reception
Protection Against
Short Cycles
fault with remote
Inverter disabled
Two movem.
Refer. Not Progr.
SPLC Progr. Bigger
than 8 KB
Program AIx for
Process Variable of
Main PID Controller
Program DIx for
Automatic / Manual
Selection of the
Main PID Controller
Program LOCAL
Reference (P0221)
for SoftPLC
Program REMOTE
Reference (P0222)
for SoftPLC
Motor overload alarm. Settings of P0156, P0157, and P0158 are too low for
Overload alarm on the power pack
with IGBTs.
Overtemperature alarm from the power
module temperature sensor (NTC).
External alarm via DIx (option “Without
External Alarm” in P0263 to P0270).
Alarm that indicates serial
communication fault. It indicates the
equipment stopped receiving valid
serial telegrams for a period longer
than the setting in P0314.
Alarm that indicates the short cycle
protection occurred.
No communication with remote HMI,
but there is no speed command or
reference for this source.
This failure occurs when there is a
SoftPLC movement block (REF block)
active and the “General Enable”
command is disabled.
It occurs when 2 or more SoftPLC
movement blocks (REF Block) are
enabled at the same time.
This failure occurs when a SoftPLC
movement block is enabled and the
speed reference is not programmed for
the SoftPLC.
It occurs when you try to download to
the inver ter a Sof tPLC Program that is
too large (larger than 8 KB).
Alarm that indicates an analog input
was not programmed for the process
variable of the main PID controller.
Alarm that indicates a digital input
was not programmed for automatic
/ manual selection of the main PID
Alarm that indicates the origin of the
speed reference in LOCAL mode was
not programmed for SoftPLC.
Alarm that indicates the origin of the
speed reference in REMOTE mode was
not programmed for SoftPLC.
the used motor.
Overload on the motor shaft. Inverter output overcurrent.
High ambie nt temperatu re around the inve rter (>50 °C
(> 122 °F)) and high output current.
Blocked or defective fan. Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow.
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inputs are open or have poor
Check network installation, broken cable or fault/
poor contact on the connections with the network,
Ensure the master always sends telegrams to the
equip ment in a time shor ter than the set ting in P0314.
Disable this function in P0314. The STAR command occurred during the time count
defined by P0587.
The STOP command occurred during the time count
defined by P0586.
Check if the communication interface with the HMI is
properly configured in parameter P0312.
HMI cable disconnected.
Check if the drive general enable command is active.
Check the user’s program logic.
Check the pro gramming of th e references in the loca l
and/or remote mode (P0221 and P0222).
Extension of the Sof tPLC Prog. exceeded 8 KBytes.
Parameter P0231 or P0236 was not programmed
for 5 or 6.
Parameter P0263 or P0264 or P0265 or P0266 was
not programmed for 20.
Main PID controller is enabled (P1017 in 1 or 2)
and the CF W501 frequency inverter is running the
motor in LOCAL mode and parameter P0221 is not
programmed for 7.
Main PID controller is enabled (P1017 in 1 or 2) and
the CFW501 frequency inverter is running the motor
in REMOTE mode and parameter P0222 is not
programmed for 7.
CFW501 | 21
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Program Indirect
Engineering Unit
4 (P0516) for Hz
or rpm
Low Level of the
Process Variable
of the Main PID
High Level in the
Process Variable
of the Main PID
Frequency Inver ter
in Sleep Mode
Dry Pump
Broken Belt
Filter Maintenance
Program AIx for
Process Variable
of the External PID
Program DIx
for Automatic /
Manual Selection
of the External PID
Program AOx
for Output of
the External PID
Low Level of the
Process Variable
of the External PID
Alarm that indicates the parameter for
engineering unit of the motor speed
was not programmed for Hz or rpm.
Alarm that indicates the process
variable of the main PID controller has
a low value.
Alarm that indicates the process
variable of the main PID controller has
a high value.
Alarm that indicates the CFW501
frequency inverter is in the sleep mode.
Alarm that indicates the dry pump
condition was detected for the pump
driven by the CFW501 frequency
Alarm that indicates the broken belt
condition was detected for the motor
driven by the CFW501 frequency
Alarm that indicates the need of
replacing the system filter.
Alarm that indicates an analog input
was not programmed for the process
variable of the external PID controller.
Alarm that indicates a digital input was
not programmed for automatic / manual
selection of the external PID controller.
Alarm that indicates an analog output
was not programmed for output of the
external PID controller.
Alarm that indicates the process
variable of the external PID controller
has a low value.
Parameter P0516 was not programmed for 13 (Hz)
or 3 (rpm).
Parameter P1030 is programmed for 1 and the value
of the process variable of the main PID controller
remained below the value programmed in P1031 for
the time programmed in P1032.
Parameter P1030 is programmed for 1 and the value
of the process variable of the main PID controller
remained above the value programmed in P1033 for
the time programmed in P1034.
Main PID contr oller is enab led and in autom atic mode,
and the motor speed remained below the speed
programmed in P1036 for the time programmed
in P1037.
Parameter P1042 is pro grammed for 1 and the pump
driven by the CFW501 frequency inverter is running
with speed above the speed programmed in P1043
and the motor torque remained below the value
programmed in P1044 for the time programmed
in P1045.
Parameter P1046 is program med for 1 and the motor
driven by the CFW501 frequency inverter is running
with speed above the speed programmed in P1047
and the motor torque remained below the value
programmed in P1048 for the time programmed
in P1049.
Parameter P1050 is programmed for 1 and the
operation time of the motor driven by the CFW501
frequ ency inverte r shown in P1052 is above the va lue
programmed in P1051.
Parameter P0231 or P0236 was not programmed
for 8.
Parameter P0263 or P0264 or P0265 or P0266 was
not programmed for 21.
Parameter P0251 or P0254 was not programmed
for 16.
Parameter P1075 is programmed for 1 and the value
of the process variable of the external PID controller
remained below the value programmed in P1076 for
the time programmed in P1077.
22 | CFW501
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
High Level of the
Process Variable
of the External PID
Undervoltage on
the DC Link
Overvoltage on the
DC Link
fault with Plug-In
VVW self-tuning
Overload on the
Motor overload
F0 074
Ground fault
Alarm that indicates the process
variable of the external PID controller
has a high value.
Undervoltage fault on the intermediate
Overvoltage fault on the intermediate
Main control cannot set a
communication link with the Plug-In
Stator resistance setting fault P0409. Stator resistance value in P0409 does not comply
Overload fault on the power pack with
IGBTs (3 s in 1.5xInom).
This failure may be disabled, by setting
P0343 = 0 or 1.
Overtemperature fault measured on
the temperature sensor of the power
Overcurrent or short- circuit on the
output, DC link or braking resistor.
Motor overload fault (60 s in 1.5xInom) P0156, P0157 and P0158 setting is too low in re lation
Ground overcurrent fault.
This failure may be disabled, by setting
P0343 = 0 or 2.
Parameter P1075 is programmed for 1 and the value
of the process variable of the external PID controller
remained above the value programmed in P1078 for
the time programmed in P1079.
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the
inverter label comply with the power supply and
parameter P0296.
Supply voltage too low, producing voltage on the DC
link below the minimum value (in P0004):
Ud < 200 Vdc in 200-240 Vac (P0296 = 0). Ud < 360 Vdc in 380-480 Vac (P0296 = 1). Ud < 500 Vdc in 500-600 Vac (P0296 = 2). Phase fault in the input. Fault in the pre-charge circuit.
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the
inverter label comply with the power supply and
parameter P0296.
Supply voltage is too high, producing voltage on the
DC link above the maximum value (in P0004):
Ud > 410 Vdc in 200-240 Vac (P0296 = 0). Ud > 810 Vdc in 380-480 Vac (P0296 = 1). Ud > 1000 Vdc in 500-600 Vac (P0296 = 2). Load iner tia is too high or de celeratio n ramp is too fast. P0151 or P0153 setting is too high.
Plug-In module is damaged. Plug-In module is not properly connected. Problem in the identification of the Plug-In module;
refer to P0027 for further information.
with the inverter power.
Motor connection error; turn off the power supply and
check the motor terminal box and the connections
with the motor terminals.
Motor power too l ow or too high in re lation to the inve rter. Inverter output overcurrent (>2xInom).
High ambie nt temperatu re around the inve rter (>50 °C
(>122 °F)) and high output current.
Blocked or defective fan. Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow.
Short- circuit between two motor phases. Short- circuit of the rheostatic braking resistor
connecting cables.
IGBTs module in short- circuit or damaged. Start with too short acceleration ramp. Start with motor spinning without the flying-star t
to the motor operating current.
Overload on the motor shaft. Short-circuit to the ground in one or more output
Motor cable capacitance too high, causing current
peaks in the output.
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