Power Connections:
The CFW10 Quick Start Guide is a supplement to h elp get the CFW10 started quickly using the mos t common installa tion
and co nfiguration options. This C FW10 Qu ic k Start Guide is not mean t to replace the CFW10 User’s Manual. For de tailed
instructions, safety precautions, proper mounting, installation, configura tion, and operation please refer to the CFW10
User’s Guide. W arning: O nly quali fied person nel shoul d plan or implement the ins tallation, s tart-up, o peration and
maintenance of this equ ipment. P ersonnel m ust read the entire CFW10 User’s Guide before a ttempting to inst all, operate
or trou bleshoot the CFW1 0.
Figure 1 - Power and Grounding Connections
Basic Wiring:
1. Mount the CF W10 to a flat v ertical sur face.
2. Connect the i ncoming s ingle phase power leads to the L/L1 and N/L2 connections on the power terminal and
connect the GR OUND lead to PE on the pow er termina l (Refer to Figure 1).
3. Connect the motor leads to the U, V, and W connections on the p ower termi nal and connect the GROUND lead to
PE on the power terminal (Refer to F igure 1). Note: Only three-phase AC motors can be used .
4. Apply power t o the CFW10 drive. The d rive will run self diagnostics and if no proble ms are found it wi ll display
“rdY”. Note: Ne w CFW10 drives are shipped with parameters preset to fac tory defau lts. If you need to reload
factory defaults at any time, first set password parameter P000=5 then set fa ctory defau lt parame ter P204=5 .
Keypad Start/Stop (Local Mode): This o peration mode is recommend ed for users who are operating the driv e for
the firs t time without additional control connections .
1. Press the start key. Th e motor will accelerate from 0.0 to 3.00 Hz (minimum speed P133), in the clock wise
direction. Note: If the direction of rotation is no t correc t, switch off the dr ive and wait until the ca pacitors d ischarge
completely (as l ong as 10 minutes) and then s wap any two wires at the mot or output.
2. Press the key and hold it to increase motor s peed (ma ximum spe ed P134). Note: On Plus versions use the
keypad potentiometer located on the bot tom righ t of the k eypad to adjust speed.
3. Press the stop ke y . The motor decelerates to 0.0Hz and stops wi th a display of “rdY”.