7.3 CONTROL WORD AND INVERTER STATUS ............................................................................... 7-11
7.3.1 Control via HMI Inputs .....................................................................................................7-13
7.3.2 Control via Digital Inputs ................................................................................................ 7-13
8 AVAILABLE MOTOR CONTROL TYPES ................................................8 -1
9 V/f SCALAR CONTROL ..........................................................................9-1
9.1 PARAMETERIZATION OF THE V/f SCALAR CONTROL ............................................................. 9-3
9.2 START-UP IN V/f MODE ................................................................................................................ 9-7
9.3 ENERGY SAVING .......................................................................................................................... 9-7
10 V V W VECTOR CONTROL ................................................................. 10-1
10.1 VVW VECTOR CONTROL PARAMETERIZATION .................................................................... 10-3
10.2 START-UP IN VV W MODE ........................................................................................................ 10-6
11.1 R AMPS ......................................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 DC LINK VOLTAGE AND OUTPUT CURRENT LIMITATION .....................................................11-3
11.2.1 DC Link Voltage Limitation by "Ramp Hold" P150 = 0 or 2 ..........................................11- 3
11.2.2 DC Link Voltage Limitation by "Accelerate Ramp" P150 = 1 or 3 ...............................11-3
11.2.3 Output Current Limitation by "Ramp Hold" P150 = 2 or 3 ...........................................11- 5
11.2.4 Current Limitation Type "Decelerate Ramp" P150 = 0 or 1 .........................................11- 6
1 = 1.6 A / 110 V
2 = 2.6 A / 110 V
3 = 4.0 A / 110 V
4 = 6.0 A / 110 V
5 = 1.6 A / 220 V
6 = 2.6 A / 220 V
7 = 4.0 A / 220 V
8 = 6.0 A / 220 V
9 = 7.3 A / 220 V
10 = 10 A / 220 V
11 = 15.2 A / 220 V
P030Module Temperature0.0 to 200.0 ºC (32 °F to 392 °F) ro15-4
P037Motor Overload Ixt0.0 to 100.0 %ro14-2
P038Encoder Speed-9999 to 9999 rpmro15-4
P039Encoder Pulse Counter0 to 9999ro15- 4
P045Enabled Fan Time0 to FFFF (hexa)ro15-4
P047CONFIG Status0 to 999ro5-5
P048Present Alarm0 to 999ro14-6
P049Present Fault0 to 999ro14-6
P050Last Fault0 to 999ro14-6
P051Last Fault Current0.0 to 40.0 Aro14-6
P052Last Fault DC Link0 to 524 Vro14-7
P053Last Fault Frequency0.0 to 400.0 Hzro14 -7
P054Last Fault Temperature0.0 to 200.0 ºC (32 °F to 392 °F)ro14-7
P060Second Fault0 to 999ro14- 6
P070Third Fault0 to 999ro14-6
P080Last Fault in “Fire Mode”0 to 999 0ro14- 6
P081Second Fault in “Fire Mode”0 to 999 0ro14-6
P082Third Fault in “Fire Mode”0 to 999 0ro14- 6
P100Acceleration Time0.1 to 999.9 s5.0 s11-1
P101Deceleration Time0.1 to 999.9 s10.0 s11-1
P102Acceleration Time 2nd Ramp0.1 to 999.9 s5.0 s11-1
P103Deceleration Time 2nd Ramp0.1 to 999.9 s10.0 s11-2
1 to 3 = Not Used
4 = PTC
5 and 6 = Not used
7 = SoftPLC
8 = Application Function 1
9 = Application Function 2
10 = Application Function 3
11 = Application Function 4
12 = Application Function 5
13 = Application Function 6
14 = Application Function 7
15 = Application Function 8
16 = Control Setpoint (PID
Controller Application)
17 = Process Variable (PID
Controller Application)
P232AI1 Input Gain
P233AI1 Input Signal
0.000 to 9.999
0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA
012- 4
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
P234AI1 Input Offset
P235AI1 Input Filter
AI2 Signal Function
AI2 Input Gain
AI2 Input Signal
-100.0 to 100.0 %
0.00 to 16.00 s
See Options in P231
0.000 to 9.999
0 = 0 to 10 V / 20 mA
0.0 %12- 3
0.00 s12-3
012- 4
1 = 4 to 20 mA
2 = 10 V / 20 mA to 0
3 = 20 to 4 mA
AI2 Input Offset
AI2 Input Filter
P245Input Filter in Freq. FI
P246FI Input in Freq.
-100.0 to 100.00 %
0.00 to 16.00 s
0.00 to 16.00 s
0 = Inactive
0.0 %12- 3
0.00 s12-3
0.00 s12-9
1 = Active in DI1
2 = Active in DI2
3 = Active in DI3
4 = Active in DI4
P247FI Input Gain
P248FI Minimum Input
P249FI Input Offset
P250FI Maximum Input
AO1 Output Function
0.000 to 9.999
1 to 3000 Hz
-100.0 to 100.0 %
1 to 3000 Hz
0 = Speed Ref.
1.000 12-10
100 Hz12 -10
0.0 %12-10
1000 Hz12-10
1 = Not Used
2 = Real Speed
3 and 4 = Not Used
5 = Output Current
6 = Not Used
7 = Active Current
8 to 10 = Not Used
11 = Motor Torque
12 = SoftPLC
13 to 15 = Not Used
16 = Motor I x t
17 = Not Used
18 = Content of P696
19 = Content of P697
20 = Not Used
21 = Application Function 1
22 = Application Function 2
23 = Application Function 3
24 = Application Function 4
25 = Application Function 5
26 = Application Function 6
27 = Application Function 7
28 = Application Function 8
29 = Control Setpoint (PID
Controller Application)
30 = Process Variable (PID
Controller Application)
13 12-21
1 = F* > Fx
2 = F > Fx
3 = F < Fx
4 = F = F*
5 = Not Used
6 = Is > Ix
7 = Is < Ix
8 = Torque > Tx
9 = Torque < Tx
10 = Remote
11 = Run
12 = Ready
13 = No Fault
14 = No F070
15 = Not Used
16 = No F021/F022
17 = Not Used
18 = No F072
19 = 4-20 mA OK
20 = P0695 Value
21 = Forward
22 to 23 = Not Used
24 = Ride-Through
25 = Pre-Charge OK
26 = Fault
27 = Not Used
28 = SoftPLC
29 to 34 = Not Used
35 = No Alarm
36 = No Fault/ Alarm
37 = Application Function 1
38 = Application Function 2
39 = Application Function 3
40 = Application Function 4
41 = Application Function 5
42 = Application Function 6
43 = Application Function 7
44 = Application Function 8
45 = Fire Mode
46 = Process Variable Low Level
(A760/F761) (For P903 = 1)
47 = Process Variable High Level
(A762/F763) (For P903 = 1)
DO2 Output FunctionSee Options in P275012-21
DO3 Output FunctionSee Options in P275012-21
DO4 Output FunctionSee Options in P275012-21
P281Fx Frequency0.0 to 400.0 Hz3.0 Hz12-23
P282 Fx Hysteresis0.0 to 15.0 Hz0.5 Hz12-2 3
P290 Ix Current0 to 40 A1.0 x I
P293I x To r q u e0 to 200 %100 %12-23
P295Inv. Rated Current1.6 to 15.2 AAccording inverter
P296Line Rated Voltage0 = Reserved
1 = 110 / 127 Vac
According inverter
2 = 200 / 240 Vac or 310 Vdc
P297Switching Frequency2.5 to 15.0 kHz5.0 kHzcfg6-3
P407Motor Rated Power Factor0.50 to 0.99 0.69 cfg, VV W10- 5
P408Run Self-Tuning0 = No
P409Stator Resistance0.01 to 99.99 ΩAccording to
P510Unit SoftPLC Eng.0 = Without Unit
P511SoftPLC Indication Form0 = wxyz
P580Fire Mode Configuration0 = Inactive
P582Auto-reset configuration0 = Limited
P588Energy Saving Max. Torque0 to 85 %0cfg, V/f9-8
P589Level of Minimum Applied Voltage40 to 80 %40 %cfg, V/f9-8
P590Energy Saving Minimum
P591Energy Saving Hysteresis0 to 30 %10 %cfg, V/f9-9
P613Software Revision-9999 a 9999According to
P680Logical Status0 to FFFF (hexa)
P681Speed in 13 bits0 to FFFF (hexa)ro16-1
P682Serial/USB Control0 to FFFF (hexa)
P683Serial/USB Speed Ref.0 to FFFF (hexa)ro16 -1
1 = Yes
1 = A
2 = V
3 = Hz
4 = s
5 = %
6 = ºC (°F)
7 = rpm
1 = wxy.z
2 = wx.yz
3 = w.xyz
1 = Active
2 = Active / P0134
3 = Reserved
4 = Active / Gen. Disable
1 = Unlimited
12.0 Hz to 400.0 Hz20.0 Hzcfg, V/f9-9
Bit 0 = Reserved
Bit 1 = Run Command
Bit 2 = Fire Mode
Bit 3 and 4 = Reserved
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Config. Status
Bit 7 = Alarm
Bit 8 = Running
Bit 9 = Enabled
Bit 10 = Forward
Bit 11 = JOG
Bit 12 = Remote
Bit 13 = Undervoltage
Bit 14 = Reserved
Bit 15 = Fault
Bit 0 = Ramp Enable
Bit 1 = General Enable
Bit 2 = Run Forward
Bit 3 = JOG Enable
Bit 4 = Remote
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Reserved
Bit 7 = Fault Reset
Bit 8 to 15 = Reserved
Bit 0 = Ramp Enable
Bit 1 = General Enable
Bit 2 = Run Forward
Bit 3 = JOG Enable
Bit 4 = Remote
Bit 5 = 2nd Ramp
Bit 6 = Reserved
Bit 7 = Fault Reset
Bit 8 to 15 = Reserved
P695Value for DOx0 to F (hexa)
CO/DN/DP Speed Ref.0 to FFFF (hexa)ro16-2
Bit 0 = DO1
Bit 1 = DO2
Bit 2 = DO3
Bit 3 = DO4
SoftPLC Parameter Configuration for PID Controller Application (P903 = 1)
P910PID Controller Application Version0.00 to 90.00ro18-8
P911Control Setpoint-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]200rw18-8
P912Control Setpoint 1-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]20018-8
P913Control Setpoint 2-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]23018-8
P914Control Setpoint 3-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]18018-8
P915Control Setpoint 4-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]16018-8
P916Control Process Variable-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]ro18-9
P9 17PID Controller Output0.0 to 100.0 %ro18-9
P918PID Controller Setpoint in Manual
P919PID Controller Logical StatusBit 0 = Sleep Mode Active (A750)
P920Selection of the Control Setpoint
P921Selection of the Control Process
Variable Source
P922Minimum Sensor Level of the
Control Process Variable
P923Maximum Sensor Level of the
Control Process Variable
P924Value for Low Level Alarm for the
Control Process Variable;
P925Time for Low Level Fault for the
Control Process Variable
P926Value for High Level Alarm for the
Control Process Variable
P927Time for High Level Fault for the
Control Process Variable
P928Selection of the PID Controller
Control Action
P929PID Controller Operation Mode0 = Manual
0.0 to 400.0 Hz0.0 Hz18-9
Bit 1 = PID in Manual (0) /
Automatic (1)
Bit 2 = PV Low Level (A760)
Bit 3 = PV Low Level (F761)
Bit 4 = PV High Level (A762)
Bit 5 = PV High Level (F763)
Bit 6 to 15 = Reserved
0 = Control Setpoint via HMI or
Communication Networks (P911)
1 = Control Setpoint via Analog
Input AI1
2 = Control Setpoint via Analog
Input AI2
3 = Control Setpoint via
Electronic Potentiometer (EP)
4 = Two Setpoints via Digital
Input DI3 (P912 and P913)
5 = Three Setpoints via Digital
Inputs DI3 and DI4 (P912, P913
and P914)
6 = Four Setpoints via Digital
Inputs DI3 and DI4 (P912, P913,
P914 and P915)
1 = Control Process Variable via
Analog Input AI1
2 = Control Process Variable via
Analog Input AI2
3 = Control Process Variable via
Difference between Analog Input
AI1 and AI2
-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]018 -12
-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]40018-12
-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]10018 -13
0 to 9999 s0 s18-13
-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]35018-13
0 to 9999 s0 s18-14
0 = Disable PID Controller
1 = Enable PID Controller in
Direct Mode
2 = Enable PID Controller in
Reverse Mode
1 = Automatic
2 = Select Control to Manual (0)
or Automatic (1) via digital input
P939Time to activate de Sleep Mode0 to 9999 s10 s18 -18
(*) Only available when some IO expansion accessory (CF W300-IOAR, CFW300-IODR, CFW300-IOADR or CFW30 0-IOAENC) is present (connected). For
further information, refer to the respective accessory guide.
(**) Only available when some communication accessory (CFW300-CBLT, CFW300-CCAN or CFW300-CPDP) is present (connected). For further information,
refer to the respective accessor y guide.
0 = P911 inactive and P918
1 = P911 active and P918 inactive
2 = P911 inactive and P918 active
3 = P911 active and P918 active
0.000 to 9.999 s0.15 0 s18-17
-9999 to 9999 [SPLC Eng. Un.]3018-17
0.0 to 400.0 Hz0.0 Hz18-18
ro = read only parameter.
V/f = parameter available in V/f mode.
cfg = configuration parameter, value can only be changed with the motor stopped.
VV W = parameter available in V VW mode.
0-14 | CFW300
Quick Reference of Parameters, Alarms and Faults
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Motor Overload
Power Module
Motor overload alarm. Settings of P156 is too low for the used motor.
Overload on the motor shaft.
Overtemperature alarm from the power
module temperature sensor (NTC).
High temperature at IGBTs. P030> Level A050, according to
Table 14.1 on page 14-3.
High ambient temperature around the inverter (> 50 °C (>
122 °F)) and high output current. For further information, refer
to of the user’s manual available for download on the website:
Blocked or defective fan. Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow.
External Alarm
Telegram Reception
No Power Supply on
the CAN Interface
External alarm via DIx (option “no
external alarm” in P263 to P270).
Alarm that indicates serial
communication fault. It indicates the
equipment stopped receiving valid serial
telegrams for a period longer than the
setting in P314.
It indicates that the CAN interface has no
power supply between pins 25 and 29 of
the connector.
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inputs are open or have poor contact.
Check network installation, broken cable or fault/poor contact
on the connections with the network, grounding.
Ensure the master always sends telegrams to the equipment in
a time shorter than the setting in P314.
Disable this function in P314. Measure if there is voltage within the allowed range between
pins 25 and 29 of the CAN interface connector.
Check if the power supply cables are not misconnected or
Check for contact problems on the cable or connector of the
CAN interface.
Bus Off
Buss off error detected on the CAN
Check for short circuit on the CAN circuit transmission cable. Check if the cables are not misconnected or inverted. Check if all the network devices use the same baud rate. Check if the termination resistors with the right specification
were installed only at the end of the main bus.
Check if the CAN network was properly installed.
Node Guarding/
CANopen communication error control
detected communication error using the
guarding mechanism.
Check the times set on the master and on the slave for message
exchange. In order to prevent problems due to transmission
delays and time counting, it is recommended that the values
set for error detection by the slave be multiples of the times set
for message exchange on the master.
Check if the master is sending the guarding telegrams in the
time set.
Check problems in the communication that may cause missing
telegrams or transmission delays.
Idle Master
Alarm indicates that the DeviceNet
network master is in Idle mode.
Set the switch that controls the master operation of the master
for Run or the corresponding bit on the configuration word of
the master software. If further information is needed, refer to the
documentation of the master used.
DeviceNet Connection
A13 8
Profibus DP Interface in
Clear Mode
Offline Profibus DP
Alarm that indicates that one or more
DeviceNet connections timed out.
It indicates that the inverter received the
command from the Profibus DP network
master to go into clear mode.
It indicates interruption in the
communication between the Profibus
DP network master and the inverter. The
Profibus DP communication interface
went into offline status.
Check the network master status. Check network installation, broken cable or fault/poor contact
on the connections with the network.
Check the network master status, ensuring it is in the run mode.
Check if the network master is correctly configured and operating
proper l y.
Check for short-circuit or poor contact on the communication
Check if the cables are not misconnected or inverted. Check if the termination resistors with the right value were
installed only at the end of the main bus.
Check the network installation in general - cabling, grounding.
Profibus DP Module
Access Error
It indicates error in the access to the
Profibus DP communication module
Check if the Profibus DP module is correctly fitted. Hardware errors due to improper handling or installation of the
accessory, for instance, may cause this error. If possible, carry
out tests by replacing the communication accessory.
A16 3
Signal Fault AI1
Analog input signal AI1 at 4 to 20 mA or
20 to 4 mA is below 4 to 20 mA.
Current signal on the analog input AI1 interrupted or null. Parameterization error on analog input AI1.
4...20 mA
A16 4
Signal Fault AI2
Analog input signal AI2 at 4 to 20 mA or
20 to 4 mA is below 4 to 20 mA.
Current signal on the analog input AI2 interrupted or null. Parameterization error on analog input AI2.
4...20 mA
Replace Fan
Drive in Fire Mode
Alarm to replace the fan
(P045 > 50000 hours).
Maximum number of operation hours of the heatsink fan
Indicates that the drive is in Fire Mode. The digital input programmed for activating the Fire Mode is
CFW300 | 0-15
Quick Reference of Parameters, Alarms and Faults
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Remote HMI
Inverter Disabled
No communication with remote HMI, but
here is frequency command or reference
for this source.
This failure occurs when there is a
SoftPLC movement block active and the
Check if the communication interface with the HMI is properly
configured in parameter P312.
HMI cable disconnected. Check if the drive General Enable command is active.
“General Enable” command is disabled.
Two Movem. Enabled
It occurs when 2 or more SoftPLC
movement blocks are enabled at the
Check the user’s program logic.
same time.
Refer. Not Progr. SPLC
This failure occurs when a SoftPLC
movement block is enabled and the
Check the programming of the references in the Local and/or
Remote mode (P221 and P222).
speed reference is not programmed for
the SoftPLC.
SoftPLC Application
SPLC Protected Against
SoftPLC Application not running SoftPLC Application is stopped (P901 = 0 and P900 = 3).
SoftPLC state presents application incompatible with the
firmware version of the CFW300.
It occurs when there is an attempt to
copy the SoftPLC application protected
against copies.
Attempt to copy WLP application protected against copies
(“never permit copies”).
Attempt to copy WLP from a copy protected against copies (“no
permission to copy from a copy”).
A750 to A799
User’s Alarms for
Undervoltage on the
DC Link
Alarm range intended for the user’s
application developed in the SoftPLC
Undervoltage fault on the intermediate
Defined by the user’s application developed in the SoftPLC
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter label
comply with the power supply and parameter P296.
Supply voltage too low, producing voltage on the DC Link
below the minimum value (Level F021) according to Table 14.4
on page 14-4:
Ud < 200 Vdc.
Phase fault in the input. Fault in the pre-charge circuit.
Overvoltage on the DC
Overvoltage fault on the intermediate
Wrong voltage supply; check if the data on the inverter label
comply with the power supply and parameter P296.
Supply voltage is too high, producing voltage on the DC Link
above the maximum value (Level F022) according to Table 14.4
on page 14-4.
Load inertia is too high or deceleration ramp is too fast. P151 setting is too high.
Fault in Communication
with IOs Expansion
Main control cannot establish the
communication link with the IOs
expansion accessory.
Accessory damaged. Poor connection of the accessory. Problem in the identification of the accessory; refer to P027.
Fault in Communication
with IO Communication
Main control cannot establish
the communication link with the
communication acccessory.
Accessory damaged. Poor connection of the accessory. Problem in the identification of the accessory; refer to P028.
VVW Self-tuning Fault
Stator resistance setting fault P409. Stator resistance value in P409 does not comply with the
inverter power.
Motor connection error; turn off the power supply and check the
motor terminal box and the connections with the motor terminals.
Motor power too low or too high in relation to the inverter.
Overtemperature fault measured on the
temperature sensor of the power pack.
High temperature at IGBTs. P030> Level A051, according to
Table 14.1 on page 14-3.
High ambient temperature around the inverter (> 50 °C
(> 122 °F)) and high output current. For further information,
refer to of the user's manual available for download on the
website: www.weg.net.
Blocked or defective fan. Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow.
Incorrect Encoder/
Motor Wiring
Motor Overload
Fault related to the phase relation of the
encoder signals.
Overcurrent or short-circuit on the
output, DC link or braking resistor.
Motor overload fault,according to
actuation defined by the curve of Figure
14.1 on page 14-2.
Output motor cables U, V, W are inverted. Encoder channels A and B are inverted. Encoder was not properly mounted.
Short-circuit between two motor phases. IGBTs module in short-circuit or damaged. Start with too short acceleration ramp. Start with motor spinning without the Flying Start function.
P156, P157 or P158 setting is too low in relation to the motor
operating current.
Overload on the motor shaft.
0-16 | CFW300
Quick Reference of Parameters, Alarms and Faults
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Motor Overtemperature
Encoder Signal Fault
CPU Fault (Watchdog)
End of User’s Memory
Fault in Data
Transfer (MMF)
Overtemperature fault measured on the
motor temperature sensor (Triple PTC)
via analog input AIx
Overload on the motor shaft. Load cycle is too high (high number of starts and stops per
High ambient temperature around the motor. Poor contact or short-circuit (3k9 < R Motor thermistor not installed. Motor shaft is stuck.
Fault of encoder signals absent. Wiring between encoder and interface accessory to encoder
Encoder defective.
Fault related to the supervision
algorithm of the inverter main CPU.
Fault of end of memory to save user’s
parameter table.
Fault in data transfer using MMF
Electric noise. Inverter firmware fault.
Attempt to save (P204 = 9) more than 32 parameters (with values
different from the factory default) on the User parameter table.
Attempt to download data from the flash memory module to the
inverter with the inverter energized.
Attempt to download a SoftPLC application incompatible with
the destination inverter.
Problems saving data downloaded to the inverter.
Auto-diagnosis Fault
External Fault
Timeout in Receipt of
No Power Supply on
the CAN Interface
Fault related to the automatic
identification algorithm of the inverter
External fault via DIx (“no external
fault” in P263 to P270).
Indicates fault in the serial
communication. It indicates the
equipment stopped receiving valid serial
telegrams for a period longer than the
setting in P314.
It indicates that the CAN interface has no
power supply between pins 25 and 29 of
the connector.
Poor contact in the connection between the main control and
the power pack.
Hardware not compatible with the firmware version. Defect on the internal circuits of the inverter.
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inputs are open or have poor contact.
Check network installation, broken cable or fault/poor contact
on the connections with the network, grounding.
Ensure the master always sends telegrams to the equipment in
a time shorter than the setting in P314.
Disable this function in P314. Measure if there is voltage within the allowed range between
pins 25 and 29 of the CAN interface connector.
Check if the power supply cables are not misconnected or
Check for contact problems on the cable or connector of the
CAN interface.
Bus Off
Buss off error detected on the CAN
Check for short circuit on the CAN circuit transmission cable. Check if the cables are not misconnected or inverted. Check if all the network devices use the same baud rate. Check if the termination resistors with the right specification
were installed only at the end of the main bus.
Check if the CAN network was properly installed.
Node Guarding/
CANopen communication error control
detected communication error using the
guarding mechanism.
Check the times set on the master and on the slave for message
exchange. In order to prevent problems due to transmission
delays and time counting, it is recommended that the values
set for error detection by the slave be multiples of the times set
for message exchange on the master.
Check if the master is sending the guarding telegrams in the
time set.
Check problems in the communication that may cause missing
telegrams or transmission delays.
Idle Master
Fault indicates that the DeviceNet
network master is in Idle mode.
Set the switch that controls the master operation for Run
or the corresponding bit on the configuration word of the
master software. If further information is needed, refer to the
documentation of the master used.
DeviceNet Connection
Profibus DP Interface in
Clear Moder
Offline Profibus DP
Fault that indicates that one or more
DeviceNet connections timed out.
It indicates that the inverter received a
command from the Profibus DP network
master to enter the clear mode.
It indicates an interruption in the
communication between the Profibus DP
network master and the inverter. The
Profibus DP communication interface
went into offline status.
Check the network master status. Check network installation, broken cable or fault/poor contact
on the connections with the network.
Verify the network master status, making sure it is in the
execution mode (Run).
Check if the network master is correctly configured and operating
proper l y.
Check for short-circuit or poor contact on the communication
Check if the cables are not misconnected or inverted. Check if the termination resistors with the right value were
installed only at the end of the main bus.
Check the network installation in general - cabling, grounding.
< 0k1).
CFW300 | 0-17
Quick Reference of Parameters, Alarms and Faults
Fault / AlarmDescriptionPossible Causes
Profibus DP Module
Access Fault
Remote HMI
Communication Fault
SPLC Application
Size of the SoftPLC
F7 11
Fault on SoftPLC
F750 to F799
User’s Faults for
Sleep Mode Active
Low Level of the Control
Process Variable
Low Level of the Control
Process Variable
High Level of the
Control Process
High Level of the
Control Process
Speed reference source
not programmed for the
It indicates fault in the access to the
Profibus DP communication module
No communication with the remote HMI;
however, there is command or frequency
reference for this source.
SoftPLC application not running. SoftPLC application stopped (P901 = 0 and P900 = 3).
The size of the SoftPLC user’s program
exceeded the maximum memory
Fault found in SoftPLC user’s program. SoftPLC user’s program stored on flash memory is corrupted.
Fault range intended for the user’s
application developed in the SoftPLC
Faults and Alarms for PID Controller Application (P903 = 1)
It indicates that the PID Controller is in
the sleep mode.
It indicates that the level of the control
process variable (P916) is low.
It indicates the motor was switched
off due to the low level of the control
process variable.
It indicates that the level of the control
process variable (P916) is high.
It indicates the motor was switched
off due to the high level of the control
process variable.
It indicates that parameters of the speed
reference sources in local mode (P221)
and in remote mode (P222) were not
programmed for the SoftPLC.
Check if the Profibus DP module is correctly fitted. Hardware errors due to improper handling or installation of the
accessory, for instance, may cause this fault. If possible, carry
out tests by replacing the communication accessory.
Check that the HMI communication interface is properly
configured in parameter P312.
HMI cable disconnected.
SoftPLC state presents incompatible application with the
CFW300 firmware version.
The logic implemented on the WLP is too large. Check project
Timeout during execution of SoftPLC scan cycle.
Defined by the user’s application developed in the SoftPLC
The motor speed remained below the value programmed in
P938 for the time programmed in P939.
The control process variable (P916) remained below the value
programmed in P924 for 150 ms.
The control process variable (P916) remained below the value
programmed in P924 for a certain time (P925).
The control process variable (P916) remained above the value
programmed in P926 for 150 ms.
The control process variable (P916) remained above the value
programmed in P926 for a certain time (P927).
The PID Controller was enabled, the Run/Stop command is
active, and neither of the two parameters of the speed reference
source was programmed in 12 (SoftPLC).
0-18 | CFW300
Safety Instructions
This manual contains the information necessary for the correct setting of the CFW300 frequency inverter.
It was developed to be used by people with proper technical training or qualification to operate this kind of
equipment. These people must follow the safety instructions defined by local standards. The noncompliance with
the safety instructions may result in death risk and/or equipment damage.
The procedures recommended in this warning have the purpose of protecting the user against death,
serious injuries and considerable material damage.
The procedures recommended in this warning have the purpose of avoiding material damage.
The information mentioned in this warning is important for the proper understanding and good
operation of the product.
The following symbols are fixed to the product, as a safety warning:
High voltages present.
Components sensitive to electrostatic discharge.
Do not touch them.
Mandatory connection to the protective earth (PE).
Connection of the shield to the ground.
Hot surface.
Only qualified personnel, familiar with the CFW300 inverter and related equipment must plan or
perform the installation, start-up, operation and maintenance of this equipment.
The personnel must follow the safety instructions described in this manual and/or defined by local
The noncompliance with the safety instructions may result in death risk and/or equipment damage.
CFW300 | 1-1
Safety Instructions
For the purposes of this manual, qualified personnel are those trained in order to be able to:
1. Install, ground, power up and operate the CFW300 in accordance with this manual and the safety
legal procedures in force.
2. Use the protective equipment in accordance with the relevant standards.
3. Give first aid.
Always disconnect the general power supply before touching any electric component associated
to the inverter.
Many components may remain loaded with high voltages and/or moving (fans), even after the AC
power supply input is disconnected or turned off. Wait for at least ten minutes in order to guarantee
the full discharge of the capacitors. Always connect the frame size of the equipment to the protective
earth (PE) at the proper point for that.
Electronic boards have components sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Do not touch directly the
component parts or connectors. If necessary, first touch the grounded metallic frame size or use
proper grounding strap.
Do not execute any applied potential test on the inverter!
If necessary, contact WEG.
Frequency inverters may interfere in other electronic equipments. Observe the recommendations
of chapter 3 Installation and Connection of the user’s manual in order to minimize these effects.
Read the user’s manual completely before installing or operating this inverter.
1-2 | CFW300
General Information
This manual presents information necessary for the configuration of all the functions and parameters of the CFW300
frequency inverter. This manual must be used together with the user’s manual of the CFW300.
The text provides additional information so as simplify the use and programming of the CFW300 in certain
2.2.1 Terms and Definitions Used
: inverter rated current by P295.
Rectifier: input circuit of the inverters that transforms the input AC voltage into DC. It is formed by high-power
IGBT: insulated gate bipolar transistor - basic component part of the output inverter bridge. It works as an electronic
switch in the saturated (closed switch) and cut-off (open switch) modes.
DC Link: intermediary circuit of the inverter; voltage in direct current obtained by rectifying the power supply
alternate voltage or external supply; it supplies the output inverter bridge with IGBTs.
Pre-Charge Circuit: charges the capacitors of the DC link with limited current, avoiding current peaks in the
inverter power-up.
NTC: resistor whose resistance value in ohms decreases proportionally to the increase of the temperature; it is
used as a temperature sensor in power packs.
HMI: human-machine interface; device which allows controlling the motor, viewing and changing the inverter
parameters. It features keys to control the motor, navigation keys and graphic LCD display.
PE: protective earth.
PWM: pulse width modulation - modulation by pulse width; pulsed voltage that supplies the motor.
Switching Frequency: switching frequency of the IGBTs of the inverter bridge, normally expressed in kHz.
General Enable: when activated, it accelerates the motor by acceleration ramp and Run/Stop = Run. When
disabled, the PWM pulses will be immediately blocked. It may be controlled by digital input set for this function,
via serial or via SoftPLC.
Run/Stop: inverter function which, when activated (run), accelerates the motor by acceleration ramp up to the
reference frequency and, when deactivated (stop), decelerates the motor by deceleration ramp. It may be controlled
by digital input set for this function, via serial or via SoftPLC.
Heatsink: metal part designed to dissipate the heat produced by power semiconductors.
Amp, A: ampere; unit of measurement of electric current.
°F: Fahrenheit degree.
°C: Celsius degrees; unit of measurement of temperature.
AC: alternate current.
DC: direct current.
CFW300 | 2-1
General Information
hp (HP): horse power = 746 Watts (unit of measurement of power, normally used to indicate mechanical power of
electric motors).
Hz: hertz; unit of measurement of frequency.
kHz: kilohertz = 1000 Hertz.
mA: miliampere = 0.001 ampere.
Nm: Newton meter; unit of torque.
rms: root mean square; effective value.
rpm: revolutions per minute; unit of measurement of rotation.
s: second; unit of measurement of time.
V: volts; unit of measurement of electric voltage.
Ω: ohms; unit of measurement of electric resistance.
2.2.2 Numerical Representation
The decimal numbers are represented by means of digits without suffix. Parameters P012, P013, P045, P397,
P680, P682, P684, P685, P695, P697, P757, P758 and P840 are represented in hexadecimal numbers.
2-2 | CFW300
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