If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flames.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, keep away from the
appliance and immediately call your gas
supplier or your fire department.
Leaking gas may cause a fire or explosion
which can cause serious bodily injury or
death, or damage to property.
1. Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable liquids or vapors in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
2. An LP cylinder not connected for use
shall not be stored in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance.
A_ WARNING: Follow all leak-check
procedures carefully in this manual prior
to barbecue operation. Do this even if the
barbecue was dealer-assembled.
NOTICE TO INSTALLER: These instructions
must be left with the owner and the owner
should keep them for future use.
A_ WARNING: Do not try to light this
appliance without reading the "Lighting
Instructions" section of this manual.
.00P00P,N Po*
89373 US 03/03/08 LP

Failure to follow the Dangers, Warnings and Cautions contained in this Owner's Manual may result in serious bodily injury or
death, or in a fire or an explosion causing damage to property.
,4',Do not store a spare or disconnected liquid propane cylinder under or near this barbecue,
Ak Improper assembly may be dangerous. Please follow the assembly instructions carefully.
/k After a period of storage, and/or nonuse, the WebeP gas barbecue should be checked for gas leaks and burner obstructions
before use. See instructions in this manual for correct procedures.
,4',Do not operate the WebeP gas barbecue if there is a gas leak present.
Ak Do not use a flame to check for gas leaks.
/k Combustible materials should never be within 24 inches (61 cm) of the back or sides of your WebeP gas barbecue.
,4',Do not put a barbecue cover or anything flammable on, or in the storage area under the barbecue.
,4',Your WebeP gas barbecue should never be used by children. Accessible parts of the barbecue may be very hot, Keep young
children away while it is in use.
/k You should exercise reasonable care when operating your Weber _ gas barbecue, It will be hot during cooking or cleaning and
should never be left unattended, or moved while in operation.
,4',Should the burners go out while in operation, turn all gas valves off. Open the lid and wait five minutes before attempting to
relight, using the lighting instructions.
/k Do not use charcoal or lava rock in your WebeP gas barbecue.
,4',Never lean over open grill or place hands or fingers on the front edge of the cooking box,
,4',Should a grease fire occur, turn off all burners and leave lid closed until fire is out,
Ak Do not enlarge valve orifices or burner ports when cleaning the valves or burners.
/k The WebeP gas barbecue should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis.
,4',Liquid propane gas is not natural gas. The conversion or attempted use of natural gas in a liquid propane unit or liquid propane
gas in a natural gas unit is dangerous and will void your warranty.
Ak Do not attempt to disconnect any gas fitting while your barbecue is in operation.
/k Use heat-resistant barbecue mitts or gloves when operating barbecue,
,4',Keep any electrical supply cord and the fuel supply hose away from any heated surfaces.
,4',Combustion byproducts produced when using this product contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer,
birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
/k Do not use this barbecue unless all parts are in place. The unit must be properly assembled according to the assembly
,4',Do not build this model of grill in any built-in or slide in construction. Ignoring this Warning could cause a fire or an explosion
that can damage property and cause serious bodily injury or death.
/k Proposition 65 Warning: Handling the brass material on this product exposes you to lead, a chemical known to the state of
California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
(Wash hands after handling this product.)
.4,,Use the pressure regulator and hose assembly that is supplied with your WebeP gas barbecue.
.4",Do not attempt to disconnect the gas regulator and hose assembly or any gas fitting while your barbecue is in operation.
.4,,A dented or rusty liquid propane cylinder may be hazardous and should be checked by your liquid propane supplier, Do not
use a liquid propane cylinder with a damaged valve.
.4,,Although your liquid propane cylinder may appear to be empty, gas may still be present, and the cylinder should be
transported and stored accordingly.
.4,,If you see, smell or hear the hiss of escaping gas from the liquid propane cylinder:
1. Move away from liquid propane cylinder.
2, Do not attempt to correct the problem yourself,
3. Call your fire department.
www.weber.com ®
©2008 The following trademarks are registered in the name of Weber-Stephen Products Co., an Illinois corporation, located at 200 East DanJels Road, Palatine, Illinois 60067 U.S.A.
Australia; Smokey Joe, Weber, Kettle Silhouette_, Genesis, Austria: Kettle SilhoueLte_, Smokey Joe, Weber, Benelux: Kettle Silhouette_t, Smokey Joe, Weber, Compact Grill Configura-
tion, Botswana; Weber, Canada; Smokey Joe, Genesis, China: Kettle Silhouette_, Denmark; Kettle Silhouette_, Smokey Joe, Weber, Finland; Smokey Joe, France; Kettle Silhouette_-,
Smokey Joe, Weber, One-Touch, Germany; Smokey Joe, Weber, One-Touch, Greece: Smokey Joe, Ireland: Kettle Silhouette_t, Smokey Joe, Italy; Smokey Joe, Weber, Japan; Smokey
Joe, Weber, Korea; Smokey Joe, Weber, New Zealand; Weber, Smokey Joe, Nigeria; Weber, Norway; Smokey Joe, Weber, Portugal; Weber, South Africa: Smokey Joe, Weber, Kettle
Conttguration, Spain; Smokey Joe, Weber, Sweden; Kettle Silhouette,t-, Smokey Joe, Swttzedand; Kettle Silhouette_, Smokey Joe, Weber, United Kingdom; Smokey Joe, Weber, Weber
One-Touch, U.S.A..; Kettle Conttguratton, Kettle Silhouette_, Smokey Joe, Weber, One-Touch, Fttespice, Go-Anywhere, U.S.A.;Kettle Oonfiguratton, Kettle Silhouette, Genesis, Fla-
vorizer, Crossover, Flamgo, Performer, Rapidttre, Tuck 'N Carry, Jumbo Joe, Bar-B-Kettle, Master-Touch, Spirit, Grill Out, Summit, Platinum, 1-800-Grill-Out, Ranch, Matchless Flame,
Zimbabwe; Weber, Kettle Conttguratton, Kettle Silhouette_.

Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Weber) hereby warrants to the ORIGINAL PURCHASER of this Webe#
gas grill that it wiJJbe free of defects in material and workn/anship from the date of purchase as foJJows:
Num_num castings
Stainless steel Shmud,
poTcelsln et_ameled sh_OUd,
CoOkbox AssembLy
St81nles_ steel hume,s tubes,
S_in_ess stee_ COOking g_t_s,
stainless ste÷l F_VOfFze_ b_s,
pome_ain.ename]ed cast-iron
When assembled and operated in accoldance with the printed instructions accompanying it.
Weber may tequila reasonabJe proof of your date of purchase. THEREFORE, YOU SHOULD RETAIN
COoking grstes,
COokLng grates¸
Pome[_ln enameled
F_VO_Fze_ b_s,
Infrared Rotisserie Bu_ne L
A]I iernaining pst ts,
25-yea_s (2 y#a_s on psint; excludes fading)
10-_2eats (2 yea/on p_i_ excludes fading/
5kyea_s no lust through or burn through
5kye_s no _ust through or bum through
5-ye_ no lust thigh or bt_rn through
3_/e_s no fu_t though or burn through
2-yea_s no _ust through or bum through
This Limited Warranty shall be lil_i_ed to the repair or _placement of palls that prove defective under
normal use and serv[se and which on examination shall indicate, to Webel's satisfaction, they ale
delective. Before returning any pr{rts, contact the Customer Service Representative in your _re_
using the contact information on our website. If Weber confilms the defect and approves the claim,
Weber will elect to repJace such paris without charge. If you ere required to return defective parts,
transporiation charges m_st be prepaid. Weber will return paris to the purchaser, fleight or postage
This Limited Warlanty does not cover any re[Jutes or operating difficulties due to accident, abuse,
misuse, alteration, misapplication, vandalism, improper installation or improper maintenance el
service, or failure to perform nomlaJ and routine mainterlence, including but not Jimited to damage
caused by insects within the burner tubes, as set out in this owner's r_anuaJ.
Deterioration or damage due to severe weather oond_iion s s_ch as hail, hurricanes, ear thquakes
or tornadoes, discoloration due to exposu re to chemicals either directly or in the atmosphere, is not
covered by this Limited Warranty.
There are no other express warrants except as set forih herein and any applicable implied warranties
of me_hantability and fitness are Jimited in duration to the period of coverage of this express written
Limited Warranty. Some iegions do not allow Jimitation on how long an impJied warranty Jests,so this
Jimitatiortmay not appJy to you.
Weber is not Jiable _r any special, indilect or eortsequentiaJ damages. Some regions do not _Jlow the
exclusion or limitation of incidentaJ orconsequential damages, so this Jimitatiort or exclusion may not
apply to you.
Weber does not authorize any person or company to assume for it any other obligation or liabiJity in
cortne_tion with the sale, in_a_Jation, use, rer_oval, return, or replaeemertt of its equipment; and no
such representations are binding on Weber.
This Warranty applies only to products sold at retail
Customer Service Center
1890 Roselle Road, Suite 308
Schaumburg, IL 60195
For replacement parts call:
www.weber.con_ °
Weber-Stephen Products Co., (Weber) mediante _apresente le garant[za al COMPRADOR ORIGINAL
de est_ barbecue de gas Webel e qua la misma e_ar_ Jibre de defectos en cuanto a ma_riaJes y
fabricaciCn a partir de Jafeoha de compra seg0n Io siguiente:
p_ezas coEadas de aEurnln_o 25.at/us (2 a_los psra 18 p_ntu[a exc]_ryendo _,_decOlofadC_n}
Cub_e_ de ace_ Inox_d_blo.
Cub_e_ta _orCelan_zada,
olrnarzt pa_ as_
Tubes do acofo inox_dab_e
de los quema_r÷s,
pz*_rlias de cocoon do
acefo Inox_sb]e,
Bar,as F_avoflzer de
acofo Inox_b]e,
par_Ha_ do cocc_n de h_er_o
Pa_[as do oocc]Cn po f cenlan_zada s,
cuando se ensambJa y opera de acuerdo a JasJnstrucciones Jmpresas qua Jaacorapaflan.
Weber pudiese requerir p#Jeba razonable de la fecha de compra. PeR LO TANTO, DEBER,_
Esta garantla Jimitada esta Jimitada a Jareparaci6n o reempJazo de piezas qua resuJtasen defectuosas
bajo use y sewieio normal y las cuales al examinarse indiquen, a pbna satisfacei6n de Weber, qua
efectivamente son piezas defectuosas. Antes de devolver cuaJquier parie, contacte al Representante
de AteneiCn al Cliente en su _/rea, cuya informad6rl de tentacle la encont rar_/erl nLlest re sitio web. S+
Weber confirma el defecto y aprueba el recJamo, +sta eJegirA reparar o reempJazar taJ pieza sin cargo
alguno. Si usted t[ene qua retomamos las partes defectuosas, los gastos de transporie deben set
prepagados. Weber [etornar_ las paries al oomprador con transporte o franqueo prepagado.
Esta Garantla Limitada no cubre rlinguna faila o problema de operaci6n a cause de accidentes,
abuse, real use, alteraciCrl, use en aplicaciones +ndebidas, vandalismo, +nstalaei6n inapropiada o
mantenimiento o servbio [napropiados, o per no Itevar a cube el manten[miento normal y rut[narb,
Weber-Stephen Products Co. (Weber) garantit par le pr#sent document & I'ACHETEUR D'ORIGINE de
ce griJl _ gaz Weber _ que celui-ci ne comportera aucun d_faut de pi_ee ni de main d'oeuvre & corapter
de la date d'achat comma suit :
Tubes du brO]eur en 8clef Inoxy_b]e, 10 ans
Gdimes de cu_sson on ac]e_ Inoxydable, 5 ans san_ trou p_voqu_ par la rout[In ou pa_ une brs]ure
Bar_es F[avo_Lzer en 8c_e_ ]noxydsble, 5 ans sans lrou f_ovoqu6 par ]a _u_]o ou ps_ uno br_]ure
Gflilo_ de cu_on en fonte _er _ma_l]_e, 5 an_ san_ t_u pfovoqu_ par ia _u[_]o ou ps_ uno br f_]ure
Bf0_eu_ de _ar_t_so_ro _ In_smugo, 2 ans
& condition qu'il air eta assemble et ut[list} conform_ment au× instructions impfirn_es qui
Weber peut exiger une preuve ra[sonnable de vot_e date d'achat. VOUS DEVRIEZ DONC
La p_sente Galantie limit 6e est limitee _ la _paration ou au remplacemeni des pieces qui s'ave_nt
defectueuses darts le cadre d'une ut[lisation normale e_ d'un ent ret[en normal et dent J'examen ind[que,
& Jasatisfaction de Weber, qu'elles sent d6fe_ueuses. Avant de retourner route pi_oe, veuiJlez
entrer en oonteot _[veo le Representant du Service dien_le JepJus proche gr&c-aaux coordonn_s
& votre disposition sur notle site IntemeL Si Weber confilme le d_faut et approuve la demende,
Weber choisira de _er_pJacer ces pieces sans frais. S'ij vous est der_ande de retoumer Jespieces
d6fe_ueuses, les frais de transpolt devroni 6tre p_pay_s. Weber retournera Jespieces & I'acheteur,
franco de port.
La p_sente Galantie limit 6e ne couvre pas route d6faillance ou diff[cuJt6 d'ut[lisation provoqu_e par un
aoc[dent, une ut [lisation _[bus[ve, uno mauv_[ise utilisation, une alteration, une faauvaise app_[cation, un
acte de v_[ndaHsme, une installation incorrec_e ou une maintenance ou un en_retien [ncor_ects, ou le
defaut d'entratien no_maJ at _guJier, y compfis mais pas seulement Jes dommages provoqu_s par des
insectes & I'intodeur des tubes du br0Jeur, tel que decrit dans Je present mode d'emploi.
coJa_ po_elanLzsdo,
Bar_s Fiavonzor _or Celan_zadas,
Qurnoadol inflar_o[o de_
a_ado_ g_ratoflo,
TOdss la demos parte$,
Foible d'aluminium 25 ans (2 8rig pour lapeintul# _ I'_xceptlon d_ ioute decoJofation)
Structure en 8c_e_Inoxyd_b]e, 25 an_
Structure _ma_l]_e, 2Sans
G dl]es de cu_son om _iloes, 3 ans sans t_u pfovoqu_ par ]a _u_]o ou ps_ une br_]ure
Bar_es F[avo_Lzer _m 8_li_es, 2 an8 s_ns trou p_ovoqu_ par la rou_]e ou p_ une br81ure
Toulos _es nut res pl_cos, 2ans
10.aries (2 ailos para 18 piniula excluyendo ta decolofarJdn}
5-a_os s_n _3erto_c40n po_ fuogo u oxrdac_n
5.a_los _n perto_10n po_ fuogo u o×rdac_n
5ka_os $_n porto_acJ0n po_ _ue.qo u ox_dac]Cn
3-aC_os s_n portofad0n po_ _ue.qo u ox_dsc]Cn
2ka_os s_n portofad0n po_ fue_ u ox_¢_n
Cure, 10 ans (2 arts pour la perjure 0 rexce_on de toute d_colofstion)
entre bs que se [ncluyen, peru sin Hmitaci6n, bs daSos cat_sados per insectos dentro de los tubes
quemadoles, seg0n se detalJa en este manuaJ del propi_ai[o.
Esta Garantla Lim[tada no _ubre el d_er[oro o daces acause de condJciones de tiempo [nclemente
tales oomo granizo, huracanes, terremotos o toe,ides n[ tampooo Ja de¢oloraciCn po_ ey43osiei(}n
sustanc[_[s quim[oas bien sea per tentacle di_ecto o per qua Jas m[smas contenidas en la at mCsfer_.
No existe ninguna otra garantfa expresa qua no sean ins Ins ace hsdicadas y cualesquier garant_as
[mpl_itas de comerciab[lidad y april ud de use est&n Iimi_adas en duraeiCn al tiempo de cobertula de
esta expresa Garantia Um[tada pol esor[to. AIgunas rag[ones no pelmiten Iimi_aciCn alguna en el
tiempo q_e una garant_ implicate pueda dural per Io qua esta I#_[taeiCn pudiera no aplicarle a usted.
Webe_ no se hace respons_[ble de c_alesqu[er da_os espec_ales, inrJirectus o emergentes. AIgunas
rag[ones no pelmiten Eaex_lus[Cn o lim[tac[Cn de daces [nc[dentales o emergentes, per Io qua esta
lim[taciCn o exdusiCn pudieran no apJ[cafle a usted.
Weber no &utodza a persona o empress[ aJguna a asumir en su hombre ninguna obligac[Cn o
responsabil[d_d en _eJaciCn o3n Javent_[, instalaeiCn, use, retire, devoluci_n o reempJazo de sus
equipos, y ninguna taJ representaciCn sara v[nculan_ pare Weber.
Esta Galantla aplica soJo a aquellos ploductos vend[dos al per runnel.
Customer Service Center
1890 RoseBe Road, Suite 308
Schaumburg, IL 60195
Pare partes de repuesto game a:
www.weber.com ÷
Toute d_terioratJon ou tout dommage resuJtant de conditions rneteoroJogJques graves oornme de Ja
g_e, des ou_gans, des seismes ou des tornados, route dt}oo_oration r_su_tant d'une exposition & des
agents ch[mJques directement ou dens I'at mosph_re, n'est pus couverte dens Jecadre de _[ p_sertte
Galantie I[mit_=ie.
II n'existe aucune autre garantie expresse hormis cellos exposees darts le prCsent document el toute
garantie de coramercialisation et de bun etat induite est Jim[tee en durra & la p_fiode de couverture de
Japr_sente Gerantie limitee _crite expresse. Ceriaines r&:Jions n'autodsent pus de J[mitation de du_e
de Jagarant[e induite ; iJ est done posibJe qua celia limitation ne s'appl[que pus & vous.
Weber ne pout _t_ tenu pour lesponsable de to,Jr dommage particuJier, induit ou se produisant par
vein de cons_quenoe. Ceriaines r_gions n'autor_$ent pus I'exclusion ou la limitation des dor_mages
indirects ou se produisant par vein de consequence ; iJesi done possible qua carte I[raitation ou
exclusion ne s'applique pas a vous.
Weber n'autorise aucune personne ou soeiOt_ & presumer en son nora de route autre obligation
ou responsabil[t# en relation evec la venie, I'insiaJlation, I'utilisation, le relrait, le retour ou le
remplaceraent de sos _quipements ; et aucune de cos representatbns ne lie Weber.
La pr_sente Garantie s'applique un[quement aux produits vendus au detail.
Para compFas hechas en Mexico
Marcella No 338,
Co}ottia Americana
44169 MCxico, C.P.
Pare partes de repuesto Ilame a:
(52) (33) 3615-0736
www,weber.com _
Product Registration
P.O. Box 40530
Burlington, ON L7P4W1
Pour des pieces de rechange, appelez le :
www.weber.con_ °

Catch Pan Holder
Sostenedor del plato recolector
Support de I'egoutioir
ii iii !iiiii i!ii!i!i !ii iii
Drip _ay
Bandeja de goteo
Plateau de recueil des goutles
Catch Pan
Plato recolector
Cooking Grate
Parrilla de cocci0n
Grille de cuisson
Warming Rack
Rejilla para calentar
Grille de maintien au chaud
Battery Housing
Compartlmiento de las baterias
Logement des piles
Rotisserie Fork
Horquiila del asador giratorio
Fourche de la r61issoire
Rotisserie Spit
Espet6n del asador giratodo
Br0che de la rOtissoire
Rotisserie Motor
Motor del asador giratorio
Moteur de la rOtissoire
Rotisserie Bracket
Soporte del asador giratorio
Support de la r_tissoire
iii!i:il; !iiiii!iiiiiili!i i
iiii!i i i!i i iiii!:ilili
Truss Head Screw (_/4-20 x 1 inch)
Tornillo de cabeza segmentada (Tornillo _-20 x 1 pulgadas)
Vis &tete bombee large de ( _-20 x 1 pouces)
FlavorizeP Bar
Barras Flavodze_
Barre Flavorizer _
Smoker Bar
Barra del ahumador
Barre du tumoir
Smoker Box
Caja del ahumador
Boltier du fumoir
Side Burner Table
Mesa del quemador lateral
Tablette du braleur lat@al
Side Table
Mesa lateral
Tabletie lat_rale
Nylon Washer
Arandela de nilon
Rondelle de nylon
Keps Nut (_A-20 keps nut)
Tuerca keps(Tuerca keps K_-20)
Ecrou & rondelle dentee (ecrou & rondelle dentee de A-20)
1 inch Bolt (F4-20 x 1 inch Bolt)
Perno 1 pulgada (Perno t4-20 x 1 pulgadas)
Ecrou de 1 pouce (ecrou de !:_-20 x 1 pouce)
Plastic Plug
Tap6n piastico
Bouchon en plastique

22 ............................/ _t_ _) I
"_ 48
k*_,=&= A * t=J:] =J:l_*] = U

1. Shroud Hardware
Accesorios de la cubierta
Structure de protection
2. Shroud
T61e de protection
3. Thermometer
4. Thermometer Bezel
Moldura decorativa del termometro
Plaque indicatrice du thermometre
5. Handle
6. Grill Out TM Handle Light
Luz de asa Grill OutTM
Lampe de poign6e Grill OutTM
7. Rotisserie Motor
Motor del asador
Moteur de la r6tissoire
8. Rotisserie Bracket
Soporte del asador giratorio
Support de la r5tissoire
9. Warming Rack
Rejilla de calentamiento
Grille de r_chauffage
10. Cooking Grates
Parrillas de cocci6n
Grilles de cuisson
11. Flavorizer e Bars
Barras Flavorizer _
Barres Flavorizer :_
12. Burner Tubes
Tubos quemadores
Tubes des breleurs
13. Side Table
Mesa lateral
Tablette laterale
14. LeftTool Holder
Portaherramientas izquierdo
Support d'ustensiles de gauche
15. Manifold
16. Control Panel Wiring Harness 37.
Cableado prefabricado del panel de control
Harnais des c&bles du panneau de commande
17. Control Panel 38.
Tablero de control
18. Small Knob Bezel 39.
Moldura decorativa de la perilla peque_a
Plaque indicatrice du petit bouton
19. Small Knob 40.
Perilla pequefia
Petit bouton
20. Large Knob
Perilla grande
Grand bouton
21. Large Knob Bezel
Moldura decorativa de la perilla grande
Plaque indicatrice du grand bouton
22. Sear Station Knob 43. Smoker Bar
23. Battery Housing 44. Smoker Burner
24. Water Baffle / Heat Shield 45. Sear Station Burner
25. Disposable Drip Pan 46. Side Burner
26. DripTray 47. Cookbox
27. Catch Pan 48. Bulkhead
28. Catch Pan Holder 49. Manifold Hose
29. Left Door 50. Side Burner Lid
30. Door Handles 51. Side Burner Table
31. Right Door 52. Hose / Regulator
32. Left Frame Panel 53. Right Tool Holder
33. Bottom Panel 54. Side Burner Hose
34. IR Burner Cover 55. Frame Support
35. Infrared Burner 56. Back Panel
36. IR Burner Box 57. Right Frame Panel
41. Cooking Grate 62. Locking Caster
42. Smoker Box
Perilla de la estaci6n para dorar Barra del ahumador
Bouton du br01eur Sear Station Barre du fumoir
Compartimiento de la baterfa Quemador del ahumador
Logement des piles Br01eur du fumoir
Reflector de agua / Pantalla t6rmica Quemador de la estacion para dorar
Protection centre I'eau/Cloison anti-chaleur BrQleur Sear Station
Bandeja de goteo desechable Quemador lateral
Egouttoir jetable Br01eur lat6ral
Bandeja de goteo Caja de cocci6n
Plateau-egouttoir Boftier de cuisson
Plato recolector Tabique divisorio
Egouttoir Cloison
Soporte del plato recolector Manguera del mt31tiple
Support d'egouttoir Tuyau du collecteur
Puerta izquierda Tapa del quemador lateral
Porte gauche Couvercle du brQleur lat6ral
Asas de las puertas Mesa del quemador lateral
Poignees de portes Tablette du brQleur lateral
Puerta derecha Manguera ! Regulador
Porte droite Tuyau/R6gulateur
Panel izquierdo del bastidor Portaherramientas derecho
Panneau du cadre gauche Support d'ustensiles de droite
Panel inferior Manguera del quemador lateral
Panneau inf_rieur Tuyau du brt31eurlateral
Tapa del quernador IR Soporte del bastidor
Cache du br01eur IR Support du cadre
Quemador infrarrojo Panel trasero
BrQleur & infrarouge Panneau arriere
Caja del quemador infrarrojo Panel derecho del bastidor
Boitier du brQleur IR Panneau du cadre droit
IR Burner Igniter Wire 58. Tank Scale
Cable de encendido del quemador IR B;Jscula del tanque
C&ble de I'allumeur du brQleur IR Plateau de la bouteille
Thermocouple 59. Tank Glide
Termopar Deslizadera del tanque
Thermocouple Glissieres de la bouteille
IR Burner Hose 60. Matchstick Holder
Manguera del quemador IR Portacerillos
Tuyau du breleur IR Porte-allumette
Rotisserie Spit Assembly 61. Caster
Ensamble del espet6n del asador giratorio Rueda giratoria
Ensemble de la broche de la r6tissoire Roulette
Rejilla de cocci6n Rueda giratoria con bloqueo
Grille de cuisson Roulette autobloquante
Caja del ahumador
Boitier du fumoir

• Adjust doors, if necessary
• Si fuese necesario, ajuste la puerta
• Ajustez la porte si n_cessaire
00 0 0o0 0 0o
kj { _A_A j i =J:] =J:,Rl[e] _,_ll

Requires 3_D"alkallne batteries (Included). Use alkaline
baiteries only. Do not mix old and new batteries or different types
of batteries (standard, alkaline or rechargeable).
Requlere 3 batedas alcalinas 'D" (Incluldas}. Use solamente
baterJas aloslinas. No mezole balerlas Ruevas con viejas o
diterentes tipos de baterias entre st (normales, alcalinas o
Fonctlonne avec 3 piles alcallnes "D" (FournlesJ, Utilisez des
piles alcalines uniquement. Ne m_langez pas des piles usagees
et des piles neuves ou differents types de piles (ordinaires,
alcalines ou rechargeables).

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The Weber Grill Out TM Handle Light has a "Tilt Sensor": Lid up - ON / Lid Closed - OFF. The power
button (a) activates or deactivates the 'qilt Sensor." For daytime use. deactivate the sensor by
pressing power button (a).
La L_mpara de Asa Weber Grill Out" tiene un "sensor de inclinaci6n": tapa abierta - ENCENDIDA
/ tapa cerrada - APAGADA. El bot0n de encendido (a) activa o desactiva al "sensor de inclinaciOn".
Para uso durante el dla, desactive al sensor pulsando el boron de encendido (a).
La Lampe de polgn_e Weber Grill Out TM est pourvu d'un "Detecteur Till*' : Couvercle relevO - MARCHE
/ Couvercle ferme - ARRET (OFF). Le bouton d'alimentalion electfique (a) active ou d_saclive le
"Delecleur Tilt." Pour une utiiisatlon pendant la journ_e, veuiliez desacfiver le d_tecteur en appuyant
sur le bouton d'alimentatlon electfique (a).
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Your Weber e gas barbecue is a portable outdoor cooking appliance. With the Weber _
gas barbecue you can grill, barbecue, roast and bake with results that are difficult to
duplicate with indoor kitchen appliances. The closed lid and Flavorizel e Bars produce
that "outdoor" flavor in the food.
The Webe¢"_gas barbecue is portable so you can easily change its location in your yard
or on your patio. Portability means you can take your Webel e gas barbecue with, if you
Liquid Propane (LP) gas supply is easy to use and gives you more cooking control than
charcoal fuel
These instructions will give you the minimum requirements for assembling your
Webel e gas barbecue. Please read the instructions carefully before using your
Webe¢"_gas barbecue. Improper assembly can be dangerous.
Not for use by children.
If there are local codes that apply to portable gas grills, you will have to conform to
them. Installation must conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes,
with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, Natural Gas and
Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or Propane Storage and Handling Code,
B149.2, or the Standard for Recreational Vehicles, ANSI A 119.2/NFPA 1192, and
CSA Z240 RV Series, Recreational Vehicle Code, as applicable.
The pressure regulator supplied with the Weber _ gas barbecue must be used.
This regulator is set for 11 inches of water column (pressure).
This Weber _ gas barbecue is designed tot use with liquid propane (LP) gas only.
Do not use with natural (piped in city) gas. The valves, orifices, hose and regulator
are for LP gas only.
Do not use with charcoal fuel.
Check that the area under the control panel and the bottom tray are free from
debris that might obstruct the flow of combustion or ventilation air.
The areas around the LP cylinder must be free and clear from debris.
Replacement pressure regulators and hose assemblies must be those specified
by Weber-Stephen Products Co.
These instructions, while generally acceptable, do not necessarily comply with the
Canadian Installation codes, particularly with piping above and below ground. In
Canada the installation of this appliance must comply with local codes and/or Standard
CSA-B149.2 (Propane Storage and Handling Code).
A', WARNING: Only use this barbecue outdoors in a well-
ventilated area. Do not use in a garage, building, breezeway
or any other enclosed area.
A', WARNING: Keep ventilation openings for cylinder enclosure
free and clear from debris.
A', WARNING: Your Weber _ gas barbecue shall not be used
under overhead combustible construction.
The gas must be turned off at the liquid propane cylinder when the Weber e gas
barbecue is not in use.
When the Weber _gas barbecue is stored indoors, the gas supply must be
DISCONNECTED and the LP cylinder stored outdoors in a welbventilated space.
LP cylinder must be stored outdoors in a well -ventilated area out of reach of
children. Disconnected LP cylinder must not be stored in a building, garage or any
other enclosed area.
When the LP cylinder is not disconnected from the Weber _ gas barbecue, the
appliance and LP tank must be kept outdoors in a well-ventilated space.
The Weber _gas barbecue should be checked for gas leaks and any obstructions
in the burner tubes before using. (See Section: "Maintenance/Annual
Check that the areas under the control panel and the slide out bottom tray are free
from debris that might obstruct the flow of combustion or ventilation air.
The Spider/Insect Screens should also be checked tot any obstructions.
(See Section: "Maintenance/Annual Maintenance"
A,, WARNING: Your Weber c'_gas barbecue is not intended to be
installed in or on recreational vehicles and/or boats.
A', WARNING: Do not use the barbecue within 24 inches of
combustible materials to the back or sides of the grill.
A', WARNING: The entire cooking box gets hot when in use. Do
not leave unattended.
A', WARNING: Keep any electrical supply cord and the fuel
supply hose away from any heated surface.
A', WARNING: Keep the cooking area clear of flammable vapors
and liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, etc., and combustible
,¢. WARNING: Never store an extra (spare) LP cylinder under or
near the Weber _ gas barbecue.
A', WARNING: The LP cylinder used with your barbecue must
be with a listed OPD (Overfilling Prevention Device) and
a QCC1 or Type 1 (CGA810) cylinder connection. The
cylinder connection must be compatible with the barbecue
Note: ff grill loses heat while cooking refer to the troubleshooting section of this manual
A,,WARNING: Do not move the Weber e gas barbecue when
operating or while barbecue is hot.
You can adjust the individual main burners as desired. The control settings are START/
Note: Trtetemperature inside your cooking box for the first few uses, while surfaces
are still very reflective, may be hotter than those shown in your cookbook Cooking
conditions, such as wind and weathe_ may require the adjustment of the burner
controls to obtain the correct cooking temperatures
If burners go out during cooking, open lid, turn off all burners and wait five
minutes before rellghting.
Sear Station" -Your Weber _ gas barbecue includes a sear burner for searing thin
meats and fish. The Sear Station TM burner has an on or off control setting that works with
the two adjacent main burners. With the sear and adjacent burners you can effectively
sear meats while using other cooking areas for cooking with moderate heat.
Preheating * Your Weber _ gas barbecue is an energy-efficient appliance. It operates at
an economical low BTU rate. To preheat: after lighting, close lid and turn all burners to
"START/H r; Preheating to between 500 ° and 550 ° F (260 ° and 2900 C) will take 10 to 15
minutes depending on conditions such as air temperature and wind.
Drippings and grease - The Flavorizer _ bars are designed to "smoke" the correct
amount of drippings for flavorful cooking. Excess drippings and grease will accumulate in
the catch pan under the slide out bottom tray. Disposable foil drip pans are available that
tit the catch pan.
/k WARNING: Check the bottom tray for grease build-up before
each use. Remove excess grease to avoid a grease fire in the
slide out bottom tray.
A', WARNING: Turn your Weber e gas barbecue off and wait for It
to cool before cleaning.
A', CAUTION: Do not clean your FlavorizeP bars or cooking
grates in a self-cleaning oven.
For availability of replacement cooking grates and Flavorize_ bars contact the
Customer Service Representative in your area using the contact information on
our website. Log onto www.weber.corn ®
Outside surfaces - Use a warm soapy water solution to clean, then rinse with water.
/k CAUTION: Do not use oven cleaner, abrasive cleansers
(kitchen cleansers), cleaners that contain citrus products, or
abrasive cleaning pads on barbecue or cart surfaces.