Wearwell 560 User Manual

ErgoDeck® Cable Bridge Kit Product No. 560
Exposed cables and hoses in the industrial work place pose trip hazards. A common “fix” is using
tape or other temporary alternatives.
Our ErgoDeck® Cable Bridge is comprised of existing sku’s and used in conjunction with ErgoDeck
Features and Benefits:
Accessibility to cables/hoses
Offers more clearance; 7/8” instead of 5/8”
Electric blue color differentiation calls attention to the location of cables, hoses, wires,
Packaging Information:
Available in straight runs and corners Straight Cable Bridge kit contains:
(4) 18” yellow ErgoDeck® ramps
(2) 6" wide blue tiles
Corner kit contains:
(1) yellow inside corner
(1) yellow outside corner
(2) yellow side ramps
(2) sections of blue ErgoDeck® solid
Step 1: Create 1-2” channel between ErgoDeck® tiles.
Step 3: Lay the assembled bridge over the channel.
Step 2: Route cables/wires.
Optional Step 4: Anchor down bridge with 12 - ¾” metal screws.
Wearwell, Inc. 199 Threet Industrial Road • Smyrna • Tennessee • 37167 Phone: 1.800.264.3030 Fax: 615.255.4428 www.wearwell.com
Straight: 18” wide x 36” long Corner: 15” wide x 15” long
These are consistent with similar products currently on the market.
Sku Information:
560.78x15x15BLYL ErgoDeck Cable Bridge Kit-Corner
560.78x18x36BLYLErgoDeck Cable Bridge Kit-Straight