WD Gold
• Take on tough workloads;
up to 10 times the typical
desktop rates
• Enhanced reliability with up
to 2.5M hours MTBF
• Specifically designed for
use in enterprise-class
storage systems and data
Conquer tough workloads with enterprise-class WD Gold™ HDDs. Available in 1TB to 14TB capacities,
this highly reliable solution for demanding storage environments provides up to 2.5M hours MTBF,
vibration protection technology and a low power draw thanks to HelioSeal™ technology [for 12TB
and above]. Specifically designed for use in enterprise-class storage systems and data centers, the
WD Gold Enterprise Class SATA HDD delivers the world-class performance you expect from Western
Digital® hard drives.
Beyond Expectations
WD Gold™ hard drives are performance-optimized for heavy application workloads, whether you
need 1TB or 14TB. The WD Gold HDD’s wide capacity range solves for the most demanding storage
Enhanced Reliability
With up to 2.5M hours MTBF, WD Gold™ hard drives deliver enhanced levels of dependability and
durability. Built for yearly operation (24×7×365) within the most demanding storage environments.
A World-Class Performer
Delivering excellent service to any storage environment, WD Gold™ hard drives are designed to
handle workloads up to 550TB per year – among the highest of any 3.5-inch hard drive.
Vibration Protection
WD Gold™ has sophisticated monitoring electronics that help correct linear and rotational vibrations
in real time using enhanced vibration protection technology for improved performance in highvibration environments.
Play Well with Others
Broadly compatible with most PC and major enterprise operating systems. Specifically designed for
use in enterprise-class storage systems and data centers.
5-Year Limited Warranty
Every WD Gold™ HDD comes with a 5-year limited warranty, so you can be confident in your storage.

Western Digital WD Gold Enterprise Class SATA HDD Product Features and Specifications
Model Number
Form Factor 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch 3.5-inch
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s S ATA 6 G b/s SATA 6 Gb/s S ATA 6 G b/s SATA 6 Gb/s S ATA 6 G b/s SATA 6 Gb/s S ATA 6 G b/s
512n / 512e user s ectors pe r drive 512e 512e 512e 512e 512e 512e 512e 512e
Formatted Capacity¹ 14TB 12TB 10TB 8TB 6TB 4TB 2TB 1TB
RoHS compliant² Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Data Trans fer Rate ³
(max sustained)
Performance Class 7200 RPM Cla ss 7200 RPM Class 7200 RPM Cla ss 7200 RPM Class 7200 RPM Class 7200 RPM Class 7200 RPM Class 7200 RPM Class
Cache 512MB 256MB 256MB 256MB 256MB 256MB 128MB 128MB
Power Management
Average power requirements (W)
Idle 5.5W 5.0W 8.0W 7.4W 5.9W 5.9W 5.9W 5.9W
Power efficiency index
(W/TB, idle)
MTBF (hours)⁷ 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
Annualized Failure Rate
(AFR, %)⁷
Limited Warranty 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years
Operating Temperature 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C 5° C to 60° C
Non-Operating Temperature -40°C to 70°C -40°C to 70°C -40° C to 70°C -40° C to 70°C -40° C to 70°C -40° C to 70°C -40°C to 70°C -40 °C to 70°C
Shock (Read /Write)
(half-sine wave, 2ms)
(half-sine wave, 2ms)
Acoustics (average)
Idle Mode 20 dBA 20 dBA 34 dBA 29 dBA 29 dBA 29 dBA 25 dBA
Seek Mode 36 dBA 36 dBA 38 dBA 36 dBA 36 dBA 36 dBA 28 dBA 28 d BA
Physical Dimensions
Height (max) 26.1 m m 26.1 mm 26 .1 mm 26.1 m m 2 6.1 mm 26 .1 mm 26.1 mm 26.1 m m
Length (max) 147.0 mm 14 7.0 mm 147.0 mm 14 7.0 m m 147. 0 mm 1 47.0 mm 14 7.0 m m 1 47. 0 mm
Width (± .01 in.) 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101 .6 mm 101.6 mm 1 01.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101 .6 mm
As used for storage capacity, one gigabyte (GB) = one billion bytes and one terabyte (TB) = one trillion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment.
**FORMAT: 512e: Advanced Format drive wi th 512-byte logical sectors and 4K (4096-by te) physical se ctors
Western Digital ha rd drive products manu factured a nd sold worl dwide af ter June 8, 2011, me et or exceed Restriction of Hazardous Substa nces (RoHS) comp liance requirements as mandated by
the RoHS D irective 2011/65/EU.
Data Trans fer Rate: MB/s is 1,000,000 by tes
Cache Buffer: Portion of buf fer capacity used for drive firmware.
Opera tional Power: 8K Queue Depth = 1 @ 40 IOPS
Idle Powe r: Based on use of Idle_A
MTBF and AFR: Specifications are b ased on a sample population and are e stimated by s tatistical measurements and a cceleration algori thms under typical operating conditions for this drive
model . MTBF and AFR ratings do not p redict an in dividual drive’s reliability and do not constitute a warranty.
267 MB/s 255 MB/s 262 MB/s 255 MB/s 25 5M B/s 255MB /s 200MB/s 18 4M B/s
6.0W 6.9W 9. 2W 8.8W 7.0W 7.0W 8.1W 8.1W
0.4 0.4 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 3.0 5.9
0.35 0. 35 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0. 44
70G/70G 70G/70G 70G/50G 70G/70 G 70G/70G 70G/70 G 65G/65G
300G 300G 250G 300G 300G 300G 300G 300G
25 dBA
5601 Great Oaks Park way
San Jose, CA 95119, USA
US (Toll-Free): 80 0.801.4618
International: 408.717.6000
© 2019 Western Di gital Corpora tion or its af filiates. All right s reserved. Wester n Digital, the Weste rn Digital logo, a nd WD Gold are regi stered tradema rks or
tradem arks of Western Digi tal Corporati on or its affilia tes in the U.S. and/or othe r countries. All ot her marks are the p roperty of t heir respec tive owners. Pic tures
shown may va ry from actual p roducts. Ref erences in thi s publicatio n to We stern Digital p roducts, pro grams, or servi ces do not imply that t hey will be made avai lable
in all coun tries. Produ ct specifica tions provide d are sample spe cifications tha t are subject to ch ange and do not cons titute a warrant y. P lease visit ou r website,
http://www.westerndigital.com for additional information on product specifications.
2579–810192-A00 September 2019