Alarm Interface Utility Software V3.1.3
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This software package (“software”) is a proprietary product of comPPage, Inc. and is protected by copyright laws and
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Copyright laws prohibit making additional copies of the software for any other reason.
Read this license Agreement before using the enclosed software. This agreement is a legal contract between you, the end
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Attn: Customer Service
6801 Lake Worth Road
Suite 308
Lake Worth, Florida 33467
1. comPPage, Inc. grants you the right to use one copy of the Dry & Voltage Interface
computer, or on a single terminal workstation.
2. You may not sub license, rent, or lease the software, but you may permanently transfer your license to use the software
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3. You may not de-compile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, transfer, or otherwise use the software except as stated
in this Agreement.
software on a single-user

Alarm Interface Utility Software V3.1.3
The Dry Voltage Interface 10 (DVIF10) is an alarm contact input device with 10 inputs that is PC programmable by the
user, using the supplied Microsoft Windows™ compatible software program. The DVIF10 will accept Dry (no voltage)
contact closure or Voltage, high or low, input. Voltage input range is 1 to 24 volts AC or DC. Each input is fused to
protect the inputs in case voltage is applied to a contact input that has been configured for no voltage.
Each contact can be configured for a different individual pager ID (cap code), Alert type (A, B, C, or D) and repeats
ranging from none, 1-4, or until Change of State. Time interval between repeats can be select from 1 minute to 59
minutes. The paging protocol is a global setting of either Scope
to send either Alphanumeric or Numeric messages.
The DVIF10 can be daisy chained together via RS485 Cat 5 RJ45 cabling to support up to 40 contact inputs.
The Dry & Voltage Interface program will run on Microsoft Windows™ XP home or professional and the new Vista.
comPPage’s DVIF10 is a unit that was Designed, Developed and Manufactured in the USA. Each unit has a
Lifetime Warranty
™ or Motorola™ COMP2. In addition the user can select

Alarm Interface Utility Software V3.1.3
1. Insert CD into the CD-R or CD-RW drive, the CD will auto start.
2. If auto start does not function, Select [START], [RUN] type in {cd-rom drive letter and enter SETUP.EXE.
3. Press OK.
1. Connect the DVIF10 to a computer using the supplied Null-modem cable.
2. Open the Alarm User Interface program
3. Turn on the DVIF10 unit.
4. Select the communication port the DVIF10 will be connected to. [Serial Output].
5. Select the baud rate of the port using the drop down menu [Devise to transmitter baud rate].
6. Select [Connect] the Red will turn Green when connected and the label will turn to [Disconnect].
If you have made a mistake and selected the wrong communication port, simply click on the word
Disconnect and reselect the communication port. The program LED on unit will light.
Scope Protocol
1. Select Slave Amount 0=None or 1,2,3.
2. Select Scope paging protocol and serial port baud rate and parity.(Device to Transmitter Baud rate)
3. Select Data Type and Baud Rate (pager – 512, 1200. Default = 1200)
4. Select [Input Enable] for input 1. You must do this for each input 1-10.
5. Select the type of input. Each input can be different. See [Type:].
6. Enter Closed message and pager ID, beep type for each input.
7. Enter Open message. The Pager ID, beep type will be the same for Open and Closed State.
8. Select the number of repeats and duration between each repeat or C/S (Change of State)
9. Select [Next].
10. Complete 2-6 for each contact input.

Alarm Interface Utility Software V3.1.3
COMP2 Protocol
1. Select Slave Amount, 0=None, 1,2,3
2. Select Comp2 paging protocol and serial port baud rate and parity.(Device to Transmitter Baud rate)
3. Select [Input Enable] for input 1. You must do this for each input 1-10.
4. Select the type of input. Each input can be different. See [Type:].
5. Enter Closed message and pager ID(three digits), beep type under [For Comp2 Protocol].
6. Enter Open message Pager ID, beep type will be the same for Open and Closed state.
7. Select the number of repeats and duration between each repeat.
8. Complete 2-6 for each contact input.