RF241 RF Probe
The Model RF241 RF Probe is designed to operate with 10 megohm input digital
multimeters. The output of the RF Probe connects to the meter through the RF probe
banana plugs. The probe converts AC signals in the RF range to equivalent DC levels for
measurement by the meter. The probe is designed principally for use on the 20VDC
range. The probe is peak-sensing, and the readout is in equivalent RMS volts (1 VRMS
= 1 VDC).
Use Caution when working with hazardous circuits that may have high
voltages and/or frequencies.
Operating Instructions
1. Set the multimeter on desired DC voltage range (1 VRMS = 1 VDC).
2. Plug the probe’s output banana plugs into the multimeter, making sure to insert in
the correct polarity, red banana plug into V – Input Connector and black banana
plug into COM Input Connector (reverse polarity will result in a negative reading).
3. Connect the probe ground (shield) alligator clip to the circuit low side or chassis
ground as close as possible to the measurement point.
4. Touch probe tip to the RF signal point to be measured and the read the meter in
volts RMS.