Waves Audio GTR3 Tuner User Guide

Waves Tuner User Guide
The Waves GTR Tuner is a chromatic tuner that can be set to Standard, Alternate, and Chromatic tunings.
For optimal results, pluck your string about once per second while tuning. Since plucked guitar strings have a pitch envelope, it is recommended to tune the string by monitoring the sustained portion of the sound. If the initial pitch of the attack is a bit sharp, wait for the note to stabilize and then make the required adjustment.
MAIN TUNE VIEW displays a visual representation of your intonation.
Range: -100 to +100 cents. Default: 0 cents (perfectly in tune)
The arrow located to the left of the center dot lights up when the current pitch is flat by -5 cents or more.
The arrow located to the right of the center dot lights up when the current pitch is sharp by +5 cents or more.
The center dot lights up whenever the pitch is within the range of -10 to +10 cents from the desired pitch.
Waves GTR Tuner Manual
REFERENCE TUNE displays the value (in Hz) of the reference note “A”.
Range: +/- 15Hz Default: 440Hz
MODE controls tuning mode selection.
Default: Chromatic
Clicking on a note name enables or disables it.
Enabled notes are displayed in white; disabled notes are displayed in
When notes are disabled, Waves Tuner looks for the nearest enabled note.
Waves GTR Tuner Manual